A Perfect Fit For Three

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A Perfect Fit For Three Page 12

by A Perfect Fit for Three (lit)

  “Well, at least she’s alive.” Lena exhaled a deep sigh. She felt like she had been holding her breath for the past several hours. “Can I see her?”

  Brock’s face took on a look of concern. “Are you sure you’re ready for this? She did some terrible things to you.”

  Lena chewed on her bottom lip and shrugged her shoulders. “What choice do I have? She’s my only living relative, and I really can’t blame her for what she did. Mara had a terrible, lonely, and bitter life. I don’t want to add to her pain.”

  “How about we go with you, sweetheart?” Wes turned Lena toward him and kissed the top of her head. Lena nodded and let her men lead her to Mara’s room.

  As Lena walked in, she steeled herself for what she might find, for whatever rage that still existed in her great-aunt. Lena wanted, needed, to be the bigger person no matter what.

  She was stunned to see all of her concern was for naught. The once hulking giant had now transformed into a frail, old lady lying in a hospital, completely helpless, with tubes dripping life-sustaining liquids sticking into various parts of her body. Asleep and breathing lightly, Mara almost looked peaceful.

  Lena sat beside her while Wes and Brock stood back, far enough to give her space, but close enough that they could easily diffuse any situation should the old woman go ballistic again. Now feeling completely secure, with her men at her side, she gingerly took Mara’s hand in hers and gave it a gentle squeeze. Slowly, Mara’s eyes fluttered open.

  “Hi, Mara. How are you feeling?” Again, Lena held her breath in anticipation of the old woman’s response. Would she be angry still?

  Mara looked down at Lena’s hand and her face softened, a glimmer of light surfacing in the woman’s once-dead eyes. It was as if this was the first humane contact Mara had ever received in her life. Lena’s heart ached when she realized it probably was.

  “What are you doing here, child? You should have run off and let this old bat die, alone, like she should.”

  Mara’s eyes darkened again and Lena leaned in closer. She even dared to put her hand on Mara’s shoulder.

  “No, Mara. You’re family and the only family I’ve got. I wouldn’t let you get away that easily.” Lena smiled and tried to soothe her by running a comforting hand up and down Mara’s arm. Again, the light returned to her eyes. Just a glimmer, but right now, that was all Lena needed.

  “No one’s ever called me that before. Family.”

  Mara’s eyes brimmed with tears and one rolled down her cheek. Lena reached up and wiped it away with the pad of her thumb, only to have to reach up and wipe her own tears away.

  “It has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it.” Lena realized Brock and Wes now stood directly behind her. Wes put a reassuring hand on Lena’s shoulder. She looked up at them and smiled through her tears. “And these two men have reacquainted me with it a bit.”

  “We love this girl more than anything in the world,” Wes said.

  “And we’d do anything for her, and that includes those she loves. I hope you know that includes you, Mara.” Brock patted Mara’s leg over her blanket.

  Mara looked up at the three young people before her. She placed her hand over Lena’s and squeezed it.

  “I’m so sorry, Lena. I can see now, you’re nothing like Margot. You deserve all the happiness in the world. And these two men, I was wrong about them, too. They seem to really love you.”

  Lena nodded. “They do, Mara. They do and I love them, too.”

  “Child, don’t make the same mistakes I did and hang on to your pain or sadness. Don’t let it eat away at you or hold you back, hardening your heart as it did mine. I lost my entire life to that misery and now I’d hate for you to go through that.”

  Brock straightened and he cleared his throat.

  “No, Mara, that’s not true. You haven’t lost your entire life. You’re still here and we fully intend on making sure every last second brings you the happiness and comfort you never had.”

  Lena turned to Brock, touched yet confused by his words. Why did he say we when Mara was Lena’s responsibility? As if sensing Lena’s concern, Brock touched her arm and spoke.

  “Can we talk to you outside for a moment, Lena?”

  * * * *

  “What’s this about?”

  Lena crossed her arms over her chest as she and her two men headed back to the waiting area. She waited for Brock to speak.

