Stone Mended (The Stone Book 3)

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Stone Mended (The Stone Book 3) Page 6

by Renee Harless

  Twisting me on the bed, he tugs my hips so that I rest on all fours as he comes to kneel behind me. Alex teases my center by gliding his shaft across my slick folds. I shiver every time he passes over my pleasure button. He slides into me effortlessly and then slowly retreats. A few more slow movements and then he picks up speed as I meet him thrust for thrust. The rocking of his body sends me closer to the abyss.


  Alex’s hand strikes my ass, spiraling my body into orgasm. After a few more deep thrusts he follows me over the edge.

  We sink down into the bed together, his arm draped across my body as I fall into an exhaustive sleep.

  I wake to an incessant pounding in my head. I hesitantly open my eyes only to shut them quickly when the bright light of the bedside table shines onto my face. A groan builds from deep in my throat as I cover my face with my pillow praying for death.

  A deep chuckle vibrates along the skin of my arm and then I feel his body pressing on top of my own.

  “Time to wake up, beautiful,” the sultry voice claims.

  I merely grunt in response.

  “Oh, I see. Feeling the after effects of too much Champagne? Hold still, I’ll be right back, love.”

  Like I could move if I wanted to.

  Alex returns to my side, removes the pillow from my grasp, and places two pain relievers and a glass of water into my hands. I move to sit up in the bed and greedily slug the cool water. Some of it spilling down my chin, which Alex removes with his hand as he softly chuckles.

  I hand the glass back to Alex and fall back onto the bed, curling my body onto his male-scented pillow.

  I take a deep breath, letting his flavor seep into my senses and ask, “Why are we up so early? I don’t have to be at work, you know?”

  Like a kid in a candy store Alex bounces towards the bed; which is a complete contrast to the suave utilitarian man I’ve come to know.

  “I’m taking you to practice today, beautiful. Come on get up! I can’t wait to show you everything.”

  His giddy demeanor is enough to pry a smile from my lips, even as the dulling ache persists in my head.

  “You need to take a quick shower so we can get on the road. I need to be there in about an hour,” he commands as he jumps on the bed, this time landing on all fours. He leans forward and urgently seals his lips over mine in a punishing kiss.

  If I wasn’t awake before, I am now.

  As quick as he bounded onto the bed he just a quickly guides his body from its leisure and heads out of the bedroom.

  I roll myself out of the sheets and place both feet on the warm hardwood flooring. I can already feel the effects of the water and medicine taking over. The pounding in my head has turned into an almost non-existent ache. I push myself off the bed and head towards the master bath, hoping a hot shower will rid the rest of my handover.

  Ten minutes later and thanks to an obscenely hot shower I find myself feeling back to normal. I blow dry my long brown hair so that it lies straight with just a hint of curl at the ends. On my clean face I put on some moisturizer, mascara, and some sheen lip gloss. With the towel securely wrapped around my body, the loose end tucked at my chest, I walk into the master closet and, unsure of what to wear, I grab a pair of green shorts and a navy blue shirt. I slip on a pair of brown Tori Burch flats, a gift from Abi, and I head downstairs to meet Alex.

  I walk into the kitchen and find myself greeted warmly by Gregory and Scott. Alex comes up behind me as he exits the study and wraps his arms around my waist.

  As he presses a soft kiss to my neck he whispers, “I made you an omelet. It’s sitting in the warmer for you. You look delicious today.”

  He presses one final kiss to my neck and moves to join Gregory and Scott at the dining table. I take my breakfast out of the warming appliance, pour myself a glass of orange juice, and sit at the breakfast bar with the paper as the men continue to discuss the logistics of the day.

  I skim through the business section, only semi curious to the European business market. I continue flipping pages through the entertainment section when a headline catches my eye.

  New Parliament Replacement to the Stone Legacy Seeks to Land Seat and Widow.

