Boss Me Hard

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Boss Me Hard Page 38

by R. R. Banks

  "You're too young," he finally whispered.

  I pressed back into him and tilted my head so I could kiss his neck.

  "Am I? Do I feel too young to you?"

  Ty gave a soft grunt and I withdrew my hands from the dough, brushing the flour off of them.

  "No," he said gruffly.

  I turned around to face him. The orange streaks in his eyes were covering more of the brown now and I felt a surge in my heart as I remembered that Zuri told me the Denynso men's eyes changed to orange when they mated. I knew I was getting to him. I just had to press further. I touched his face gently, easing it forward with my fingertips against his cheek until I could touch my mouth to his. My lips parted and I touched the tip of my tongue to his bottom lip, tempting him to open his mouth. When he did, I flicked my tongue across his, deepening the kiss briefly before pulling back, catching his bottom lip between my teeth as I went.

  "Do I kiss like I'm too young?" I asked, my voice dropping the more I spoke.

  He shook his head and I smiled, leaning in to kiss him again. He returned the kiss, but only slightly as if still struggling to control himself.

  "Please, Samira," he said, his eyes closed.

  "Look at me, Ty," I said and he opened his eyes, "Do I look like I'm too young?"

  His eyes grew sad and he nodded.


  "Do I?" I asked, taking the hem of my shirt and pulling it off over my head.

  "We're in my shop, Samira," he said, "Anybody could walk in at any second and see you."

  "I want you to see me."

  "I can see you."

  His defenses were dropping and I was eager to keep going.

  "Your house is connected to the shop, isn't it?" I asked, referencing what Zuri had told me.


  I walked across the shop to the door on the back wall. I knew it led directly into his house and that he rarely locked it. That afternoon was the same as usual and the door opened easily beneath my hand. I glanced over my shoulder at him as I stepped into his house.

  "Where is your bedroom, Ty?"

  He didn't answer and I stepped all the way into the house, deciding I would just figure out where the room was on my own. After a few seconds, he hadn't followed me. I unbuttoned and unzipped my pants and pulled them off, tossing them back through the door into the shop. They hit the ground and I heard Ty groan. The door swung open further and I saw his broad form fill the doorway. I had undressed myself down to nothing but a black lace bra and matching panties, and when he looked at me, his eyes went completely orange.

  "Do I look too young now?"

  He still didn't answer and I turned away from him, giving him a full view of all of my curves in the barely-there panties, and walked further into the house. I glanced around and saw a stairwell in the far corner. I crossed to it and climbed the stairs slowly, letting my hips sway with each step. I could feel him following me, his eyes on my body as I put myself on display for him. I wanted him to want me with the same fire and intensity that I wanted him, and when I was finished with him, I wanted him to have no question left in his mind whether I was old enough to be his mate.

  I made it up the stairs and found that almost the entire upper floor was his bedroom. A massive bed sat in the middle of a huge room, making it look like a pedestal where I was more than ready to worship. I turned to face him as Ty stepped into the room.

  "Come closer," I told him.

  He seemed reluctant, but he complied, closing the space between us with a few long, slow steps. I kissed him, drawing his tongue into my mouth and sucking on it suggestively as I pressed the front of my body to his. I could feel his erection pushing into my belly and I nudged against him.

  "Undress me," I said.

  I felt his hands shaking slightly as he brought them to my back to release the hooks on my bra. He peeled it away from my body and dropped it to the floor at our feet, and then hooked his fingers in the waistband of my panties to ease them off of my hips. I wriggled them off of my legs and stepped out of them, now completely bare in front of him.

  Walking backwards, I made my way to the bed. When I felt the edge of the mattress on the backs of my legs, I turned around and crawled onto the bed, arching my back as I went. I reached the pillows and turned so I reclined back on them.

  "Take off your shirt."

  He complied and I felt my body clench at the sight of his chiseled chest and rippled stomach. I wanted to get my hands on him so badly, but I was determined that it was going to be him that took me. I might be seducing him, but when we finally did bond, he was going to be the one that made it happen.

  "Everything else," I said, fighting to keep my voice steady.

  His eyes glowed back at me and I could see the struggle continuing behind them as he at once fought his desire for me and gave in to my seduction. My mouth watered when I finally saw his fully naked body, his muscles beautifully formed under smooth skin, and his perfect, powerful-looking erection standing out from his hips in a way that made me almost lose control. I licked my lips and I saw Ty's cock twitch.

  "Oh," I said, "Is that what you want?"

  I beckoned him forward with one finger, encouraging him to climb onto the bed with me. He laid down beside me and I got on my knees between his legs, reaching forward to finally wrap my hand around his gorgeous erection. My fingers couldn’t touch as I encircled his thick shaft and the tingle between my thighs spiked. I leaned down and drew my tongue along the underside of him from the base to the tip, then licked again to gather the drop of crystalline fluid that had gathered there. He groaned and I met the sound with the slide of my mouth over the head.

