Stone Mended (The Stone Book 3)

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Stone Mended (The Stone Book 3) Page 4

by Renee Harless

  I startle slightly when Alex’s hands rest on my knees, spreading them further apart.

  “Show me that sweet pussy, beautiful. I can’t wait to taste your sweet honey on my tongue. I’ve never tasted anything so succulent.”

  My muscles clench at his words. I love when he talks like that.

  He slides his hands up my thighs and stopping at my folds. He rests his hands in the spot where my thighs meet my pelvis, letting his thumbs explore my clit and entrance. Unable to hold back any longer, Alex licks his way from my anus to my clit, a whispered moan escaping my lips. He delves into my center like a starved man, lapping at my wetness as if it was his last meal. Along with his tongue, he sinks a digit deep into my pussy, while continuing to rub my clit in a circular motion. A vibration, deep within, takes me by surprise, but I quickly succumb to the incredible feeling.

  “Come for me, darling. You’re so close I can feel your muscles tighten.”

  I don’t come right away, I hold off enjoying the feelings overtaking my body.

  “I want to fuck you, baby. I need you to come,” Alex pleads before sucking my clit between his lips.

  My body rockets up from the chair, the orgasm spiraling out of control.

  I work to control my breathing and bring myself back to the moment, but Alex wastes no time in removing his clothing and unlatching me from the chair. Before I have a chance to gather myself, Alex tosses aside the blindfold and flings me onto the bed.

  He rests above me and leans down to kiss me forcibly, parting my lips with his tongue.

  “Fuck, I need you,” Alex says between breaths.

  He rears back slightly and aligns himself with my entrance and then glides into me effortlessly. We rock against each other, franticly searching for the release that sits just out of reach. Alex flips me onto my stomach, pulls my hips upward and slams back into my body. His thrusts massage the sensitive area along my inner walls, soaring me towards another orgasm. My clenching muscles guide Alex to find his release as I recover from mine.

  I feel a warm cloth between my legs and then I’m lifted by Alex’s strong arms. He cradles me close to his body as we move back to our bedroom.

  We cuddle close under the sheets of the bed; Alex tucking me securely against his chest with his arms.

  “I love you, Alex,” I whisper as I drift off into slumber.

  “I love you too, beautiful. You’re amazing. I never knew I could be so lucky.”

  I chuckle, but make no reply. He knows how I feel about him. How my life was black and white until meeting him in that bar. Only then did my life become a kaleidoscope of color.

  Chapter 4

  The next few weeks feel eerily calm and pleasant. A feeling that washes over me with dread. I can’t help but wait for the other shoe to drop. I’m weary of turning a corner. I question the odd glances I receive from passersby. I know that people recognize me from the photos with Alex, especially since news broke that we are married. Luckily that news overshadowed those private photos. I was almost glad our wedding shots were leaked by Gregory – a smart move if I do say so myself. Of course a week after announcement of our marriage, the speculations began that Alex only married me to save his family the embarrassment of the debauch photos.

  Alex, Gregory, and Abi have all tried to convince me to ignore the press, that their goal is to sell papers, but it hurts. I never understood the draw of tabloid fodder. Why on earth would people find so much enjoyment out of destroying someone else’s life, or at least the attempt at it? Whatever reason there may be, I’ve worked endlessly to ignore all the glares and snickers. Alex and Gregory have been stressed; no closer to finding the person that invaded our private moment than before.

  That evening as Scott escorts through the front door I find Alex sitting at our kitchen table alongside Samantha and Will.

  “Hi guys, I didn’t know you all were stopping by this evening,” I say as I lean down to kiss Alex gently on the lips before taking the seat next to him. As I sit, Maria brings forth a pot roast dinner, one of my favorites, to share with our guests. “This looks great, Maria. Thank you,” I continue.

  “Mallory, Sam and Will have stopped by to say goodbye.”

  “What?” I exclaim, fork held high a few inches from my mouth. “I don’t understand.”

