Love Gone Wild: A Contemporary Romantic Comedy

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Love Gone Wild: A Contemporary Romantic Comedy Page 10

by Michele Bardsley

  "The girl don't want you to stay away from her. You ever think that she has a right to make up her own mind?"

  "And I don't?"

  Tuesday shook his head. "Man, you are stupid. Beautiful woman wants you and you dis her." He plopped on the couch and returned his attention to the television. "You want to go upstairs or you want me to go?"

  "I'll go."

  Dane climbed the stairs and entered the hall. All the doors were open except one. He knocked on it. "Marissa? It's Dane. I...uh...maybe we should discuss the list." He grimaced at the lack of reply. "Maybe you'd like to go get something to eat. Are you hungry?" Silence met his second inquiry, too. Frustration nibbled at him. If she'd just talk to him, they could work out what was bothering her. He grasped the knob and turned; the door opened. "Please, let's just talk—damn it!"

  The bedroom was empty.


  DANE HURRIED DOWN the stairs and into the living room. "She's gone."

  "What did she do? Make a rope out of sheets and climb out the window?" Tuesday tossed the remote control on the couch and stood.

  Dane's panic receded. Marissa hadn't left. Not unless she'd gained the power of invisibility. "She didn't come down the stairs. I don't think she'd have jumped out the window."

  "Did you check all the rooms?"

  "Yes, I checked all the rooms Most of them are empty—no furniture. There's a balcony in the master bedroom. The sliding glass doors were closed, but unlocked."

  "I'll check upstairs. Maybe you missed something."

  "I'll look outside. Brent lives in the boondocks. There's not another house for miles. Maybe...maybe she decided to take a walk and clear her head."

  Tuesday frowned. "Without telling us? That's not like her."

  * * *

  "HONESTLY, I DON'T know what you're—" Marissa grimaced as the man who held her wrist dragged her through a rough patch of tall grass.

  "Shut up. I want my Lillie back. You're the key."

  "Lillie? Lillie who?"

  "Don't act stupid."

  "I'm not. My IQ is quite high."

  "So is hers." He stopped and looked at Marissa over his shoulder. "The only person she gives a shit about is you. If I've got you, then I've got her." His gaze narrowed. "I'm smart, too."

  A cold finger of fear swept her spine. If only she hadn't gone onto the balcony for a breath of fresh air. If only she hadn't answered his child-like pleas for help. He'd been hiding behind a tree, waiting for her as she tried to find the source of the pitiful cries.

  "I don't know Lillie. I swear!"

  "For someone so smart, you sure are dumb."

  "Marissa!" Dane's voice echoed through the forest.

  "I'm here!" she yelled. "Hurry, Dane! There's a—"

  The crazy man covered her mouth and pulled her against his chest. "Shut up."

  Marissa gagged against the heavy scent of cheap cologne and the lingering stench of beer. Whew. When was the last time this guy washed his shirt?

  "Marissa! Where are you?"

  Her heartbeat kicked up a notch as she realized Dane's voice sounded farther away. The darling idiot was going in the opposite direction. Her captor must have had the same thought because he loosened his grip, giving her just enough space to maneuver. She stomped his foot, rammed her knee into his groin then jabbed his throat. He doubled over grabbing his crotch with one hand and his neck with the other. She turned and ran toward the house.

  * * *

  "I SWEAR THIS GUY read a textbook or something. Serial Killing For Morons," muttered Kade. He looked at the pretty young woman and felt grateful, goddamned grateful, he wasn't looking at the beautiful, forever-still body of Lillian. What would happen if Michael caught her? His guts clenched. "A red scarf at every scene? Lillie hates red. If he's killing her over and over again, why the scarf? I've never seen her wear one."

  "Maybe he wears one," answered Pete. Kade looked at his partner. His new partner. The guy who'd replaced Lillie when she disappeared. The young psych major shrugged. "Cross-dressing isn't out of the realm of possibility."

  "It is for this asshole. Did you read the case file?"

  "Yes, sir. Michael William Feeney. He witnessed the murder of his mother, testified against the murderer, a man named Casey Crumb—who was the dead woman's husband and his stepfather. Crumb went to jail, and Mr. Feeney and his girlfriend, who was also present at the murder, went into the Witness Protection Program."

