Forever Your Concierge

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Forever Your Concierge Page 5

by Jessica Ingro

  "Keep this to yourself, but it did not go unnoticed by Grant either." It was unlike Travis to gossip, but when he did it made me giddy for some reason. Maybe because he always had the good dirt.

  "Well, that explains the stick up his ass when Matt asked E to dance at the reception. For a while I was concerned we'd have to get security involved. I thought he was just being overbearing." Which was Grant's middle name when it came to his wife. His overly possessive nature was mostly endearing. Sometimes it was annoying, especially when she and I were trying to get into trouble or have a good time.

  "Are we done gossiping for the day?" Travis changed the subject abruptly, which meant he was done with it.

  "Sure." I tossed my phone onto my lounger as Travis tucked me against his side. I leaned further into him in an effort to get as close as possible. I was finding that no matter how physically close we were, it wasn't close enough. I hoped it was like this for all newlyweds because it was pure bliss.

  Travis' hand dipped into my bikini bottoms and cupped my ass. As soon as I felt skin on skin, I knew where this was going and I could not wait. That didn't mean I wasn't going to play hard to get though. It would be no fun if I didn't.

  When his head lowered and his mouth sought mine, I turned mine, giving him access to my exposed neck. "Someone could see us," I told him.

  "Don't care," he murmured against my skin.

  "I do."

  "No, you don't." He was right of course. I didn't.

  "Okay, you've convinced me." He chuckled but kept up his ministrations, running his mouth and tongue down my chest, sucking a fabric covered nipple into this mouth. "Yes," I whispered.

  "Lay back, wife." I untied my top as I quickly obeyed, not wanting to waste any time. When my hands reached for my bottoms, he halted my movements. "That's my job."

  I shivered at the heated look on his face, wanting his hands on me more than my next breath. I didn't have to wait long as he slowly and strategically mapped my body with the softest of touches. He reverently kissed every inch of me. Multiple times. By the time his head settled between my legs and he licked and sucked my swollen flesh into his mouth, I was practically coming out of my skin.

  "Travis," I called out, my hands gripping his hair to hold him to me.

  His answering groan catapulted me even further towards ecstasy. He leisurely lapped at me, stopping to occasionally bite my clit, sending electric pulses through my entire body. He knew just how to play my body. I was so very close to my world imploding.

  "Inside. Now," I panted out, pulling his head up—none too gently mind you—from where it was working magic between my legs. For as much as I enjoyed his work down there, I wanted to finish with him while he filled me full.

  His lazy eyes found mine, and his mouth glistened from my juices. My mouth fused to his, loving the way I tasted on his tongue. And then not making me wait, his cock was inside me, and my back arched with how good it felt.

  As his hips retreated and thrust back, our eyes stayed locked with each other. Each time he bottomed out, I gasped. Wanting more. Needing more.

  "Never loved anyone or anything more than I love you," Travis vowed. "I'll spend the rest of my life proving it to you. You're it for me, Maya. Until my last breath."


  "Tell me you love me," he stilled deep inside me when he demanded that.

  "I love you." My hands framed either side of his face. The words didn't seem like enough, but they were all I had. His answering smile was absolutely breathtaking. I never wanted to stop making him look at me that way—like the sun and the moon hung because I said so.

  "Travis," I moaned when my climax swept through and washed me away. He continued his slow and steady thrusts, taking me through the high. When he was close, his movements sped up, becoming a hard, almost punishing rhythm that had my inner muscles clenching him as I basked in the primitive way he was taking me, seeking out his own release.

  When he finally came, he planted himself inside me so that we were fully connected and my name rolled off his tongue reverently.

  "Is it possible to have too much sex?" I joked as we both struggled for air while our blood began pumping a little slower.

  "I doubt it," he answered with a chuckle. "If it is, I'm only too happy to find out."


  He kissed me and whispered he loved me before slowly disconnecting from me. He rearranged us on the lounger so that I was mostly on top of his body with our legs entwined. His hands lovingly stroked my hair as we went back to lazing in the sun.

