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Depravicus Page 18

by Ray Gordon

  "No, I don't."

  "Suit yourself. There we are, two vodkas with lime."

  "How come you have a fully-equipped bar in your house?" Rachael asked, plonking her petite bottom on a bar stool and sipping her drink. "Isn't that illegal?"

  "Much of what I do is illegal. OK, who are you both working for?"

  "All right, you want the truth?" Jenny grinned.

  "Yes I do."

  "I'm unemployed," Rachael confessed.

  "I work for customs and excise," Jenny grinned. "I've been watching you from the bushes, obtaining information about this bar."


  "You'll be bollocked when I hand my report in. Of course, I'm open to bribes."

  "Open to bribes?" Will gasped. "My God, what is this country coming to? How much?"

  "It's not money I want."

  "Go on?"

  "I want to drink here every evening for nothing."

  "Is that all?" Will laughed. "OK, it's a deal."

  "And me," Rachael broke in. "I'm unemployed and can't afford to buy drink."

  "OK, you may both come here every evening and drink for free." And he'd fuck them both for free.

  Will knew damn well that the little whores were lying. But he decided to play along with them, not least because he'd not yet thrust his hands into their knickers, or his rampant cock up their pretty little cunts. Pouring himself another lager as they downed their vodka, he again wondered where Lana had got to. It was getting late, but for the bar to be devoid of customers and his devoted barmaid to have disappeared was most unusual. He'd noticed that the front door had been shut when he'd come downstairs, and began to wonder whether the girl had called time and gone home.

  "We'll be back later," Jenny said, finishing her drink. "We're going home for a while."

  "Where do you live?" Will asked.

  "Vulvale Village. We'll be back later. If not, we'll see you tomorrow."

  "OK, I'll be here."

  Watching the little beauties leave, Will knew that they were up to something. He'd find out in due course, he was sure as he again pondered Lana. Lolita hadn't returned from her trip to the village earlier and Levan had disappeared. "I've been deserted," he breathed, knocking back his drink. Wondering what to do, he locked the shed and the French doors and left the house. Walking to his old church, he looked up at the stone building. The place was still empty after the exorcism. That was ridiculous, he reflected, recalling the Bishop having the church exorcised after Will had left. The only spirits there were vodka, whisky, gin...

  Wondering when a new priest was going to arrive, he knew that he'd have to get his private little church underway before long. Old man Kosher's church down the lane was no competition, he reflected, pushing against the locked doors. Kosher hadn't got a bloody clue about looking after his parishioners, heavy drinking, debauched sex... Noticing that the lock had been damaged, he again pushed on the doors. Kids must have broken in, he thought, the doors swinging open.

  "This brings back memories," he breathed, looking at the altar. He'd had many a delicious young lady strapped naked over the altar, fucked many a slut with church candles. The cool air in the stone building making him shiver, he was about to leave when he heard a low murmuring sound. Walking down the aisle, the moonlight streaming in through the stained glass windows, he thought he saw movement in the shadows beside the altar.

  "Who's there?" he asked shakily. "Come on, I know someone's there."

  "William Entercock!" a deep voice thundered, rocking the old building.

  "Fuck me!" Will gasped.

  "You have committed vile sins of the flesh!"

  "No, I didn't," Will murmured, turning and running up the aisle.

  "Come back here, you miserable mortal!"

  Once outside the church, Will didn't stop running until he'd reached his house. In the bar, he downed three pints of lager in less than a minute. "Fuck me," he breathed, his hands trembling. "I've had a vision. No, I've had an aural." Downing a bottle of vodka, he plonked himself in a chair and finally passed out. In his alcohol-induced dreams, he heard the voice of the Lord.

  You will be forever damned, William Entercock. For your wicked sins of the flesh, your soul will be cast into the eternal fires of hell. At midnight on the morrow, you will be plucked from your mortal coil and plunged into the depths of hell.

  Chapter Eleven

  Lana walked into the bar the following morning and discovered Will slumped in the chair. "What the hell are you doing?" she asked him.

  "Argh, my fucking head," Will complained. "I got wrecked on vodka and... Fuck me, I'm going to die at midnight."

  "What are you talking about?"