  I read the article where it goes into detail discussing how Alex’s cousin Harrison is now dating Nicholas’ widow Evie. Below the article is a caption of the two out on the town. Harrison has Evie pulled close, the former model looking healthier than in the past and happier. The two actually look in love. If it is real then I’m happy for her. I haven’t met Harrison, but Alex has only ever said good things about him.

  Below the caption another writer goes into detail about Evie’s past in modeling and how she filed for bankruptcy before marrying Nicholas. The writer theorizes that she wants to settle with another Stone family member to secure her financial future.

  Could this be true? Evie had been through a life of torture with Nicholas, I can only imagine that she would want to stay as far from the family as possible after all she’s endured. But the article makes me think. What if she needed some quick cash? What if she wanted to blackmail the Stone family for Nicholas’ sins?

  “Hey, guys? Have you all seen this article about your cousin Harrison and Evie?”

  The chairs scrape and scratch against the hardwood floor as the men jump from their chairs in a flourish. The men read the article over my shoulder and I turn to look at Alex. A myriad of emotions play across his face.

  “Do you think it’s possible? Do you think Evie is the one sending the pictures?” I ask.

  “I…I really don’t know.”

  Gregory takes the paper from the counter and folds it neatly, tucking it into his suit jacket pocket.

  “I’ll look into it, Mrs. Stone, but looking at the picture and using my knowledge of Evie I’d say the chances are slim that it’s her. But we can never be too sure. It seems we hardly know anyone anymore.”

  I nod my head at his statement, thinking about Seth and Nicholas. Talk about two men that completely caught us all off guard.

  To be honest, it is a bit comforting to know that we at least have a suspect to follow up on regarding our leaked pictures. All of our leads have been dead ends up to the point.

  Trying to bring forth the previous excitement in the room I turn again to look at Alex and rake my eyes up and down his body. He is wearing snug, dark wash denim, a tight sky blue t-shirt, and gray sneakers. Alex smirks when my gaze travels back to his eyes.

  “Get enough of a look?”

  “It’s never enough, Alex. I’m excited for today. What are we doing exactly?”

  He comes to stand closer to me, wedging his body between my legs where I sit perched on a stool.

  “We’re going to a private race course where you’ll watch me practice. I’ll introduce you to my team and if you’re a good girl then maybe I’ll let you drive a practice car around the track.”


  “Absolutely, beautiful.”

  “Alright, let’s get this show on the road,” I exclaim as I jump down from the seat and take hold of Alex’s hand. “Boys, chop chop. I want to drive a fast car today!”

  Alex chuckles behind me and Gregory ushers us to the cars waiting out front.

  The ride to the practice track is quick and as Gregory pulls up to the gate Alex takes a hold of my hand kisses the back.

  “Are you excited, beautiful? You’ve been bouncing in your seat since we pulled away from the house.”

  “I can’t believe I get to see you race. Excited doesn’t even reach the capacity of what I feel right now.”

  Scott pulls in beside us and he walks around the car to open my door as Gregory does the same for Alex.

  I follow the men to the entrance, my hand encased in Alex’s, and gaze around the area. From what I can see there are no stands, only a few benches placed around the track, which itself reminds me of an air field. A bit lackluster compared to what I was imagining. Of course I grew up in an area where NASCAR is rampant and the
raceways look like football stadiums. This practice track, in particular, wraps and loops around the grassy meadow, testing a driver’s strength and ability.

  The group stops at the entrance to a small building. Gregory and Scott walk in while Alex stands closer, wrapping his arm around my waist, and slides his finger up and down my hip. Soon a petite woman pops out of the door and greets us.

  “You must be Mallory. It’s wonderful to meet you,” she says with a large smile; her glistening white teeth in deep contrast to her smooth mocha skin.

  I reach forward and shake her hand and extend the same pleasantries as she has with me.

  Sophie is remarkably beautiful. The combination of dark skin and syrupy eyes, gives her a mesmerizing quality. She’s dressed in a long skirt and billowy cream colored linen shirt. Her bohemian style compliments the short cut of natural curls framing her face. Her earthy appearance is in stark contrast to the men now surrounding her, all in stiff suits of gray and black.

