Under the Loving Care of the Fatherly Leader

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Under the Loving Care of the Fatherly Leader Page 133

by Martin, Bradley K.

  Peng Dehuai, Gen., 92

  Perry, William, 635, 637, 647

  ping-pong diplomacy, 139–140

  Pochonbo, battle of, 39–40, 212, 214

  population, 139

  relocation, mass, 112, 232, 294, 408, 544, 626–627


  function, 6

  manpower, 262

  See also police state; Public Security; State Security

  police state, 60, 89, 262

  intensification under Kim Jong-il, 397

  See also Public Security; punishment; purges; State Security; surveillance

  political offenders. See punishment; purges; surveillance

  post–Korean War period (1950s), 93–119

  Potemkin villages, 178, 499, 518–519

  power, electric, 177

  Kim Il-sung’s priority use of, 499–500

  Pyongyang system modernized, 662

  shortage, 295, 329, 345, 503, 638

  and coal mines, 559, 643

  easing, 663

  propaganda. See culture; indoctrination; Kim

  Il-sung: personality cult of; Kim

  Jong-il: personality cult of; news

  media; subversion, of North Korea;

  subversion, of South Korea

  prostitution, 188, 201, 458, 590, 623

  protest, 344–345, 441, 543, 545–547, 550, 611

  Public Security (police), 262, 263–264, 269, 291

  Pueblo incident, 128–133, 135, 534

  punishment, 290–304

  banishment (internal exile), 290, 293, 294, 298, 301–302, 557–558, 614–615, 616–628

  without change in social class, 627

  commitment to mental institution as, 589

  demotion, for remaining dry-eyed after

  Kim Il-sung’s death, 508

  detention centers, 290–291

  execution, 290

  of accused spy for South Korea, 549

  of agriculture minister, 575, 624

  of camp-inmate family for escape try, 609

  of coup plotters, associates, 546

  of defector attempting to rescue family members, 460

  of exhumed corpse, ritual, 575

  of father as little son watches, 301

  of failed assassin, 695

  for hearing gossip about Kim Jong-il’s private life, 687

  of official’s wife, at drinking party, for criticizing Kim Jong-il, 287

  of personality cult critics, 292

  of political prison camp inmates, 299

  public, suspended, 631

  seen as alienating elite, 648

  for sexual promiscuity, 201–202

  of Southerners during Korean War, 89

  of woman who told authorities she had slept with Kim Jong-il, 318

  expulsion, from school or job, 290, 377, 429, 432, 574

  house arrest, 293

  political prisons and prison camps, 280, 290–291, 293–294, 302–304, 557–558, 560, 562–564, 615

  “destroy three generations of a family,” 290, 572, 607, 609

  experiments on prisoners, 604

  families of spies who fail sent to, 541

  guards’ testimony, 604–610

  inmates’ testimony, 298–300, 596–600

  leniency to families of offenders, new policies, 416, 572, 617, 631

  prisoners released (1984–86), 589

  production in, 562, 615

  short stature of inmates, 609

  slow-death camps, 291, 572, 604

  uniforms worn in, 562, 609

  prison, women’s, 616

  prisons, ordinary, 291, 329–330, 562, 611–613

  reformatories (labor drill units), 291

  revolutionary work classes, 574, 580

  purges, 293

  of artists and literary people, 171, 240–243


  1969–1970, as succession maneuver, 277

  1992, of military dissidents, 546, 548, 673

  in 1950s, 94–96, 106–107, 109–111, 292

  thought examination committees in, 110


  capture of, 80

  construction in, 119, 295

  controls on population and entry, 233, 294, 344, 405, 626–627

  priority in distribution of goods, services, electricity, 449, 499–500, 576

  rebuilding of, after Korean War, 93, 96

  retaking of, 83

  showcase role, 295

  transportation in, 2, 177, 494

  radio, external broadcasts

  pending congressional bills regarding, 677–678

  receivers capable of tuning in, 6, 368, 379, 423–424, 431–432, 495, 496, 522, 526, 601 (see also subversion, of North

  Korea: balloon drops)

  Radio Free Asia, Korean-language service, 297, 379, 385, 392, 401, 407, 454, 455, 496, 522, 526, 601

