Trouble with Wolves: An urban fantasy romance novel (Magic and Bone Book 1)

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Trouble with Wolves: An urban fantasy romance novel (Magic and Bone Book 1) Page 5

by Danielle Annett

  “You don’t consider me a threat?” Her eyes narrowed with determination. She stalked forward and fuck if that didn’t make my dick twitch.

  “Oh, you’re plenty threatening. But you and I both know you don’t have to be. I have a sneaking suspicion you don’t want to be either.”

  She stopped three steps away from me.

  “What’s the catch?” She folded her arms over her chest, pushing her breasts up higher. I couldn’t stop my gaze from following the movement.

  “No catch. I’m here for a little while. It’d be nice if we could get to know one another.”

  Her nostrils flared. “Why?”

  God, she was sexy. “Things didn’t go well today. One of the town’s people was attacked. I think if you got to know the town, and they got to know you, maybe things wouldn’t be so tense around here.”

  She chewed her lower lip as a look of concentration stole over her face.

  “I have a feeling this wasn’t the first unprovoked attack. It’d be nice if, you know,” I shrugged my shoulders. “If the townsfolk didn’t have to look over their shoulders every time they stepped into the forest.”

  Her face darkened. “It wasn’t unprovoked. Your man was discussing how best to slaughter my Pack.”

  Fuck. Okay, she had me there. But still…

  “They’re just words,” I countered.

  “Words can be the spark needed to start a fire. If enough people believe his words, what do you think would happen next? Hmmm?” She didn’t pause long enough to let me answer. “We’re not stupid. We know the humans want to eliminate us. They already cut down our trees, dirty our waters, and hunt our food source close to extinction. Nothing is enough for them. They take and take, without any regard for those whose forest they encroach upon. And now we have to worry about them hunting us like animals?”

  There was something haunting in her features, beautiful and goddamn terrifying at the same time when she was angry like this.

  “Look,” I exhaled a sharp breath. “I’m not saying what Maxus said was alright. And I’m not agreeing with him. But attacking him for an opinion only does him and others like him more favors. The people are afraid. Shifters are stronger, faster, and have the capacity to be lethal.”

  “So do humans—”

  “It’s not the same and you know it.”

  She clamped her mouth shut.

  “Don’t pretend to be as ignorant as they are.”

  Lips pressed in a tight line, she looked away.

  I took a step forward and reached out, placing my hand on the bare skin of her elbow. We both looked down, seeing my darker brown skin against her sun kissed flesh. My thumb stroked her elbow in small circles almost as if my hands had a mind of their own, before sliding up to wrap around her bicep.

  I tugged her closer, and she gasped, her body now flush against mine.

  Her hands came up between us, pressed flat against my chest. I stared into her eyes, taking her in. “We don’t have to be enemies. I’m not your enemy.”

  Her lips parted, her tongue peaking out to wet her bottom lip.

  Fuck, I wanted to kiss her. I wanted to do more than kiss her.

  But I wasn’t here for a quick fuck.

  I had a job to do. I needed to earn her trust, and trying to screw her the first time we met wasn’t the way to do that, so I released her.


  He released me and the world tilted. I adverted my eyes, heart suddenly thumping, all from a simple touch.

  I tried and failed to gather my wits.

  God, what was wrong with me? He was just a man. An attractive one, sure. But he was a human, and I had never been intimate with one before. I’d never wanted to be with a human before.

  Was that the reason for my sudden interest? Curiosity, maybe? It had to be.

  But I couldn’t let my attraction toward him interfere with the task at hand.

  He’d offered me peace on a silver platter, and while I wanted to jump at it, something held me back. This was too easy. There had to be a catch, because there was always a catch. He might not be my enemy, but that didn’t make him my friend.

  “If you’re just passing through, why do you want to fix things between the Pack and the people?”

  Red ran a hand over his close-cropped head, his muscles bunching beneath the thin fabric of his T-shirt. I wondered what he looked like without his shirt on. If his body was as appealing without clothes… I shook myself. It’d been a while since I’d shared skin privileges with anyone. That was all this attraction was.

