of business administration, 702
and elite families’ preparations for exile, 494
favored by Kim Jong-il, 644
parental role, 165–168
school building program, 58
schools in political prison camps, 299
science, 473
teachers, 405
universities, 377–378, 432–433
vocational schools, 306
See also Kim Il-sung University; Mangyongdae Revolutionary School; Namsan School
egalitarianism, 100, 347, 366, 367, 501, 519
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 86
elections, 114, 116, 270, 551, 694
enemies’ role in preserving regime power, 107, 111, 513
energy, 177
coal, 393, 503
competition for, between military and
civilian sectors, 505
firewood, corn husks, 393, 405
nuclear (for peaceful use), 435–436, 437–438, 497, 565, 635
petroleum, 391, 442, 468, 483, 645
See also Korean People’s Army (KPA): fuel supply
entrepreneurs, moneyed class
ideological recognition, 661, 665–666, 700
environmental pollution, 438, 479, 627
espionage, 372
against North, 6, 95, 126, 436
“reality training” for, in South Korean–style conspicuous consumption, 539
See also infiltration; Pueblo incident
Kim Jong-il
reasons to grant, 452, 455
preparations, 494
other top elite’s secret 1990s plans for, 494
See also punishment: banishment (internal exile)
face, 110, 456, 561, 577, 645
factions, 501
in Korean communist movement, 30–31, 38, 55–56, 61, 544
See also domestic faction; partisans; purges;
Soviet Koreans; Yenan faction
“failed state,” 492
divided between North and South, 143–144
punishment for relatives’ offenses, 290, 297
divorce to avoid, 599
leniency policies, 416, 572, 617, 631
suicide’s family deemed traitors, 607
relationships within, 398
role of, in ideology, 404
family background, status and, 112, 226–234, 301, 309, 310–311, 399–400, 408, 412, 419, 421, 459, 537, 544, 620
cash crops introduced, 663
collectivization, 8, 102–104, 162, 265, 359
policy criticized by opponents, 106, 111, 358
Chonsam-ri, cooperative farm, 160–164
Chongsan-ri method, 163
eclipsed by industry, 96
fertility, compared with South’s, 51, 63–64
Haksan cooperative farm, 359–360
hillside planting, 4, 57, 162, 224, 393, 614
irrigation, 161
individual plots, 103, 358, 359, 662
as support network for landless relatives, 663
leased land, Russian Far East, 561
livestock, 358–359, 427, 468, 531–532
mechanization, 163, 184–185, 468
model farms, 8
soil types, 184, 358
weather, effects from, 103
Fate of a Self-Defense Corps Man, 251–252
fisheries, 480
flooding, 552, 553, 556
effect on coal mines, 643
Flower Girl, 254, 272, 326, 327, 361–362
flunkeyism, 9, 88, 89, 108–109, 111
cannibalism, 618
corn (maize) as substitute for rice, 103, 117, 563–564
famine, 308, 552–553
death toll, 552, 561, 571, 618
rental coffins, 624
grain trading (black market), 103, 500, 517
affecting loyalty, 386
enhancing fighting spirit, 513–514
malnutrition, stunted growth, ulcers, kidney and liver dysfunction, skin discoloration, 308, 309, 428, 431, 552–553
meat, 449, 458, 500
pine bark, corn cobs, “green porridge,” 622–623
rationing, 103, 308, 405, 428
irregularity, suspension of distribution, due to shortage, 308, 312, 491, 500, 531
priority recipients, regional imbalances, 418, 560–561, 564, 565, 572, 576, 623–624
rice aid (1984) to South, 342, 392, 415, 427
“rice and meat soup,” promised by Kim Il-sung, 97
shortages, 405
in 1940s, 54, 58, 342, 357
in 1950s, 357
in 1960s, 266
in 1970s, 6, 427
in 1980s, 265, 342, 357–358, 392–393, 415–416, 427
in 1990s, 265, 308, 312, 427, 441–442, 513, 571, 634, 635
slogan, “Let’s eat two meals a day,” 468
soybeans, 103
starvation, 265, 570–571, 618, 621, 624
defection as alternative to, 532
war as alternative to, 488, 526
theft, 428, 442
war reserves, 433, 513–514
deterrent value, 517, 657
See also aid: international food; Korean People’s Army (KPA): food: war reserves, diversion to peacetime use; United Nations: World Food Program
force reduction, mutual, proposed 1958, 114