  Travis eventually broke the silence by asking, "You hear from Kayla at all since we left?"

  My body stiffened at the subject he chose. "No," I bit out. "I don't really want to talk about it either. He does not get to share our honeymoon, Travis."

  "You think I don't agree with that sentiment?"

  "Why would you bring them up then? It's like you want to fight with me. Do you like me angry or something?"

  "I just wanted to know if your sister has come to her senses yet." He squeezed me tightly and continued, "Please don't start a fight. I just came hard and hopefully we made a baby together. I don't want to be surrounded in negativity, both yours and mine."

  God, I loved this man. Was there anyone more sage than him? I didn't think so.

  "You're right. I'm sorry. I love you."

  "I love you too. Now what do you want to do for the rest of the day?"

  I ran my hand down his chest and gripped his flaccid cock. "Do you have to ask?"

  He rolled over on top of me, settling between my legs. "Nope. Let's see if your theory about too much sex holds true."

  And that was how we spent the rest of our honeymoon. In blissful peace. That peace held out for one glorious year before it shattered.

  Chapter Five

  "Vivi, hand mommy the ribbon over there," Elizabeth instructed her daughter who was sitting on a chair kicking her feet back and forth while she colored at the table next to us. We were set up in Elizabeth and Grant's Manhattan apartment creating centerpieces and decorations for a client's anniversary party later that week. It was a tedious task, but one that we excelled at due to all the practice we had over the years.

  "Here, Mommy." Vivi handed the gold ribbon to her mother. With a kiss on the tip of her nose, Elizabeth thanked her and then went back to her centerpiece.

  "Bernadette Summers called today," E informed me nonchalantly. My hands stopped in their fashioning of the bow I was working on and my eyes shot over to her. She studiously kept her head down avoiding my gaze. As well she should considering that I hated Bernadette almost as much as I would hate going to the dentist for a root canal. "She was hoping you could come over and organize the kosher dinner party she's having for her husband's coworkers."

  "And you said?"

  "I said that I'd check your schedule. I didn't want to commit you without talking to you first." She finally looked up from her avid attention on her bow making. It was like she thought Jesus was going to magically appear in the material with how intently she had been studying it.

  I sighed and rolled my eyes, considering my options. Bernadette and I had grown up together and she always thought she was better than me. Her parents had better jobs than mine. Her family had more money than mine. Her car was nicer than mine. Her boyfriends were cuter than mine. And now her life was better than mine. Or so she thought.

  I personally didn't think it could get any better than coming home to Travis every night. Our first year of marriage had been spectacular—filled with laughter, romance and lots of hot sex. You hear over and over again that the first year is the most difficult, but I think that saying pertains more to situations where you don't live together first. I could see where that would be an adjustment, getting used to living with someone and having them constantly in your space. That wasn't the case with us though. I loved every minute of our three hundred and sixty-five days together and wouldn't change a thing about them.

  Travis had made it c
lear on more than one occasion that he didn't expect me to work, and that I could stop at any time. So even though Bernadette sat on her society ass seven days a week, it didn't make her better than me. I just wasn't going to lower myself to her level to inform her of that. I desperately avoided taking her assignments when they randomly came in, but she always requested me so that she could make snide comments the whole time I did work for her. My guess? It made her feel better about herself to demean others.

  "Is it a night you can do?" I finally asked her.

  "Well... technically, yes. But I was hoping you would do it anyways."

  "Um yeah, no. But thanks for asking," I semi-joked. She shook her head at me and pursed her lips, giving me a disappointed look, so I foraged on before she could argue. "I need to keep my stress level down. We're going to the fertility specialist next week and Bernadette is a sure fire way to raise my blood pressure. You know how she treats me, E. And I refuse to give it back to her. For one, I'm not like that. And for two, it isn't professional."