  Samantha chimes in, “We’re trying to reconcile our marriage and I’d like to be in California for the birth. I’m way past due to be flying, but we’re taking a doctor with us just in case. My…my family feels disgraced by me. So truly we have no alternative. And California is our home.”

  As she finishes she smiles at Will and he returns her gesture. Looking at the two of them you can see how in love they are.

  “Well, I can’t believe you’re leaving. We’ll have to visit you after you give birth. You’re still not going to find out the gender?”

  “We only get a few surprises in life so we’d like to enjoy this one,” Will says.

  “What a lovely way to look at it,” I reply dreamily.

  Alex’s gaze never waivers from my face as he studies my expression. We hadn’t had a any deep conversations about children, both of us still focused on our careers, but I can clearly see us growing in this house with a few kids, with Alex’s dark hair and my green eyes, surrounding us at our feet.

  As Maria gathers our plates, a task I’ve asked her numerous times to stop, Alex ushers us to his office for a nightcap. Will has never been inside Alex’s space and stands frozen at the collage of photos that overtake the wall between the windows. The large canvas of Alex and me at the Oriole’s game remains front and center, whilst various photographs of myself, the wedding, and us as a couple, surround the one shot. Abi did a remarkable job creating this collection.

  “This is…it’s remarkable,” he says.

  I nod and smile as I hand him his drink.

  “Abi put it together for us as a wedding present.”

  “I wonder if she could do something that that for me. The way she has the picture set up is so intriguing.”

  He’s right. It’s as if every photo flows directly into the next, each moment separate, but connected by some item, whether it is a tree, or the sun, or a scarf. I don’t know how she did it, but she created a masterpiece.

  “So Will, what time do you all head out?” I ask.

  “Our plane leaves in a few hours. I chartered a jet so if we have any trouble we won’t disturb any other passengers.”

  I nod at his admission and take a sip of my drink.

  “I’m really happy it all worked out, Will. I can see how much you love each other.”

  Will drapes an arm over my shoulders and pulls me close while placing a kiss on the top of my head.

  “Same goes for you, Mallory. I can see now how perfect you two are for each other.”

  I smile up at him and wrap my arm around his waist, pulling him closer – my angel. The man who knew me just well enough to come heal me when I had lost all hope and trust. The man that watched me struggle to stand on my own two feet, both figuratively and literally.

  I close my eyes at the burning sensation as tears flood to the surface.

  Blinking them away I glance up at Will and whisper, “I won’t ever be able to tell you how much I love you, Will.”

  “Don’t mention it, beautiful. I’m grateful everyday that you called me. If you hadn’t, I doubt I would be where I am today. I like to believe most things happen for a reason.”

  Alex and Samantha stroll over to us, well Samantha more or less waddles in that adorable way that overly pregnant women can. Will moves to take her arm, allowing her to rest most of her weight on him. Alex comes to stand behind me, wrapping his strong arms over my shoulders and around my chest. I lean back into his embrace.

  “I propose a toast,” Alex says. “To my good friends that have found that life is worth so much more when you’re with the one you love. I pray for safe travels for you both and a quick and healthy birth of our godchild.”

  We toast our glas
ses of whisky to Samantha’s glass of water and drink in honor of our friends.

  The night ends too soon as Samantha drifts in and out of sleep on the couch in Alex’s office. We assist Will in waking her to get her into their vehicle for the drive to the airport.

  After they leave Alex and I climb the stairs to enter our bedroom. We bypass the bed and both find ourselves in the master bathroom.

  “Would you like a bath, beautiful?”

  “That sounds lovely, Alex. Thanks.”

  He starts the water as I begin to peel off my clothes. The thought of soaking in the warmed water instantly calms my senses. I wait for Alex to remove his clothing and then follow him into the large tub, my back resting on his chest.

  “This feels great. I was exhausted today and my nerves are still wound really tight.”

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart.”

  We sit in silence as Alex cups water in his hands and releases it over my shoulders.

