Stone Mended (The Stone Book 3)

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Stone Mended (The Stone Book 3) Page 14

by Renee Harless


  He glances at me quickly and then turns his attention back to the controls in front of him.

  "Are you ok, Alex? Are you hurt?"

  "I'm fine, beautiful," he says through a smile. He removes one hand from the yoke and reaches for mine. He tugs the hand to his lips and places a chaste kiss on the clammy skin. "Are you ok? Was anyone hurt?"

  "Not that I know of and I'm ok, just a bit shaky."

  "I'm sorry for that. Please go rest in the back; I'm worried about you."

  "I'm fine, I swear it," I assure, placing the hand still in his grasp on his cheek. I rub my thumb across the growing stubble. "It's funny, you know? I had this weird feeling the moment that the crew boarded the plane and figured it was because I was be sad about the vacation ending. It's good to know that my instincts can be trusted; just wish that I had listened to them before." I gaze around the cockpit once more and release a deep sigh, expelling the anxiety from the tips of my toes through the top of my head. "God, Alex, this could have been so much worse."

  With my free hand, I swipe at the lone tear that escapes the corner of my eye.

  "Mallory, you can't think like that. We are here now and we are all fine and alive. We can't let the what ifs rule our lives; you of all people should know this."

  I let his words sink in, seeping deep into my mind, filling the hollow of my bones.

  "You're right, you're absolutely right. Thank you, Alex, for everything. And, right now, I am so happy you know how to fly a plane."

  Alex chuckles, the deep vibration echoing in the metal cabin. "You and me both, love. You and me both. Now please go join our friends, take a bottle or two of Champagne for everyone else and relax. We'll be landing in about forty-five minutes."

  I heed his advice and make to move from the cabin, but not before I lean down to press a kiss on his cheek, not willing to distract him from the task at hand. But as I'm about an inch from his stubble-ridden cheek, he turns his head to capture my lips against his. The kiss is soft and quick, but filled with every ounce of love he possesses.

  "I will never turn down the chance for a kiss from you," he declares as he claims my mouth once more.

  He turns back to the control board and I take that as my cue to leave the space. I step over the man still lying on the floor covered in blood, unmoved since my earlier visual.

  As I tread past Gregory, I turn quickly and pull him into a tight hug. I know that if it wasn't for his keen ear, this vacation may have ended in tragedy.

  "Thank you, Gregory. I don't even have a handle on the words to express my gratitude for everything you've done to protect my family...just, thank you."

  In a move completely unexpected from the large security guard, his arms tighten around me. "You and Alex are as much a part of my family as Maria and Anna. I'd do anything for you both, and for Anabelle," he says with an unfamiliar tightness in his voice.

  Knowing that we need to reign in the emotions I step back and smile broadly at our close friend.

  "Gregory, there will be no tears unless they come from me. I'm the only one that gets to use pregnancy as an excuse to be a blubbering mess. You'll need to come up with another excuse."

  He laughs and pushes me out of the front cabin and I walk over to the bar area, grabbing two Champagne bottles. I'm unable to grab any cups, but at this point I'm willing to bet my friends will drink directly from the bottle.

  The landing is surprisingly smooth for someone who hasn't flown a plan in years. Alex's expertise at everything that falls in his lap amazes me. A squadron of police awaits us as we depart the plane. Two officers rush up the stairs to retrieve the assailant and two paramedics carry a stretcher behind them to remove the lifeless body of the attendant caught in the middle.

  A small group of uniformed officers escort us to a conference room located at the airport and question each of us individually. I relay everything that I can remember from the moment I boarded the plane until the moment I exited. I mention the eerie feeling I had when the attendants boarded the plane and how I could sense the woman's anxiousness.

  When the officers group us together around the dull oak table in the bleak gray room I can't help but feel the walls closing in on me. Sensing my dismay Alex snakes his arm around my shoulders and pulls me into his chest. His masculine scent fills my nasal cavity and I instantly feel at ease. His touch and smell have always had that affect on me.