  Not for the first time I cursed Embry and his damn possessiveness. If the other men in the Pack weren’t so afraid of him I’d be able to get laid and my attraction to Red wouldn’t feel so extreme.

  “I’m from the states. After the Awakening things were tense, but we’ve integrated. There isn’t this open hostility between factions.” He sighed. “My sister works for the HPED. She tries to build bridges, tries to show humans and paranormals how to coexist.” A shrug of his shoulders. “I don’t like seeing the ‘in your face’ prejudices.”

  I scowled. “Why not? What difference does it make to you?”

  He rolled his eyes with exaggerated emphasis. “You’re kidding, right?”

  I shook my head, not seeing what he was implying.

  “I’m a black man. I’ve faced prejudices my entire life. Bias for any reason isn’t something I’d ever be on bored with.”

  I took a deep breath through my nose. Truth. Interesting. But why did the color of his skin matter? Sure, he was darker than my sun kissed complexion but I liked it. Liked the way his skin looked against mine. The Pack was varying shades of golden brown, all descending from the same Cree tribe, but I didn’t think any of them would care if someone had darker or lighter skin.

  We cared about strength and how one could contribute to the Pack.

  The humans of Lethbridge were significantly fairer, but that wasn’t the reason we distrusted them.

  “Okay. Thank you.” I gave him another once over, wanting to put my plan into motion but worried all the same. “Do you think the people of Lethbridge and my Pack could coexist? Find a way to live side by side without all the fighting?”

  He nodded. “It’s not unheard of. Shapeshifters always stick with their Packs. It’s not common to find a shifter living next-door to a human or anything like that. But in most cities you see shifters, humans, and vampires go to the same bars, the same stores. No one bats an eye at it. It’s normal, accepted.”

  “Will you help me get our people to that point? Where we’re accepted?”

  “I can try. If you’re leading, you have more control over how your Pack responds—”

  “I—I’m not. I’m not my Pack’s Alpha.”

  “Oh.” Disappointment washed over his face.

  “My father is,” I rushed to say.

  “Sorry.” He grinned. “I didn’t mean to sound disappointed. The Hounds thought you were in charge. I guess you’re the one they see around the most.”

  I nodded. I could see how they would assume that. My father would have been more present if he were younger, but with his time drifting away—I picked up in the areas he would normally be. But I couldn’t tell him that. I wouldn’t spill Pack secrets and let the humans know our Alpha was frail and growing weak.

  “You would have been the first female Alpha I’d come across.” Another shrug, “It would have been cool.”

  “Oh. Okay.” This time it was my turn to sound disappointed. “I’m hoping to be. My Pack’s next Alpha, I mean. When my father steps down. But…”

  “But it’s rare and you have some obstacles,” he finished for me.

  I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded.

  Red paced the space in front of me, a look of determination on his face. “Maybe we can help one another. What do you think?”

  My mind flashed to the type of help my body wanted from Red. Images of tangled limbs and sweat-coated bodies rose to the surface of my mind.<
br />
  I cleared my throat. “I’m open to working together. I won’t screw you, so long as you don’t screw me.”

  “Okay,” he coughed. “I can work with that.”

  Red half-frowned, half smiled, like I’d said something amusing but he didn’t know if I was joking or not. I wasn’t, for the record. Because if this was all some sort of game to him, getting screwed over was the least of his worries.

  I folded my arms across my chest, autumn’s chill sweeping over me. The sun was setting and darkness crept over the forest.

  “Shit, your cold.” Red reached to tug his jacket off and extended his arm to me.

  I stared at his offered coat, a dizzying feeling coursing through me. Did he want me to take it? Was this a test?

  Arm still extended, he frowned. “Is there something wrong with it?” he asked. He held the jacket to his nose, took a deep breath and then shrugged. “Smells alright. Here.” He held it back out again.

