Boss Me Hard

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Boss Me Hard Page 13

by R. R. Banks

I sighed. “I have surveillance video, but on the video it shows me agreeing to do it, but I swear I won’t go anywhere near your warriors, especially the one Ryan requested the blood from. I’ll stick to animals and plants like I originally planned.”

  He nodded and his frown deepened. “Don’t make a promise you can’t keep, my dear. Staying away from that particular warrior isn’t’ going to be an easy task.”

  “It will if he leaves me alone. If he won’t then I promise not to go near him with a needle.”

  He chuckled and nodded. “Very well, I believe you. I don’t sense any lies, but I still want to see this surveillance you speak of. I don’t like knowing that someone is actively trying to steal our blood. I think he isn’t much of a man to send you to do the dirty work and that angers me very much. We won’t be working with this Dr. Austin again. If you’re telling the truth, you can stay as long as you’d like to complete your tests of our lands.”

  I nodded and my shoulders fell. A weight had been lifted. “I need my bag.”

  “Very well, I will also need my son to see this video. He needs to be briefed in case Dr. Austin sends someone else when he realizes you won’t do his dirty work.”

  I gulped, but shrugged. “Okay my bag is outside.”

  “Wait here.”

  I sat back as the King disappeared to get his son. That man was going to be the end of my self-control. I could feel my temper as it mixed with desire. Dammit I needed to cool the hell down, and I certainly didn’t need a man to help me in any way.

  Pyra came back with the King carrying my bags. He smiled at me, and I nearly lost my breath. It was such an unrefined looked. All of the tough, ‘I am man, hear me roar’ persona was gone. It was the most real I’d seen him, and I wasn’t sure how I felt about seeing his ‘human’ side. I didn’t want to like him. As long as he pissed me off I would be okay.

  He handed me my bag and sat in the same chair he had vacated and leaned back in a relaxed position, but I wasn’t fooled. He was tensed back like a Cobra waiting to strike. I’d be lying if I didn’t find it completely and utterly sexy.

  “So we have a stupid doctor on our hands, yeah?”

  The king must have filled him in. I didn’t miss the anger in his tone. I knew it was horrible to learn because they’d been working with Ryan for several years now, and I was taking that trust away. I pulled my laptop bag onto the table and slipped my small notebook out. I booted it up and tapped my fingers on the table. “I don’t know how well it will work here, or how long my battery will last.”

  “As long as we see what you told me about.”

  I looked at him with serious eyes. “You will.”

  I went back to work and signed in. The file opened easily, and I turned the screen to the king and prayed he would believe me when I told him I had no intention of following through. I really didn’t want to endure the kind of punishments they had in mind, and also for some reason I really wanted him to trust me, to like me. It wasn’t often I cared what someone believed of me, but I found myself caring very much what the King of Uoria thought of me.

  The video played and the King watched in fascination as the whole scene played out—just as I had told him.

  “What a fucking bastard!”

  I jumped when the King slammed his fists on the table and then he shoved his chair back. It crashed against the wall and shattered. I had a feeling I was about to see exactly how deadly this species was. He sped from the room, but I barely saw him move. It was unreal. One minute he was there and then poof he was gone. Pyra looked as shocked as I felt.

  “Whatever you told him—must have been verified and bad. I haven’t seen him this pissed off in ages.” Pyra’s voice sounded numb to my ears.

  “I told the truth before someone else did.”

  “I’m almost afraid to watch because if he reacted that way, I can’t imagine how I’d react.”

  I sat back and sighed. “Is he coming back?”

  “Yes, when he calms down.”

  I leaned back and closed my eyes wondering if I was going to be punished for my part even though I would never betray them. I’d only be on Uoria for a short time, but I felt— almost at home. When I opened my eyes again he stood there staring at my laptop.

  Pyra must not have been able to ignore his curiosity. He stood where his father’s chair had been and played the video. The further the video went the more his posture changed, his eyes flared, his body tensed and his jaw was tight. I could hear his teeth grinding together, but he was so calm when he closed the lid to my laptop.

