Kingdom (Avenues Ink Series Book 2)

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Kingdom (Avenues Ink Series Book 2) Page 26

by A. M. Johnson

  His brown irises were black in the low light, but despite the dark color, the warmth of his stare spread across her skin. His eyes were wide open, and his full lips stretched across his face into a smile. Not in all her life, had Kelly felt so… beautiful. Under his gaze, she was the only woman in the world.

  Her mother dropped her hand and said with a brightness in her voice Kelly hadn’t ever been accustomed, “No one is more deserving of happiness than you.”

  Kelly, a little speechless, watched as her mother edged in next to Paige, and after a moment her gaze fell back to Liam. He chuckled and offered her his left hand. As she took the last steps toward him, her eyes fell to his open palm. The same crown on her hip was now permanently placed into the skin of his hand, along with the words, Her King. She slid her hand into his awaiting embrace, and when their fingers laced together, he pulled her softly to his side.

  Liam brought his mouth to her ear, his breath tickling her skin as goose bumps spread along her neck and shoulders. “Kelly…” His voice quaked and her breath caught as he leaned back and held her face with his free hand. His thumb traced the long length of her scar. His eyes searched hers as he whispered, “I’ll never forget how fucking lucky I am to be the one standing next to you right now.”

  Liam had never cared about words, but today he wished he could find the right ones. Kelly looked more than beautiful, but everything he felt, everything stirring inside his heart, there wasn’t anything to describe it. Her eyes pooled with tears and her lips split into a smile.

  “You ready to do this?” he asked, his smile more a smirk, and her quiet laughter eased his racing pulse.

  “Forever starts now,” she said and squeezed his hand.

  The tattoo on his palm was only a few days old, but the slight twinge of pain reminded him who he belonged to.

  The judge they hired cleared his throat. “Shall we begin?”

  Even though he knew his family was right behind them, the room felt empty except for the warmth of Kelly by his side, and the voice of the officiant. The judge’s voice hummed like the background noise of the shop as Liam turned and faced his bride. Kelly’s dress was too sexy to be a wedding gown, but he had no complaints. She was poured into the top, and the bottom reminded him that she had always been his princess. The black color made him think of the bedtime story they both loved as kids, and how fitting that she would wear the color of night on their wedding day. The day his princess finally became his queen. It was regal, just like her heart, and his love for her, it was beyond anything he could’ve wished for.

  The room fell quiet and Kelly’s lips slipped into a slow smile. “It’s your turn to say something.”


  Liam swallowed and turned to look at his brothers. Declan’s lips turned up at the corners, his light eyes too aware, appraising, and probably guessing how foolish Liam felt. Liam was never romantic, and he’d stressed about this moment for the last two weeks. Kieran lifted his chin, a silent expression of support, and Liam turned back to Kelly. Her eyes grounded him and he said the first thing that came to mind, “I keep thinking I’m going to wake up…. wake up and realize all of this never happened. I never thought much about who I’d become. Hell, I never thought I deserved anything better than what I’d already had, but because of you, Kelly, I have a future worth living.”

  Kelly closed her eyes, the rise and fall of her chest increasing with every second that passed by. When her eyes opened, her lashes were wet and the brown color swam behind unshed tears as she spoke, “You have it all wrong.” Liam laughed as she smiled. “It’s because of you that I have a future worth living. My entire life I defined myself by one word, and it wasn’t until you that I understood what it really meant. Your heart, Liam, it’s beautiful. It’s stubborn, and valiant, and loyal. But I’m the lucky one, because I get to see inside it. I get the soft and sweet, when the world gets the hard stone. I love that you reserve parts of yourself just for me, and because of that, even on my worst days, I’ll know I’m special.”

  The room was utterly silent except for her breathing. He raised his left hand and pressed his crown to her cheek. “You have pieces of me…” He dipped his head, his mouth almost touching hers, his voice low as he said, “That will only ever be yours.”

  As she opened her mouth, the sweet taste of her breath spilled onto his lips as she whispered, “I promise to always keep them safe.”