  I slipped down further, moving slowly to savor every vein and ridge against my lips and tongue. Holding the base in one hand, I picked up a smooth, steady rhythm that brought him further and further into my mouth with each glide. My attention wrenched groans from his chest and soon Ty was gripping the comforter on either side of him, his eyes squeezed closed as he concentrated on the sensations I was sending through him. I could feel him getting harder in my mouth and I released him, giving him a few seconds to cool to bring him back from the brink.

  Moving forward, I straddled his hips, settling myself so my pelvis touched his and my core cradled his erection. I rested his cock against my palm and rocked my hips, causing me to slide up and down him. The hot wetness from my body transferred to his, making my movements silky and easy. With each rock I brought my core further up his shaft, eventually getting to a point where the tip teased my clit with each stroke. The breath caught in my throat at that feeling and I repeated it, pressing up slightly with my palm to increase the pressure between our bodies.

  "Do I feel too young?" I asked. He didn't answer and I pressed harder, burrowing him in my folds without letting him enter me, "Do I, Ty?"

  Suddenly he grabbed me by my hips and flipped me onto my back. I gasped at the movement and felt my body get even wetter as he hovered over me, staring down into my face with intensity that took my breath away.

  "No," he growled and I felt the tip of his erection tease at my opening.

  "Are you my mate, Ty?" I whispered.

  He moved his hips forward slightly, massaging me and building pressure low in my belly.

  "I am your mate."

  "Do you want me?"

  "More than anything I have ever wanted in my life."

  I took a long, shuddering breath.

  "Show me."

  He pushed forward and filed me, taking his time to let me stretch around him. I whimpered at the intense feeling and clutched at his back. Just when I thought I couldn’t accommodate any more, Ty gave a hard thrust, sinking all the way into me and eliciting a sharp cry at the blissful combination of pain and pleasure. We paused there for a moment, letting our bodies learn each other. He kissed me languidly, his mouth moving across mine familiarly.

  Finally his hips relaxed and I felt him start to move within me. My walls held him firmly and he groaned deeply as he buil
t his rhythm. Each long, deep thrust coaxed sounds from my lips and I gave myself over to him, allowing him to bond me to him completely and irrevocably. Slow sex had never done much for me, but this was a transcendent experience and when I came, suddenly and with blinding intensity, I felt like I was drawing him into my body and my soul. He responded to the scream I let out at my climax with a growl and he gave one more hard thrust and released into me. My body milked him and I clung to him, emotion starting to overwhelm me.

  He finally opened his eyes and I saw that they were completely orange.

  "My mate," he whispered, leaning down to nuzzle my neck and touch a kiss to my shoulder.

  "Always," I whispered back, licking the front of his neck.

  Chapter Eight

  Ty and Samira stayed in bed for the rest of the afternoon, exploring each other as she proved to him again and again that she was everything that he needed, and he showed her over and over that he was everything she could handle. They finally drifted to sleep, completely spent, in each other's arms, but were awaken less than an hour later by frantic pounding on Ty's door.

  "This seems awfully familiar," Samira joked as Ty rolled away from her and climbed out of bed, pulling on his pants.

  He shot her a smile and walked out into the corridor and then down the stairs. The pounding continued, and Ty was aggravated by the time he reached the door. He didn't want to talk to anybody. He wanted to shuck off his pants and crawl back into bed with Samira.

  "What do you want?"

  Ero stood on the other side of the door, his expression strained.

  "You need to come with me," he said.

  "I'm busy right now," Ty said, not really caring what was going on.

  Ero shook his head.

  "I'm sorry. I know you have Samira here and that's wonderful and I'm sure I'm going to be really happy for you pretty soon, but you need to come with me."

  "What's going on?"

  Both men turned in the direction of the stairs and Samira's voice. She was walking toward them, buttoning one of Ty's shirts on over her pants. Ty's heart lit up. The shirt engulfed her, but it made her look adorably sexy and completely his. She came to his side and looked at Ero intensely.

  "What's going on, Ero?" she repeated.

  "The warriors just got back from their patrol. They said that they have really important information and that they need all of us in the meeting hall immediately."

  Without hesitation, Ty ran back up the stairs to put on his shoes and shirt. When he got back down, they left the house and hurried toward the meeting hall. Ero was an impossibly fast runner, a skill that had become a tremendous benefit in their last battle against the Klimnu, and he seemed to be struggling to keep himself slow enough that Ty and Samira could keep up with him. Ty knew this meant that something extremely serious was going on with the warriors.

  They entered the hall and saw it was crowded with Denensyo. Several warriors stood on a low stage at one end of the room and Ty saw that Pyra was in the middle, his face stern and concerned. As soon as Ty and Samira settled onto the bench with the other human women, he began to speak.

  "We have just returned from our normal patrol, but this time we found something we have never seen before. At the far end of the compound there is a cave in the cliff. Until now we didn't think anything of it. Today, however, we decided to investigate further and found that it is not a cave, but a rock tunnel that dips far into the ground. It was extremely difficult to find and impossible for any of us to navigate because of our size. We believe that this is the way that the Klimnu are getting into the compound. The Traitor told them about the cave and has been providing them with information and resources for quite some time."

