Bodyguard's Secret Baby

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Bodyguard's Secret Baby Page 13

by Vivian Ward

  I had felt his cock jerk before it started to swell and felt warm spurts of his cream shooting inside of me. I loved it; I fucking loved every second of it. Raising my hips, I took him in deeper and began rocking beneath him, draining every last drop of come from his balls.

  Even though his sperm had broken through my barrier of protection before, I wasn’t worried about him getting me pregnant again. I wanted him to impregnate me again. My body knew exactly what it wanted, and it wanted that deep, primal connection with the man I was destined to be with.

  “God, I fucking love your body,” he panted in my ear, trailing nibbles along my neck.

  And I fucking love you.

  I almost said it but thought better of it.

  Could it be true that I was falling in love with him already? This fast? It had only been a couple of days since we had started living together.

  His seed was still trickling down my thigh as he pulled me close to his chest and we curled up under the sheets. His face was nuzzled against the crook of my neck as we drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 12


  Settling into the new house was coming along much better than I had anticipated. The way things had been going with us, I thought for sure that I’d be riding the sofa more than her for the first few months, but she came around. And I took advantage; a lot.

  We had only been living together for a week, but I had her scent and taste memorized like it was the code to my life support. Sure, I’d had a few women since I left St. Louis—and even one when I came back—but none of them was anything compared to Julie. She was what I wanted. What I had been craving.

  And as much as we didn’t get along when I first came back, I fought hard to bring us back together, and I’d keep fighting for my family because they meant the world to me. Watching her sweet ass sashay around the house while she took care of the things and having Bentley tugging at my pant leg was enough to make me crawl through a bed of scorching, red hot nails for them.

  I could get used to this; the whole family life thing. It felt good to know that I had someone waiting for me at home at the end of the day. And not just anyone; I had my woman and my boy.

  The only thing that I needed to do was put a ring on that pretty little finger of hers and make it official. I didn’t want my son growing up like I did, wondering why my parents weren’t married.

  I wanted more for my boy than that. He deserved it, and I was going to give it to him. Bentley needed to know the importance of family. Even though I never had one before, I knew the importance.

  I can’t remember how many times I felt like a dog in a shelter as I watched my friends laughing and playing with their parents when I didn’t have anyone. Or hell, just having their married parents show up to school shit. That was always the worst.

  Bentley would never know those feelings. I’d keep him from it by going down a different road than my old man decided to take. That boy was going to know what love felt like inside and out. He would know what family was about—and not by longing for it, but by having it firsthand.

  We were enjoying our time together, connecting and reuniting as a family and for the first time in my life, I felt complete. I was happy. Not the bullshit happy where you walk around and offer a fake smile at people; honest to God, legit happy. Since we’d consummated our relationship after Lee’s birthday party, we’d fucked like jackrabbits every night since then.

  I’d sucked and licked the cream right out of her pussy and remolded her to fit my dick perfectly. If anyone owned that pussy, it was me and nobody was going to take it away from me. Ever. She was mine, and so was that sweet, sweet baby that I kissed every night before his momma laid him in his crib.

  Looking at Julie sleeping peacefully beside me reminded me of the hot, raw sex we’d had every night for the past week. Allowing her to sleep in and catch up on some much-needed rest, I carefully slipped out of bed and got Bentley out of his crib before I took him to the kitchen for breakfast. I had just finished heating up his oatmeal when Julie came walking into the kitchen.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t get up with him. I never even heard him,” she said, rubbing her eyes.

  “He didn’t make any noise,” I said, scooping up a spoonful of oatmeal. “I was going to let you sleep in, so I just went and woke him up before he got fussy.”

  She grinned at me, “How about some breakfast? A little bacon and eggs?”

  “Okay,” I made an airplane noise as I fed Bentley another bite. “I made some coffee if you want any.”

  “Awesome,” she reached for a mug.

  I could stare at her all damned day while she pranced around in my oversized t-shirts; they practically swallowed her up as small as she was. Wiping the baby’s face, I heard her cursing under her breath.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I can’t reach that box up there, and I need my whisk down. I’ll have to grab a chair and get it,” she huffed.

  “Or you could let your man get that for you,” I walked over to her and pressed my body against hers as I reached for the box above the cabinets.

  Damn. Just feeling her soft breasts against me, even through her shirt made me hard.

  “Here you go,” I sat the box on the counter. “You can repay me later,” I glanced down at my crotch.

  “And you can repay me for breakfast,” she spread her legs and giggled.

  “Mmm,” I reached between her legs and cupped her pussy with my hand. “I’ll do just that, too.”

  My phone started ringing on the kitchen table, and Bentley jammed to the music of my ring tone.

  “That’s right, baby. Dance to daddy’s music,” I said as I picked it up.

  “Yo,” I answered the phone. “What’s up?”

  “Damon, you’ve got to come quickly! It’s Julie’s dad,” Lee sounded frantic.

  “What?” I turned to look at her as she cracked a few eggs into a bowl and started whisking them.

  “He was out in the woods this morning, and one of the bombs went off. The ambulance took him and his wife to the hospital, but he’s missing his leg.”

