Fueled By Flames: A Hot Paranormal Dragon Romance (Hidden Realms of Silver Lake Book 9)

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Fueled By Flames: A Hot Paranormal Dragon Romance (Hidden Realms of Silver Lake Book 9) Page 3

by Vella Day

  Kaleena clasped her hand. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  Before she could answer, their mother and father rushed in. “Kaleena!” their mother said, seemingly out of breath. Tory was thrilled that their dad looked okay. Maybe he’d missed the meeting because he was hoping for this call.

  While she would have enjoyed catching up, this was Kaleena’s time. Tory hugged both of her parents and then told them she had a business meeting to attend and had to get ready. Before her mom could grill her, Tory rushed out.

  Only when she slipped into her car and it smelled like the faint scent of Kenton’s woodsy aroma did her pulse shoot up. This isn’t a date, she told her dragon.

  Uh-huh. When was the last time you met a man and accepted an invitation to dinner in the first ten minutes of meeting him?

  He didn’t ask me out. I asked to meet with him, and it’s for a good cause.

  We’ll see if you change your tune by the time dinner is over.

  Her dragon’s smug attitude was quite frustrating.

  Tory started the car and headed home to change. Having a Forrester in Edendale would save her a long trip to the forest. It also ensured she’d have a fairly lengthy audience with the esteemed Fey. From the stories her family had told her, the chance of running into a family member at the eternal flame was slim.

  Running into Kenton wasn’t by chance, her dragon piped up.

  What do you mean?

  You’ll find out.

  And here she thought the Forresters were supposed to be the ones who were closed lipped.

  Chapter Three

  When Kenton teleported back to his house, Bevon was sitting on the sofa with a beer in his hand. He was watching television and had his feet on the coffee table. What his brother saw in those inane shows, Kenton would never know. Bevon claimed it gave him insight into the Tarradonian mind, but Kenton would rather learn more about how their minds worked in person.

  Bevon took a swig of his beer, set the bottle on the coffee table, and swung his feet off the table. “How did it go?”

  Kenton lifted his chin in a sign of victory. “We have a dinner date tonight.”

  All of his brother’s mockery disappeared. “I’m impressed. How did you swing that?”

  “Tory actually asked me out.” Kenton was quite pleased she’d wanted to see him.

  “Why would she do that?”

  “Maybe she could sense that we belong together.” Now who was the clueless one?

  Bevon picked up his beer and polished it off. “Don’t you wish.”

  Kenton grabbed another beer from the fridge, popped off the top, and chugged a good portion of it. “In all honesty, I believe she needs my help with something. I’m thinking it has to do with those rash of suicides.”

  “What suicides?”

  “Fay didn’t mention it to you? Hmm.”


  As much as Bevon protested, he hated to be left out of anything. “Fay had a vision, but how or why Tory is involved I don’t know. I will find out though. It’s what dating is all about.”

  “Sounds good. What are you going to wear?”

  “Seriously?” Bevon was too superficial for his own good. “I’m not changing. I don’t want her to think I’m trying to impress her.”

  “Why not?”

  His brother would not stop testing him, though Bevon most likely meant well. “Fine. I’ll ask Meena to help me.”

  “I’m hurt.”

  Whatever. “You’ve never dated anyone on Tarradon.”

  “Neither has Meena.”

  “But Meena is a woman, and she knows things.”

  A second later, Kenton landed in her living room. His younger sister had her eyes closed and was sitting cross-legged on her sofa, apparently meditating. He never would understand what Fairies saw in that practice.

  Meena smiled while keeping her eyes closed. “Is there something you’d like to share, brother?”

  “I need help. I have a date with my mate.”

  “I figured as much.”

  “How do you know so much?” He probably would never totally understand his Fairy siblings. “Your eyes are closed.”

  She finally opened her eyes. “Take a look yourself. You’re glowing, and I for one am thrilled for you.”

  “I am?” Kenton looked down at his chest. Sure as shit, he was lit up from the inside. “How could you tell when your eyes were closed?”