  A loud cough grabs all of our attention and I focus on the burly man with the gray bristling eyebrows at the front of the room.

  His overpowering deep voice vibrates through the entire space, commanding our attention. "We've listened to all of your statements and we appreciate your cooperation. Normally we don't discuss an ongoing investigation, but because of the circumstances and ongoing investigations overseas, we've decided to divulge what we know which, unfortunately, isn't much. The female received an anonymous text showing pictures of her son at a local park with an attached ransom if she didn't perform the assigned task. I hate to admit, but she did call the local emergency line, but it was brushed off as a prank. That operator has since been removed from the position. She did what any mother would have done to protect her child, I hope you know that," he says glancing in my direction. "That being said, we do know that she didn't cause any harm to the pilot or the other flight attendant; your onboard camera vouched for that. The male attendant must have been in cahoots with the anonymous texter and attacked the pilot. He died from self-inflicting wounds. The female attendant says she knew of the plan and had a parachute hidden under her seat for her escape, but couldn't follow through with her part; she was supposed to drug your beverages, but none of you accepted a drink. She told us everything and only asks to see her son. Luckily her child is safe, but we have no leads to the anonymous texter. Mr. and Mrs. Stone, you're free to press charges against the female, but, in my 'off the record' opinion, I feel she was doing what she felt was needed to protect her child and I hope you feel empathetic towards her actions. After reviewing your on-board footage I can see that she caused no harm to anyone."

  I launch myself from my chair, concern evident in my voice. "Let her go, please. I understand everything your saying and I would do anything to protect my child, please, just let her go be with her son."

  "Thank you, ma'am. I was hoping you'd understand the delicate situation. I can't say that the law has always been so merciful. "

  I glance around the room alarmed, my voice rising in concern, "Is there a program she can join with her son? I mean, I don't want this 'person' to have the ability to contact her again. She needs to feel safe. She and her son need to be safe. Please."

  "We've already set everything in motion for the program. I assure you that her and her son will be safe."

  "Thank you," I reply as I slink back down in my seat.

  "How was the assailant able to gain access to the approved crew? We use an off-site company and they are hired on short notice," Alex demands.

  "We're unsure, but my guess would be that this person hacked the airport system looking for your flight information and then hacked the employee file. We have our special information technology teams trying to trace the IP address. We know that this ties into your ongoing investigation in your home country and I hope that we provide them with the right tools to keep you and your family safe."

  "Thank you. That's all I ask for."

  "You're welcome. If there is anything else we can do, please call me directly. Gregory has my card. While you continue to reside in our state, I will increase our watch of your residence and workplace until you depart. We want to feel secure."

  A counselor glides into the room as the commanding officer leaves and she offers assistance to each of us, explaining how we have every right to feel scared, but that we can’t let that fear hold us back. I haven’t even wrapped my head around the fact that we could have all died in a fiery plane crash. A shiver shakes its way down my spine as I let the fear and panic rush forth.

  I speak alone with the psychologist after everyone else has taken a turn and I listen closely to her advice. She also shows me breathing techniques to use if I feel my anxiety rising. At this point I feel silly for learning the breathing method after all of my previous sessions with hospital issued psychologists after my kidnappings. I probably should have asked for a calming method the first go-round, but the topic never came to fruition. Around the seventh intake of breath I can feel the fullness of oxygen push out the terror and anxiety, my body slumps against the back of the chair and I exhale a soft sigh.

  I finish my personalized session and step out into the bustling airport where I find Gregory, Alex, and another officer standing around in a stiff manner. Alex has his hands woven together and placed on top of his head, which is tilted towards the sky. His eyes are closed and his breathing is coming in quick successions. It’s how you would imagine someone to look if they were completely exasperated at a situation.