  South Korean, 310, 368, 385, 390, 406–407, 420, 422, 424, 432, 570, 584, 600–602

  Voice of America, 368, 495–496

  Rangoon bombing, 323

  Reagan, Ronald, 152–153

  regime change

  Gang of Four scenario, 492–493

  South Korea’s caution, 672

  U.S. advocates of, 86, 672–674, 677–678

  See also coup d’état

  regime collapse, prospects, 433, 440, 449, 454, 457, 478, 494, 503, 522, 553–555, 626, 635, 659, 672, 683–684


  belief as political offense, 292, 599

  See also Buddhism, Christianity

  Republic of Korea (South Korea, ROK) formation of, 62

  Respected Mother (omonim), 701–703

  revisionism, Soviet and Eastern European, 121, 474, 574, 652

  See also co-existence, peaceful; Stalinism: de-Stalinization

  Rhee Syngman

  Connally remarks abhorred by, 67

  economic development lagging under, 100

  land reform postponement sought by, 91

  northward invasion hopes of, 62, 65–66, 79, 87, 99

  overthrown, 104

  Republic of Korea proclaimed by, 61

  senility, 114

  trusteeship opposed by, 54

  Ridgway, Gen. Matthew, 84

  riots, 54, 56

  Ri Ul-sol, Gen., 208

  Rivers, Rep. L. Mendel, 129

  “rogue state,” 671

  Roh Moo-hyun (South Korean president), 675

  Roh Tae-woo (South Korean president), 395–396, 440, 465, 476, 480

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 50

  Rumsfeld, Donald, 672

  Rusk, Dean, 50, 131

  sabotage, 6

  safety, workplace, 158–159, 174, 438

  Samsung, 485, 639

  sanctions, 451, 635, 654, 671, 672

  savings, household, 164

  Sea of Blood, 249–251, 254–255, 272, 327

  Sea of Japan (East Sea), 101

  second Korean war

  factions of commanders, party commissars turning one another in, 520, 526

  looting, as fatal KPA distraction in, 520

  “one million lives, $1 trillion damages” in, 676

  scenarios, 512, 519–520

  war plan, U.S.–South Korean, 665

  Seoul, 50

  first capture of, 72

  invaders’ rest-and-celebration stop in, 72

  as political center of peninsula, 55

  pre-invasion attitudes in, 71

  Olympics, 343, 378–379

  proximity to DMZ, 87, 513

  second capture of, 83–84

  sex, courtship and marriage, 164, 169–170, 201–202, 229, 268, 307, 316, 319–320, 340, 401, 538, 580, 581, 583, 618, 620. See also Korean People’s Army: sex

  Shin Jong-hui (Kim Jong-nam’s wife), 686

  Shin Myung-chul (State Security; defector), 112, 423–424, 594–595

  Shin Sang-ok (South Korean film director kidnapped by Kim Jong-il), 326–339

  Shu Chung-shin (dancer; defector), 310
–314, 366

  siesta, 178

  Sino-Soviet split, 113, 125, 142–143

  small businesses, 663

  Smith, Rear Adm. John Victor, 129

  smuggling, 155, 581

  punishment reduced, during famine, 566

  by regime, 574

  Socialist Working Youth, League of, 403–404, 579–580

  corruption scandal in, 574

  shock units, 419

  Society for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, 2, 141

  Society for Cultural Relations with the Soviet Union, 108

  Sohn Jong-do, Rev. (Kim Il-sung’s benefactor), 25–28

  Sohn Won-tai (Rev. Sohn’s son; Kim Ilsung’s childhood friend), 25–26

  So Kwan-hui (agriculture minister), 575, 624

  songbun, 226. See also family background,

  status and

  Song Hye-rang (Song Hye-rim’s sister), 687–688

  defection, 693

  Song Hye-rim (unofficial wife of Kim Jongil; mother of Kim Jong-nam), 686–690, 693–694, 697

  Song of Best Wishes, 474–475

  “Song of General Kim Il-sung,” 72–73, 88, 214

  Song of Paradise, 1–9

  South Korea, crises tempting Pyongyang or arousing its hopes, 483 1960, 124 1979, 151 1980, 152 1987, 436

  South Korean economic cooperation, 476, 668, 670. See also investment, external: from South Korea; trade, external: with South Korea