  Their mouths came together with an easy precision, and Kelly’s soft lips moved eagerly against his own. He didn’t forget the black ceramic wedding rings sitting in his pocket, but he couldn’t care less. His hand slid down to her neck and he felt the moment when her pulse matched his, connecting them as husband and wife. The room erupted around them with cheers and his brothers’ cat calls as he smiled against Kelly’s mouth. His heart beat faster, feeding off the mood in the room, because this was what he’d always wanted. His family together, and his girl in his arms. It wasn’t exactly a happily ever after. Real life wasn’t like that, but when his lips broke from hers, and her eyes filled with a stunning shade of amber, he figured, just this once, he’d allow himself to believe in magic.

  I buttoned my jeans and pulled my fingers through my wet hair. The bedroom was still warm from the steam of the shower, and, when Kelly walked through the bathroom door in just her bra and panties, I was half tempted to throw her ass on the bed for round two.

  “You can’t walk around like that and expect me to be ready on time.” I gave Kelly my best smirk and she rolled her eyes as she grabbed her brush from the dresser. She tried to glare at me through the reflection of the mirror, but I saw the hidden smile in her eyes. “I wasn’t the one who invited everyone over.”

  She shook her head, her lips falling into a sideways smile as she spoke, “If I recall, you were the one offering invitations.”

  I stepped behind her and pressed my chest to her back as my arms surrounded her round belly. She looked damn good carrying my kid. Her skin was softer, and I fucking loved how all of her curves had filled out. My inked fingers were a contradiction to the smooth, bare skin of her stomach, and, as I looked at our reflection in the mirror, pride tugged at the corners of my mouth.

  “We need to get ready.” She didn’t sound too convinced as I placed kisses along her shoulder.

  She tilted her head to the side as I said, “In a minute.”

  Our eyes met in the mirror and I internally smiled. Her cheeks were red, and her blush poured all the way down her neck to her chest. I lowered my left hand to her hip and when our crowns connected she shuddered. I had no doubt that if I slipped my fingers between her legs she’d be wet and fucking ready for me like always.

  “I could call them, tell them we’re running late,” I whispered into the crook of her neck and she pushed her ass against me.

  My right hand palmed her breast, and I watched as her eyes closed. She was gorgeous, wrapped up in my arms, and I’d always remember how fucking blessed I was to have her. She turned her head to that perfect angle and my tongue parted her lips. My hand finally found its home between her thighs, and she whimpered as my fingers pulled through her arousal and circled her needy flesh.

  “Liam,” she breathed my name, and I inhaled a rough breath as she rocked against my hand.

  “Hello?” Kelly’s entire body stiffened as Declan’s deep voice echoed through the apartment.

  “Oh, my God, shut the door.” The demand rushed from her lips in a harsh whisper. But when she tried to pull away I held her even tighter.

  “We’ll be out in a second,” I hollered loud enough for him to hear. The sound of Royal’s laughter was unmistakable and his signature squeal doused me with cold water. “Shit.”

  Kelly giggled and I clenched my jaw as she pulled away from me.

  “Don’t look so grumpy,” she said with pouty lips as she picked up her dark green sweater dress from the bed and slipped it over her head. “It’s Christmas.”

  I exhaled a laugh as she threw my shirt at me a lit
tle harder than I felt was necessary. I pulled it over my head and stepped into the bathroom. I washed my hands and splashed cold water on my face. Anything to get my mind out from between her legs.

  Kelly popped her head into the bathroom. “Come on.”

  I wiped off my face and hands with a towel and followed her into the living room. The floor-to-ceiling windows framed the Christmas tree. It was snowing outside, but the sun filtered through the silver and red ornaments on the tree setting colorful shadows along the gray carpet. Before I even had a chance to say hello, Royal ran toward me, full steam, and I dropped to my knees to catch him before he face planted. “Jesus, this kid is crazy,” I said as I stood to my full height with him scooped up into my arms.

