Love Untamed

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Love Untamed Page 8

by Ra'Chael Ohara

  Swoon. My body is buzzing and my brain is so fuzzy that I’m having a hard time getting my mind to communicate to my mouth, so I nod.

  Brantley wraps his arms around my waist as he pulls me close to him. I rest my hand on his shoulder. We sway as he sings the words to “Let Me Down Easy” quietly in my ear.

  I’m lost in this moment. Every girl imagines a fairy tale moment like this, only in our minds we’re dressed in beautiful dresses and our hair is perfect.

  I’m dressed in a pair of yoga pants with an old t-shirt on. My hair is thrown in a messy bun on top of my head, and not a drop of makeup is on my face, but this moment right here surpasses any fantasy I have ever had. This is my fairy tale come true. I love Brantley Smith.

  As the music fades out, Brantley smoothly cup my ass. I pull back and raise an eyebrow at him. He shrugs and gives me a sheepish grin. “Come on, you can’t expect me to be that close to your ass and not try to cop a feel.”

  I can’t help it. I toss my head back and laugh harder than I have in I don’t know how long.

  When I look back at Brantley, his eyes are full of desire, and he looks like he wants to devour me. Wetness floods my panties. My bud is pulsing with need and I have to rub my legs together to get some kind of relief.

  “I think you have the sexiest laugh I have ever heard. I’m not sure I can wait another minute longer to get another taste of those pouty lips of yours.”

  No more words are exchanged after his confession. His lips land on mine.

  His kiss consumes all of my senses and all I can think is, I want more of him. I want all of him. Brantley learns this when I jump up—thankfully, he catches me—and wrap my legs around his waist.

  Before I know what’s happening, Brantley is walking us backwards and doesn’t stop until my back hits the wall. My hand makes its way to his hair—hair I’ve still yet to see down because it’s always in that sexy bun—and I pull a little, causing him to emit a low growl.

  That growl rocks through my body. More juices escape my core. Desperate for any kind of relief, I grind my pussy on his hard length.

  He rips his lips away from me and I want to cry. “We gotta stop,” he says breathlessly.

  I shake my head vehemently. No, we don’t need to stop. We need to continue this…with our clothes off.

  Brantley laughs when he sees the desperate look on my face. “Not stop for good, baby. Just stop for now, until I get you to my house and in my bed. Our first time won’t be in a fucking bar. Eventually, I’ll fuck you in the bar, but tonight I’m going to want to take my time with you, taste every inch of this gorgeous body.”

  An involuntary shiver runs through me at his whispered words. “Okay, but you’re gonna have to do…all that, at my house. I can’t leave Apollo alone overnight.”

  And the award for the stupidest thing to say after a man goes into detail about the wonderfully erotic things he would like to do to my body goes to…Eva Jones. Insert foot into mouth now.

  Brantley chuckles and pulls me close. “Deal, baby.”

  Chapter Eleven


  Okay, so when Brantley and I were still at The Tavern and I was all worked up? I was feeling a lot more confident. Now that we’re in his truck on our way to my house to do…well, you know, the confidence is vanishing.

  It’s not that I’m having second thoughts, exactly. Well, at least not about sleeping with him. I’m having second thoughts about myself and what he might think of me.

  Elliot was kind most of the time, but, like Pearl, he had plenty to say about my appearance. He just said it in a way he thought was nice. It hurt me, nonetheless, when he would make comments about my legs or the size of my butt. I found myself shying away from my reflection more and more.

  I don’t know how many women Brantley’s been with. Going on how flippin’ sexy he is, I would guess a lot. I’m scared that, compared to those girls and the pixie he was ‘friends’ with, I won’t measure up.

  I try to shake off my feelings. I will not let Pearl or Elliot take another thing from me. I’m going to go to my cabin and have crazy hot sex with Brantley Smith.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I look at Brantley. His left wrist is resting on the top of the steering wheel and he’s relaxed in that sexy driving pose guys do. How the hell is he so calm? He probably does this all the time. Nope, don’t go there, Eva.