  After a few minutes of quiet Alex says,” I want us to have a baby.”

  My back goes rigid, complete opposite of the inward smile springing forth in my heart.

  “You want a baby?”

  “I want you pregnant with my baby. I want a family with you.”

  “Oh, Alex. I’d love to you have your children, but we just got married. Are you sure you’re ready to share me with someone else?”

  Alex twists me in his arms and places a gentle kiss on my lips.

  “There is no one on this planet I would be more thrilled to share you with.”

  “Alex,” I whisper as I lean forward and place a soft kiss on his neck, using my finger to race the defined pectoral muscles of his chest. “Do you want to start trying now?” I ask as I nip at his sensitive flesh. “My shot is up next week. I can cancel my appointment.”

  “Fuck yes,” he groans, “I want to start now.”

  I suck his bottom lip between my lips. I place my hands on the sides of his face, needing to focus his attention. “It may take a while, Alex.”

  “I’ve got nothing but time, beautiful. Now stop teasing me and slide my dick into your hot pussy,” he growls towards the end.

  Reaching behind me, I take his hardened shaft in my small hand and guide it to my entrance. Once Alex is completely seated in my body, he grabs my waist to hold my body still and pulses his hips up and down in a frantic rhythm. The tempo is so quick and overwhelming that I need to hold onto the edge of the bathtub to maintain my balance.

  “Alex, please. I am so close.”

  “I know. Come for me, beautiful.”

  A few more strokes and I come gloriously, squeezing Alex’s growing erection within my womb. The tightness brings forth Alex’s release as he holds himself inside my core and wraps his arms around my shoulders. I rest my head on Alex’s shoulder and close my eyes overwhelmed at the orgasm still pulsating through my body.

  We luxuriate in the tub for a long while, letting the cooling water wash over our heated skin. The feeling of being wrapped in Alex’s arms is enough to shield me from the dread of the outside world. Our life seems to be on an endless roller coaster of highs and lows. Without any trace of the photo-welding culprit, I have the sinking suspicion that our life is about to dip again.

  As Alex helps me to get out of the tub and dry off we hear the door downstairs open and the distinctive footsteps of Gregory’s boots echoing on the hardwood floors. I glance up to find a worry lines streaking across Alex’s forehead.

  “I better go see what he wants,” Alex huffs.

  “I’ll come with you. Just let me throw on something real quick.”

  He nods and kisses me on the top of my head before wrapping a towel around his waist and exiting the bathroom.

  I stand draped in the warm towel as I take in deep breaths full of the steamed air. I know I’m not going to like the reasoning for Gregory’s visit.

  I step into our bedroom and quickly throw on a pair of yoga pants and a sweatshirt before rushing down the stairs behind Alex.

  I find the men engrossed in a series of papers spread across the dining room table. The look on their faces is enough for me to know that I’m not going to be happy with whatever it is that has them so absorbed.

  “What is it?” I ask as I move farther into the room, arms wrapped around me as I feel the need for more protection.

  Startled, Alex whispers my name and grimaces before turning his attention back to the papers.

  Gregory speaks up when he realizes that Alex’s attention is worn thin.

  “Mrs. Stone, I have a few things I wanted to show you both. We now have a pretty broad area where we think the perpetrator is located. We traced it using the IP address linked to the photo uploads.”

  “That’s great news, right?”

  “It would be, Mrs. Stone, if I hadn’t received an e-mail from one of my contacts at a local tabloid. More photos have been submitted for release and these are much more explicit than before. “

  “I want to see.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Mallory,” Alex interrupts.

  “Why not?”

  Alex shakes his head and runs his fingers through his hair.

  He takes a deep breath before continuing, “It’s not a good idea because they aren’t of you.”

  “I don’t understand what you mean,” I say as I turn my attention to Gregory. “I thought you said that this didn’t start until after Alex and I go back together.”

  Gregory replies, “That is what myself and the police believed, but apparently the person intruded far earlier than that.”