  Meena smiled. “You’d think after hundreds of years of being by my side that you’d cease to be impressed by my talents.”

  “One would think.”

  Meena slapped her thighs and let out a large breath. “What can I help you with? You seem conflicted.”

  It was rather uncomfortable discussing with his sister what to wear on a date, but she did have the best fashion sense. “Bevon thinks that for my meeting with Tory later tonight, I should change into something more appropriate, whatever that means.”

  She laughed. “You look great, though putting on a more mainstream shirt will cause less of a stir. You don’t want Tory to be embarrassed being seen with you.”

  Okay, now he was insulted. “Fine. I’ll borrow a shirt from Bevon. Hair down or hair pulled back?” He felt like a girl asking.

  He usually pulled it back to keep it out of his face. His decision was totally based on practicality, not on looks.

  “Where are you going on your date?”

  He didn’t want to mislead her. “For our meeting, we’ll be at a bar. Tory has questions for me.”

  “Then pull your hair back, and borrow Bevon’s long-sleeve forest green T-shirt. It will complement your eyes.”

  That was a fairly easy compromise. “Thank you.”

  “I haven’t met her yet, but if she is anything like her other family members, take it slow. When she decides she wants you, you’ll know.”

  “I’ve taken it slow, and where has it gotten me?” While Bevon was the one who dated a lot—at least on Feyrion—Kenton enjoyed the ladies when the mood struck.

  “Considering you have a date with Tory tonight, I’d call that progress.”

  She had a point. “It is.”

  Meena crossed her legs again and closed her eyes. “Enjoy each day with her but don’t give away too many of our royal secrets. Dating someone who is not a Fey or a Fairy is unorthodox and not without obstacles. But clearly you’ve made your choice.”

  “I had no choice. Fate paired us.”

  “Agreed, which is why you need to take it slow.”

  While he was next in line to be king, what Meena said did make sense. “Fine. I’ll do it your way. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  With a mental nod, he landed back in his living room. “Help yourself to the shirt,” Bevon said.

  “Were you listening?”

  “No, but I know Meena. She and I both have good taste.”

  Whatever. Kenton strode into Bevon’s room, located the dark green shirt Meena suggested he wear, and put it on. After a quick look in the bathroom mirror, he shook his head at the man staring back at him. While it wasn’t his style, he wanted to prove to Tory that he could fit in. He just hoped it worked.

  Tory was excited about possibly solving this suicide crime spree while at the same time seeing the enigmatic Kenton Forrester. She shouldn’t be nervous, but she was. While Griffin and his mate, Danita had recently spoken with Meena Forrester—and she’d provided them with good intel—both had told her she was cryptic at best. Unfortunately, Tory wasn’t good with people not coming completely clean with her. To be honest, it pissed her off, but for the sake of the victims’ families, she’d try to keep her cool.

  Wanting a better explanation about what had gone down when Griffin had met with Kenton’s sister, Tory called him. “I’m meeting with Kenton tonight at Wings.”

  “I’m thrilled you get to have a one-on-one with him in our neck of the woods, so to speak.”

  “You said Meena’s comments were mys
terious. You know I’m not good with vague comments, so how do you suggest I handle him? I don’t want to mess this up. Too much is riding on it.”

  “Try to pin him down, but don’t alienate him. Our family has relied on his family for knowledge many times.”

  “I get it. Probe often, but let go when I hit a stone wall,” she said.

  “Exactly. If he is keeping something from you, it’s probably because he wants you to figure things out.”

  “Don’t you worry. I’m very well aware how important this is.”

  If the Guardians hadn’t received help from the Forresters or the Four Sisters of Fate over the years, the Guardians might not have been as successful.

  “Have fun tonight.”

  “Thanks.” A knock sounded on her front door. It was Greer, who’d insisted on stopping over after work. She either wanted more details about Sapphire, or she needed to grill Tory about her upcoming meeting with Kenton. When Tory had called her cousin with the news about Kaleena, the topic of Kenton happened to leak out. “Greer is here. I have to go.”