  "I had a dream, a vision. I had an aural."

  "I am not interested in hearing the sordid details of some girl giving you a blowjob."

  "No, no. It was the Lord."

  "The Lord gave you a blowjob? Now you really have lost the plot."

  "Of course the Lord didn't... I heard the voice of the Lord."

  "You do talk bollocks," she sighed, picking up the empty vodka bottle. "You've been drinking the profits," she hissed. "How are we going to make money if you..."

  "You don't understand, Lana. The Lord spoketh unto me."

  "I'll bloody speaketh unto you in a minute. Look at the state of this place."

  "I'm going to be plucked from my mortal coil and plunged into the depths of hell."

  "I'll plunge you into the depths of hell unless you help me get this place cleared up."

  "I must have exceeded my quota of cunts and roused the wrath of the Lord. You'd think the bible would mention it if man was only allowed to fuck so many cunts. How the fuck was I supposed to know that there was a limit?"

  "Your sanity worries me, Will. I should say, your insanity."

  "It worries me! Did that man leave any samples?"

  "Er... Yes, he left a box full of stuff," she replied sheepishly.

  "Where is it?"

  "I... I took it home for safe keeping."

  "Is that why you closed the bar and cleared off early?"

  "No, no, no. Well, yes. I've brought the box back. It's in the hall."

  "Good. I'll take a look later."

  Rising to his feet and staggering across the room to the bar, Will poured himself a glass of lemonade. He should never have gone to the church, he knew as he watched Lana clear up. Since he'd left the church six months previously, the place had been exorcised and cleaned up in readiness for a priest. Lucifer and his dodgy mates might have been banished but... Could it have been a dream? Will reflected. Yes, it must have been a dream. He'd done nothing to deserve being cast into the eternal fires of hell. There was no disputing the fact that he was a sinner, but he wasn't that bad. Was he? Fuck, he thought, holding his aching head. Fucking vodka.

  An early morning blowjob would have been nice, he mused. But he daren't suggest such a thing to Lana. She was already in a mood because... Whose bar was it? he ruminated as the girl ordered him to get out of her way. But she was doing a fine job, so there was no need to rock the boat. Leaving her to get on, he went upstairs and took a shower. Wondering what the day would bring as he washed his knob, his cock stiffening as he recalled giving Lana a bloody good double fisting, he made his plans.

  Gazing out of the bedroom window as he slipped his cassock over his naked body, he noticed Father Kosher walking down the lane in the direction of his church. Brushing his hair and slipping his shoes on, Will decided to follow the man. It might be an idea to tease him, he reflected, bounded downstairs and leaving the house. Wind the old git up. It would be easy enough to put the fear of God up the man, he knew as he followed at a safe distance. One or two comments about having a naked teenage girl over the altar would go down well. A few words about lapping up her pussy cream, licking her clitty to orgasm... There was nothing better than causing trouble.

  "Good morning," Will called, as Father Kosher finally made it to his church.

  "Oh, er... Good morning," th
e man replied, turning on his heels.

  "What a lovely day it is," Will smiled. "A lovely day for entertaining girls over the altar."

  "Over the... I don't know what you mean," Kosher stammered, his face flushing.

  "Spreading the word of the Lord. Entertaining girls by teaching them the way of the Lord. I'll bet you sit girls on the altar and teach them all you know."

  "Oh, yes, of course," he breathed with relief. "I try to spread the word of the Lord."

  "Do a lot of spreading, do you?" Will asked.

  "Yes, I do. I do my best to... to teach right from wrong. Well, I have work to be getting on with."

  "I'm sure you do. Preparing for another visit from Marianne, are you?"

  "Marianne?" he echoed, his beady eyes darting this way and that. "Er... Who's Marianne?"

  "The girl you entertained here yesterday."


  "I happened to pop in as I was passing and I saw you with Marianne. She was on the altar, if you recall?"

  "Oh, er..."

  "You must remember Marianne?"

  "Yes, of course I do. I was helping her."

  "Helping her in a most intimate way, from what I saw. Did she need a doctor?"

  "Er... No, no."

  "Then, why the internal examination?"

