Freeing a Tiger's Soul (Tiger Series)

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Freeing a Tiger's Soul (Tiger Series) Page 2

by Anderson, Amanda

  A low warning growl rumbled in the room, but Angelica refused to acknowledge it. She had been angry at Deaglan for days and ignored him completely.

  She made her way into the Baily and knelt beside Evan who was still weeping bitterly. She placed her small hand on his naked back.

  “Evan. You should not grieve so. He is not condemned. He will be well cared for in the tower room. We will find a way to help him. I swear it to you. There must be a way. Krisi is of the Fairborn. She will find a way to help him. She is his mate, you know she is. You mustn’t lose hope.”

  Evan looked up at Angelica and was struck with her beauty. Her hair shown as fire in the early morning light and her eyes were a deep amber.

  He cleared his throat, embarrassed that she had seen his weakness.

  “I thank ye lass. Yer words are a comfort to me.”

  Angelica threw her arms around Evan and he accepted her embrace until she was pulled from his grasp by an enraged Deaglan.

  Evan didn’t get the time to apologize before Angelica launched a small fist at the warrior’s jaw. It connected with a smack and Deaglan’s eyes widened.

  “Keep your great meaty fists off of me! I will not allow you to handle me!”

  Angelica jerked free of Deaglan’s grasp and rushed into the cool interior of the keep.

  Evan found himself chuckling when his eyes met those of his friend.

  “What heave ye done to rile her so?” Evan asked.

  Deaglan’s cheeks mottled with a faint redness and Evan only laughed harder.

  “’Tis nay my fault. The lass is too headstrong for her own good. I have done naught, but be a respectable mate.” Deaglan insisted.

  Evan pulled himself to his feet unembarrassed by his nudity although Deaglan had covered himself with a long cloak. “I see that you will not tell me what it is she is being headstrong about.”

  Deaglan looked sheepish as he stared at the ground.

  “She wants to change.” He confided in a low voice.

  “She is only fifteen. She cannay expect ye to take her at such an age. She will need to grow a bit don’t ye think? Three more years at the very least I would think.”

  “Aye. I agree with ye. Liam says five, but I cannay wait that long for her. She is driving me mad.”

  “Ye have not touched her have ye? She will be worse when she begins to awaken.”

  “Aye. I have tried to keep her at arm’s length, but she is insistent that there is no need for us to wait. We are mated as firmly as we can be without the act being done, but she is insisting on that as well. I fear Liam would have my balls on a spike if I cannot control myself.”

  “Aye he would. Perhaps ye should mark her. It would give her a measure of change if not the full ability.”

  Deaglan shook his head. “Liam will nay allow it. He thinks that the act and the marking should be done at the same time. He was furious at me for a week for even suggesting it. He swore to send me to the wolves for a whole year if I asked again.”

  Evan laughed at the truth in the statement as he walked inside and up to his chamber to dress thankful for once that he did not have a young mate to tend to.


  Krisi sat in her the chamber that she was always given when she visited Cara. It was a lovely room with a huge bed hung with dark blue curtains. Krisi often sat in the window and gazed out to the forest where she knew Euan had made his home. She had even walked the parapets on occasion hoping to catch a glimpse of him in his glade.

  She had been too young to go to him when she felt the pull of her mate. Her father had forbidden her to be anywhere near the man who would be her future. She had stayed away, but she had stayed near too. She wanted to feel his arms around her, but she knew that in his madness it would not be wise. The darkness that had almost killed her all those years ago had attacked him too through their mating bond, which no one knew existed. No one knew of his turmoil until she had seen it in his eyes and felt it ripping through her very soul. She feared the darkness and she was too frightened to help Euan. She felt useless and wept bitterly for her shortcomings.

  She heard the sound of the horn in the baily and knew it signaled approaching horses. She hoped it would be James or even Eva. There had been a grand party planned to celebrate the birthday of Angelica as well as the rescue of Eva MacKinnon and the peace treaty between wolf and tiger. Fifteen years had passed in peace between the once bitter enemies and Liam felt it was cause to celebrate. The party was to take place here at McNeal castle because of the vast lands that surrounded it. The guests would be able to change and hunt with little fear of discovery from the outside world. Many prominent families were to attend.