  “For fuck’s sake!” I raked my fingers through my hair.

  She had stopped whisking the eggs and was staring at me, eager to learn what was going on. There was no way I had the heart to tell her what was going on, but I knew that she needed to know.

  “What?” her eyes danced, pleading with mine, searching for an answer. “What’s going on?”

  “Is that all that’s wrong with him?” I asked Lee.

  “Yeah, but here’s the thing. The bombs have been out here for how long? And they’ve never blown up? Someone had to set it off. You need to get over here right away so we can get to the bottom of this and find out who’s behind this because whoever it was, they’re in the woods somewhere.”

  He was right, and Julie needed to know what was going on with her dad.

  “Hold on, man,” I said and cupped my hand over the receiver, turning towards her.

  “Baby, do you know anyone who could watch Bentley today?”


  “Yes or no.”

  I wasn’t telling her the reason until she said yes.

  “I mean, I guess? Why?”

  Bentley was busy smooshing the clumps of oatmeal that had fallen off his spoon between his fingers.

  “Come in the other room with me.”

  He didn’t need to see her get upset when she heard the news about her father. She followed me into the living room, pleading for me to tell her what was going on.

  “Your dad was in a terrible accident. They took him to the hospital but one of the bombs went off, and he’s missing a leg; your mom went with him.”

  Her hand covered her mouth as tears welled up in her eyes. My heart dropped when I saw her start to tremble; she was so helpless to it all.

  “I need to get over there to figure out what’s going on. Lee’s already there; that’s who I’m talking to. We can drop Bentley off with a sitter, and I�
�ll take you to the hospital before I head over to the house.”

  “Jesus!” her hand moved to her forehead in disbelief. “How does this shit always happen? Okay,” she started pacing. “I can probably get Brandy to watch him for us; she seemed happy to have us at the party, and I know she loves my dad. I’ll go pack a bag.”

  Strapping Bentley into his car seat, Julie came running to the jeep with an overstuffed diaper bag swinging from her arm.

  “What the hell? Is he moving?” I tried to tease her. “It’s just for the day, Julie.”

  “I know, but he’s never been with a sitter before. If he wasn’t with me, he was with my parents,” she hopped into the passenger seat and started to buckle her seatbelt. “Besides, what if I need her to keep him for a couple of days?”

  She had a point; I shrugged my shoulders, put the car in reverse and started down our street.

  We dropped the kid off at Lee and Brandy’s house, and then I headed to the hospital where I left Julie, promising to call her after I figured something out.

  I didn’t like any of this; not one bit. It seemed fishy and to me, Lee was on to something. Bombs don’t just randomly go off after being left out in the woods. Someone was behind this.

  We just had to figure out who. I’d been keeping a close eye on the property while simultaneously trying to figure out where the hell Mr. Turner’ daughter was.

  There was too much shit going on for my liking and for the first time, I was almost glad that Mr. Turner wanted to send in extra help. I might have been against it at first, but now with Shawn getting hurt, all I wanted to focus on was the car lot and the property.

  Pulling up to the car lot, I saw Lee standing near the entrance to the wooded area, surveying the land.

  “What happened? Tell me everything,” I said, walking up to him.

  “I got here just before he was supposed to open the car lot and heard something strange. At first, I couldn’t figure out what it was but the closer I listened, the noise was coming from right over there,” he pointed to an area that was black and ashed over. “He was lying there, a heaping mess. Bloody as all hell; wounded.”

  “For fuck’s sake. How long was he like that?”

  “Couldn’t have been long; he would’ve lost too much blood.”

  “Did he know what happened? Like who did it? Was anyone around?”

  “No clue. All I could do was call 911.”

  “What’d you say?”

  I couldn’t help but notice the lack of cops. Over something like this, the place would be crawling with them, but the only thing crawling around here were the snakes who’d do something like this to an innocent man.

  “I freaked and didn’t know what to say so I told them that he was trying to blow up some of the trees to clear the woods, trying to save some money by doing it himself, and had an accident. He nodded and didn’t say a word when the paramedics asked him about it.”

  “Fuck. We need to get to the hospital and talk to him before he says something to tip anyone off. The last thing we need is the cops combing the woods, especially with all the rest of the shit that’s out there.”

  “I was kind of thinking the same thing, but I was waiting for you.”

  We started walking back to my Jeep when I thought about him standing there, watching the property when I pulled up.

  “Hey? Did you see anyone when you were standing there before I pulled up?”

  “No. I was hoping I’d be able to catch some movement, but nada. Nothing.”

  “We’ll worry about that later. Right now we have to get to the hospital to talk to him before he talks to anyone else.”

  On the ride over to see him, all I could think about was how weird all this shit was. It seemed strange that they’d leave him lying there; most murderers don’t leave witnesses behind, and if he was still breathing and able to talk when Lee got there told me that these were amateurs.

  Don’t get me wrong; I was glad that they didn’t finish the job. Poor Julie would be devastated if she lost her dad.

  Hell, her mom must have lost her shit when she saw him; I could only imagine how they were holding up at the hospital. One thing was for sure: we had to up our game. Whoever did this obviously wasn’t finished.