  Gregory’s typically put-together self is rumpled and wrinkled; I even notice a smearing of blood on his white shirt. He’s barking orders into his phone as the other officer looks on with a hesitant gaze in his eyes.

  I step beside Alex and place my hand on his lower back, hoping that some of my calm energy seeps into him.

  “What’s going on?” I ask intrigued by the situation.

  Alex’s hands release from their clasp on top of his head, but they shake as he comes to wrap them around my shoulders, tugging me close.

  He takes a deep breath then whispers, “The IP address they found today, matches the one that has been linked to the person recording things in our home,” he turns his gaze down to me and searches my eyes. “It’s the same fucking person that is hell bent on destroying our lives. The same fucking person and no one can find him. He hasn’t left a single trace anywhere.”

  “Oh, Alex, what do we do?” I question as I tighten my hold on his trim waist, inhaling a deep breath of his scent in the hopes that it calms my fear.

  He kisses the top of my head and then rests his cheek on the same spot he just laid his lips.

  “I don’t know, beautiful. I don’t fucking know,” he replies with a shaky and fright-filled voice.

  We stand like this a few minutes more while Gregory completes his conversation on the phone. I only get bits and pieces but I can tell that Gregory is beyond furious that the police in London weren’t monitoring the IP address as they claimed to have been.

  A bark sounds loudly; calling our attention to Gregory as he swipes his hand through is short trimmed hair.

  “So, here’s the plan,” he begins, wasting no time with pleasantries, “You’re going to stay in Baltimore to complete your research and then we’re going to fly back. No extra days, no extra outings. Business only. We will take a private plane with a crew chosen by me at the last minute. I don’t want this perpetrator to have time to access any potential members. While we are here, Scott and the local law enforcement are going to remove all devices from your house in London. Anything electronic other than appliances will be removed until this person is caught. I will have a special computer brought in that is un-hackable for your personal use. It uses a satellite based internet that I can firewall and maintain. Any questions?”

  “No, just…how long do you think this will take? Are we looking at days, weeks…?” I inquire.

  “Mrs. Stone, I truly don’t know. The shorter the better, but it’s already been months and this person hasn’t been caught. Let’s stick with a few months as a time frame and if there is no progress by the time Anabelle is due, then we’ll go in a different direction. I want you and the baby safe, that’s my main priority.”

  I take a deep breath and rub my hand across my small bump protectively.

  “Ok, Gregory. I trust you.”

  “Thank you. Now let’s get you back to the apartment. We will have a group of unmarked police escorts.”

  Alex and I stroll hand in hand and say goodbye to our friends and family and they depart with escorts of their own. We step into a large SUV and head back towards the harbor and our awaiting apartment.

  When we arrive, reporters stand on every available space hoping to get a glimpse of Alex and his wife, me. Gregory guards us with his body as journalists throw questions and accusations about the near-death experience. One reporter even had the gall to claim that it was a lover of mine seeking a way to remove Alex from the pictures. She earned a sinister glare from Alex at the claim. Of course she failed to remember that I was on the plane as well, without a parachute of my own or a way to escape a crash.

  Gregory finally leads us through a set of secure doors. A set of thin, yet warm arms wrap around my shoulders when I least expect it and I let out a yelp of surprise. I turn my attention to my assailant and I almost burst into tears at the sight of my dear friend Nancy. Nancy is a concierge at The Braxton and helped me heal after Seth’s violent attack and kidnapping. She’s like my own guardian angel and I feel immense comfort in her embrace.

  “Oh, deary, you look shattered. Don’t you worry; I’m going to take good care of you. And I hear congratulations are in order. I am so thrilled for you and Alex.”

  Returning her hug, I squeeze a touch tighter before releasing my grasp.

  “Nancy, it’s so good to see you. I’ve missed you so much. You’ll have to come keep me company when Alex is working. I need to get upstairs to the apartment, but please come see me later.”

  “Absolutely, go get some rest, sweet girl.”