fortification, 133, 338, 513
airfield hardening, 129
See also tunnel(s); underground factories
gangs, juvenile, 227–232
General Sherman incident, 13
Geneva conference (1954), 100, 114
Geneva Convention, 86
genocide, 487, 558–567
ginseng, 175
gold, 197, 275, 276, 369, 451, 480, 563
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 352, 397, 400, 465, 574, 628
Graham, Rev. Billy, 350, 599
gross national product (GNP)
1953, 104,
1965, 121
1976, 124
growth in 1999, 634
shrinkage, from 1990, 468
gulag. See punishment
Hamgyong Province, North, 503–504, 506, 560, 561
handicapped, midgets, 382–383, 418
Han Duk-su (Chongryon chairman), 298
Han Song-hui (wife of Kim Il-sung), 43, 187–188
Happy Corps. See Mansions Special Volunteer Corps
health care and medicine, 173–176, 312
colonial period compared, 174
doctors’ pay, 174
life expectancy, 175
free provision of, as selling point, 101
mental illness, 176
pharmaceuticals, 175, 307
self-sacrifice by health workers, 173–174, 383, 385–386
traditional medicine, 175–176
heaven, mandate of, 553
hermit kingdom. See isolation
historical interpretations, left-revisionist, 66, 134–135, 145, 364–365, 628–629
Ho Dam (foreign minister), 189, 275
Hodge, Gen. John R., 51
Ho Ka-i, 94–95
holidays, 2, 8, 328
Hong Won-myong (kidnapped son of diplomat), 592–596, 631–632
Hong Yong-dal (Hyundai executive), 638
Hong Yung-hui (actress), 319, 327
household cooperation communities, 404–405, 616
housing, 160, 184–185, 359, 408–409
construction, revived, 663
elite, 193, 458, 499
homelessness, due to famine, 623
ondol heating system, 118
prefabrication, 118
“tile-roofed,” 97, 162
human rights, 343–344, 454, 463, 568, 603
foreign criticisms and Pyongyang’s responses, 622, 627, 628–631
human trafficking allegations, 678–679
U.S. congressional legislation, 677–678
> See also legal procedures, justice, individual rights; punishment; purges; surveillance
humor, 229, 261, 295
Hungary, 107, 342, 343, 394
Hua Guofeng, 644
Hu Yaobang, 325
Hwang Chang-pyong, Lt. Col. (chemical weapons developer), 487, 538
Hwang Jang-yop (party secretary for ideology), 209, 211, 242, 259–260, 262–263, 280, 318, 365–366, 436, 494, 499–500, 508–509, 548–549, 576, 673, 682, 687, 701
declining influence, 243
defection of (1997), 646, 710
as loss of face for Kim Jong-il, 695
on Kim Il-sung’s historical falsification, 12, 109, 321
on Kim Il-sung’s leadership, 116–118, 190, 282
on Kim Jong-il’s management style, 282–287
Moscow trip with Kims, father and son, 216
on “royal villas,” 196
on Soviet, Chinese opposition to southward strike in 1960, 124–125
on succession, transition, 192–193, 237–238, 270, 277, 339, 484–485
on Tae-an work system shortcomings, 122
hygiene, personal, 577–578, 584, 621
Hyundai, 477–478, 480, 639–640
illegitimacy, 192. See also Kim Il-sung: offspring of, unacknowledged
“impure elements,” 6, 238. See also espionage; sabotage
Im Su-gyong (South Korean student activist), 365, 608, 625
Kim Jong-il’s views on, 333, 336–337
non-monetary, 122, 471
monetary, 180, 360
as purpose of education system, 166–167
true believers, altruists, fanatics, 6, 361–363, 367–368, 374–401, 453, 454, 455, 475, 487, 492, 493, 501, 508, 537, 566, 584, 675
armaments manufacturing, 559, 563, 564–565, 567, 576, 578
expansion (after Korean War), 96
idling (due to material shortages, 1990s), 433, 442, 469, 531, 561, 563, 584
nationalization, 96
production resumed, 634, 663
shipbuilding, 177
into North, 99
into South, 98, 129, 151, 535–542 1996 submarine landing, 512
tunnels, 139, 513
inheritance, 164
intellectuals, 159, 291
International Monetary Fund, 634
investment, external, 340, 347–348, 465–466, 469–481, 639, 672
laws, regulations concerning, 471, 473–474
from South Korea, 477–478
rich migrants from North, specifically, 480
See also Japan: Korean residents of: investment, donations, remittances by
Iraq, lessons from, 483, 489, 513, 659
related to subversion attempts, 125
as U.S. policy, 495