  Throughout my inner debate, I haven’t taken my eyes off Brantley. When he turns his head to look at me, I snap my eyes back to the road in front of us. Good job, Eva. Very middle school of you. My face heats when I hear Brantley chuckle. I brave another quick glance to see he’s turned his attention back to the road.

  Oh my gosh, I’m about to have sex. With Brantley Smith. Cocky, arrogant, but sexy as hell, Brantley Smith. This isn’t real life. I’m dreaming. To check my theory, I pinch myself in the leg…hard.

  “Ouch,” I whisper, and rub the spot. Nope, definitely not dreaming.

  “Eva?” I jump when I hear Brantley call my name. When I look over at him, I see amusement on his face.


  “Did you just pinch yourself?” he half laughs out.

  Now I’m full-on blushing. “No.”

  I snort and look back to the road. I inhale a shaky breath when Brantley reaches over and places his hand on my thigh, just above my knee. My stomach churns in anticipation when he starts rubbing slow lines from my knee, stopping just short of my sex. He doesn’t say anything, which I’m thankful for. I don’t think I could form a complete sentence if I tried.

  All too soon, we are pulling up to Robert’s cabin, and now it’s raining cats and dogs. As Brantley parks, I quickly go over my plan. First, I’m going to excuse myself to take Apollo to the bathroom. I’m gonna do that, but what I’m also going to do is call up Char and beg her to calm me down.

  Brantley jumps out of the truck first and comes around to help me down. Once he makes sure my feet are firmly on the ground, he grabs my hand tightly and yells ‘run’ with a smile.

  We burst through my front door, laughing seconds later, but both soaked to the bone. Brantley closes my door and I immediately start rubbing my arms to warm up. We were both in such a big hurry to leave The Tavern, we left our coats behind.

  When our eyes connect again, neither of us say anything. We just stare, both breathing heavily. I don’t know what he’s thinking, but I’m thinking a dripping wet Brantley is just as sexy as a dry Brantley. The black t-shirt he’s wearing is now soaked and clinging to his abs and chest, causing the shirt to tighten even further with each heavy breath he takes, which, in turn, makes my core tighten. I want this man.

  I let my eyes travel from his chest down his stomach, stopping when I see the bulge behind his fly. My heart, which was already beating fast to begin with, beats even more rapidly. My eyes snap to his, but he’s not looking at me. He’s checking out my chest, and from the way he’s biting the corner of his bottom lip, and the hunger he has in his eyes, he likes what he sees.

  I look down and gasp. My t-shirt is wet and white, so it’s also see-through. “Dang it,” I say. I cross my arms over my chest to cover my perky nipples.

  “I don’t know why you bother covering them up, baby. I’m about to see them up close and personal in about two seconds any way.”

  I gulp.

  “Uh…well. I still want to do that, but I should really take Apollo out first. He’s been in that kennel for hours. He’s probably itchin’ to get out,” I stammer.

  Brantley crosses his arms over his chest and looks over my shoulder at Apollo’s kennel. It’s not long before he’s smiling. I turn towards the kennel and see that Apollo is fast asleep on his back with his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth.

  “Traitor,” I hiss at him, causing Brantley to rumble with laughter.

  I step back when Brantley takes a step toward me. He quirks an eyebrow and takes another step. I take another back. “Ya know, even if he is asleep right now, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have
to go. He’s just a baby, so I should really take him out.” While I’m saying all of this, I’m walking toward the front door.

  I’m so distracted by my rambling that I don’t hear Brantley walk up behind me. I freak out when I grab my cell off the stand by the front door and I hear his voice in my ear.

  “Why do you need your phone to take Apollo out?”

  “Oh shit!” I jump back. My head slams back and hits Brantley in the chin. Thankfully, I’m short and he’s tall or that could have been much worse.

  I groan when the pain radiates over my head and rub the spot that connected with Brant. I mumble, “Ouch” at the same time Brantley hisses, “Fuck.”

  I turn around and feel guilty when I see him rubbing his chin. “I am so sorry!” I apologize for what feels the like hundredth time since I met him. I rush over to him and move his hand out of the way so I can assess the damage I’ve done.

  “Are you okay?” I ask. That was a stupid question. Of course he’s not okay. You just ninja head butted him, Eva. “It doesn’t look like it’s bruising, but I should probably get some ice for you anyway.”

