Lifelong Affair

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Lifelong Affair Page 9

by Carole Mortimer

  I will not have you as a member of my family '

  'I'm not too thrilled about having you as one of mine,' Morgan traded insult for insult. 'But we don't have a choice when it comes to in-laws,' she snapped. 'Now if you wouldn't mind, I would like to get dressed.'

  'But I do mind. I'll never accept you as my daughter-in-law, Morgan.'

  'Contrary to your beliefs, Mrs Hammond, your acceptance is not important to me.' She looked coldly at the other woman. 'Not at all.'

  'You'll regret this, Morgan!' the other woman almost shouted, losing her usual composure completely.

  'I don't think so.'

  'You'll be no happier here than Glenna was!'

  'Oh, I think I will. You see, I know from the first how destructive you are. You even lie to achieve your objective.'

  'You're talking about the night Alex spent in London?' Rita Hammond scorned.

  You know I am,' Morgan derided. 'I'll never fall for your lies again. Alex was working, and you knew damn well he was.'

  'Did I?'

  'Yes!' she bit out tautly.

  'Did he tell you it was work?'

  'Yes. And I'm more inclined to believe him than I am you.'

  'Then you're a fool!'

  'No, I just happen to trust the man who's going to be my husband,' Morgan said calmly.

  'You're both insane!' Rita Hammond was very flushed in her anger. 'No marriage can work in these circumstances.'

  'This one will,' Morgan said with certainty.

  'I'll remind you that you said that when you can't take any more and leave,' the other woman scorned, going to the door.

  'That will never happen,' Morgan said softy as Rita Hammond left.

  The scene had been no worse than she had expected, in fact it hadn't been as bad. She had thought there might be some vitriolic comments made about Glenna at the same time, but the other woman had managed to restrain herself. No doubt pointed little barbs would continue during her married life with Alex. But she would ignore them, would ignore the woman who made them too.

  'Why didn't you tell me?'

  She turned with a start, very conscious of the sheerness of her nightgown, sure that Alex could see every inch of her body through the silky material. 'Tell you what?' Without undue haste she pulled on the matching neglige, knowing the two thicknesses afforded her a little more covering.

  'About my mother's lying interference.' He came into her bedroom and closed the door, dressed for the office in a brown three-piece suit and cream shirt.

  She shrugged, conscious of her lack of make-up, of her ruffled hair that she hadn't had a chance to brush yet. 'I didn't want to cause unnecessary friction between the two of you.'

  'Unnecessary?' he echoed curtly. 'It wasn't unnecessary! My mother is positively vindictive. If she ever does anything like that again I want you to tell me immediately.'

  "Yes, Alex.'

  He smiled ruefully. 'And don't put on that demure act with me. After the things you just told my mother I'll never believe it.'

  Morgan looked at him uncertainly. 'How much did you hear?'

  'All of it,' he said grimly. 'I was on my way to say goodbye to you when I saw my mother come into your room. After your first defence of me I couldn't help listening to the rest of the conversation. You sound very sure that our marriage is going to work, Morgan,' he frowned.

  'I am sure.' She moved into his arms. 'It just requires complete honesty on both sides.

  He tapped her playfully on the nose. 'And that includes telling me about any other bitchiness like this from my family. I have no doubt Janet will side with my mother, she'll probably try to stick in a few knives too.'

  Morgan shook her head. 'It won't matter to me. All I want is you—and Courtney.'

  His brows rose. 'In that order?'

  She frowned. 'I couldn't make that choice. I already think of Courtney as my child, and you as his father. No woman should be made to choose between her child and her husband.'

  Alex shook his head. 'I admired your directness from the start,' he murmured. 'But when it has to do with me I get a little nervous.'

  She ran a caressing hand down his cheek, enjoying being in his arms after the stiff way they had parted last night. 'You'll get used to it.'

  'I doubt it,' he retorted dryly. 'Kiss me goodbye, I have to get to work.'

  She needed no further encouragement, standing on tiptoe to mould her mouth against his, kissing him with all the fervour she was capable of, feeling his lips part as she continued the assault, his arms tightening about her as he became the one doing the kissing.