  “Um…” I reached out and accepted the jacket. Our fingers brushed against one another and I froze, my gaze locked on his hand.

  Red released the coat, forcing me to grab it lest it fall on the ground. I shoved my bare arms through it and wrapped it tightly around my body.

  His scent enveloped me. Evergreens with a touch of spice.

  I wanted to burrow inside of it, but refrained from doing more that zipping it closed and tucking my hands into the pockets. It was huge. The sleeves went several inches past my hands and the hem fell nearly to my knees, swallowing up my frame, but I liked it.

  Red made me feel off balance and helter skelter. I didn’t know how to act around him. He was a mystery wrapped in an enigma, completely unlike the people of Lethbridge. No other human would have offered me their coat. Then again, no other human would have stopped to have a conversation with me either.

  “Thank you.”

  He nodded, his eyes brightening. I’d almost forgotten how light they were. The color of moss in the spring with brown and bits of honey intermixed.

  “No problem. Looks good on you.”

  I blushed. “So, umm…”

  “Right.” He smiled. “We should probably come up with a plan.”

  I looked up at the darkening sky, a frown tugging at the corners of my mouth. “It’s getting late. You shouldn’t stay in the forest after dark. More than my Pack inhabits these woods.”

  He nodded. “Tomorrow?”

  “Tomorrow,” I agreed.

  I’d spend this evening devising an agreement that worked for both of us. If he and the townspeople were willing to meet us halfway, this could work. I could prove to my father that I was ready to lead. I could bring peace and stability to my people. I could take up the mantel of Alpha.


  I groaned as I rolled over in bed and surveyed the room around me. My dick was hard as steel, and I knew exactly who was responsible for last night’s dreams and today’s morning wood.

  Stroking my dick, I let visions of Lindy come to mind. Fuck, she was sexy. I envision it was her hand stroking me. Her mouth sucking on my cock.

  My hips involuntarily arched forward, release close. I stroked myself harder, faster… so fucking close.

  I closed my eyes and drew up the image of when she’d shifted. Bare sun-kissed skin covered by nothing but white-blonde hair hanging over pert, full breasts.

  Fuck. My mouth watered and my release tore through me, leaving me panting for breath. I sat up, my entire body shaking, covered in a thin sheen of sweat, and stared at my still half-hard cock. That hadn’t been enough. I wanted more. Wanted her.

  I scrubbed my hand over my head and moved to clean up the mess I’d made. I needed to get my head on straight and think with my brain, not my cock. But right now, all I could think about was how I could get inside of her.

  I needed to earn her trust to figure out where her Den was. I knew if I asked she wouldn’t volunteer the information and I didn’t want to tip her off to what I was after but… indecision warred with me.

  Now that I’d met her, spoken to her, she was a person, not just some nameless face. And what I was going to do— I shook the apprehension away. I had a job to do. I couldn’t let my conscience get in the way of that. I needed the money, and I needed to find Caroline. That’s what was most important.

  If I could help Lindy out along the way, maybe smooth things over between the Pack and the town then all the better. I was happy to help. But my first priority needed to be finding the Den and getting paid and then finding my sister. I couldn’t lose sight of that regardless of what my cock wanted.

  I took a cold shower, rubbing out another orgasm to images of Lindy before my dick decided it was finally ready to calm down. Dressing in a pair of loose fitted jeans and a black thermal shirt, I slipped on my boots and headed in search of Alton Devereaux.

  Outside, the sun hung high in the sky, but it wasn’t enough to shake off the morning chill. I should have worn a coat,, but I hadn’t bothered getting mine back from Lindy last night. A part of me liked that she wore it. Liked seeing her in something that was mine.

  I strode toward the town’s center and cursed under my breath when Halbread stepped into my path.

  “Red.” He tipped his head in greeting.

  I grunted but kept moving.

  Halbread fell into step beside me, his hands shoved firmly into his pockets. “Roland tells me you went back into the woods yesterday.”

  Of course he did. That man couldn’t keep anything to himself.