  “Sophie, I’m going to get set up for practice. Would you mind keeping Mallory company?”

  “I would be happy to, Mr. Stone. You’re suit is in room three. I’ll take her to the bench at turn two since it is in the shade. Your car is fueled up and waiting for you. Mitch is your chief today.”

  “Great,” Alex says to Sophie and then he turns to face me. “I’ll just run a few laps and then I’ll be back out here. A few of my drivers are here to practice for actual races as well. Love you, beautiful. Have fun.”

  “You too, Alex. Drive safe, please.”

  “Always,” he replies as he kisses my lips and then strolls away.

  “You two are lovely together. I’m so glad you made it today. It gets boring when you’re the only female here. Come with me and we’ll make our way to the bench.”

  I smile and follow Sophie to the shaded area. A few minutes later I watch as Alex strolls out of the building in a red racing suit that covers him from head to toe. My heart beat shifts into sixth gear as I watch him stroll over to his waiting car. That man oozes sex appeal and he doesn’t even have to try.

  “You’re husband sure does know how to fill out a racing suit,” Sophie declares.

  “Mmhmm,” I mumble before thinking about her words and looking in her direction a bit more closely.

  She laughs at my expression and says, “Don’t worry. Mr. Stone is just a friend and I’m happily married, but a girl sure can appreciate.”

  I smirk at her and turn my attention back to my husband as he contorts himself to sit in the vehicle.

  “I can’t fault you for that; it’s hard not to look at him.”

  We slouch back against the back of the bench and watch as Alex’s car pulls up to the start line.

  One of the maintenance men walks around the car taking stock of everything and making sure his billionaire driver is safe and secure. Mitch, whom Sophie pointed out earlier, makes note on his clipboard then turns to walk through the fence. He stands at a box that powers the lights.

  I stare mesmerized at the flicker of the light board.







  Chapter 7

  The smell of the burning rubber filters through the air.

  The sound of the engine spurring to life assaults my ears.

  The whiz of the car, a flash of red and white, whirls past my eyes.

  My excitement surges forth as Alex steers the car around the winding track. The car zips through the straightaways and eases effortlessly through the turns. When his car passes by again he leaves a trail of dust in his wake. The swiftly moving wind weaves through my hair, scattering it around and twisting it away from my head.

  A gasp swells from my chest as I say, “Holy cow.”

  “It’s pretty amazing isn’t it?”

  “I’ve never experienced anything like this up close. The feeling when the car zooms past is…exhilarating.”

  “Exactly,” Sophie replies as she nods in agreement.

  I sit on the edge of the bench, my fingers tucked under my legs, as I watch Alex soar down the track. The skill and concentration he possesses amazes me, though I know it shouldn’t. He portrays that same skill and determination in the bedroom.

  Alex races around the track for the twentieth time before coming to a halt at the starting line. He eases the car back into the mechanic’s box and cuts the engine.

  Sophie and I stand from the bench and make our way over to the remainder of the group. Now that we are out from under the shade of the tree I can feel the intense heat on my body. The sun reflecting off the dark gray asphalt.

  When we approach Alex I can’t help but to sigh when each of his long and muscled limbs exit the car. Just watching him move his body in that way is enough to get me hot, and not from the heat of the outdoors.

  “So, what did you think?” he asks as he removes his helmet and runs his hands through his sweat soaked hair.

  “Alex, it was amazing! I’ve never witnessed anything like it.”

  A genuine smile spreads across his cheeks, his white teeth glistening in the sunlight.

  “You want to take a turn?” he inquires as he cocks his masculine brow above his left eye.

  I glance down at the tiny Formula One car and shake my head. “No, I don’t think I’m capable of driving that. I’m afraid I’d crash.”

  “Well, what if it wasn’t this car, but that one instead,” Alex probes as he gestures to a sleek white car parked under a tent beside the building. The car is smooth and sexy and sits incredibly low to the ground. “It’s an Acura NSX. Sophie thought you may have some fun driving it.”