  A shocked whisper rippled through the crowd and Ty cuddled Samira a little closer to him, part of him terrified that she was going to hear all of this and be afraid and compelled to leave. Instead, she looked fascinated.

  "We need to build our defense and devise our plan of attack," Pyra said and sounds of affirmation rose up through the tribe. "It is time we settled this conflict with the Klimnu once and for all."

  Ty felt Samira stand up suddenly, causing his arms to drop away from her.

  "I'll help," she called out.

  There were a few gasps throughout the room and I reached up to pull her back down, but she stayed strong.

  "Who is that?" Pyra asked.

  "It's me, Samira. I want to help."

  (To be Continued in Part X… )

  Book 10 – Rescued by Sweetest Alien

  Chapter One

  "I want to help."

  The whispers in the room around me grew louder and I could feel the eyes of all of the Denynso burning into me. The ones who didn't know who I was tried to figure out why there was a new human girl offering her help to the clan, and those who did know who I was expressed their surprise that I was so willing to just throw myself into what I was quickly realizing to be an extremely dangerous situation. The massive, intense-looking warrior Pyra stared at me from the platform at the other end of the banquet hall, evaluating me silently.

  It felt like we were stuck in some kind of standoff. Beside me I felt Ty, my brand new mate, gently pull on my hand as if he was trying to tug me back down to sit on the bench beside him. I resisted the tug and continued to stare at Pyra, my shoulders squared and my jaw set. I know that to them I was small and weak, but on Earth, I was not. Slightly taller than average with broad shoulders, round hips, and a sturdy build, most people considered me a very strong and capable-looking woman. Add to that the fact that I am far more intelligent and resourceful than nearly anyone I have ever met, and have a stubborn streak that can rarely be broken.

  The fact that my body was still humming from a day of intense, all-consuming bonding with my mate only worked to make me more determined and give me greater strength and energy than I had felt in a long time. In an instant I had changed from just a human foreign exchange student that had come to Uoria with my favorite professor in order to escape the torment of my stepfather back on Earth to a member of the clan who was fully committed not just to loving and protecting my mate, but to doing whatever I could to defend the entirety of the clan and my future in it. For the first time in my life I felt truly and completely part of something, and from the look on Pyra's face and the intensity in his voice, I knew that was being severely threatened. I was not going to stand by and allow that to happen. I knew that I came to this planet for a reason, and it seemed to be showing itself.

  "I want to help, Pyra," I repeated, taking a step forward so that he could see me more clearly.

  I had only encountered Pyra briefly, but I knew him to be the most powerful and aggressive of all of the planet's warriors; known throughout the galaxy for his skill in battle. If I could convince him to accept my help and allow me to utilize some of my own skill and knowledge, the rest of the warriors would truly have no choice but to follow along with it.

  "Are you sure, Samira?" Pyra finally asked.

  His voice rumbled through the banquet hall, seeming to quiet the whispers as it rippled through the crowd to me.


  "What can you do?"

  It wasn't a challenge or meant to be mocking. He was genuinely asking me how I could contribute. There was a war coming, and though I wasn't sure about all of the details, I could tell that it was something that had been building up for quite some time. This was not going to be a simple fight. It was going to require more than just the size and strength of the warriors. I stared up at him for a moment, and then an idea suddenly shot through my mind. I turned and rushed toward the bench where the other human women sat.

  I crouched down in front of them and looked at each directly in the eyes.

  "We were planned for our mates since birth, right?" The women nodded, "And we are the only human women who have ever been mated to Denynso men in the history of the clan, right?" They nodded again and I started to feel even more courageous, "So don't you think it is a little bit strange th
at in a clan that has never had a human woman mate, five are chosen in less than a year?"

  They glanced at each other and I saw their expressions grow nervous. Eden's hand drifted to the swell of her belly as if protecting the child that grew inside.

  "We don't know that there weren't other human women that were supposed to be mates. They just never came onto the planet, so their Denynso men didn’t find them. Each of us had a specific reason for being here. Maybe there would have been more bonds if there was a more open visiting policy."

  "No," Zuri said, meeting my eyes with an expression that said she was following my thought process, "It doesn't work that way. Samira's right. There is a reason that we all came here at the same time."

  "What are you thinking?" Eliana asked.

  "There are five of us. We each have our own skills and abilities. If war is coming, the enemies won't expect women to be a part of it, which means that we can band together and help our mates, and the rest of the warriors, finish this."

  The rest of the women nodded and I stood back up, turning to Pyra.

  "Bring us to the cave."

  The whispers started through the room again and I felt Ty come to my side.

  "What are you doing?" he said to me telepathically.

  I was still getting used to the ability for him to read my thoughts and for me to read his, but in that moment it seemed like he didn't want the others to hear him questioning me. I drew closer to his side and leaned in to him even though I knew I didn't actually have to be close to him to communicate through my mind.

  "Zuri suggested that I come here so that I could use my chemistry and biology knowledge to help with some healing potions. Maybe that's not all I can do, though."


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