  "I wasn't here yesterday. I've just remembered that I had to go to London. Another priest was here, relieving me."

  "It looked as though Marianne was relieving you," Will chuckled. "So, this other priest is your brother?"

  "My brother? No, no."

  "He looked remarkably like you. Identical, in fact."

  "I didn't actually meet him."

  "Oh well, I'd better be going. I'll see you at the meeting this evening."


  "The meeting at the convent about... Oh, I think I've put my foot in it. Er... Forget I said anything."

  "What's the meeting about?"

  "I really must be going. Bye for now."

  Leaving the church as Kosher called after him, Will hurried down the lane. A little more trouble caused, he reflected, noticing a girl slip into the bushes some hundred yards ahead. Interesting, he thought, his penis twitching as he ran along the lane to the gap in the bushes where the girl had disappeared. Knowing the way females behaved, Will reckoned she'd slipped into the woods for a quick frig. She'd probably felt really horny, her clitty in dire need of massaging to orgasm.

  Following a small path, tentatively creeping through the woods, he heard voices and stopped. Something was afoot, he knew. Perhaps the girl was a lesbian and she was meeting another girl in the woods for a good licking and fingering and sucking and... Looking about, Will determined the direction of the voices and gingerly crept towards a large clump of bushes.

  Blimey, he thought, carefully moving a branch aside. The girl was standing in a small clearing, completely naked, which didn't surprise him as most village girls seemed to spend a lot of time naked in the woods. But he was surprised to see his old mate Bob, the ex-vicar of Kosher's church, standing before her and slipping his shirt and trousers off. Lucky bastard, Will thought as the girl knelt on the grass and sucked the man's cock deep into her mouth. Again Will wondered why he'd been singled out when just about everyone else was sucking and fucking. No one had tried to drop Bob in the shit, or the Bishop or Kosher. Life wasn't fair, he reflected dolefully.

  Focusing on the girl's naked body, her firm breasts, Will felt his balls spasm. She was a fuckable beauty, he thought, gazing at her long blonde hair cascading over her naked shoulders as she sucked the man's bulbous glans. She was yet another dirty little tart that Will had never seen before. Girls seemed to be invading the village, he thought, watching the girl knead Bob's balls as she took his glans to the back of her throat.

  "Is your friend going to turn up?" Bob asked as the girl moved her head back and licked his globe.

  "I hope so," she replied, standing and looking about her. "He said he'd be here."

  He? Why was Bob prepared to share the cock-sucking slut with another man.

  "I know how much you love two cocks shagging you," Bob chuckled. "While we're waiting, do your pussy licking thing."

  Gazing at her vaginal crack, her pouting outer lips sparsely covered with her golden pubes, Will couldn't believe his eyes as she sat on the grass and somehow managed to hook her legs behind her head. Her hands by her naked buttocks, she yanked her pussy lips open, exposing the inner folds of her cunny, her erect clitoris. Her juices pouring from her pussy, running down over the portal to her rectum, she lowered her head and began lapping her lubricious sex cream.

  Pushing two fingers into her bottom, the tissue gripping her knuckles as she pistoned her tight rectal duct, she moaned. Will had never seen anything like it. Sucking her vaginal cream, finger-fucking her tight anus, sucking her clitoris... Now that was female masturbation at its best!

  Her tongue leaving the drenched sheath of her pussy, she licked her juiced lips and rolled onto her back. Her anal eye gaping, the pink flesh surrounding her vaginal entrance glistening in the sunlight, she held her firm buttocks wide apart as Bob knelt on the grass. Running his cock up and down her drenched ravine, lubricating it, he pushed it against her anus.

  This really was amazing, watching the girl lick the veined shaft of Bob's cock as he pushed his swollen knob deeper into her bottom. It would be worth getting to know the horny contortionist, he mused as Bob pushed his cock fully home, impaling the whimpering girl as she tongued her juice-drenched cunny.

  Hearing twigs cracking, bushes rustling, Will knew it would be the girl's friend approaching. That was that, he thought dolefully, massaging his penis head through his cassock. His cock was going to be sadly neglected, his knob unsucked, his balls left full. There again, all might not be lost. If the person approaching happened to die a horrible death before he reached the clearing... Leaving his hide, he followed the path until he came face to face with a good looking young man.