  The Stewart was not going to be able to attend however which was unfortunate. He had matters to deal with in London and would not make it back in time to join the party, but he sent his regrets.

  Krisi stood on her toes and tried to see who approached. She let out a squeal when she recognized the standard to be that of The MacKinnon and she ran from her room. She would soon feel the soothing comfort of Eva’s presence as well as Cara’s. They had been very close in the past few years. They were bonded since the night Eva and Cara saved Krisi from the darkness. They were tied together with bonds that were unbreakable and Krisi knew that only they would be able to lift even a portion of her sadness.

  She waited impatiently at the gates as the party grew closer. She heard a shout and knew that Eva had spotted her. She ran out to meet them and found herself lifted from the ground by strong arms. She looked up in surprise as Darren placed her in the saddle before him.

  “Eva would never forgive me if I didn’t protect you, little sister.” He whispered in her ear as he turned his horse and rode back to the approaching party.

  They were all soon ensconced at the long low table in the great hall. No one had mentioned Euan and his sorrow was weighing on Krisi’s mind. She looked up to find Darren MacKinnon watching her closely.

  “I will go with ye lass. We will see to him now if you like. He may be hungry. We will bring him his nooning meal.”

  She nodded gratefully and rose. Darren smiled down at his wife and led Krisi to the tower where her mate sat chained to the wall.

  Darren could feel the pain emanating off the small fair woman beside him as they made their way to the tower room. She was trying to mask her heart rending agony behind a cool mask of calm, but she was fooling no one. Eva was hurting for her and that made Darren want to help even more. He could not stand for his mate to be hurt in any way and this circumstance was torturing her and making her feel helpless.

  Eva had become very close to the young elfin girl since she aided Darren in Eva’s rescue so many years ago. If it hadn’t been for Krisi and her kind Darren knew that he would have probably lost Eva and his own life as well. He was grateful for them and he would always be in their debt.

  They reached the heavy oaken door that held Euan prisoner and Krisi gasped as she felt his closeness. Darren too felt the sorrow of his friend as well as his confusion as to what was happening to him. Darren’s power over the mind gave him a better insight into the pain Euan was experiencing and he hoped to be able to strengthen Euan enough to allow him to remove the restraints and embrace his mate for the first time.

  He took a deep breath and turned to Krisione.

  “Are you ready?”

  She nodded. Her big blue eyes glowed slightly in the dimness of the corridor and he was reminded again of her heritage. If her silver hair and pointed ears would allow him to forget. He smiled and reached for the key that hung by the door.

  “Is it odd that he would be brought here instead of the dungeons?” Krisi asked before Darren opened the door.

  “Nay. Liam would not lock a friend in a place like that. This room is a prison, but it is comfortable. If Euan behaves himself he will be set free in here at least until we figure out how to help him. That is our goal. We intend to find a way to help him. We will not see him harmed or punished for something he cannay help.�

  “Will you give me your word on that?” Her eyes were fierce as they burned into Darren’s.

  “Aye. Ye have my oath on it. I’ll see that no harm comes to him.”

  She seemed to melt in front of him as her fear left her.

  “Thank you.”

  Darren only nodded and opened the heavy door.


  Euan was in agony. His body was so wracked with desire that he could think of nothing else. His arms were strung tight above his head preventing him from even attempting to relieve the ache on his own. He wanted to rage at Liam for locking him up, but he was angry more at himself. What had come over him? He remembered attacking Evan in his rage. He wondered if his brother was hurt.

  His mind clouded when he heard the faint sound of a musical voice floating to him on the wind. His heart leapt at the sound even as the fog threatened him again. Then he felt a familiar push and knew that his friend was there to help him fight off the darkness.