  “Lena, I hope you don’t mind, but I took the liberty of contacting a friend of mine who runs an assisted living center in a town just an hour away, and I got Mara a room there. She can stay there as soon as she’s released from the hospital, and she can live out the rest of her days comfortably with full-time care. I figured we could all take her there and get her settled in and you can still visit her often. It’s not too far away. She’ll still be in the Hill Country and can enjoy the beauty and peacefulness out here. I think it would be really good for her.”

  “Why did you do all this, after everything she tried to do to everyone?” Lena couldn’t understand why Brock would go through all this trouble when it wasn’t even his responsibility, it wasn’t his blood relative. This woman would’ve tried to kill him just twenty-four hours ago if she’d had the chance.

  “Because she’s your family and part of being a family is taking care of each other.”

  “But that’s exactly it. She’s my family and my obligation. You don’t need to get caught up in all this. You and Wes have already done so much for me. I couldn’t possibly accept anything more from you two. It’s just too much.”

  “Well, I hoped that Mara could be part of my family, too.” Brock sighed and fiddled with the stethoscope, hanging around his neck. He looked more and more uncomfortable as he stood there. “And that includes caring for members of your kin, no matter how crazy they may be.”

  “What do you mean?” Lena’s brows knitted together as she weighed his words in her mind. She turned to Wes.

  “What Brock is trying so eloquently to say,” Wes had a playful look on his face, “is that we want you to be our family.”

  Lena took a step back. She didn’t think she understood him correctly.

  “Wes, Brock, what are y’all saying exactly?”

  Brock through his arms in the air in frustration and rolled his eyes. “Damn it, woman! We’re saying we want you to be our wife and we want to spend the rest of our lives with you.”

  Brock’s face turned red. Lena could tell he felt embarrassed and it softened his outburst. Lena was speechless nonetheless.

  “Real smooth, man.” Wes looked at his brother and smiled. He took a step toward Lena, reaching out his hand to her. “Brock and I want you to be our wife, our partner, our family. We want to spend every day of our lives loving you and taking care of you. We want to create a home with you.” Wes leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her lips while Brock also closed in on her, putting his hand on her back.

  “That’s exactly what I said.” Brock smiled and then kissed Lena’s lips. She shuddered as the force of it resonating through her mouth, shooting tender warmth into her body. “So, will you marry us?”

  Lena stared at one brother and then the next with her mouth hanging open. She stood there opening and closing her mouth for what felt like an eternity, the looks on Brock’s and Wes’s faces dropping with each second that ticked by.

  It wasn’t that she didn’t want to marry the brothers someday, and she could easily see herself spending the rest of her life with them. She loved them, absolutely and completely. It was just a lot to take in all at once. She simply didn’t feel ready to make such a formal commitment. She was terrified. She felt pushed and whenever Lena felt pushed she always found herself pushing back, even when her head told her the time for pushing ended long ago.

  Mercifully, Wes seemed to gauge where her thoughts ran and he broke the silence. He held Lena’s trembling hands in his steady ones and looked into her eyes.

  “Listen, Lena. We’re just trying to tell you how we feel. We don
’t play games. When we know what we want, we go for it. I can understand how you might be feeling right now, and I want you to know that both Brock and I love you deeply and unconditionally. We don’t need to be officially engaged to be married for that to hold true. As long as we can be together, I can wait as long as you need.” Wes cast his eyes at Brock, as if in warning. “And I know Brock can wait, too. Right, Brock?”

  Brock looked as if he wanted to protest but thought better of it. He sighed deeply and conceded, even though Lena knew that was the last thing he wanted to do. Patience was not his best virtue, but it touched Lena to know that he loved her enough to suffer through her seemingly interminable hesitancy. With a slow nod of his head, Brock responded.

  “Yes, Lena. I can wait. Of course, I’ll wait. I love you too much to let you go and I’ll take you any way I can. But I don’t like it.” Brock smiled.

  As Wes stepped out of the way, Brock leaned in and picked Lena up in a big bear hug. He squeezed her tightly against his broad chest. “I love you, Lena.”

  After Brock set her down, Wes addressed her again. “So, Lena, what do you think?”