  I turn from my dear friend and follow Alex and Gregory to the bank of elevators and we ride towards the top floor.

  “The room was swept thoroughly this morning and it looks like we’re in the clear, no one has come here since. I had new monitors installed at the entrance so I can see who is coming and going at all times. You both should go relax. I have a feeling it will be an interesting few months.”

  He turns and leaves from which he came and I trail behind Alex as he enters the apartment. We walk immediately to the bedroom and I pause beside the bed, debating the removal of my clothes for a much-needed nap. Alex takes the thought from me as he quickly removes all of my articles of clothing in haste.

  I glance over my shoulder at him and he shrugs, “I figured you’d be more comfortable this way.”

  I nod and then climb into the cool sheets. Alex follows behind me after discarding his clothes as well and he tugs me close to his body, his chest to my back.

  “I love you, beautiful. Get some rest.”

  I reply the same sentiment and then drift off into a peaceful sleep.

  Chapter 15

  The past four months have flown by. Truly, it’s as if I stood still and the world spun around me. I yearned for a freedom that ceased to exist.

  It wasn’t as if I was being held captive, far from it. But I was never permitted to go anywhere alone, heck even a trip to the bathroom was met with great fanfare.

  But today as I walk into the hotel tea room I push back the claustrophobic feeling and embrace the warmth of the room filled with just as many men as women. Today is our much protested baby shower.

  I take a hold of Alex’s hand and he gazes down at me, heat still polling in their amber depths. I lick my lips remember the taste of his cock as I went down on him before we left the house this morning. Now that my stomach has grown to epic proportions, I’m unable to handle our previously strenuous sex life. Also, our doctor advised against it at this point, she says I have too much pressure on my cervix from the large baby. She had better be large because it feels like I have Hercules in there sometimes.

  “I can’t wait until our appointment tomorrow,” I smirk cheerfully.

  We haven’t had another ultrasound since finding out the sex. The doctor hasn’t found it necessary. But we go in for a growth check tomorrow at my thirty-six week mark. I can’t wait to see my baby girl again and Alex is even more excited than me.

  “I’m excited too. And we’ll get her to do one of the 4D renderings so we can see h
er more clearly.”

  Abi skips towards us and tugs me from Alex’s protective grasp and guides me over to the area of the room set up like an adult tea party, hats and all. The men congregate on the other side of the room where a more masculine display is set up.

  I mix with the girls and hug Madison and Mika, who flew in for a long weekend, as they sit beside me at my table. The boys even join us for a few of the games. I can’t control my laughter as Gregory seems to win all the prizes. His keen eye and photographic memory put us all to shame; sweetly he hands off all the rewards to his wife and daughter.

  Once the games commence, Alex joins me at two chairs placed together in the center of the room. Abi hands us each gifts and we take turns opening them. Clothes, shoes, blankets, and toys litter the floor in front of us as we reach for the final gift. I let Alex do the honors and he rips off the paper of what looks like a picture frame.

  We all wait patiently; unable to read the expression on Alex’s face as his knuckles turn white against the black frame.

  “Alex, what is it?” I ask trying to mask my concern with a jovial tone.

  “Gregory, get everyone out now,” he whispers, as his gaze never moves from the frame.

  Gregory jumps to attention and spends the next five minutes ushering everyone out of the tea room. Madison and Mika send cautious glances in my direction and I shrug my shoulders and tell them that I’ll meet up with them while they’re here for the remainder of the weekend.

  Once everyone has left the room Alex turns in his chair and wordlessly hands me the picture. I stare at his face etched in dread and my concern grows when I find tears pooling in his eyes.

  I take a deep breath and turn my attention to the picture frame. In my hands lies a candid photograph of me giving a blow job to my husband, my hands tied behind my back, and one of his hands thrust into my hair. Under any other circumstances, say for a private photo, it’s actually very erotically beautiful, but this photo was taken in our home, our bedroom, only a few hours prior to the baby shower.


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