  "Michael set up Crumb. Michael wanted to get rid of his mother and get control of his girlfriend. He's smart, Pete. Smarter than you and smarter than me, but not smarter than Lillie." Kade stood and motioned to the waiting men from the coroner's office that he was finished inspecting the body. The crime scene investigators had finished their jobs before he'd arrived, and they were already processing evidence from the scene.

  "I understand that Ms. Greene was a fine Marshal, sir."

  "Is, Pete. Lillie is a fine Marshal. Don't use the fucking past tense when you talk about her." Kade turned a fierce glare onto the kid. "In fact, don't talk about her at all. Got me?" Pete nodded so vigorously, his glasses slid to the end of his nose. "Yes, sir. Sorry, sir."

  Kade sighed and rubbed his jaw. "Go talk to the owner of the Paradise Club. Get us some useful information, okay, Pete?"

  "Yes, sir!"

  The boy scurried away, visibly relieved to be out of Kade's range; he smiled grimly. Lillie had never cowered before him. She'd argue with him toe-to-toe, not caring about his mean-ass reputation, his seniority, or his physical strength. Beautiful, tough, smart. God, he missed her. And for all his resources, his twenty-odd years in law enforcement, and his so-called investigative skills, he hadn't been able to find her. Where the hell are you, baby?

  * * *

  MARISSA RAN, HER leg muscles straining, her heart pounding, her eyes blurred with tears. She knew, to the depths of her soul, that man intended to do her harm. But there was more...he wanted her because of this Lillie woman. Lillie...Lillian. Change one letter and it would spell...WHAM! Her breath left her chest in a painful whoosh as she smacked into a solid object. Her fuzzy mind calculated the possibilities of hitting a tree, but a tree didn't have arms, and this object did. It was also muscled, strong, and...what the hell had happened to her vision? She couldn't see—Dear God, she was blind!


  Dane's voice seeped into her consciousness and she relaxed into his embrace. "Dane. I'm so glad it's you."

  "What happened to you?" She felt the gentleness of his fingers as he tilted her chin. "And why are your eyes closed?" Closed? Oh. Her eyelids fluttered open and she peered at Dane. He looked angry, relieved, and scared. For her?

  "Don't you ever— ever —run away again? Do you hear me?" He hugged her fiercely.

  "I didn't run—"

  "Tuesday's about ready to call the police. Or SWAT. Hell, the FBI."

  "I hardly think—"

  "Damn it, there's nothing we can't work out, okay?"

  "I realize that, Dane. But a man dragged me away into the woods. I just—I just escaped him."

  Dane's features hardened. "Did he hurt you? Who was he?"

  "No, I'm not hurt. I don't know who he was. But he seemed to know me."

  "A stalker?"


  "C'mon, princess. It's time the call the police."

  "No!" Marissa stopped him from pulling her toward the house. "He—he didn't hurt me. I'm fine. Really."

  "This is crazy. We're talking about your safety."

  "Then take me somewhere else. Where he can't find me. We need to finish the list, too." She looked at him. "I don't have much time left, Dane. I want to spend it with you. Besides, I couldn't identify whoever it was. I didn't see his face." She wiggled her toes inside her tennis shoes.

  She disliked lying to Dane, but she didn't want to speak to the police—for many reasons. She suspected the man had known her sister. And perhaps...perhaps she could find out more about Gillie's death. Crazy idea, Marissa. She
nibbled her lip. She couldn't go to the police. It would open all kinds of questions about who she was and, worse, who her parents were.

  Police Chief Henderson was a regular dinner guest at their home. He knew Fiona and Alan would be less than pleased to know their daughter was running around alone and unprotected in the big, bad world.


  "Please, Dane. I'm begging you not to call the police."

  He looked as if he was about to argue so she reached up and captured his lips. Her heart skipped a beat when he returned the kiss, gathering her into his arms, and angling her head to better fit the curve of his mouth.

  Too soon, he pulled away, and looked down at her. His eyes were dark like melted chocolate, and she wanted him so badly, she felt ready to attack him.

