The Scandalous Son

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by Unknown

  The Scandalous Son

  By Jessica Barrett

  Chapter One

  It was a cold, damp morning. The gray sky above was blocking out the sun with a foggy mist.

  As Gage walked up the steps to his mother’s door, he hoped that the doctor’s news was going to be better than the weather.

  Corrine, Gage’s mother, had been ill for several years. Always having to be bedridden, she hadn’t left the house in a very long time. Gage stopped by the house at least two to three times a week, if not more. It always pained him to see her in such a frail state, for she was so very dear to him. She would always tell him that nothing could come between a mother and child.

  The two had lived alone together until Gage had bought his own town house. Corrine had never married, but it wasn’t for lack of trying. Once suitors learned about little Gage, there was no hope. Gage knew this, and he would curse his unknown father. He swore if he ever met the man who was his sire, he would destroy him. After a few years of being rejected, Corrine gave up on trying to find a husband, and went back to having a peaceful lifestyle with just her and young son.

  Gage knocked on the door and after waiting a few minutes, Karim, Corrine’s butler, answered.

  “Good morning, Karim.”

  “There is nothing good about this morning. Your mum is having another spell. It doesn’t look very good, Mr. Albright,” Karim said sadly.

  Gage flew past Karim and up the curved staircase into his mother’s chambers. He stood breathlessly in the door way waiting to be acknowledged by the doctor.

  “I was just getting ready to send for you,” said Doctor Elsworth.

  “Is it true then?” Gage asked.

  “She has only hours, the cancer has finally taken her.”

  Gage sat down on the edge of his mother’s bed. He knew that this day would be coming but why did it have to be so soon? There were a million thoughts whirling around when he felt his mother’s hand reach for his.

  “Hello son,” his mother whispered.

  “Hello mother,” Gage replied.

  “It’s time.”

  “No, it can’t be. Please, please don’t leave me,” Gage pleaded.

  “You will be fine, my son. I have all the faith in the world in you boy.”

  Tears began to fall on Gage’s cheeks.

  “I have something I must tell you.”

  “What would that be?” asked Gage.

  “For years I have hidden a secret from you. It has pained me so much. But now I must tell you before I leave this earth.”

  Gage’s mind was scrambling with thoughts of what the secret could be.

  “It is about your father.”

  Gage stilled instantly. He even forgot to breathe. His father? His mother had known this whole time? Bloody hell! His father! After a few minutes Gage asked, “Who is he?”

  “Jason St. Vincent.”

  Chapter Two

  “Gage, if you don’t hurry along, we are going to be more than fashionably late to the ball,” Dermont yelled up the stairs.

  “I’m coming already.” Gage descended the stairs and joined his best mate at the bottom.

  The two left the house and got in the hackey waiting for them outside. When they arrived at the ball it was in full swing. Couples were dancing, music was being played, and drinks were being served.

  “I swear you look like walking death, wearing all black like that,” Dermont said.

  “I’m still in mourning,” countered Gage.

  “That was six months ago, your allowed to change your wardrobe.”

  “I like the black.”

  “You’re scaring away all the ladies,” Dermont complained.

  “Me? Hardly!”

  “Or maybe it’s your sour disposition?”

  “First scary, now sour? Honestly, Dermont.”

  “You have been sour lately. What’s going on in that head of yours?”

  “Nothing is going on, and if I have been sour then I haven’t noticed it.”

  Dermont sighed, “I’m going to get some refreshments. Hopefully they aren’t serving sour lemonade.”

  Gage tried not to look glum. His friend was right; he had been in a sour mood for a while now. He’d been working on tracking down his father for some time now and had finally found him.

  Jason St. Vincent was supposed to be attending tonight’s ball. Since his mother death Gage had thought of nothing but revenge; revenge against the man who made his mother’s life a constant struggle.

  As Gage was thinking about his plans, a blur of pale blue swept past him. Turning his head to see what had deterred his thoughts, he saw the back of a powder blue dress with silver roses on it, and the backside of a gorgeous head of blonde hair. In another second the figure was gone and Gage was left alone with his thoughts again.

  Deciding that it was a good time to look around, Gage started around the perimeter of the room looking for St. Vincent. After checking the ball room and card rooms as well, he decided to check the upper level of the house. He made his way up the staircase and down the corridor of doors. Trying to be covert as possible, he started checking the rooms. After several empty guest suites, he arrived in an art gallery. Upon entering the room he heard voices outside and went to the window to inspect.

  On the patio of the first floor was none other than James St. Vincent himself. Gage’s heart began to beat rapidly. So this was his father? Gage was impressed; he was tall and broad of the shoulders, his hair was chestnut, much like Gage’s, but with just a hint of gray. His voice was smooth as liquid as he spoke.

  Gage was confused by his emotions. Here was the man he had hated for many years, but as he watched him Gage couldn’t help but be slightly in awe of the older man. His father. He couldn’t get it out of his head.

  A woman appeared on St. Vincent’s arm and all nice thoughts went out the window and were replaced with rage. To think that his mother could have had a cushy life with this man! But instead she was forced to make sacrifices so that Gage would never want for anything.