  “My father already told me some of why you agreed, but I need to know. I need to hear it from you that you swear you won’t try to steal anyone’s blood, especially mine.”

  I gulped. I didn’t’ get what was so special about their blood but it wasn’t my place. I never intended to step where I wasn’t allowed. I was a rule follower. “I swear. I only said I would so he wouldn’t take my life away from me. Without being a scientist, I’m nothing. It’s all I have in the world. I would never break the rules like that, and Ryan knows that, but he didn’t expect me to come clean and show you proof of what he is trying to do. He wants me punished.”

  Pyra’s eyes bored into mine. “Why though? Why would he risk your life?”

  “He hates me.”

  “Why?” he asked in a whisper and stepped closer to me.

  I could feel his rage, see his body shaking and instead of scaring me, it aroused me. I knew he wouldn’t hurt me, but I didn’t know why or how I knew it. I just did.

  “We are up for the same promotion. He really wants it.”

  Now he stood in front on me and I looked up. “It’s more than that yeah?”

  I gulped. “I don’t know.”

  “Don’t lie to me; I know what you told my dad.”

  Of course he told him about the other stuff. I’d hoped he hadn’t and now he was testing me. It didn’t feel good. “I rejected him.”

  “Why did you reject him?”

  I chuckled. “Because I hate him.”

  “No other reason?”

  “I don’t like to be touched, and he has a problem keeping his hands to himself. I’ve broken his nose and his wrist.”

  He nodded and moved closer. Our bodies were almost touching, but not quite. I couldn’t breathe. His body heat was suffocating. He was a man in every sense of the word, and I was drowning in his want, his need.

  “He didn’t leave me alone,” I whispered.

  “I’ll kill him.”

  I gasped and shook my head. “No.”

  He leaned in and his lips were so close I could taste him. As soon as I shut my eyes and was about to close the distance the king came back in a whoosh and cleared his throat. I jumped back from Pyra and shook my head. I glared at him and he stepped back. I was pissed at myself. I almost caved, and if not for his father I would have felt his lips on mine. I wasn’t sure what was worst; the fact that I yearned for the touch and it was interrupted or that he had the balls to try it in the first place.

  Chapter 7

  The King came back into the room interrupting the almost kiss. I was grateful because I didn’t want to cave. No matter how much my body disagreed with my mind. It didn’t matter that he was attractive and that there was a huge part of me that wanted to jump him. I didn’t know what was going on, but I couldn’t allow it to happen. His growl of frustration sent a thrill down my spine.

  His father sat back down considerably more calm, but the rage was right below the surface, simmering. “Dear, I wanted to say thank you for coming forth with this video and being honest right away. Not many of you would do that, and I know that I’ve had to send many humans back home because I’d caught them doing unfavorable things. I wish there were more people like you from your world. After speaking to my wife, we have decided to discuss a compromise. I will get back with you when we decide exactly what it will be. Until then, please explore as much as you’d like, but keep the rules in mind, and do not under any circums
tances, contact your boss. If you do, you’ll be sent home, and you’ll never be allowed to come back.”

  I sighed in relief. “Thank you for trusting me, and I have no intention of contacting Ryan. I look forward to studying the plant and animal life.”

  He stared me down with gentle eyes. “I don’t know why I trust you, but please don’t abuse it. I do hold grudges once the faith is broken.”

  I held out my hand, the first initiation of physical contact. He looked at my hand then back at my face as he pulled my hand into his. They were warm and soft and instead of shaking it he grasped it between both of his hands. Heat engulfed me and there was a strange zing, almost like magic before a slight bit of pain, and when he pulled back there was a small symbol on my hand. I gasped and studied it. It was small and the black lines swirled and twisted nicely together. It was intricate, but when I looked harder I noticed the lines were letters.