  Travis and I had been trying to conceive for almost a full year. Every month was a disappointment when I started my period. If I allowed myself to think about it, I would find myself withdrawing from life around me. My heart felt heavy and depression skirted on my periphery. Which was why I didn't allow myself to go there.

  Thankfully, my doctor finally referred us to a specialist. I was nervous but optimistic. Travis insisted that it wasn't a big deal if we got pregnant right away, but I knew how much he wanted kids. I saw him look wistfully at other people's children, and I knew how much he loved Vivi. I wanted nothing more than to give him a child. Sometimes it physically hurt when I watched children or daydreamed about what it would be like—that's how bad I wanted this to happen.

  "I appreciate your professionalism, honey. But see, there's actually something I wanted to talk to you about. Why I don't want to take her job will make sense once I do."

  "Look, Mommy!" Vivi exclaimed holding her hands out. Hands that were covered in magic marker. As was her face and arms.

  "Shit!" Elizabeth grabbed her hand and hustled her towards the bathroom.

  "Shit!" Vivi parroted her mother's words. I busted out into loud laughter that just couldn't be contained. My goddaughter was just too cute to not appreciate.

  "Don't say that, sweetie."

  "Shit!" She said a little louder this time.

  I heard Elizabeth sigh and the water started running. My laughter continued for several minutes before I turned my attention towards picking up the stray markers that Vivi had gotten her hands on. She was such a precocious little girl, always pushing boundaries and trying to discover how things worked. She was a lot like Grant in that way. Something that made his chest puff up with pride any time it was mentioned.

  "Well, it looks like I'm going to have to explain to Grant why his princess looks like a tattoo aficionado. Thank God my mother isn't coming in until next weekend. She'd never let me live it down. I can just imagine her berating me for not keeping a closer eye on my daughter right before lecturing me on how kids are tricky and you always need to be on the ball with them. She would have never let me write all over myself, you know?" Sarcasm dripped from her words, but she still had a smile on her face. For as much as her mother grated on her nerves, she still loved her dearly.

  I laughed again. "Your mom isn't that bad. I mean sure she can be a bit overwhelming and maybe a tad bit suffocating, but it all comes from a good place. She could be like Grant's witch of a mother."

  "So true," she concurred. Her eyes flitted around the mess on the table. "Okay. So where were we?"

  "I was just going to tell you how much I love you. Then I was going to cut and run so I can get ready for my anniversary dinner."

  "Shit. I forgot about that." Her face suddenly looked exhausted, and I immediately felt bad for leaving her. How hadn't I noticed the circles under her eyes before now?

  "You want me to stay? I can call Travis and tell him something came up. We don't have to do dinner tonight since we're leaving for the long weekend tomorrow."

  "No. Go." She waved me off with her hand. "You only get one first anniversary. Besides there's only a few more centerpieces that need to be done. When Grant gets home later I can finish while he bathes little miss over here. Tommy can pick everything up tomorrow instead of tonight. It's no big deal."

  "You sure you're sure?" Elizabeth was one of the few people who could make me feel guilty without even trying. It was kind of like how I felt with Travis—a strong urge to make her life easier and do whatever she needed to make her happy.

  "Yes, I'm sure. Now go so you won't be late."

  I grabbed my purse and kissed my goddaughter on the head before giving E a big hug. "I'll see you on Monday," I called out on my way down the hallway towards the front door. I stopped just before opening it. "Wait. Didn't you have something you wanted to talk to me about?"

  She walked down the hall towards me holding Vivi in her arms. "It can wait. Go enjoy yourself and tell Travis I said hi."

  "Okay. Love you. Bye."

  I hurried out to meet my husband. I couldn't wait to see what he had planned.

  * * *

  The lights were dimmed low. There were candles everywhere. And I do mean everywhere. Our bedroom had been turned into the most romantic space I had ever seen. Travis packed a punch when he was trying to woo me. And woo he did.

  We had just finished a five course meal from my favorite French restaurant uptown. Travis had them deliver it and set it up in the seating area of our room. "Don't want to leave once I have you in here," he explained. I was completely up for that. Especially if it meant us rolling around in the sheets for hours.