  'Ah, Morgan . . .!' he groaned against her throat minutes later. 'You shouldn't have said no last night.' 'No,' she agreed shakily.

  His lips parted hers again, demanding her full response. She still clung to him as he put her away from him, her eyes a deep smoky green, her lips swollen from his kisses. 'I'll come back for you this afternoon,' he told her briskly, pushing his tousled hair back with impatient fingers. 'Take you to the airport.'

  'There's no need,' she smiled. 'I'd like to.'

  'I'm beginning to realise I dislike goodbyes,' she grimaced.

  'You didn't give that impression just now,' he mocked.

  She shook her head. 'Public goodbyes,' she said pointedly. 'I'd rather you met me at the airport when I come back. If you have time,' she added hastily. 'What a conscientous wife you're going to make!'


  Alex gave a teasing smile. Til make time. You're sure about this afternoon?' 'Very,' she nodded.

  Morgan meant what she said about goodbyes, she did hate them, and although she wasn't exactly saying goodbye to her parents for ever she would be a married woman when she saw them next, would no longer be just their daughter but Alex's wife and Courtney's mother too.

  She was kept very busy at the studio that first week of her return. The filming of Power Trap was nearing its end now for this season, everyone working flat out. She went to see her parents the following weekend, knowing that she had to actually face them with the news of her marriage to Alex.

  'You don't know the man,' her father frowned. 'How can you marry him?'

  'I want to,' she answered simply.

  'Is it because of Court?' he demanded gruffly. 'Because I won't have you sacrificing yourself, not even for my grandson's sake.'

  Morgan knew what this cost her father, how he wanted to grab at this chance to hold on to Courtney with both hands. But he held back, unsure of her reasons. 'It is partly for him,' she admitted truthfully. 'I won't deny that. But it's mainly for myself.'

  'Do you love Alex?' her father growled.

  'I---- '

  'Do you, Morgan?' her mother put in softly.

  What did love mean? Wanting to be with one person. Wanting to feel his arms about you, to hold him in return. Wanting only that person's happiness, even at the expense of her own feelings. She wanted all that with Alex. Did that mean she loved him?

  'Morgan?' her mother prompted.

  She swallowed convulsively at the discovery she had just made about herself. She didn't just want Alex physically, she wanted him in every way a woman in love could want the man of her choice. 'Yes, she answered confidently. 'Yes, love him.' There could be no doubting the sincerity of her words.

  She loved Alex Hammond, loved him and hadn't even known that she did. This was something she just couldn't tell him; she knew his opinion of love, of its destruction.

  And yet when she saw him waiting at the airport a week later she couldn't hold back her feelings, and ran into his arms, her face raised for his kiss as he caught her to him.

  It had been a long week, longing to get back to him and yet having to see her contract through to the end. Her single telephone call the night before telling him of her arrival time had been very unsatisfactory, their stilted conversation telling her that they weren't only apart in miles. The softening towards her Alex had shown on that last morning had been replaced by cold suspicion; a telephone line was not the way to bridge the

  But she had no restraint as she came through Customs and spotted him waiting for her; she threw herself into his arms. 'Oh, I missed you!' she groaned.

  'I—Courtney's been pining for you,' he told her gruffly.

  She wouldn't expect too much from him too soon. 'That's nice,' she smiled. 'Kiss me, Alex,' she encouraged throatily.

  'Here?' He looked about them self-consciously.

  'Yes, here!' She looked up at him appealingly.

  With a muffled groan he bent his head to kiss her, and went on kissing her, on and on, as if he never wanted to stop either.


  AT last Alex broke the contact, breathing raggedly as he looked down at her. 'Let's get out of here,' he rasped as he realised several people were openly staring at them.

  Morgan put her arm through the crook of his. 'It's good to be back,' she gave him a glowing smile.

  He smiled back at her, although the warmth didn't quite reach his eyes, the wariness was still in them. 'We can talk on the drive.'

  She sat in the car while her luggage was loaded in the trunk of the car. 'I closed up my apartment,' she told Alex as he got in beside her. 'That's why there's so much,' she excused. 'Was it hard to leave?'