  “It’s a mark. Letting others know you are one of us now. It’s means, ‘sister of our brethren’ in our language.”

  I knew they didn’t do this often—if at all, and I was honored. Tears filled my eyes and I sniffled. “Thank you. I promise you won’t regret it!”

  He smiled. “And you don’t have to worry about your problem back home anymore.”

  “I didn’t tell you what he did to have you fix it. I was dealing with it.”

  He rolled his eyes and I swear he looked just like his son. “I know which is why I did it.” He smiled and rubbed the mark. “And how exactly have you handled it? By ignoring his advances and threatening him. You’re tough, but apparently it didn’t work or he wouldn’t have sent you here to break our most sacred rule.”

  I slumped in my seat. “I didn’t know what to do.”

  “You can stay here.” Pyra said and I looked at him. I’d forgotten he was even in the room.

  “Uh, I don’t know if I’d fit in here too well. Besides you never let humans stay for more than six months, though I’ll stay the whole allotted time if that’s all right. The longer I’m away from home the better right now.”

  “There are exceptions to every rule,” he said but he watched his father as if waiting for him to chime in.

  The king nodded and smiled kindly at me. As much as Pyra drove me wild with anger and the harder it was getting to fight his advances, I felt the exact opposite about his father. I felt at ease with him. I’d never had a dad, but if I could imagine one, King Criea would be the perfect image.

  “You may stay. When my mate and I decide on what we plan to do we will have lunch, but for now you must get settled. Pyra will take you to your cabin.”

  I nodded and stood. “Thank you, I’m exhausted.” And I was. I’d ‘slept’ the whole way, but it wasn’t really sleeping. I was basically unconscious the whole time.

  Pyra stood and walked over to his father. They hugged and I heard faint whispers, but I was too tired to care. I picked up my laptop and slid it back into my bag.

  He took the strap from me. “I’ve got it.”

  Normally I would have fought him, but every part of me hurt. I don’t know why it took so long to kick in, but I wasn’t sure if I’d make it much longer before crashing. “Thanks,” I muttered.

  He nodded and I followed behind him leaving the house. He jogged down the stairs and I sighed. My legs were heavy, and it felt like I wasn’t moving at all. Pyra stopped and studied me.

  “I could carry you if you want.” I didn’t miss the tone. He was messing with me. I thought.

  That was all it took to wake my body up enough to get moving. “In your dreams warrior,” I sneered at him.

  He laughed and spun walking down a path. I followed as fast as I could. I would not give him the satisfaction of knowing I really wanted to drop to the ground and sleep for a week.

  Chapter 8

  He’d been so close to tasting those suckable lips, and then his father had to come back and ruin it all. She was so beautiful, perfect really. He loved that she was honest. The video had made him want to rip the man to shreds, but it was what his father had told him about the scumbag that really pushed him over the edge. Sexually harassing his mate, now that was grounds for killing.

  There was so much to her. She clearly had a problem with others touching her. He wanted to know what had happened. Why the thought of being touched turned her into a quivering mess or a ball of rage. Something happened to her, but he had no clue what it could have been. Humans were strange creatures. He’d find out everything one way or another.

  He turned and saw her standing on the porch. Exhaustion filled her eyes, but she was stubborn and wouldn’t admit how tired she was. Not to him at least, but she told his father. Pyra loved it. As soon as it looked like she was done all he had to do was taunt her, and she was back to being the independent woman he was becoming accustomed to. He’d noticed it right from the start.

  He shook his head when he saw the mark of his kind on her hand. She was the first in years. He couldn’t have been more shocked when his father marked her with their sign. He knew it wasn’t because she was his mate. The king wouldn’t honor someone with that status if he or she wasn’t worthy, and being his mate didn’t make her worthy, even if it made her family. She had already earned his respect and that was tough as shit to do.