  South Korean military

  budget, 113

  troop reduction, 113

  Soviet Army

  Eighty-eighth Special Independent Sniper

  Brigade, 48–51

  Korean War planning role of advisors from, 69

  troops withdrawal, 1948, 64

  Soviet documents, findings from, 54, 57, 66, 81, 106

  Soviet Koreans

  post-liberation role of, 9, 52

  purged, 94–95, 109–111

  Soviet Union

  cultural influences, 108

  disguise of Korean War role, 89

  military equipment shipments by, 69

  role in liberation of Korea, 7, 50–51, 109

  role in North, post-liberation, 51–68, 108

  satellite status of North Korea, American assumption of, 115


  golf, 348–349, 660

  table tennis, 8, 599–600

  world tournament (1979), 140–142, 343

  Stakhanovism, 57, 96, 159, 252, 359, 475

  Stalin, Josef, 558

  death of, effects, 86, 106

  in Korean War, 81–83, 88

  in Pacific War, 50

  southward invasion approval by, 62–68

  succession problems, as lesson, 266

  Stalinism, 8

  de-Stalinization, 106–107, 113, 292

  See also Kim Il-sung: personality cult: Stalinism as antecedent of

  state capitalism, 111, 120

  State Security (secret police), 226, 262, 266–269, 291, 297

  abuses addressed by regime, 571

  hatred of, 297

  and regime’s fear of internal threat, 493–494

  Third Department (experiments on prisoners), 604

  strategic hamlets, 35

  subversion, of North Korea

  balloon drops, 385, 395, 410, 522–523, 532, 678

  as threat justifying national isolation, 125

  See also radio, external broadcasts

  subversion, of South Korea

  after Korean War, 98, 99, 105

  before Korean War, 61, 63, 67, 72, 95

  from 1960s, 120, 126–127, 133, 152

  from 1987, 364–368, 443 1990s, 478, 483, 490, 645–646

  Voice of the Revolutionary Party for Reunification, 153

  sun, as symbol of Kim Il-sung, 7

  sunshine policy (South Korea), 630, 637, 646–647, 649, 675

  Supreme People’s Assembly, 62, 322, 436, 551, 661


  of military, 494

  by police, 155, 262–269, 291–297, 310, 377, 433

  by Three Revolutions teams, 274–275

  Tae-an work system, 122

  Taedong River, 13

  Tanaka, Makiko, 685

  tax, 6, 106

  Team Spirit exercises, 139, 446, 457, 486, 488–489, 490–491

  technocrats, 155, 474


  imports of, 155, 347

  pirating of, 157

  telephones, 212, 662

  terrorism, 343, 499, 535


  sets, 162, 165, 345–346, 359, 360, 383, 395, 438, 449, 616

  South Korean broadcasts, 395

  textiles, 480

  reed-and-wood-pulp-based, 102

  vinalon, 156, 177, 363, 500

  Third World, as diplomatic focus, 7, 125, 137, 363–364

  third world war (global war), 85

  feared during Pueblo incident, 129

  seen as opportunity for forced unification, 98

  38th parallel, 50, 69, 79

  Three Revolutions, 157, 272

  teams, 154, 273–275, 472, 475, 588

  tourism, 338–339, 348–349, 466, 473, 633, 660

  emphasis, over manufacturing, 640–641

  gambling, 640

  service, hospitality quality, 475

  tractor plant, Kumsong, 157–160, 272

  trade, external

  with communist countries, 96–97, 468

  expansion sought, 182

  and juche, 177

  with South Korea, 480

  traders, trading companies, 312, 314, 447, 458–459, 447, 458, 573, 579–591, 600–601, 616. See also entrepreneurs, moneyed class


  aviation, 476

  public, urban, 177

  ports, shipping, 182, 442, 468, 469–471, 479

  railways, 185, 469, 470, 476

  conductors’ high status, 620–621

  road, 164, 471, 479, 560, 564

  travel, international

  difficulty adjusting after (reverse culture shock), 584

  rarity of, 6

  troop withdrawal, foreign (1958), 114

  Truman, Harry S.

  emergency proclaimed by, 84

  MacArthur fired by, 85–86

  nuclearization of war discussed by, 85

  press conference by, Jan. 5, 1950, 64

  reelection not sought due to low support, 86, 88

  Soviet expansionism exaggerated by, 73–74

  trusteeship plan, 54–56, 60

  Tumen River, 18, 466, 469–470

  tunnel(s), 85

  connecting Kim Jong-il’s office and home, 687–688

  escape, for Great Leader, 494

  housing missile launchers, 563

  infiltration, 139, 520

  replica of downtown Seoul in, for spy training, 539

  “subterranean society,” 665

  See also underground factories

  underground factories, 85, 564–565


  as post–Korean War goal, 97, 100

  “by end of 1990s,” revised deadline, 516

  “by 1995,” Kim Jong-il deadline, 488, 516, 545

  confederation proposal, 140, 146–149, 339, 506

  economic problems as distraction from, 136

  German case as model, warning, 478–479, 486

  liquidation of Southerners following, 487

  southward rush of homeless job-seekers,

  Seoul’s fear, 683

  unitary idea, 168, 658

  United Nations

  election supervision by, 61, 116

  entry by North and South Korea, 339, 473

  Korean War resolution, 74

  UN Command, post–Korean War, 99

  operational control over South Korean forces by, 113

  World Food Program, 553, 555–557, 678

  United States

  Korean relations with, nineteenth-century, 13

>   Korean relations with, 1900–1945, 15


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