  When the door opened his eyes met those of his longtime friend, Darren MacKinnon. Darren’s eyes glowed red in the dim light of the room. Even though it was midday the heavy curtains had been drawn over the window rendering the room dim.

  “Darren.” Euan breathed.

  He knew his friend was powerful in the ways of the mind and if any could help him fight this curse it would be Darren.

  “I have brought your mate with me Euan. Would you like to see her?” Darren’s words were spoken with a low calming lilt that lessened Euan’s fear instantly. Euan also felt the Scot in his mind reassuring him that all would be well.

  “God yes. Please help me Darren. Don’t allow me to hurt her.”

  “I will protect your mate.”

  Euan nodded and then lost all thought as Krisi stepped into the room. Her eyes glowed with the inner light of her people and her hair glistened in the dim light. She wore another tunic that fell just above her knees. This one was the palest blue and made her eyes look otherworldly. Her soft tan breeches clung to her toned legs and her boots hugged her to her knees. She stood and regarded him as less than the warrior he had seen earlier. Now she was meek and submissive. His Tiger fought to claim her, to take what she unknowingly offered him.

  Euan’s breath caught in his throat. He had never beheld a creature so lovely. How could he be so blessed to have a mate so ravishingly beautiful and so strong and willing to give herself to him?

  He winced as he felt the darkness moving in his mind and heard a grunt from Darren. He looked to the huge man standing by his mate and saw the strain on his face.

  “I will control it for a time Euan, but I am not sure how long I will be able to do so. How have you lived with this for so long?” Admiration warmed Darren’s eyes and made them glow with the unholy light that so many feared.

  “It has become worse of late.” Euan answered giving Darren a meaningful look to relay that it was worse with Krisi about. “Will you unbind me so I can touch her? ‘Tis torture beyond bearing to be this close and not touch her.”

  “Aye. I will. I know the strain you are under.”

  Darren stumbled to Euan and unbound him.

  Euan stood and looked to Krisi’s worried face and remembered her words from their time in the glade. He held open his arms and she ran to him. He grunted and smiled as she hit his chest knocking him against the wall.

  “I am sorry Krisione. I would never hurt you if I were in my right mind. I held on as long as I could so you could escape me. You did well to make haste. You are very wise lass.”

  “I am so sorry I could not come to you long ago. I did not know of your pain. Forgive me, please forgive me and don’t turn me away. I think I would die if you denied me.” Tears ran down her pale face and wrenched at Euan’s heart.

  “It is done. I am honored to be your mate Krisi. I am blessed that you would find me worthy of yer love and allegiance.” Euan said as he pressed his lips to hers and felt as if he finally lived again. His world seemed to brighten as her love flowed into him. He felt strong and good again. He pulled her against his muscled frame and pressed his growing need against her soft flesh. She gasped into his mouth when she felt his iron hard staff pressing into her stomach.

  “Are you in pain Euan?”

  “Aye lass, but it is a sweet ache I have yearned for. A man needs to feel desire to ken he still lives and from the strength of my desire for ye I have no doubt. We will see to it soon enough,” he paused and looked to Darren. Seeing the strain on his friend’s face he knew his time was running short.

  “I want you too Euan. I don’t understand the feelings I am overwhelmed with, but I know you will help me.”

  “Aye Lass, I want that too, but I will not be able to love ye today, though for I fear you must leave me, but you have given me the strength to fight again. You have given me a reason. I vow that I will hold you in my arms without fear very soon.”

  Krisi marveled at Euan’s appearance. With Darren fighting the darkness Euan looked younger and his hair… it was as red as a cherry. She allowed her fingers to caress his scalp and sift the silky strands through her fingers. He sighed and leaned into her touch.

  He allowed his mouth to take hers again as his hands gently roamed over her curves. He ran his hands up her arms and to her face. He allowed the tips of his fingers to rest on her slightly pointed ears as he kissed her perfect lips.

  Krisi shuttered in his arms.

  “You are a miracle to me Krisi. I will find a way to conquer this blackness and I will be what you desire me to be. Please do not lose faith in me.”