  When I start to move away, Brantley grabs my arm and stops me. “I’m fine, honey. How’s your head?”

  “Oh, it’s fine.” I wave off his concern and look down at my feet. This isn’t how I imagined this night going. Brant grabs my chin and raises my head so I’m looking into his eyes.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” he whispers.

  The intensity in his eyes makes my entire body vibrate. I nod. “I’m just really nervous,” I whisper. Brantley smirks at my confession. Not one of his usual cocky smirks, but one of understanding.

  “I think you need to stop thinking and relax.”

  I can’t stop my eye roll. “Easy for you to say,” I mumble. I expect him to laugh, but he doesn’t. He grabs my hand and walks to the light switch by the door. He turns it off, leaving the cabin almost completely cloaked in darkness. The only light is from the remnant of the fire I lit in the fireplace earlier.

  He leads us to the living room, finally stopping when we’re standing in front of the fireplace. He lets my hand go. He doesn’t say anything, just walks over to the stack of wood next to the fireplace and throws a couple of logs in.

  Once he gets the fire going, he walks back to me and gives me a too-brief kiss on my lips before walking away again. I track his movements with my eyes. He walks to the table by the breakfast nook and goes straight to my iPod dock. After a few seconds of him flipping through the music, he places the iPod back down and presses play. Imagine Dragons’s cover of “Stand By Me” floats through the air. I love this song.

  The fact that Brantley hasn’t said anything has all of my senses and nerves on high alert. When he starts to walk back toward the living room, I assume he’s coming to me, but he surprises me when he sits on the couch in front of me.

  Okay, what am I supposed to do here? I don’t have to wonder long.

  “Strip,” Brantley commands. My first thought? Fuck. That. He wants me to strip for him? I can’t do that. With my track record, I’ll probably trip and fall into the fire. What a flippin’ romantic ending that would be.

  But then I think screw that! I can be sexy. I’m about to channel my inner slut. With newfound confidence, I cross my arms in front of me, grab the hem of my white shirt, and bring it up and over my head before dropping it on the floor beside me.

  Before braving a look at Brantley, I do a quick check to make sure I’m wearing the matching red lace bra to my panties. Check. Thank God. Movement from the couch calls my attention and I look to see that Brantley has moved from his relaxed position on the couch to a hunched forward position with his elbows resting on his knees and his hands clasped, like in prayer, under his chin. His eyes have not left my body once and if the intense passion and the way he just licked his lips is any indication, he likes what he sees.

  This gives me the motivation I need to continue. My hands go to the top of my yoga pants. I slowly begin dragging them down my legs while Brantley’s eyes trace my every move. Once I’ve kicked those to the side, I move to undo my bra, but stop when Brantley shakes his head.

  He slowly stands, but doesn’t move toward me. Instead, he reaches his hands up and behind his neck. Grabbing the collar of his shirt, he pulls it over his head, leaving himself naked from the waist up. Sweet. Mother. Of. Mercy. If I wasn’t trying really hard not to ruin the mood, my tongue would be hanging out of my mouth and I would be panting like Apollo.

  I swear someone carved this guy out of stone. Not a single fucking flaw on him. I mean, come on. Who has an eight pack these days? Before I know what I’m doing, I’m taking a step toward him. I want to pout when Brantley shakes his head at me again, stopping me from coming any closer.

  He twirls his pointer finger in a circle, telling me to turn my back to him. I do. With my arms at my sides, I stand and face the fire. Moments pass. Then I feel heat at my back, announcing Brantley’s presence.

  I tremble when one of his hands goes to my waist, just above my underwear, and the other hand reaches up to my shoulder, where he begins to trace the curve of my neck, just below my jaw, and the top of my shoulder. He doesn’t stop there. He draws a line all the way down my arms, stopping at my wrist and leaving goosebumps in his wake.

  His other hand leaves my waist to grab my other wrist. He brings up both of my arms at the same time and hooks them around the back of his neck. Once I clasp my hands together, he lets go of my wrists and his hands make their way down my sides in a slow, smooth route.