  'Not at all,' she said happily as they drove through the long tunnel that took traffic in and out of Heathrow airport. How could it possibly be difficult to leave Los Angeles when she was going to be with the man she loved? She was nervous, of course she was, but she was also elated at the thought of becoming Alex's wife.

  'Not even Sam?' His tone was hard. She still felt guilty about Sam. They had become good friends the last few months, and she knew that eventually they might have drifted into a good marriage. But Joanie had been the love of Sam's life, and her death had left him devastated; Morgan could only ever have been second best to him. Her affection for Sam had been genuine, but her love for Alex was all consuming. Saying goodbye to Sam, telling him shewas actually going to marry the man who had shown her the 'agony and the ecstasy' of love had been very hard indeed, especially as she knew she was the first woman Sam had taken out seriously since his wife died.

  'I can see it was,' Alex rasped. 'You must have cared tor him more than you realised.'

  'No, I---- '

  'How did your parents react to the fact that you're going to marry me?' he bit out grimly.

  'They're very pleased. Alex, about Sam '

  'You owe me no explanations,' he dismissed coldly.

  'Why are you so stubborn!' She was finding that loving this man didn't make her any less impatient with his cold arrogance. 'I was very fond of Sam, but I didn't love him. I'd become a—a sort of prop, after his wife died.'

  Alex glanced at her. 'I didn't realise he'd been married.'

  'Why should you?' she dismissed. 'I told you little or nothing about him. A lot of what I felt for him was pity, I think. He seemed so lost after Joanie died.'

  This seemed to displease Alex even more, for his mouth tightened ominously. 'Your parents?' he prompted hardly.

  'Were surprised. But they were very pleased when I explained to them that ' she broke off, her happiness at seeing Alex again loosening her tongue too much.


  'That it was the practical thing to do,' she improvised lamely.

  'Practical? Yes, I suppose it is,' he nodded. 'I've arranged the wedding for Friday. I hope that meets your approval.'

  Three days. Just three more days and they would be husband and wife. This time a month ago she hadn'tseriously thought of marrying anyone, let alone Alex Hammond. But this time last month Glenna had still been alive.

  Yes, that—that's fine,' she agreed shakily. She had been so busy the last two weeks that she had managed to push the air crash to the back of her mind. Now it came back with a vengeance, leaving her weak and shaken.

  'What is it?' Alex demanded sharply. 'Morgan? Have you changed your mind about the marriage?'

  'Of course not. Have I acted as if I have?' she derided. 'No, I was just thinking about Glenna. If she hadn't died------------

  'Don't think about it.' His hand came out to clasp hers. 'I'm sorry, I've been inconsiderate, questioning you like this; you must be tired. J ust rest for now, we can talk later. I was going to take you out to dinner, but----------------------------------------------------------- '

  'Oh, I'd love to go out with you,' Morgan said eagerly. 'I'll have a lie down when we get to the house and then I'll be ready to go out later, okay?'

  'Only if you feel up to it.'

  She was determined to. She might be marrying this man, but they had never even been out together!

  'My mother is staying with Janet for a few days,' he told her as he halted the car outside the house.

  Morgan smiled. 'She knew I was arriving today, hmm?'

  His mouth twisted. 'I would be lying if I said anything else.'

  "That's what I thought!' She walked into the house at his side, and was surprised when Symonds offered her his congratulations before having her luggage taken upstairs.

  'All the staff have been informed of our marriage,' Alex told her softly. 'I thought it best.'

  'Mm, especially when I move into your bedroom,' she added teasingly.

  'But you won't be.'

  'Alex--- '

  'Look, we'll discuss all this over dinner.'

  'But--- '

  'Later, Morgan.' He kissed her firmly on the mouth to stop further speech.

  After she had spent some time with Courtney Morgan did manage to fall asleep in her room for a couple of hours, although Alex's claim that she wouldn't be sharing his room disturbed her. She thought they had settled all that before she went back to the States. Well, no matter what Alex had decided in her absence, she would not settle for a sterile marriage; she wanted Courtney to eventually have brothers and sisters. It was with that thought in mind that she finally drifted off to sleep, a smile on her lips as she imagined holding Alex's baby in her arms.