  “I will never lose hope.”

  Krisi marveled at the tender way Euan touched her and the desire that seemed to flow through her body. Euan made her feel cherished as he gently caressed her flesh. She knew that she would love him fiercely. Even now she could feel the stirrings in her very soul to mate with him and claim him for all eternity, but she knew the time was wrong. She would wait. She had waited thirty one years to be touched by a man in the way Euan was touching her now and she would wait a hundred if it meant she would be with him and no other.

  She allowed him to kiss her neck and she did not even flinch when she felt his teeth scrape against the slender column of her neck. She turned her head and allowed him to taste her there.

  Euan marveled at the trust shining in his mate’s eyes. His body was a raging ache and he wanted to claim this woman as his own. His teeth lengthened and he placed his hands in Krisi’s rounded bottom and pulled her in close as he lowered his head again.

  When Krisi felt the prick of his teeth she flinched only slightly and then felt the rush of heat in her belly as he lapped at the rich blood that seeped from the wound. He kneaded the twin globes of her rear and pressed against her rhythmically.

  “You are mine now Krisione. I mark ye as my mate and my life. I make this vow to you before God. I will have no other as long as I live and I will love no other even unto eternity. You are my mate and I will die to protect you. I will plant my seed within your belly and protect you and our children all the days of this life and the next.”

  He leaned down and pressed his mouth to her neck again and sucked once more, hard. She felt the suction in her groin and she shrieked as her body began to convulse in his arms. His tongue stroked her neck as she came back to him. She looked into his deep brown eyes with half lidded ones of her own.

  “I want you to love me Euan.”

  “I know. I will and soon.” He said and they both knew he meant more than physically. He inhaled deeply and smiled as he nuzzled his nose against the warm flesh of her neck.

  “There is no scent more precious to me than that of a satisfied woman, but I admit the smell of a satisfied mate is sweeter.”

  Krisi gasped at his words. She cast her eyes around the room until they landed on Darren. He was not looking at her, but she could see a faint smile curving his lips and her face flamed. “Can he smell what just happened?” She whispered urgently.

  “Aye, Love.” He lifted her c
hin and kissed her lips. “It is a lovely aroma Krisi. Do not be ashamed of loving me. I think my heart would break if I thought I brought ye shame.”

  Her eyes were huge and filled with confusion.

  “I am not ashamed of you Euan, but it is private, what we do.”

  “Aye lass, ye’ll learn that very little is private here. ‘Tis not something that is discussed and is often overlooked entirely.” He lowered his voice. “I have marked ye Krisi. My scent is about ye now and they will notice. ‘Tis my wish for everyone to ken that ye are mine. Are ye sorry?”

  “No!” She nuzzled his chest with her pert little nose and inhaled his scent. “I want them to know too.”

  He sighed deeply. “You must go now Krisi. I feel Darren’s strength ebbing and I want you safely out of here when it does.”

  She kissed him one last time and walked out the door. Darren met his friend’s eye and Euan saw the misery there.

  “I have fought it far longer than ye have. I well ken its power. Leave me and then release it back to me. I will take it gladly now that I have tasted her sweetness. I will never be able to repay you for this gift, Darren.”

  Darren felt tears threaten his control. He saw his friend in the man before him as he had not seen him in many years. The Euan he remembered with the flaming red hair and quick smile stood before him and he knew that he would vanish the moment he allowed the darkness to take him again. Darren couldn’t speak. He wanted to rage at the cruelty of this malady. He wanted to curse at the ridiculous torture of a good man, but he couldn’t. All he could do was nod and walk from the room on shaking legs. Krisi pulled the door closed and locked it as Darren sank to the floor pale and shaking with exhaustion.

  The moment the door was locked Darren let out a huge sigh and Krisi heard the howl of pain from behind the door. Her heart broke at the pain she could feel flowing from her mate. She pressed her cheek against the cool wooden door and wept bitterly. She opened her mind and felt for Euan. She felt his terror and his agony. She forced the darkness away from him and felt his relief instantly.


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