  Gage was quickly brought out of his thoughts by the gallery door opening. The gallery was dimly lit with candles and the flames danced as the door closed. Standing with her ear up against the door and her back towards Gage, was the blue vision from earlier. Not sure what to do, he cleared his throat.

  “Huh hmm.”

  The girl jumped as she turned around. “Oh my goodness!” she gasped. “I’m so sorry; I didn’t know that anyone was in here.”

  As she stood there Gage took in the whole picture. Her hair was curled and pinned up, her dress was cut in the latest style showing her ample bosom, her body slender, and the palest blue eyes he had ever seen. Gage finally remembered his tongue and said, “It’s quite alright. I was just looking for a quiet place to think for a moment.”

  “Me too,” she said. “I’ve been trying to hide from a most unfortunate suitor, but he just keeps finding me.”

  Alice was lost in his green eyes, it was a cross between dark emerald and deep sea blue. The result was stunning. As she spoke he smiled, and she almost lost her wits.

  “That seems like a tough predicament indeed. Maybe you aren’t hiding in the right spots,” he laughingly said.

  “It really is not a laughing matter Mr…”

  “Albright. Gage Albright. And who might you be Miss?”

  “Alice Rutledge.”

  “It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Rutledge.”

  “Likewise, Mr. Albright.”

  The footsteps coming down the hall were so loud they could most likely be heard downstairs.

  “Oh that must be Percy. Please we have to hide me. Please help.”

  Alice looked around the room for a spot to hide. Gage pointed to a small alcove that had a
drape hanging, grabbing her hand they went over to it. The space was smaller than planned and Alice was quickly sandwiched between the wall and Gage so that there was barely room for the curtain to fall closed.

  “You could have chosen a better spot than this tiny space,” Alice complained.

  “I think the space is wonderfully cozy,” Gage replied smugly.

  The footsteps in the hallway stopped just outside of the gallery door.

  The door slowly opened and Percy walked in. “Miss Rutledge? Are you in here?” Nothing but silence responded. He slowly started to search the room for a sign of her.

  Alice wondered if Percy could hear her heart beating. It felt like a herd of elephants. Her senses were on fire, first with the adrenaline from hiding, and secondly, her body was tingling from being so close to Albright. His body was so solid. She could feel the tight muscle in his chest and thighs. His hair smelled of sandalwood, strong and masculine. His breath falling on her neck made her knees weak. Thank goodness he was rock solid to support her.

  The alcove was pitch black but she could feel his eyes on her. She wondered what his eyes looked like up this close. Would they be lighter or change to a shade darker when he was angry or aroused? The thought of him being aroused excited her. What would this man look like when he wasn’t wearing anything at all? Would he have curls upon his chest or would it be bare?

  Percy passed on the other side of the drape, reminding her of her purpose. Oblivious to them being there, he kept walking and exited the room. After a minute or two, Gage opened the drape.

  “You shouldn’t look at me like that, Miss Rutledge.”

  “And pray how would that be?”

  “Like you want to eat me.”

  What a wonderful idea that would be, Alice thought. “I most certainly do not.”

  “As you say, Miss. But a person’s eyes never lie.”

  “This situation is most improper and I must ask you to move.”

  “I will gladly move on one condition.”

  “This isn’t an exchange, Mr. Albright.” Alice tried to push past him but to no avail. “What is the condition you insist on?”

  “One kiss.”

  Alice’s mind reeled. A kiss! Surely this man was insane. But why did it have to be such a tempting offer? “One kiss?”


  “Alright then but I want let out of here after. Is that a deal?”

  “Deal,” Gage agreed.

  He put his hand on Alice’s cheek and slowly ran his finger down over her lips and chin. The feel of her skin was driving him crazy.

  He most certainly hadn’t planned on kissing her, but she was looking at him like he was naked in front of her and he couldn’t help himself. He bent his head down and lightly brushed his lips over hers. So soft and heavenly it was.

  Chapter Three

  Alice was lost, literally. Trying to find her way back down stains was proving to be too much for her already clouded brain. She was still trying to grasp what had just happened.

  His kiss.

  It hadn’t been very long, but it had left every nerve in her body on fire. It was wonderful to feel all the excitement and heat… Goodness! What was wrong with her? She was here to find a husband, not to be in a potentially compromising situation, even if it was with the most amazing looking man ever.

  Finally finding the staircase that led back downstairs, Alice started down the step. She quickly regretted finding the stairs, for standing at the bottom was Percy Graham. She had no choice but to keep going, unable to retreat since it was obvious that he had been waiting for her.

  “Ah there you are, Miss Rutledge. I was begging to think that you had left for the night.”

  She suddenly wished that she had left, at least then she wouldn’t be here having to converse with Percy. He wasn’t at all attractive and he couldn’t take a hint. It seemed like no matter what function she attended—he was always there.

  For the past two months Alice had been discouraging his interests, but nothing seemed to work. Tonight was the first time she had actually hidden outside of the ballroom and look where that had gotten her! Right into a stranger’s arms and acting like a wonton.