  He led her to the newest cabin. It was closest to his home. If he had his way she’d be in his home, and in his bed, but he knew that wouldn’t happen. Not until he got her to cave. She had to admit that she liked him at least a little bit, and right now by the way he felt her emotions and the fact she was glaring daggers at his back, he knew that wouldn’t be happening—today. He couldn’t help but laugh. She wasn’t going to make it easy and as frustrating as it was not to be able to pull her into his arms anytime he wanted, he was proud to have a mate that didn’t cave. He loved a challenge, and he always got what he wanted. And he wanted Eden.

  At first, the thought of having a human mate wasn’t appealing at all, but the more he was around her the more he wanted her, and it wasn’t just physical. That’s what shocked him the most. He was a sexual being and proved it time and time again with the females. None of them were anything more than gratification, and they knew that, but with her, he could imagine lying with her, holding her. He shook his head. His brothers would bust his nuts if they knew the soft thoughts running through his head. He never thought he’d be that way, but his father told him it would be the best and worst feeling in the world. Falling in love was everything to his kind.

  The path narrowed and dipped deeper behind the trees. She’d have all the privacy she wanted. The cabin was the most updated and he was glad he picked it. She followed behind him breathing heavily.

  “We’re almost there.”

  “I’m fine,” she replied.

  He sped up and jogged up the stairs. Pulling out her key he unlocked the door and went inside. He put her bags down. He was back outside and sitting on the steps before she made it.

  “You could have waited for me.”

  He shrugged. “You’re too slow.”

  She stomped a foot and cringed. “My legs are shorter than yours, you jerk.”

  He laughed. She was too tired to put any heat behind her voice. “Uh-huh, has nothing to do with how tired you are?”

  She jutted out her lip. “Nope, I’m fine.”

  “Okay well let’s go in. I’ll show you around your new home.”

  Her eyes widened and she licked her lips.


  His eyes tracked the movement and he wanted to trace the path her tongue made.

  “You don’t need to show me around. I’m sure I can figure it out.”

  His eyes shot back to hers. “You need to know how to work everything. There is no electricity here.”

  “I know.”

  “So I’ll help you get set up and then I promise I’ll leave you alone.”

  “Fine, let’s get it over with.” She said and pushed past him to climb the stairs.

  He watched th
e sway of her hips and it took all his will power to keep his hands to himself. He went in behind her and shut the door. He sighed in relief knowing he was alone with her. That’s all he wanted. If she would get to know him, the real him, maybe just maybe things would be different and she wouldn’t hate him so badly. He hoped she’d throw him a bone. His fingers itched to touch her skin, but he knew that one touch would lead to so much more, and she wouldn’t let that happen.

  Chapter 9

  The door clicked shut and I froze. I was too tired and that was worrisome. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to stop myself from falling into his arms. Not when my body seemed to crave the giant beast. I didn’t know what it was about him, but each time he was near me, my heart galloped and my core clenched in need.

  I smiled. If it was only physical attraction, if I caved maybe the need would go away? My time here would run smoother if I didn’t constantly feel aroused, and from what I’d heard about his reputation, once he got what he wanted he’d leave me alone. It was a win-win, only my heart jumped at the thought of being just another woman he bedded.

  I took a deep breath and turned towards him. In the cabin he was even more imposing. He prowled toward me, with desire in his eyes. “I need to take a shower.”

  “Water runs well here. I’ll wait.”

  I glared. “Or you can leave and come back after I’m done so I can have some privacy.”

  “There’s a door.”

  I knew he wouldn’t give more than that. “Fine, but stay out of the room.”

  He held up his hands and smiled wide. “I’ll be on my best behavior.”

  I laughed. “Somehow I don’t think I should be reassured by that.”

  “Guess you’ll find out, yeah?” He started down the hall with my bags and I followed behind him. His shirt was so tight I could see each one of his muscles flex with every move he made.

  He pushed open the door and placed my bags by a large bed. “This is your room, and the bathroom is right over there. We may not have electricity, but we use solar power to work our heating system. You’ll get approximately ten minutes before the water turns cold.”


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