  “Your point?”

  Halbread stepped in front of me, bringing me to a stop. Arms folded over his chest, he leveled his gaze at me. “My point is, I want to know what you found.”

  I brushed past him. “I don’t work for you, Halbread,” I reminded him.

  His long limbs closed the gap between us as he caught up. “I’m the one protecting these people. I deserve answers.”

  I snorted. “I have none for you.”

  He reached out, his fingers gripping the front of my shirt, and military instinct took hold. I grabbed his wrist with one hand and his elbow with the other, jerking him forward into my body. He stumbled and I used his momentum to twist him away, forcing his arm behind his back and kicking his leg out to bring him to his knees.

  I pressed down on him, forcing him to curl into himself as I jerked his arm higher up his back.

  He hissed in pain and struggled against my hold.

  Not a single muscle of mine moved with his efforts. I held him on the ground until I could steady my breathing. Adrenaline coursed through me, and the sudden gasps that echoed around me had me closing my eyes and forcing my hands to release him.

  I let go and took three measured steps back.

  It had all happened in a matter of seconds. I hadn’t even thought before I acted.

  I swore under my breath and waited as Halbread got himself to his feet. This was why I didn’t carry weapons on me. I’d spent years working on my reaction to violence and every time I thought I was getting better, more normal, something like this would happen.

  I cursed Halbread and his damn temper. Cursed him for making mine rise to the surface.

  As he regained his feet, Halbread leveled me with an ice-cold glare. His chest rose with heavy breaths but it didn’t prevent him from rising to his full height and glaring at me.

  I met his glare with one of my own.

  “I still want those answers.”

  “We don’t always get what we want,” I told him, and continued on my way. Almost to my destination, I paused and looked over my shoulder. Halbread hadn’t moved. He stayed rooted in place, watching me walk away. I tipped my chin, waiting for his acknowledgement before I said, “Touch me again and I won’t be held responsible for the condition I leave you in.”

  He nodded, thinly veiled hatred brimming in his eyes before he turned and walked away in the opposite direction.

  As I stepped into the dimly lit room, Alton lifted his head from the weathered tomb he’d been reading, his f
ingers distractedly scraping across the polished wood of his desk.

  “Red.” His voice was gravely with age. “I take it you have an update for me?” He set the book aside as I neared, flashing me a weak smile before returning his attention to the desk with a frown. It looked like he had worn slight grooves in the wood with his fingernails before I’d arrived, and even as I watched, they quickly went back to work at the task.

  Stepping further into the small room, I closed the door behind me and took one of the seats in front of him. “I do,” I said. Silence stretched between us and I watched as Alton scoured the desk again and again, a furrow between his brows and his shoulders hunched forward.

  “Well, out with it then.”

  I sighed. Moments like this it became increasingly obvious why the town was losing faith in the man. “I spoke with one of the wolves. The Alpha’s daughter.”

  Alton’s head snapped up, shrewd eyes taking me in. “You spoke with her?”

  I nodded.

  “And what did you learn?”

  I leaned back into my chair. “Nothing much. She’s the white wolf Halbread goes on about being their leader.” I snorted at his mistake. “She isn’t. The Alpha, that is. Her father is. And she’s a she, obviously. But she’s level headed and I think I can work with her.” I shrugged my shoulders.

  “Work with her how? I didn’t hire you to—”

  With a hand raised, I cut him off. “I know. But, she isn’t going to just tell me where the Den is, and three weeks of searching through the woods aimlessly hasn’t gotten us any closer, either. I’m going to build trust between us. Give her a reason to confide in me.”

  He nodded, his milky blue eyes lost in thought. “Very well. How long do you think before you have the location?”

  I frowned. There was no real way to gauge how long it would take to get her to open up to me. I wanted to earn her trust quickly, but I also wanted the chance to spend more time with her. Get to know her—

  “Complete the task in two weeks or less and I’ll double your rate.”

  My eyes widened. I was already being paid a fair amount for my work, but double—


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