  With every move he makes, my anticipation grows. I’m rubbing my thighs together, trying and failing to get any kind of reprieve from my pulsating center. I feel Brantley move his face into my neck, where he takes a deep breath, then releases it with a content sigh. I gasp when he nips my neck. It’s almost painful, but not quite.

  My heart rate kicks into high speed when his hands snake around the front of me, over my stomach and up until they reach my bra. Using his thumbs, he rubs small circles over each nipple, making them stiffer.

  He moves his thumbs underneath the nylon sides of my bra and guides them around my back. It takes him no time at all to undo the clasps of the back of my bra. He guides my bra down my arms by the straps, then discards it on the floor with the rest of my clothes.

  Juices pool my panties when I feel Brantley’s soft lips kissing in a line down my spine. The tickle from his beard only heightens my excitement. My stomach tightens into a knot of pleasure when I feel him grab the sides of my panties and slowly drag them down my legs. I squeak when Brantley reaches my ass and gives my right cheek a bite. When he comes to stand in front of me, he cups each side of my face and brings his mouth slowly down to mine.

  As soon as his lips are on mine, his tongue is begging for entrance. I instantly open my mouth and allow him in. Our mouths move in sync, our tongues caressing each other, the heat between us rising so high, the air is crackling.

  Brantley’s hands go to my ass and mine go to the button of his jeans. The need for him to be inside of me is too strong to wait much longer. I know he feels it too. Gone is the slow and soft caresses, and in its place is frantic movements.

  I finally get his button open and his zipper down. I waste no time reaching in and grabbing his fully erect cock. “Fuck,” he hisses against my lips. As I stroke his length, Brantley moves his lips to my neck, licking, nipping and sucking, driving me crazy.

  “I can’t wait much longer, Brantley. I need you inside of me,” I pant.

  “Fuck, baby.” I squeal when he grabs me under my arms and lifts me up. I immediately wrap my legs around his narrow hips. My giggle is swallowed by Brantley when his lips slam back down on mine. I’m so consumed by his kiss that I don’t realize Brantley is walking us toward the stairs.

  We stumble a few times, but finally make it to the bed, where he tosses me gracefully, causing me to giggle again. He wastes no time ridding himself of his jeans and boxers and climbing up from the fo
ot of the bed until he’s straddling my knees.

  “Watch me,” Brantley commands. He spreads his thighs wide and runs his hand down his chest until he reaches his tangle of black curls that his big thick dick is jutting out from underneath. I watch as he wraps his hand around himself and slowly begins to stroke.

  I’m hypnotized by his movements. My body is working itself higher and higher into a frenzy of arousal with each slow stroke he takes.

  “Touch yourself.” I waste no time obeying. I leisurely snake my hand down my body until I reach my drenched cunt. Using my pointer finger and my ring finger, I rub small, quick circles, all the while never taking my eyes from where Brantley is fondling himself. The faster he goes, the faster I go, our movements never breaking rhythm.

  It’s only when he talks again that I look back into his eyes. “I’ve thought about this since the day I met you, Eva. You naked, lying in bed with your long beautiful brown hair spread over a pillow. I knew it would be beautiful, but I was dead wrong. Having you like this is fucking magnificent.”

  His words and the passion behind them makes my climax build even faster. I squeeze my eyes closed and arch my body as I pick up the pace.

  “Shit, you’re so beautiful right now.”

  I’m so close. I can feel it. I’m just about to tip over the edge when the bed shakes and Brantley’s knees disappear. He grabs each of my knees, spreading me open to him.

  “Damn, baby, you have the prettiest pussy,” he growls. I still don’t open my eyes. My movements are frantic and jerky. So close. So. Fucking. Close.

  Then Brantley pushes my hand away. My eyes fly open just in time to see him dip toward my wet core. As soon as the tip of his tongue connects with my throbbing bud, I’m lost. When he plunges his thick, long finger inside me, I fall over that edge I was teetering on and into an abyss of pleasure, arousal, and excitement.

  My mind is so seized by the phenomenal pleasure humming through me that I can’t keep my eyes open or my body still. “Open your eyes, Eva! Watch me drink up your sweet come. So fucking good, baby. So. Fucking. Good,” Brantley says over my loud moans.


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