  “Let me know what you learn.”

  “I will.” She disconnected. “Coming,” she called out as she headed down the hallway to the front door.

  When she opened it up, a smiling Greer was there to greet her. She rushed inside, spun around, and dragged her gaze up and down Tory’s body. “I had to make certain you didn’t go all conservative on me for your date with Kenton.”

  “It’s not a date. You heard Anderson. This is me keeping my ear to the ground. Since Angelique wasn’t buying the whole dark entity thing, it means there is something else out there.”

  Greer walked into the kitchen, acting as if she owned the place, and Tory followed. To be honest, they treated each other’s homes as their own. “I just visited with Kaleena and Sapphire. I have to say I’m a bit jealous.”

  Tory chuckled. “She is adorable, isn’t she?”

  “She is. Makes me want to have a little Guardian of my own.”

  Tory had considered it, but without a mate, it wasn’t an option. “But if you and Blake have a baby, who will help me man the store?” Tory waved her hand to indicate she was only kidding.

  “I’d figure something out.”

  “You’re really serious.” Tory thought Greer would have wanted to wait since she hadn’t been mated for very long.

  “Yes. Blake and I have been talking, but we’ve decided now might not be the best time. His work is very demanding, and we want to spend time together before we add another one to our family.”

  “I get it.”

  Greer pulled open the fridge and grabbed a bottled water. Once she was seated at the two-person kitchen table, she drummed her fingers on the bottle. “Moving on to the next topic. Was there an ulterior motive for asking Kenton out?”

  Her pulse rose, but Tory was able to channel her inner calm. “No. Why?”

  “Did you at least get his phone number? Assuming he has one. I mean he does live in the woods in the middle of nowhere.”

  Tory laughed. “Are you asking why I asked to meet with him tonight instead of just calling him tomorrow?”


  Tory had her answer ready. “The Feys have been an enigma ever since we met them. This might be our one chance to find out who they are and how they know so much. I also wanted to show him the chemical composition of the drug that Anderson gave me.”

  “You could have scanned it and sent it to him.”

  Her cousin had an answer for everything. “If I’d gotten his number, I could have, but I didn’t. Besides, I wanted to see him. He might have an idea if there are other entities that could be involved in these suicides.”

  Greer sipped her drink and then placed the bottle on the table. “Tell me what he looks like in case I run into him some day.”

  That was a fair question. They’d all met Fay at Birk and Lily’s wedding, but different relatives had interacted with Meena, Bevon, and Kenton. “He’s close to six-feet tall, has broad shoulders, and narrow hips. He pulls his long light brown hair back into a ponytail.”

  “That is the blandest description I’ve ever heard you give. What about his eyes? The shape of his face? His scent?”

  Her cousin was probing into areas Tory wasn’t ready to analyze. “Fine. He’s handsome. He has hazel eyes, a heart-shaped face, smells like fresh squeezed lemons, and he has the beginnings of a beard. He kind of looks like a pirate. Better?”


  Tory chuckled. “What?”

  “A pirate? Really?”

  “Maybe pirate is the wrong word, but he was wearing this loose white cotton shirt that had puffy sleeves. Several gold threads were woven around the neckline. If he’d been wearing leather pants, I might have accused him of being from another era.”

  “He’s probably hundreds of years old.” Greer grinned. “You know what?”

  “What? Please don’t suggest he’s my mate.” Tory refused to believe that Kenton’s touch had distracted her to the point where her pain had disappeared. She’d know if they were mates, right? After all, Tory was a dragon shifter.

  “Who mentioned the word mate?” Greer acted all innocent.

  Shit. “Maybe I was thinking it, but before you jump to any conclusions, at the time Kenton touched my leg I was having a sympathetic pain response from Kaleena since I was wearing the necklace that joins us.”


  “The pain immediately went away. I just figured Kaleena’s contraction had stopped.”