  “I think I want to spend the rest of my life with you two, but marriage is something I’m not ready for just yet. I know I’ll come around eventually. I just need more time to come to that conclusion on my own without feeling forced.”

  The brothers looked at each other. “Well, for now, it’s good enough for me,” Wes said with a shrug.

  “Yeah. For now.” Brock cocked an eyebrow at Lena as he spoke.

  “I love you both so much. Thank you for understanding.” Lena got up on her tiptoes and kissed each man softly. She silently thanked the heavens for having these two remarkable men in her life and vowed to reward their patience accordingly.

  Chapter 11

  Lena hung up Brock and Wes’s home phone after talking with Edie and giving her an update on how Mara and let her know she’d be back at the B&B first thing in the morning. Her bedroom was a mess and she’d need hours to clean it up. Right now, she was just too exhausted to even think about lifting a broom or a mop. She wanted nothing more than to put her head on a soft pillow, close her eyes, and sleep.

  But, by the hungry glint in their eyes, she knew that Brock and Wes wanted something entirely different.

  Wes pulled out a small box from his back pocket and held it out for Lena. “I made you a little gift, Lena, but it’s from both me and Brock. Open it.”

  Lena held the box and hesitated, but Wes quickly set her mind at ease. “Don’t worry. It’s not what you’re thinking it is. We said we’d hold off on the marriage talk and we meant it. Just open it.” Lena opened the box, trying to hide her sigh of relief.

  She pulled out the small ceramic object formed into a shape she instantly recognized.

  “You made me a butt plug?” She blushed, not knowing how exactly to respond to the gift. It was beautifully crafted, but it was still a plug for her butt. She’d never received a gift for her ass before, but there’s always a first for anything she decided. “Um, thanks guys. It’s really…adorable.”

  “Okay, I know it seems like an unorthodox gift, but Wes handcrafted it and customized it just for you so hopefully we’ll be able to all be together, inside you, sooner.” Brock looked at her expectantly.

  Lena rolled the object in her hand and then remembered the incredible sensations she’d felt when they previously worked on stretching her out. She visualized having each of her delectable men pumping in and out at either end of her body, sandwiching her in their erotic embrace. From her thoughts alone, Lena’s nether orifices clenched. She felt her pussy lubricating itself, readying her for penetration.

  And aside from the pleasures of fucking, she knew having both men inside of her meant a lot to the brothers and in turn meant a lot to her. She wanted them to be happy and it warmed her to be able to prove her everlasting love in one way, even if she couldn’t quite do it yet officially on paper. Giving herself completely to them, at least physically, was the least she could do and was a task she felt more than up to fulfilling.

  “So, what are we waiting for, guys? Let’s get this thing lubed up.”

  * * * *

  Wes grabbed the bottle of lube and liberally drenched the ceramic plug and Lena’s precious but stubbornly tight hole. He had filled the plug with warm water and knew Lena would love the sensation of it filling her.

  “Okay, babe, are you all set?” Brock asked as he held Lena, tummy down, on his lap. He supported her weight so she could rest comfortably on her elbows and knees while Wes lovingly prepped her back end.

  Lena squealed in expectant delight. “Yes, of course. Oh, my God, yes. All set.”

  His brother turned to Wes and nodded.

  “All right, here we go. Now, I can see you’re excited, hon.” Wes dipped a finger into her pussy and felt a flood of wetness on his hand. Another squeal escaped her lips. Yep, their woman was ready to go. He smiled and licked his lips. “And I can feel you’re excited, but you got to make sure to relax like we’ve practiced before, okay?” Wes advised as he rubbed circles on her luscious, rounded ass cheeks, warming up her lower half.

  Lena let out a deep breath, grinning ear to ear, as Wes gently and slowly slid her customized toy into her sweet behind.

  A snug and perfect fit.

  “Oh, God.” Lena moaned as she rocked her hips up and down, forcing the plug to slide smoothly in and out of her ass hole. Watching her turned Wes’s cock from stiff to achingly rock hard. He was pleased to see his handiwork was as successful as he’d hoped.