  "Sorry," Will smiled. "The woods are out of bounds."

  "Out of bounds?" the man frowned.

  "Yes, their bounds are out."

  "Why's that?"

  "An unexploded atom bomb. First world war, they reckon."

  "They didn't have atom bombs..."

  "A secret weapon. Probably dropped from an F16."

  "They only had biplanes and..."

  "The army are dealing with it."

  "I'll go and take a look. I've never seen an atom bomb."

  "Er... Radiation," Will broke in. "Unless you want your bollocks irradiated, you'd better get well away from here."

  "Oh, right," he sighed, obviously disappointed because he'd have to resort to wanking. "Will it be long?"

  About nine inches. "At least three hours."

  "Oh well, not to worry."

  Rubbing his hands together as the young man walked away, Will returned to his hide. The time had come to emerge from the bushes and offer the girl his erect penis, he knew as his sperm-laden balls heaved and rolled within their hairy sac. Bob had slipped his cock out of the girl's bottom-hole and was watching her suckle on his swollen knob. She really was a horny little tart-slut, Will thought, wondering whether to slip his cassock off and emerge naked from the bushes.

  "Hi," he smiled, leaving the bushes and yanking his cassock off. "I just happened to be passing, as one does."

  "Oh, Will," Bob breathed. "What are you doing here?"

  "Who's he?" the girl asked, Bob's purple knob slipping from her mouth.

  "This is a very good friend of mine," Bob said. "Will Entercock, the infamous ex-priest of Cumsdale Village. It's good to see you, Will. How are things?"

  "Not bad. Could always be better, of course. I see you're doing all right," he smiled, gazing at the teenage contortionist. "More than all right."

  "I like to keep my hand in."

  "And your cock, by the look of it."

  "Who's he?" the girl again asked.

  "I've told you," Bob sighed. "He's a frien
d. You do want two cocks fucking you, don't you?"

  "Oh, yes," she grinned eagerly, eyeing Will's huge organ rising like a tower from his heaving balls. "I want two cocks fucking my holes, all right."

  "Shut up, then. She loves a double cocking, as she puts it," Bob chuckled.

  "I'm sure we can oblige her," Will breathed, gazing at the girl's legs behind her head and wishing he could do the same. I could suck my own cock.

  "I'm sure you can oblige me," the girl murmured, her eyes transfixed on the solid shaft of Will's twitching penis.

  Following Bob's instructions as the girl rolled onto her side with her legs wrapped around the back of her head, Will lay on the grass behind her and pushed the glistening knob of his granite-hard cock past her brown anal ring and sank his broad shaft deep into her tight rectal sheath. Bob lay on the grass in front of the girl-slut, slipping his huge cock deep into the hot shaft of her gaping cunny as she gasped and writhed in her illicit pleasure. As the double cocking commenced, Will sliding his penis in and out of the girl's trembling body in time with his friend's pistoning organ, he thought how lucky he was. The summer sun shining, his penis deep in a girl's anal canal... What more could a man ask for?

  "I've not seen you in months, Bob," Will said, his purple crown absorbing the inner heat of the girl's rear passage.

  "I've been in hiding, mate," Bob gasped. "After the incident with the girl guides in the tent I thought it best to keep my head down for a while."

  "I can't say I blame you. Have you met old man Kosher?"

  "No, not yet. That was my church and... Oh, well. There's no point reminiscing."

  "So, where did you pick up this little whore?"

  "Hey, I'm not a whore," she complained bitterly.

  "Yes you are," Bob returned.

  "Spank me," the girl murmured, rocking with the double shafting. "Spank my bottom really hard."

  Spanking her firm buttocks with the palm of his hand, Will repeatedly rammed his knob deep into the fiery heat of her. She was hot and tight, he mused. So tight that her sphincter muscles gripped his pistoning shaft like a vice as his orgasm stirred within his loins. She was the sort of tart he'd like to have ensconced in the garden shed. Permanently naked she'd make an ideal prisoner. But she was Bob's whore, and it wouldn't be fair to take her. There again, all's fair in love and lust.


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