  “She’s beautiful. Are you sure it’s ok? I’m not sure if I’m comfortable driving it.”

  “You’ll do fine and of course that’s why we have insurance, but nothing is going to happen. You’re an excellent driver, plus I’ll be with you.”

  He takes my hand and guides me to the extravagant vehicle. We walk around her as Alex points out the major points of the car.

  “She has a V-6, 3.5 liter engine; more than 550 horsepower, and can go from zero to sixty in 2.7 seconds. But in all honesty, it’s just a really sexy car, she reminds me of you. Sleek and sophisticated with a beauty that will knock you off your feet.”

  I smile up at Alex and shake my head. “Can’t say I’ve ever been compared to a car before, but it was a lovely compliment, thank you.”

  Alex and I walk over to the driver’s side as Mitch brings me a helmet announcing, “Safety first.”

  Before donning the headgear I look up questioningly at Alex.

  “Are you sure this is a good idea?”

  “Absolutely. We’ll go around once or twice for you to get comfortable and then you can let her loose. Just have fun, beautiful.”

  Nodding my head I slip into the bucket seats as Alex holds open my door. I’m amazed to find that the seats contour to my body perfectly. The seat is the perfect height and distance from the pedals. I’m lucky that Alex has been teaching me how to drive a manual transmission; I think my heart would break if I had to turn away now.

  Alex rests in the passenger seat, looking comfortable with the car and my driving skills.

  He turns to me and places his hand on top of mine where it rests on the gear shift. “You ready? Let’s fire her up.”

  He squeezes my hand then releases me so that I can press the push start button. The engine roars to life and her vibrations rumble throughout the vehicle.

  “Wow,” I whisper.

  “Let’s go, love. Take it slow the first couple of laps.”

  Feeding off of Alex’s confidence I set the clutch and put the car into first gear. I take a deep, invigorating breath, ease off the clutch, and grip the wheel as the car starts moving. I snap a glance out the window and see Sophie waving as she looks on. Concentrating back on the tarmac, I edge the car past the track gate and make my way slowly down the straightaway.

  The car maneuver
s like a dream, so much power, but she moves effortlessly. I take the first three laps slowly, familiarizing myself with the layout, but when I approach the start line to begin the fourth lap, I floor it. The car jets off the mark, tossing me and Alex back in our seats. I can’t help the laughter that explodes from my body. The adrenaline flourishes deep within my gut and seeps through my blood. The rush is almost overwhelming. I can only describe it as an exuberance I had only ever felt when acting out a scene with Alex. The high is heady, virtually hallucinogenic.

  I whip the car around the turns as if she is part of my body. The ease at which she maneuvers is indicative of an extra appendage. She is in my complete control. It’s addictive.

  After completing twenty-or-so laps I slow the car down at the gate and set the parking brake.

  “Alex, I didn’t go above eighty. I’d like you to show me what she can really do.”

  Alex doesn’t say a word, just ambles out of the vehicle and comes to open my door. As we switch places I don’t ignore the adjustment he makes at his pelvic line. Speed turns him on as much as it does me.

  Locking the belt in tight I barely register the click of the metal before I’m launched back into my seat. The world whips by us in a whirl of vivid colors. Alex pushes her to her limit; my eyes recognizing the speed of 297 kilometers per hour. We race around four more times before slowing for a final lap.

  I notice Alex’s chest heaving up and down as if he is trying to catch his breath.

  “Alex, are you ok?”

  “I am so turned on right now. I want to pry you from your seat and shove my dick so far into you that you can’t walk right for a week.” His dark, husky voice triggers a pool of moisture to seep from my pussy. I love it when he talks dirty. He continues, “Watching you drive this car, handling it like it’s a part of you, was so fucking hot. My cock is aching for you right now.” As he finishes he turns towards me, visor slid back on his helmet, and I can see the heat and sexual need penetrating his eyes.


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