  Greer twirled the bottle. “What aren’t you telling me?”

  “It happened more than once. I don’t know. He may be full of magic but not necessarily mate material.”

  “But he’s hot?”

  “Yes, which is why I want to meet with him in person. I want to see if there is any kind of spark.”

  “Good.” Greer nodded to Tory’s casual garb. “Now that is settled, is that what you’re wearing tonight?”

  “Yes. I dress up for work. I want to relax tonight. I know you love your red pumps, your tight, body hugging clothes, and your perfect makeup, but that’s not me.”

  Greer smiled. “Fair enough, but just so you know, most men find a well-dressed woman appealing, or so I’ve been told.”

  “That’s all well and good, but remember I am following up on a lead. And—this is not a date.”

  Greer laughed. “I can’t recall the last time you’ve protested so much about anything.”

  Tory lifted her chin. “It’s a fact-finding mission only.”

  “Fine, but there is no law in the universe that says you can’t enjoy being with a hot guy.”

  “I agree.”

  Her cousin pushed back her chair. “Let’s go into your bedroom.”


  “So you can change. I’m not suggesting you wear a short skirt, a low-cut top, or high heels, but we need to do something with your makeup at least. Your blonde hair makes you look washed out.”

  Tory grunted. She’d been the subject of many Greer makeovers, and the results were often not to her liking. “I get the final say in this, you know.”

  “Wait until you see what miracles I can perform.”

  That was what Tory was afraid of.

  Chapter Four

  Kenton teleported to the rooftop of the Wings Bar and then took the interior staircase down to the main area. He’d arrived early because he didn’t want Tory to have to wait. He probably should have asked to pick her up at her place, but then they’d have to either drive her car, or he’d have to teleport with her, and he wasn’t ready to spring that on Tory yet.

  As he entered the main bar area, the noise was more than he was used to, but if he wanted to have any kind of relationship with her, he needed to get used to it. Kenton snagged an empty table near the back of the room and sat facing the entrance so he could keep his eyes on both the front door, as well as on the back staircase, in case she chose to fly there.

  A band was setting up o
n the far side of the room, and the bar was filled with what looked like wannabe date hopefuls. Definitely not his style.

  A waitress sashayed over to him and asked if he wanted something to drink. Kenton smiled. “I’m waiting for my date, thank you. I’ll order when she gets here.”

  The server froze for a moment, acting as if that wasn’t cool. “Sure. I’ll be back. Just wave if you change your mind, hon.” She winked.

  Really? She was flirting with him even after he said he had a date. One positive was that at least his shirt and hair style hadn’t put her off.

  Less than ten minutes later, his body vibrated with a strong energy, and the area around his heart pulsed. Tory was here. Good thing he’d worn a dark shirt so she couldn’t detect his glowing light. He was well aware dragon shifters had scales that would shine under certain circumstances, but the average Fey did not. If she understood their connection, he didn’t want Tory to think he’d accepted her invitation because he wanted to sleep with her. Okay, he did want to make love with her. In fact, it was never far from his mind, but the timing wasn’t right. Perhaps if he’d been more of an expert on the human-shifter psyche, he would have considered it. But since he wasn’t, messing up this meeting would cause a shit-ton of problems back in his world.

  The front door opened, and his mate walked in. He debated standing and pulling out her chair but then thought better of it. She didn’t act as if this was anything other than a question and answer session. For now, he’d let it be.

  Kenton tried not to stare, but he failed to keep from admiring everything about her, from her thick blonde wavy hair that lay loosely around her shoulders to her delicately made up face. Her body hugging short-sleeved black shirt that she wore over a pair of white jeans stirred something primal inside him, forcing him to grind his teeth in order to keep from panting. Oh, Royal Goddess, she could alter his insides with a look.

  “Tory! How are you feeling?” He thought that was a safe subject.

  She pulled out a chair and sat across from him. “I’m good now. Thanks again for driving me to the hospital. I might not have made it otherwise.”


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