  “How’s that feel, babe?” Brock asked as he held Lena, massaging her breasts and nipples with one hand while rubbing her back and running his fingers through her silky auburn locks with the other.

  “Mmm, it’s so good. When I move I feel like the weight of it is shifting with my body. And it’s warm, too. How’d you do that, my sexy potter?” Lena grinned as she looked back, catching Wes’s eyes.

  “I filled it with warm water, sweetheart.” He’d never considered his hobby as sexy, but the look of complete arousal encapsulating Lena’s beautiful face inspired him to continue making ceramic sex toys, and his mind reeled with ideas.

  “Ahh, yes,” Lena hissed. “So smart.” Wes let go of the plug and sat back as Lena continued to rock her hips, clearly enjoying the sensation of water sloshing around, causing pressure against the walls of her back canal with each movement.

  “Okay, sweetheart, we’re gonna keep that inside you. Is it comfortable?” Brock asked.

  “Oh, hell yeah, it’s comfortable and then some.” Lena started to reach her hand down when Brock slapped it out of the way.

  “Oh, no you don’t, woman. That sweet pussy is for me and Wes to take care of, so just have a little patience and get up on your knees for me real quick.”

  Wes laughed inside when he saw the pouty face she made, but then her countenance changed to that of agonizing delight.

  “Whoa…wow…every time I move I feel it doing something back there, like…” Lena shook her ass a little back and forth. “Damn, that water is brilliant, Wes.” So in tune with her pleasure, Lena looked as if she were lost in her own world.

  “Geez, Wes. I think the little toy you made is working a little too well. She doesn’t even seem to need us anymore.” Brock chuckled with his arms crossed over his chest as he watched their woman pleasuring herself with simple hip movements. Her eyes popped open and she stopped moving.

  “That’s not true.” The corners of her mouth turned up into a saucy grin. “I do need you. I need you both real bad.”

  “Well, I’m certainly glad to hear my toy didn’t usurp my position.” Wes stood behind Lena while she kneeled on the bed, waiting for her men to tell her what to do next. She looked so delectable right then. He wanted to nibble on and consume every inch of her delicate body, bite by tasty bite.

  Wes’s cock throbbed, and he knew he had to have her in his arms at that very moment. He leaned in, turning her head up an
d back so he could engulf her mouth in a kiss. She tasted so sweet and smooth. He rolled his tongue in her mouth as hers twisted around his, both struggling to be the ones to invade the other. Wes wrapped himself around her trembling torso and softly gripped each of her breasts, his fingers tenderly twisting her peaked nipples and caressing her soft skin.

  He was lost in their seduction until he heard Brock clearing his throat on the other end of the bed, obviously needing some attention of his own.

  “Come on, sweetness. I want your soft lips on my cock.” Brock looked her dead in the eyes and crooked his finger toward her, beckoning her to head his way. “And while you’re doing that, Wes is gonna fuck you from behind.”

  Wes smiled. Sometimes being bossed around by his older brother was annoying, but he had to admit, his brother had a strong sense of fairness and equity. Because he was the one to come up with the ceramic butt plug, it was only fair that he be the first one to reap the benefits, which included the juiciness of Lena’s luscious pussy wrapped around his cock.

  Lena stalked on all fours toward Brock’s body as he leaned against the headboard, a couple pillows supporting his back. He licked his lips as Lena undoubtedly licked hers. She bent down and gripped Brock’s dick in her hand. Wes knew both he and his brother were well-endowed, but held in her petite hand, Brock’s cock looked gigantic. Wes chuckled. Even though he’d seen her do it before and had her on his own shaft, he almost couldn’t believe she’d be able to wrap her lips around the head of Brock’s cock, especially as engorged as it was now.

  But then she did. Wes’s manhood twitched as he watched her take the cock in her mouth to the back of her throat. Lena moaned and Wes saw Brock’s eyes roll to the back of his head. His brother had always been a sucker for vibration.

  “Shit, woman. Take it slowly. I want to enjoy this,” Brock hissed as he tangled his fingers in her hair, holding her head so he could control her movements. But he couldn’t control that sexy mouth of hers. Lena gave him a run for his money.


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