  "No police. For now." He drew in a shaky breath. "Maybe...maybe I'm cranky...a little...but it's only"

  Marissa waited to hear his next words. Waited with insane hope that he would admit he cared about her, that he desired her, that he needed in his heart and in his bed. Was that too much for a girl to want?

  Instead, he lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her. She snuggled into his embrace, sought the warmth and comfort of his lips, soaked in the gentle way his hands cupped her jaw. He drew away and she clutched his arms. "Please don't reject me again, Dane. I couldn't bear it."

  He gathered her close. "I don't want to hurt you, Marissa. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want you, but I can't—"

  "Don't say it." Marissa extracted herself from his arms. Tears pricked her eyes; an intense ache lodged in her throat, threatening to choke her. "Let's go back. I don't want Tuesday to worry."

  She turned and walked away.

  * * *

  "HOW'D YOU TALK me into this?" whispered Lillie. Even though she'd long given up on her relationship with Kade, she felt guilty about her attraction to Brent. She still felt attached the man who'd showed her kindness and love and who'd shut down his emotions like a robot and let her go. Kade hadn't been her first lover, but he'd been her only true love.

  But Brent...maybe Brent...he nibbled her neck. His fingertips caressed the line of her jaw then dropped to her collarbone. She groaned with pleasure and slid her hands into his hair. His lips continued their slow investigation, venturing onto the curve of her shoulder.

  Somehow, they'd ended up back at Brent's...Dane's...apartment. They'd made it into the living room and onto the couch. Barely. Why had they even pretended he wanted to interview her for a position as a housekeeper? The only position he wanted...she wanted...was horizontal. The desire buzzing between them should have blown out the streetlights on the way here. Hungry for his mouth, Lillie bent her head to capture his lips; she bypassed his gentle nibbling and slipped her tongue inside. A wave of pleasure crashed through her when he responded. Heat pooled between her legs. She needed more...she wanted the fulfillment Brent could give her. He slid one hand up her back then slipped the other one under her T-shirt; skirting along her rib cage, his fingers found her breast. He cupped it, kneaded the firmness, then grasped the hardened nipple and rolled it between his thumb and forefinger. Intense enjoyment radiated to all points in her body.

  He shoved up the T-shirt and took her nipple into his mouth. Lillie cried out at the pleasure invoked. "More," she begged. He knelt between her legs and removed her shorts and swimsuit bottom. He stroked her inner thighs until they trembled, though his fingers never quite reached the apex.

  "That's it." She toppled him onto the floor. She ripped off her T-shirt and swimsuit top before she made swift work of his jeans and boxers. She grabbed a condom out of her purse and slid it onto him. Impatient, she got on top and took his hard length inside. Her body shuddered at the contact; she was already pulsing around him.

  She leaned forward, offering her breasts, moaning when he cupped them and suckled her nipples. Sensations throbbed, swirled, threatened...she closed her eyes and thought of Kade. Beautiful, rough, gentle Kade. She exploded into a million pieces; he grabbed her hips and jerked inside her, his shout matching hers.

  Lillie collapsed on top of Brent, enjoying the feel of his muscled chest. She had to admit that he was a handsome man, a kind lover. He held her, his hands rubbing her back, soothing her.

  "You're in trouble, aren't you, Lillie?" he whispered.

  "No." She tensed under his fingers as he swirled patterns down her back. "What makes you think so?"

  "Instinct." He rolled her off and raised himself on his elbow then tucked her close, thigh to thigh, hip to hip. Smiling, he pushed a loose strand of hair away from her cheek. "Just got out of a relationship? Are you running from an old boyfriend?"

  Her heart stuttered. Brent couldn't know anything about her, about her life. About Michael. But he was damned good guesser. "Don't be ridiculous."

  His smile softened, his eyes reflected a mix of regret, sympathy, and hurt. He kissed her forehead then scooted away from her. The odd expression on his face sent warning tingles down her spine. His rejection stung, but most men weren't into snuggling. Most times, neither was she. But somehow the small distance between her and Brent seemed like the Grand Canyon instead of a few inches.

  "Guess the fun is over, huh?" She sat up and reached for her discarded panties and shorts. "Suppose I can't count on the job now. Stupid me."


  The reproach in Brent's voice stilled her movements. She looked at him, horrified to feel her throat close up, her eyes fill with tears, her lips tremble.