  Now we were swaying to Ed Sheeran's "Thinking Out Loud." His arm around me. His hand in mine. My head resting over his beating heart. It was the perfect way to spend the evening.

  "So after a year, do you regret putting on the old ball and chain?" I asked Travis.

  His lips kissed my head. "Not at all."

  "I could spend forever just like this," I said and burrowed a little further into his arms.

  "You will," he promised.

  The song ended and an acoustic version of "I Choose You" by Sara Bareilles started.

  I never understood how the simplest thing like dancing with my husband in front of a backdrop of lights across New York City could make me fall in love all over again, but it did. Each and every time we did this, I fell a little harder. Travis never shied away from showing me his romantic side and sweeping me off my feet. We danced on rainy days. We danced on anniversaries. We danced on birthdays. And we danced just because. He once told me he grew up watching his father dance with his mother. With the strong influence of his father, I'd say he learned how to treat a woman really well. I never felt more safe, more loved, or more cherished than I did with him. For that I was thankful that his parents set such a good example.

  I pulled my head back and looked up into his face, giving him a huge smile—flashes of what forever would look like in my head.

  "The first time I saw you, I fell in love with your smile. I didn't even know you then." His hand cupped my cheek and his thumb traced my bottom lip. "But one smile made me a goner. It was like my world had finally come into focus. And even today, I can be having the shittiest day, but one smile from you washes it all away."

  Tears pricked the backs of my eyes as my lips quivered. "Want to know what it was for me?" I asked. He nodded, so I took a shaky breath and proceeded to pour my heart out, something I didn’t often do. "It was your eyes. I turned around in that bar and lost myself in the most beautiful pair of indigo colored eyes. It felt as if you were seeing right through to my soul. It scared the crap out of me, but there was nothing I could do to stop myself from giving you my everything."

  Words weren't necessary after I finished my confession. Travis' lips found mine in a bruising kiss. His hands skirted down to the hem of my dress and pulled it roughly over my head, our mouths breaking apart for only
the split second necessary. When he cupped my ass and pulled me tightly against him, I moaned. Pulling his shirt out of his pants, my fingers anxiously pulled the buttons from their holes and pushed it over his shoulders. As he struggled to pull his arms out of the sleeves, my hands roamed over his bare skin reveling in every inch of its hard silkiness.

  "I love you," I murmured when his arms circled my body again, herding me towards the bed. I fell on my back onto the bed with his weight quickly coming down over me. My legs spread wide to allow him to settle in between them. His fingers pulled down the bra cup covering my right nipple. His head descended and mine flew back as he sucked the pebbled flesh between his lips, his tongue flicking the tip in quick successions. I threaded my fingers in the soft strands of his hair to help ground me as he drove me crazy with his mouth.

  Using my feet on the bed for leverage, my hips thrust up seeking much needed friction from his body. There was something about opening myself up to him and showing vulnerability that was driving me to need this intimacy more than my next breath. I needed to be reassured by skin on skin. Since Ashton, I had conditioned myself to have such a hard exterior that it was still hard for me to keep that guard down with Travis.

  His body weight shifted to the side, and his hand lightly traveled down my body, straight into my panties. He immediately hit the spot that made my eyes roll back, and a breathless moan left my throat. I shamelessly circled my hips, shifting back and forth, riding his hand in search of the golden release. This was my favorite thing about sex with Travis. He paid attention to the fact that I preferred a man's hands between my legs, rather than his mouth to get me off. That didn't mean he never feasted on me. When he had a hunkering for a taste of me, he always took it. It's just that he didn't feel it necessary.

  Within minutes, he had taken me to the brink of my release. Just as my restraint was about to snap, he lightened his pressure on my clit and thrust a finger inside me, creating a different kind of burn but one that was no less delicious.

  "You want to come?" He asked me. In my hazy state, I simply moved my head in a subtle nod. "Say it. I need to hear it."


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