Wicked Rush

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by Kym Grosso



  Club Altura, Book 2

  Kym Grosso

  Copyright © 2016 Kym Grosso

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  MT Carvin Publishing

  West Chester, Pennsylvania

  Editor: Julie Roberts

  Cover Design: Alivia Anders

  Cover Models: Jase Dean and Angelica Kotliar

  Photographer: Golden Czermak

  Formatting: Polgarus Studio


  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, locations and events portrayed in this book are a work of fiction or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to actual events, locales, or real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.


  This is an adult erotic romance book with love scenes and mature situations. It is only intended for adult readers over the age of 18.


  ~My husband and kids, for supporting my writing and books. Keith, thank you for being patient with me while I work long hours, for making dinner when I can’t, for standing by me every single day and never ever giving up on me. I seriously would not get to one single signing or be able to finish writing books if it weren’t for you. There are no words to express how grateful I am for everything you do. You guys are my world and I love you so much!

  ~To my readers, who encourage me every day to write. Thank you so much for being supportive and patient with me while I wrote Wicked Rush, allowing me to stretch my wings and write contemporary. You are the reason I continue to write! I can’t wait to dive back into Immortals of New Orleans, with my wolves and vamps. I promise you all that Jake’s book is coming next. ( You all are the best readers ever!

  ~Julie Roberts, editor, who spent hours reading, editing and proofreading Wicked Rush. You’ve done so much to help, teach and encourage me over the years. You are a great editor and friend. I was so happy to meet you in person this year, visit with you in the UK. Thank you for teaching me how to drink a proper British tea and for taking me to see that incredible castle in Wales. I loved visiting with you! I realized as I’m writing this that once again the sparkly unicorn you suggested did not make it onto the cover, so I will try to do so in Jake’s book. I have to give a special shout out to Constantine, your cuddly kitty, who puts up with listening to all the love scenes in my books. Lastly, keep the faith writing, as your books are amazing! I can’t wait to do a signing with you! (

  ~Shannon Hunt, Once Upon An Alpha, for promotion and assisting. I’m not sure where to begin, because you do so much for me and are an incredible person. You are unbelievably amazing! Let’s start there. ( Dedicated. Caring. Creative. You’ve helped me with so much over this past year, from book releases to signings, just too many things to name. You’re a cheerleader, making me laugh every day and keeping me going when I sometimes feel like quitting. You are a great friend to me, and I’m so glad we’ve been able to work together. It was awesome hanging out with you at RT & then again in San Francisco…which definitely influenced my thoughts for Jake’s book. Hour-long phone calls, hand-holding and keeping me on track…you just are the best ever! Hopefully I’ll live closer soon, in sunny California, and can visit with you. You are irreplaceable, and I’m so grateful for your help and incredibly lucky to have you. #BTCW,

  ~To Jase, Thank you for helping me with the Wicked Rush photoshoot, from ideas for poses to location selection to implementation. You’re an incredibly talented model and it’s been a pleasure watching you work. You have been an inspiration, someone who has had faith in me even when I don’t have it in myself. You’ve pushed me outside of my comfort zone on more than one occasion, helping me face my fear of heights, from holding my hand the first time we hiked Torrey Pines to getting me across the Golden Gate Bridge. By the time we reached Big Sur, I was able to hike at Pfeiffer Falls and enjoy the view. Pacific Coast Highway was spectacular but terrifying, but hey, I did it. ‘Good Enough’. ( And yes, what we did at Big Sur totally counts as camping…just sayin’. ( Kayaking in La Jolla was an incredible experience. Even though I was scared, we had so much fun…it still cracks me up that, for at least one hour, I thought I was good at it. Always remember, that under no circumstances are you allowed to bring your phone near the water. ( You are one of the most adventurous people I’ve ever met in my life, and even though you scare the shit out of me some days, I’m in awe of your bravery and fearlessness, and continually impressed with your creativity. #dumbanddumber #luckiestwomanintheworld

  ~My Alpha readers, Maria DeSouza and Rochelle McGrath. I really appreciate your insightful critique of the storyline and unique perspectives, caring about my characters and books. You both are dedicated readers and my cheerleaders. I’m sorry it took me so long to get a book out this year, but I promise you both, my wolves are coming. You have both been great friends to me and I appreciate everything you’ve done to help me along the way. You both are awesome!

  ~My dedicated beta readers, Denise Vance Fluhr, Janet Rodman, Jessica Leonard, Jerri Mooring, Karen Mikhael, Kelley Langlois, Lacy Almon, Laurie Johnson, Margie Hager, Stephanie Worne, and Rose Holub for beta reading. You guys are the best beta readers and so supportive! Thank you so much for your dedication to beta reading my books and for all the valuable feedback you provided.

  ~Alivia Anders, for cover design. You are incredibly talented and thank you so much for designing such a unique and gorgeous cover. I appreciate all the work you did helping me to create the stepback cover as well. I love it!