  "I think I'm in love with you," he said. "I feel like a truck ran over me and left me flat. I could marry you right now and never regret it."

  Surprise wrapped through her pain. Was he serious? "Brent, I—"

  He held up his hand to halt her words. "I know you're in trouble. I want to help. But first...who the hell is Kade?"


  LILLIE FELT THE blood drain from her face. She'd called out Kade's name? What was wrong with her? "I'm so sorry, Brent. I was in a relationship with a man named Kade, but we parted ways. For good."

  "Why do I doubt that?"

  "It's complicated. Look, this were wonderful. I've never met a kinder man. But this was all a mistake. I—" She stopped and debated the wisdom of telling him the truth. She needed to find Marissa before Michael did. Michael planned to go after the person she loved most and destroy her.

  Lillie had been the one to escape him. She'd been the one to capture him. She'd been the one to put his ass in jail. Then a few weeks ago, he'd escaped...taunted her and Kade with one murder after another. She knew that he wanted her. The only way to save the people she loved was to find him and offer herself as the sacrifice.

  Then kill him.


  She smiled. "Sorry. I'm zoning out. Incredible sex does that to me."

  "It was beyond incredible." He stroked her cheek. "You're leaving, aren't you?"

  "I have to." She kissed his palm. "I wish things were different. I wish I was a normal woman starting a relationship with a normal man." The urge to confide in Brent remained, but doing so might put him in the same kind of danger that Marissa faced.

  "Let me decide."


  "You're debating whether or not you should tell me something important."

  "It might mean putting your life in danger if I talk to you."

  "I'll take the chance."

  She started to shake her head, but he grasped her chin. "Lillian, I'll take the chance."

  * * *

  DANE SAT IN the darkened bedroom and stared out the window. Almost midnight and he'd been unable to get a wink of sleep. The moonlight skated across the forest behind the house. A fierce wind blew through the trees; he watched leaves detach and twirl to the ground. He glanced at the gathering clouds in the sky and sighed. Just what he needed—a thunderstorm.

  Across the hall, Marissa slept with her animals, except the blind kitten. That little puffball was curled on his lap, purring. He stroked the kitty's
ears, smiling when it arched its head against his hand.

  Marissa hadn't spoken a word to him the rest of the day. She responded to his attempts at conversation with one-word answers and hurt looks. Damn it. He didn't want to hurt her. Didn't she understand that? If he slept with her...took her virginity...she'd never forgive him. He couldn't be the man she deserved, couldn't give her the relationship she needed. He was a selfish bastard, he knew, but he would never open his heart to another woman.

  Especially not to a loving, kind-hearted, silly fool like Marissa Vanderson.

  Dane hadn't told Tuesday about the man who'd taken Marissa into the woods. He was sure he’d made a mistake not calling the police. His instincts screamed that Marissa was in danger, but he had no proof. And he couldn't help but wonder if she knew more about the situation than she was telling him. Did she know this guy? Was he the one she was running from?

  Frustration propelled him to his feet. He scooped up the kitten and put it on the bed. It curled into a little ball, instantly falling asleep. Dane walked to the window and looked at the ever-darkening sky. Marissa. He turned, crossed the room, and grabbed the doorknob.

  What was he thinking?

  Hadn't he considered all the reasons he shouldn't make love to Marissa? He needed to be logical, rational, and practical. He didn't want a relationship and Marissa did. Or she would. He couldn't accept that she would be satisfied with a few nights of sex. She would get hurt and he didn't want to be the cause of her disappointment. His hand slipped away from the knob.

  Two more days.He could survive Marissa's presence for two more days. Then she'd be gone...he exhaled slowly, not liking the pain creasing his heart. He turned from the door. He needed a cold shower, a tall drink, and a good night's sleep.

  * * *

  MARISSA CREPT INTO Dane's bedroom and closed the door with a soft click. She'd tired of his rejection. He was just too stubborn. He desired her as she did him. She wanted no other man and she didn't care that she might not be the only woman in his life. Jealousy jabbed at her guts. Okay, she did care that he might have multiple girlfriends. She shoved away the thoughts of sharing Dane with other females and climbed into his bed.


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