  “Who is she, Alex?”

  “She’s nobody, Mallory. She’s a nobody that I was with while I tried to get over you. I missed you so much and I just tried to forget.”

  I step closer to the table as both Gregory and Alex take a retreating step back. I examine the photos – all thirty-six of them. The woman is chained to the ground by her ankles and wrists, but a belt like contraption hanging from the ceiling has her hips hoisted in the air. Alex is in the background wearing a pair of loose athletic shorts that ride low on his hips and he is wielding a flogger in his hand. The woman’s face is turned towards the camera and she is lost in pure ecstasy.

  I take a closer look at the photos. The woman is curvier than me and her blonde hair is curled and draping down her back. She faintly resembles my old roommate Mika. I look harder at Alex’s face and the torment flashing in his eyes is apparent. I hurt for him at seeing these photos.

  “When were these taken?” I ask to no one in particular.

  “Right after I heard you had been kidnapped,” Alex whispers in anguish. “I’m so sorry, beautiful.”

  “We weren’t together, Alex. I’m upset that the pictures are going to be released, but I’m not upset with you.”

  Alex comes to where I stand and wraps a strong arm around my waist, pressing me firmly into his side.

  “Well, it’s good for you to have a united front in this, because the pictures aren’t the worst of it. They are seeking a ransom. They say they’ll continue to release more evidence against Alex and you, Mallory, unless we pay them thirteen million dollars.”

  “Isn’t that extortion?” I ask.

  “Yes, and we have been asked by the police to not cooperate with them.”

  “But they’re going to release more photos. How is that fair to us? We don’t need our lives plastered across tabloids for people to gawk at. It’s our personal life that they’re using as bait and I’m just supposed to sit by and let them have at it? Where is the sense in that?”

  Alex simply tugs me closer and kisses the top of my forehead.

  “I agree, Mrs. Stone. I’ve expressed to the police our concerns and they have issued a block on the IP address and a publication restraint to all tabloids in their jurisdiction. If they publish the photos they will be fined or jailed as an accessory to a crime. “

  “Do you think that will work?”

  “It’s hard to say. One or two may continue to
slip through the cracks; the police can only monitor so many. But don’t you worry; I’m going to catch this person, Mallory. No one slips one over on me. I’m sorry to have interrupted your evening, but I wanted you to know about this release. I didn’t think you all needed the surprise right now.”

  “Thank you, Gregory. I know you’ll figure it out. In the meantime, get some rest yourself. We need you clear and alert,” Alex says.

  Gregory nods in understanding and turns to leave through the back door.

  Releasing me from his hold, Alex leans forward and stocks the photos in an orderly pile and takes them to his office. He comes back to find me in the same place, standing offside of the dining table.

  “I am sorry, Mallory. I never meant for any of my lifestyle to hurt you like this.”

  “It’s not your fault, Alex. Do you have any idea who it may be?”

  “I don’t, though knowing it went back this far gives me some ideas. We had a grocery delivery service for a while, new workers coming and going on a daily basis, but Maria monitored their movements in the house and pantry. We also had new landscapers and interior designer at the time.”

  “Do you think it could be any of them?”

  “It’s hard to say. They all go through an extensive background check before they are allowed inside my home. I can’t imagine why any of them would have a vendetta against me.”

  “OK, what about your racing team? Anyone there that may be upset with you and had access to the house?”

  “I just don’t know. We moved around a few teams, but I don’t have anyone that I could imagine as this spiteful,” Alex concludes as he grasps my hand and starts pulling me towards the stairs. “Come on, love. Let’s think this over in bed with my cock buried deep inside you.”

  “I could get on board with that,” I say as I follow dutifully behind him.

  Chapter 5

  I stroll into work the next day with a heavy weight bearing on my shoulders. I kept receiving odd glances from passers on the street, much to my and Scott’s dismay. When I enter the floor to my office Bea politely smiles at me, but I can see the worry in her eyes.


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