  ~Golden Czermak, FuriousFotog, for images and photography. Thank you so much for custom shooting all the images for my Wicked Rush release. You take spectacular photos. I love the cover and teaser images you shot for my book, they are amazing!

  ~To Angie, cover model, you look unbelievably gorgeous in all the images, and it was awesome having you on one of my covers and teasers. I really appreciate your support of the release!

  ~Jason Anderson, Polgarus Studio, for formatting my books in both e-book and print. Thank you for doing such great work on another one of my books.

  ~Rose Holub, Read by Rose, Maria DeSouza, and Janet Rodman, for proofreading. Thank you so much!

  ~Denise Shelmerdine, subject matter expert, for giving me input on what is and isn’t possible in medical situations. Thank you for sharing your extensive knowledge and helping me run through scenarios that would make my scenes more realistic. I’m lucky to have you as my friend and so grateful for your help!

  ~My awesome street team, for helping spread the word about the Immortals of New Orleans and Club Altura series. It has been a great experience getting to know all of you and meeting some of you in person at signings. I appreciate your support more than you could know! You guys are the best! You rock!

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Romance by Kym Grosso

  About the Author

  Chapter One

  Lars’ heart pounded in his chest as he swam through the icy Pacific. His palms stretched into the seawater, propelling him forward, a sweet burn radiating through his thighs. The sting of rising swells wasn’t enough to thwart the memory from playing through his mind. Nearly two months ago he’d been surfing with his colleague, Seth Termaine. A hail of gunfire had erupted from a cliff precipice, spraying across the beach and into the ocean. While he and Seth had avoided the bullets, they’d caught sight of a terrified brunette taking a direct hit to her shoulder.

  Without hesitation, Lars had swum to shore. Running toward her, he’d fallen to his knees in the bloodstained sand. As another shot sounded, he’d scooped her up in his arms and sped toward an alcove in the cliff. Cradling her to his chest, he hid within the darkened cave. Laying her on the sand, he’d removed her jacket and located the puncture wound. Her fierce emerald eyes had blinked up at him. With his name on her trembling lips, she’d pleaded, ‘Lars, help me.’

  Broken and beautiful, she’d succumbed to the impending loss of consciousness. As sirens blared in the breeze, he’d held onto her; minutes stretched like hours. When the medics had finally arrived, Lars had insisted on going in the ambulance, remaining by her side until they’d whisked her into surgery.

  Lars had sat in the waiting room staring at his hands, the dried blood caked on his skin. He’d reluctantly accepted a warm washcloth from a nurse, who’d repeatedly encouraged him to get examined. Shaking her off, he’d stubbornly remained, steadfastly waiting on news of her condition. By the time the police had arrived, he’d composed himself, hiding his frustration that neither he nor Seth could provide a detailed description of the assailant.

  While she’d survived the procedure to repair the tear in her artery, she’d contracted a hospital acquired sepsis infection, which had left her unresponsive for a few days. Never leaving her bedside, he’d willed the mysterious Jane Doe to heal. When she’d regained consciousness, a flicker of recognition registered in her eyes. The nurses immediately sprang into action, assessing her condition. Lars hadn’t been able to speak to her as the medical team hastily ushered him out of her room.

  After calling into the office and catching up with his secretary, he’d returned to see her, but a hospital administrator had greeted him at her door. In a matter-of-fact tone, the perky businesswoman had explained he was no longer welcome. He couldn’t believe that after everything he’d done for her, she’d lie, not even as much as say thank you. The news sent him reeling. Although he’d explained that he’d donated millions to the facility, as the victim had claimed she didn’t know him, he had to leave.

  Angry that she’d refused to talk to him, Lars had exited the building pissed as hell. He’d told himself the entire fucking mess was none of his business anyway. Whatever fleeting feelings he’d developed for the injured woman were nothing more than a false sense of responsibility. He told himself that despite saving her, he had no obligation to watch over her recovery. She has the finest doctors in the country. Not my fucking problem. Tomorrow he’d wake up, purge the memories of the attack from his mind and go back to business as usual.

  As the weeks passed, curiosity turned to anger. With no answers from detectives, he’d sought help from his friend Dean, who was an assistant District Attorney. The victim had been identified as Dr. Braelynn Rollins, a prominent marine biologist. Dean explained the police investigation had been stalled. There was nothing more they could do to find the suspect. Neither Seth nor Lars could describe the shooter, and Dr. Rollins had been unable to name her attacker, claiming that it had been a random case of violence. Her car had been located a mile down Pacific Coast Highway, carefully parked and locked. No purse or keys had been found. Along the top of the cliff and on the beach, no evidence had been left by her attackers except for the tire marks left from the shooter’s car.

  “There’s nothing else we can do,” Dean had told Lars, imploring him to move on and forget what had happened on the beach. He’d promised him he’d follow up with Dr. Rollins in another month to see if she remembered any other details.