  She dressed with special care that evening, seeing admiration flare in Alex's eyes as she joined him in the lounge. The long green dress clung smoothly over her breasts, completely strapless, her breasts jutting out firmly beneath the clinging material, her stomach was taut and flat, her hips curving slenderly before the dress flowed softly to her ankles.

  'You look beautiful!' He came forward to take her hands in his. T have something for you.'

  'For me?' Her eyes brightened.

  'Yes, he smiled at her enthusiastic response, sliding a hand into the hip pocket of his dinner jacket, bringing out a small ring box. He flicked open the lid, revealing a delicate gold ring with a diamond and emerald setting. 'Your engagement ring. If you like it. If you don't '

  'Of course I like it!' She was still staring at the beautiful ring. 'You chose it for me, so of course I love it. It's really beautiful. Put it on for me. She held out

  her hand, the nails painted the same vivid red as her lip gloss.

  It was slightly loose on her finger, but not so loose it would fall off.

  'I'll get it made smaller while we're on our honeymoon,' Alex promised.

  'Oh, it doesn't matter '

  'Do you want to lose it?'

  Considering that it looked as if it cost a fortune she certainly didn't want to do that. She shot her head. 'Okay. But it stays where it is until I have the plain gold band to take its place. It is going to be plain gold, isn't it?"

  Alex chuckled as he opened the car door for her. 'When you aren't losing your temper you're quite bubbly, aren't you?' he teased.

  'I don't get engaged every day of the week, Mr Hammond!'

  'Believe it or not, neither do I,' he said dryly, driving the Mercedes with his usual skill.

  'Have you ever been engaged before?"



  'No,' he derided.

  'Well, Glenna never mentioned it, and I was—I was curious.' And now she knew that he hadn't actually made any commitment to the woman who had hurt him so
badly. That was encouraging at least.

  'Well, don't be,' he taunted. 'I've never been engaged, married, or into serious relationships for any long period of time.'

  'Neither have I,' she told him lightly.

  'No?' he mocked.

  Morgan shot him a sharp look, not liking his tone at all. 'I refuse to argue with you tonight, Alex, not when we've just become engaged.'

  'Why should you want to?'

  "Because I think you just insulted me!'

  'I did?

  Tou know you did,' she said crossly. 'But you'll see, Alex, you're wrong about me, so very wrong.'

  His eyes were glacial, his jaw rigid. 'Am I? I doubt it' He heaved a deep sigh. 'As you said, let's not argue tonight. I hope you like the restaurant I've chosen,' he firmly changed the subject.

  'I'm sure I shall!'

  His mouth softened. 'Don't be angry with me, Morgan. There are thirty-eight years of cynicism and scepticism that you have to deal with.'

  Her eyes flashed deeply green. 'And there are twenty-six years of independence and honesty you have to deal with!'

  Alex touched her cheek gently. 'I'll cope.'

  'So will I!' she vowed determinedly.

  The restaurant was very full, although they were somehow shown to one of the best tables in the place, a secluded table in one corner of the room. The restaurant was styled like an old country inn, the service friendly and intimate, the lighting a soft red glow.

  I like it,' Morgan told Alex once they were seated.

  T hoped you would.' He nodded briefly to the waiter as he arrived with their champagne. 'To us,' he toasted her minutes later.

  'To us,' she echoed fervently.

  Alex sipped the bubbly wine, looking at her speculatively. 'That sounded very intense!'

  She met his gaze steadily. 'I'm a very intense person.'

  'I've noticed!'

  'And I don't just mean my temper,' she glared at him.

  'Let's order,' he suggested gently.

  'Are you always going to shut me up by feeding me or kissing me?' she asked in a disgruntled voice.

  ioNo,' he told her softly once the waiter had left with their order. 'Once we're married I'm going to use a much more effective method. The way I remember it, you're a silent lover—except for those deliciously spine-tingling noises you make in your throat.'


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