  When we walked into the hospital, the nurse in the E.R. instructed us to take the elevator to the second floor and make a right. As we approached the waiting area, I saw a woman I went to school with.


  “Oh my, God. Damon Miller? You haven’t changed a bit since high school,” she bit her lip and smiled at me. “Well, except you’re a lot more muscular now. What are you doing here?”

  “My soon-to-be father-in-law is here. Can you tell me which room he’s in?”

  She was taken aback and speechless for a minute before laughter burst out of her mouth, and she snorted.

  “Sure, honey,” she rolled her eyes. “What’s his name?”

  “Shawn Bailey.”

  Her eyes rolled up and to the right as she recalled the name.

  “Bailey?” she asked, puzzled. “Is that…Julie Bailey’s father?”

  “It is,” I nodded and looked at Lee; annoyed.

  She scooted behind the U-shaped desk and pecked at the keyboard as the smile faded from her face.

  “Room 221, down the hall and to the right.”

  Inside the room, Julie and her mom were sitting in chairs beside his bed; her mom draping herself across his torso as she prayed. It broke my heart into a million pieces to see her so upset.

  I wanted to kill whoever tried killing him. They didn’t deserve to breathe the same oxygen as her, not after putting her through something like that. I could tell by the look on her face that she was thinking about all the possibilities; the worst outcome imaginable.

  He was sleeping; probably due to a combination of shock and pain meds. I looked down at the white blanket that was draped over him and saw that there was only one outline of his leg under the covers. The other bump in the blankets started just past his groin. They blew his leg clear the fuck off.

  “Have you gotten to talk to him at all?” I asked, walking around the bed to be closer to her.

  “No, he’s been out since I came in. He mumbled something in his sleep, but it was so incoherent that we’re not sure what he said.”

  “Have the doctors said anything to either of you? Asked any questions? Anything like that?”

  They both shook their head no before Julie started to sob as she turned to face my chest.

  “I’m so scared, Damon. Why would anyone do this to him? What if they would have killed him?”

  That was it. That’s all it took to make her lose it. She sobbed long and hard, drenching my t-shirt with her tears as I rubbed her back.

  “It’s going to be okay, babe. We’ll get to the bottom of this and figure it all out,” I nodded at her mom, giving her my word.

  “How? They’ve been hiding on our property for God knows how long now and you haven’t been able to figure out. Not even a clue or a single idea as to who it might be. We can’t lose him!” her fist pounded into my chest, tears streaming down her face; she was a mess.

  “Julie,” I pulled her away from me for a moment and placed my hand on her face. Wiping her tears away with my thumb, I tried to calm her. “I promise. Promise you. I will make sure that nothing happens to him, our family or your family property.”

  She stopped crying and nestled her head into my chest as I stroked her hair. The old man was out cold. Looking at his leg, I felt bad for him. Nobody should have to lose their limb over some asshole. This shit should have never happened, and now, this vendetta just became personal.

  “Damon?” she pulled her head away from my chest and looked up at me; fear in her eyes. “What if they…you know? Come back? To finish the job?”

  “They can come back all they want, babe, but it ain’t happenin’. Not on my watch.”

  Lee walked into the room with the nurse following close behind.

��I’m sorry, but Mr. Bailey needs his rest right now, so we’re going to have to enforce our two visitor rule. Which one of you would like to follow me back to the waiting room?”

  “We were just leaving,” I said, taking Julie’s hand in mine and nodding for Lee to follow.

  Outside in the parking lot, Lee dropped a bomb on me that I wasn’t quite ready for.

  “I talked to Mr. Turner,” he began. “He said ‘his guy’ can’t make it down here at the moment, but I found something out about Mask and Bethany.”

  I was all ears. He hadn’t had any news about them since that one credit card transaction and even then, he was layering it with third party bullshit to protect his movements.

  “What’d you find out?”

  “I’m not sure if he ever left the country or not, but I do know that he’s around this area. My guess is that he’s never left St. Louis, but I’m still trying to confirm that so right now it’s just a theory.”

  “Did you tell Mr. Turner?”

  “Not yet. I wanted to run it by you first. Do you think I should tell him?”

  “Hold off on that until you have some solid proof. What makes you think he’s still around here?”

  “That credit card transaction? The third party one? He had another come through, but this time, they ran the charge a little differently, and I was able to trace it to a local hotel chain that’s exclusive to St. Louis and its suburbs.”

  “Good work. Okay, now all we have to do is focus on the car lot. Until we can get this shit figured out, we’re all going to stay at her dad’s place.”

  “What?” she snapped. “You mean we could have been there this whole time? But you dragged me away from my father, and he lost his leg for nothing?”

  The heat in her attitude was fiery as hell. She was pissed.

  “I had no way of knowing they’d blow his leg off in an attempt to take his life, but yes, we’re going to pick up the kid and head back to your mom and dad’s, and stay put until I catch the son-of-a-bitch who did this to him. I’ll disfigure whoever it was with my bare hands.”

  I’d been itching for a fight, and now I had every right to rip some asshole’s head off. And just let them try to come and fuck with my woman or baby. It’d be the last thing they’d ever take a breath trying to do because I’d kill them.


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