abducted citizens of, 637, 670, 697
army of, 7
collaborators with, 57, 60–61, 121, 231, 238, 280, 448
colonization by, 15, 174
compensation for, 440–442, 476
danger to, if South Korea communized, 115
desperate 1941 war decision, comparison, 512
earthquake, Tokyo area, 19
emperor worship, imposed on Koreans, 8, 330
External Trade Organization (JETRO), 183
Hiroshima atomic bombing, 50
investment, 475
Korean residents of, 19, 100, 461–464, 699–700
discrimination against, 101, 263, 462
investment, donations, remittances by, 348, 461, 464, 471, 671, 700
pachinko, 263, 297, 461, 462
returnees to North Korea, 101–104, 228–229, 263–265, 297–301, 311, 313, 584, 699 (see also Chongryon)
liberation from, 7, 50–51
missiles negotiations, 635–637
in nuclear weapons crisis, early 1990s, 436, 439–441, 489
sanctions threatened, 671
trade, 181, 442, 475–476, 477
unification and, 683
joblessness, as prima facie evidence of theft, 531
Johnson, Lyndon B., 128, 129, 132
juche ideology
definition and origin of term, 111, 123
economic self-reliance in, 176–177, 644
as impossible goal, 123–124, 338
socialist barter system’s collapse and, 476
medicine and, 175
national culture and, 171
promoted in New York Times ads, 138
Sino-Soviet split and, 113, 123
Kanemaru, Shin, 439–441, 489
Kang Chul-ho (prison camp inmate; defector), 301–304, 567
Kang Chul-hwan (political prison camp inmate; South Korean journalist), 298–301, 600–603, 631
Kang Myong-do (son-in-law of prime minister), 275, 277, 280, 281, 318, 342, 386, 437, 439, 472, 503–505, 548
on aid to Third World, 137
on Chilgol Kangs’ views of Kim Hyongjik, 14
on elite’s fears, early 1990s, 494
on foreign transactions, 181–182, 276
on Mansions Special Volunteer Corps, 315–316
trading career of, 579–582
Kang Pang-sok (Kim Il-sung’s mother), 14
illness and death of, 32
as laundress and seamstress, 22
Kang Ryang-uk, Rev. (Kim Il-sung’s relative
and teacher; vice president), 18, 56
Kang Song-san (prime minister), 491, 504, 525, 580, 581
Kelly, James, 655, 659–660, 674, 675, 676
Kennedy, John F., 125, 129
Kerry, John, 675
Khrushchev, Nikita
in Cuban Missile Crisis, 125
on Korean War, 63, 82–83
opposes Stalinism, 106–107, 292, 574
and peaceful coexistence, 123
kidnapping, 535
of defecting diplomat’s son, 592–596, 631–632
of prospective foreign language teachers, 328
of South Korean movie director and actress, 326–339
See also Japan: abducted citizens of
Kim, Shura (younger brother of Kim Jongil), 187, 205–207
Kim Bo-hyon (Kim Il-sung’s grandfather), 205
Kim Byong-ha (State Security head; coup plot leader), 281, 548
Kim Byong-jin (Kim Il-sung’s daughter by Kim Song-ae), 190, 282
Kim Chaek (Korean War frontline commander; partisan), 239
Kim Chang-bong (defense minister), 293, 547, 548, 606
Kim Chol-ju (brother of Kim Il-sung), 33
Kim Dae-ho (KPA sergeant; atomic worker; defector), 229–232, 437–438, 491, 586–587
Kim Dae-jung (South Korean president), 375, 630–631, 634, 652, 654, 655
Kim Dal-hyon (deputy prime minister), 468, 472, 473, 474, 476, 480, 485
struggle with opponents of reform, 504–505
Kim Dong-kyu (vice-president; partisan), 277, 280, 293
Kim Guk-tae (party personnel chief), 239, 246, 504–505, 644
Kim Hye-suk (wife of Kim Il-sung), 43. See also Han Song-hui
Kim Hyon (or Hyon-nam; party propaganda, agitation chief), 690, 699
Kim Hyong-gwon (uncle of Kim Il-sung), 14, 33
Kim Hyong-jik (father of Kim Il-sung), 13–14
achievements inflated, 245
Christian ties of, 16
death of, 20
as medical practitioner, 17
Kim Hyon-hui (terrorist bomber of South Korean airliner), 536–537, 598
family’s treatment dismaying fellow spies, 541
Kim Hyong-rok (uncle of Kim Il-sung), 189
Kim Il (no. 3 under Kim Il-sung; partisan), 190, 271, 277
Kim Il-sung
adoration, flattery, need for, 46, 88, 194–195, 261
advisory, figurehead role, in retirement, 484–485
rumored unhappiness over, 506
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