  “I think he gets that from you,” Declan joked, and Paige huffed out a laugh. As always, Indie was in her father’s arms, her smile shy.

  “Merry Christmas.” Paige’s broad grin touched her eyes as she hugged Kelly. “How are you feeling?”

  Kelly twisted her hair into a loose bun and tied it in place with the black elastic from her wrist as she spoke, “Better, and tired. Dealing with morning sickness and trying to get the counseling services at Irene’s finally up and running, not going to lie, I didn’t think I’d make it. The first trimester was rough… but the second has been good.” Her eyes found mine and she arched her brow with a knowing look.

  She was so sick for the first few weeks, and I was a fucking wreck worrying about her. “Good” was a hell of an understatement.

  “I’m glad you’re feeling better.” Paige’s smile was sympathetic. “You guys really did such an amazing job with the shelter.”

  “It was all her.” Royal wiggled and pushed against my chest as he mumbled the word, “Down.”

  He nearly jumped from my arms, but I was able to get him to his feet first. Declan lowered Indie to the ground and both she and her brother ran to the Christmas tree as he said, “Don’t touch the presents, okay, little man.”

  Paige and Declan smiled down at their children, and, when Kelly’s gaze found mine, the lump in my throat grew about three sizes. She brought her hands to her belly, and, when she looked up at me again, I quietly spoke the words, “I love you.”

  I covered her hands with my own and pressed my lips to her forehead as she whispered, “Merry Christmas, baby.”





  She called me Poet because my words circled her wrists, drew her closer as she stood on that cliff and watched me fall.

  I’d never known the real thing. I’d only ever pondered the idea, the notion. The touch, the peaks, the uncontrolled surrender, letting go—I’d never wanted it. Love was sonnets and pain. Sex had ruined nations, destroyed men, and conquered gods. It scared the shit out of me and so did she.

  She called me Innocent because my hands shook as she taught me the ropes, showed me peace in a moment of chaos.

  I’d never felt so vulnerable. I’d only given pieces of myself, and under her eyes, every inch of my skin burned and I’d lost the will to fight right from wrong.

  She called me Time because my heartbeat kept her still, owning the seconds of her thoughts and crowding the mundane ticking of the clock.

  My fingers twisted with hers as she pulled through the minutes, and I had no way to escape the descent.

  I wanted to say thank you to my family, my husband and my children. You’re always there for me. You support this crazy journey I’m on even though it keeps me away at times. You lift me up when all I want to do is fall, and you remind me that even on my worst days I’m still breathing.

  Thank you to my amazing beta family; Anna, Laurie, Cornelia, Kelly, Melissa, Karlee, Christy, Lucy, Marissa, Taylor, Emma, Steph A, Sarah, Bex, Michelle, Heather and Crystal. I’m pretty sure I can no longer function without you.

  As always, a HUGE thank you to AJ’s Crew, my Instagram family, all the bloggers and friends I’ve made, your constant support are the legs I stand on.

  Kathleen, Elaine, Amy… my words are shiny and fancy because of you, and my war between further vs farther, lie vs lay vs laid, and those pesky, (please note the inserted comma here ☺) fucking commas… yeah… I love you guys…

  Kristi my SFAB cohort and friend, thank you for everything.

  Jaimee and Stephanie… you ladies… I can’t even. I have found true friends in you and I’ll never forget all the support and love you’ve shown me!

  Ariana… yeah, you… even though you’re super freaking aggressive, I still love you and am grateful you let me work on shit when I need to… #itwasthewashingtonapple

  Hayley, thanks for giving me perspective when I lose mine.

  To my friends, you know who you are… my days are brighter because of our voice messages, daily rants, and shared love of words and cookies…

  Special thank you to Steve Gehrke, you’re a rock star, sir, and my Liam. It was an honor to work with you. Josh from Green Owl, you captured such amazing shots, and brought Liam to life, and last but NOT least, Mary-freaking-Ruth, this cover is everything!

  As always, if you’re in my life, you know you’re loved. My heart is your heart, Amanda.

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