  “Are you alright, Miss Rutledge?” Percy was looking concerned.

  “Yes, I’m fine. Something cold would be nice though. How about getting us some refreshments, Mr. Graham?”

  “Anything for you, Miss.” With that he headed for the refreshment table.

  Now would be a good time to escape Alice thought. But how was she supposed to find a husband of she was always trying to ditch Percy? The string quartet started up as she was moving toward the door.

  “Excuse me Miss, I do hope that your card has an opening for I shall be honored to fill it.”

  The wonderful sounding voice stopped her in her tracks. Alice turned around and was wonderfully shocked that it was none other than the Earl of Devonshire. What luck!

  “I would love a dance,” she cooed. Alice placed her hand on the Earl’s arm as they found their way to the dance floor.

  The Earl was perfect for her husband hunting. He was a bachelor, no children, and lots of money, not that money was important, but it sure made things easier. The fact that he was older and childless could mean that he was looking for a wife to provide him with an heir.

  Alice silently wished that her theory was true as they took their spots on the dance floor and began to move. She could only be so lucky.

  Chapter Four

  Gage couldn’t believe his eyes! Leaving the art gallery to try to get a closer look at St. Vincent, he’d followed him all the way to the dance floor, where he was currently dancing with none other than the beautiful Alice Rutledge. That minx!

  To think that just minutes ago they had been sharing a heart stopping kiss and now she was in the arms of his father, Jason St. Vincent, Earl of Devonshire!

  Gage was appalled by his anger. What was wrong with him? It was just a kiss, nothing more. But he felt like there was some sort of connection between him and Alice, maybe he was wrong. As he tried to get his emotions in check, he couldn’t help but be entranced by the way she moved around the dance floor. Her graceful movements and swaying hips beckoned him to come closer. As soon as the dance was over he made his way to Alice.

  “Excuse me, Miss,” he interrupted.

  Alice turned around and smiled once realizing who it was. “Well, good evening again.”

  “I was wondering if you were free to dance the next set with me.”

  “Why that would be delightful,” Alice beamed. “Mr. Albright, this is the Earl of Devonshire.”

  ”Good evening, Mr. Albright. You will no doubt enjoy dancing with this one. I know I most certainly have,” St. Vincent said as he lifted Alice’s hand and kissed it.

  Gage was silently fuming as he led Alice back to the dance floor. But once he took her in his embrace for the waltz that was starting, he forgot about everything except for her.

  Being in Gage’s arms was like being in heaven. Alice silently wished that they could stay like this forever. She was positive that they were too close to each other and that his hand was too low on her back, but she didn’t care. His eyes were glued to hers. Those eyes were dark with some untold emotion. Alice had to look away before she did something stupid like kiss him again.

  Trying to make her voice sound normal she said, “You are a wonderful dancer, Mr. Albright.”

  “It’s all in who you choose for a partner.”

  Alice smiled at his compliment, and at a loss for words, she simply enjoyed the beauty of their dancing.

  Chapter Five

  The sun was overcast, but it was still a beautiful day. Alice smelled the flowers as she made her way past them. Each had their own unique smell and it was a favorite game of hers to try to guess the flower from simply smelling it. She was in the process of deciding when her thoughts were interrupted by his voice.

  “You make a lovely picture, just standing there with your eyes closed like your enjoyin
g something private.”

  Alice kept her eyes closed, not ready to face him yet. “What makes you think that I’m enjoying it?”

  “Your lips,” he said as he ran his finger down her cheek. “They form this little half smile, like your keeping a secret just to yourself. Care to invite me in and tell me what you’re thinking?”

  Alice opened her eyes and started walking again. “Some things are too precious to be shared.”

  “Very true, Miss. Do tell me, how is the Earl these days? Quite well I assume?”

  “There is something to be said for the solitude of a private walk in the garden, Mr. Albright,” Alice replied. “You never did mention what brought you out on such a fine day as this.”

  Gage smiled, “Nothing but the pleasure of your company.”

  It was Alice who laughed this time. “Ah, why yes, how could I forget. One might even go so far as to call you charming.”

  Gage smiled in answer and watched as Alice paused at a white rose. She again closed her eyes and inhaled the perfumed scent. She then opened her eyes and proceeded forward. Gage continued to silently watch her as she repeated the action over and over again at each different flower.

  It was then that an older woman walked by with another older lady and the two looked positively chummy together. They were too busy talking to even notice Gage’s arrival.

  “And who would that be?” Gage asked after they were out of earshot.

  “The one with the gray hair is my Aunt Millie, and the brunette is her neighbor, Maurine Bixby. Maurine is the neighborhood gossip.”

  “Ah, well that explains it,” Gage smirked.

  “My Aunt Millie has graciously offered to help me this season. You see, Aunt Millie and her husband never had any children, so when he passed he left all of his fortune to her,” Alice explained. “She truly is endearing even if she does tend to spoil me a bit,” she smiled.

  Gage quietly admired Alice’s smile. She was captivating as she spoke. “Tell me about your parents,” he said.


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