  Another frigid wall smacked over Lars’ head, breaking his rumination. Get your fucking shit together. Having swum the same San Diego shoreline for the past five years, he knew the dangers of swimming in the open ocean. He should have been paying attention to his surroundings instead of daydreaming. Lars trod water, assessing his location. Relieved to see the familiar beach from where he’d started his swim, he rode a wave toward the shore.

  As his toes sank into the sand, he gave a wave to his friend Seth, who was chatting it up with a couple of blondes. Lars smiled but made no move to approach the trio as he unzipped his wetsuit and peeled it from his limbs. The taste of the saltwater fresh on his lips, he reveled in the warmth of the sun. He closed his eyes, breathing in the ocean mist.

  Lars picked up the neoprene skin and set out to return to his car. He paused as his eyes caught sight of the cave that he’d deliberately avoided. The police had already searched the beach, he knew. But none of it made sense. Although he was obsessed with the truth, the cave reminded him of Braelynn. After she’d booted him from her hospital room, he preferred not to dwell on the beautiful face that had spurned his kindness. Yet as he put one foot in front of the other, he decided enough was enough. He needed to search for the missing clue to what had happened the day of the shooting. Braelynn Rollins had nearly died that day, and the perpetrator could have killed all of them.

  As Lars entered the darkened crevice, the chill from the shaded tunnel caused gooseflesh to break across his skin. The bone-dry sand told him that the surf only reached up into the cave during high tide. He scanned the area for evidence, catching sight of a tiny crab scurrying off into obscurity. Falling onto his knees, he palmed the cliff, tracing his finger pads over the earth.

  Lars spied a cracked sand dollar jutting up from the sand. His mom had always loved them when he was a kid, and he still couldn’t resist the temptation to collect the little treasures. Lifting it out of its gritty tomb, he inspected it. The brittle shell crumbled in his grip, and he opened his palm, letting the pieces float back to the ground. As he brushed off the remaining sand, a silver fleck caught his attention, and he reached for what he initially thought was broken oyster shell.

  He rolled the grainy bit in his fingers and tugged on it, its weight resisting his grip. Excitement set in as the thinly braided string rose from its sandy tomb. A tiny metal object dangled from the end, and Lars pressed to his feet, surging toward the entrance so he could get a better look. It was only an inch long, but Lars was able to make out the shape of a tiny brass key. Its intricate pattern was easily discernable in the glaring sun. After running his fingers over the green corroded metal, he slid them along the cord. What he’d thought to be a shell was a small silver charm. Although the initials had been worn, he easily recognized the monogrammed inscription: BR.

  Lars’ close friend and colleague, Garrett Emerson, CEO of Emerson Industries had insisted on seeing him. He sensed the impending lecture, but it wouldn’t deter him from his decision to investigate the shooting on his own.

  “I know I should, but I can’t let it go.” Lars swirled the cognac and glared into the snifter.

  “I’m not telling you what to do. I’m merely suggesting that you need to get your shit together. You’re letting this eat you up,” Garrett told him. He gave a quick glance up to the stage, where a band was beginning to set up their equipment.

  “I know this. But at the same time…I was shot at. I’ve got to know what happened.”

  “Jesus Christ, already. It’s been a couple of months since you found the girl on the beach. I know you think she said your name, but did you ever think you might have heard her wrong? She told the police she didn’t know you. Nothing has gone down since the
accident. Yeah, what happened sucks. You all were shot at, but it could easily be just what it looks like, a random act of violence.”

  “She’s got a name.”

  “You haven’t been on a dive for two months,” Garrett pressed.

  “Dr. Braelynn Rollins.” Lars knew damn well he hadn’t been skydiving since the shooting. He’d been closing several million dollar contracts, and blamed business for interfering.

  “What’s the fucking difference what her name is?”

  “She is a person, that’s why.”

  “Yeah, and so are you. Selby tells me you haven’t been going to work every day.”

  “That’s bullshit. I’ve been offsite. She doesn’t even work for me full time anymore. She’s transferring over to Emerson. And no offense, G, but it’s none of her goddamned business what I do. Besides, DLar-Tech is thriving.”

  “Seth told me you’ve been swimming every day.”

  “Yeah, I have.”

  “Said you got crushed by a wave. You know what that tells me?”

  “What?” Lars sipped his drink, letting the mellow liquid roll over his tongue.

  “You don’t have your head in the game.”

  “Had a lot on my mind that day. Don’t say you don’t do it too sometimes. I’m a big boy. I can handle it.”

  “This story is a short one, Lars. Girl got shot on the beach,” Garrett said.

  “The police left the case wide open. Exactly how does that happen?” Lars asked, shaking his head.

  “It’s unsolved. Happens all the time,” Garrett argued. “The key witness can’t provide a description of the shooter. Can’t say why she was shot at. Can’t say how it started. Can’t help with a motive.”

  “Can’t or won’t?”

  “Maybe she’s got no freakin’ idea why she was shot at. No matter what her reasons, she still didn’t want you there in the hospital. Even after you pretty much saved her ass, she didn’t even say thank you. Come on, man. This isn’t like you. Take the hint and move the fuck on. It’s time to get on with things.”


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