Under the Mistletoe Collection

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Under the Mistletoe Collection Page 1

by Cindy Roland Anderson

  Six Romance Novellas

  Cindy Roland Anderson

  Annette Lyon

  Julie Coulter Bellon

  Sarah M. Eden

  Heather B. Moore

  Jennifer Griffith

  Copyright © 2015 by Mirror Press, LLC

  E-book edition

  All rights reserved

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form whatsoever without prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief passages embodied in critical reviews and articles. This is a work of fiction. The characters, names, incidents, places, and dialogue are products of the authors’ imaginations and are not to be construed as real.

  Interior Design by Heather Justesen

  Edited by Cassidy Wadsworth, Julie Ogborn, Kelsey Down, and Megan Walgren

  Cover design by Mirror Press, LLC

  ShutterStock Image #167748182, Copyright: Kichigin, used with permission

  Published by Mirror Press, LLC


  eISBN-10: 194114554X

  eISBN-13: 978-1-941145-54-8

  Winter Collection

  Spring Vacation Collection

  Summer Wedding Collection

  Autumn Collection

  European Collection

  Love Letter Collection

  Old West Collection

  Summer in New York Collection

  Silver Bells Collection

  All Regency Collection

  Annette Lyon Collection

  Sarah M. Eden British Isles Collection

  Mail Order Bride Collection

  Forgotten Kisses by Cindy Roland Anderson

  Other works by Cindy Roland Anderson

  About Cindy Roland Anderson

  The Last Christmas by Annette Lyon

  Other works by Annette Lyon

  About Annette Lyon

  Truth or Dare By Julie Coulter Bellon

  Other works by Julie Coulter Bellon

  About Julie Coulter Bellon

  Holiday Bucket List by Sarah M. Eden

  Other works by Sarah M. Eden

  About Sarah M. Eden

  Christmas Every Day by Heather B. Moore

  Other works by Heather B. Moore

  About Heather B. Moore

  First (and Last) Christmas Date by Jennifer Griffith

  Other works by Jennifer Griffith

  About Jennifer Griffith

  Chapter One

  Madison Taylor didn’t like Hollywood. She wasn’t particularly fond of Christmas either. Unfortunately, she not only lived in Hollywood, it was also her livelihood. At least the Christmas holiday only came around once a year, which, thankfully, would be over in a week.

  Grabbing her double shot latte, she took one last gulp before exiting her car. She needed the jolt of caffeine if she was going to make it through the day. Charlotte, her eight-month-old niece, had kept her up most of the night. Who knew cutting three teeth at one time could be so traumatic?

  She hurried onto the set, knowing if she wasn’t there before Derrick Jamison, AKA Sir Lancelot, he would threaten to have her fired. Again. She doubted he’d ever go through with it because like it or not, she made him look good week after week, and they both knew it.

  Rifling through her purse, she tried to locate her ID badge. It’s not like the security guard didn’t know who she was. He just liked giving her a hard time since she refused to go out with him.

  “Morning, Miss Sunshine,” Kevin said with a smirk. “Have a rough night?”

  “Nope.” She yanked out her badge and held it out for him to inspect. “This is a new look for me.”

  Kevin eyed her dark hair pulled into a messy ponytail— it wasn’t artfully messy, just flat-out the best she could do this morning— and then scanned the rest of her. She had zero makeup on but had moisturized her olive-toned skin lest Beth, the makeup lady, saw her and yelled at her again for being so irresponsible with her skin. His eyes lingered on her T-shirt that was one size too small and emphasized her curves that were not surgically enhanced. Laundry hadn’t been a high priority this weekend, and the fitted shirt had been her only clean option.

  She snatched her ID badge out of his hand. “May I please go in?”

  “I like your new sexy I’ve-just-gotten-out-of-bed look.” The corner of his mouth lifted. “I’d like it even better if I actually got to see—”

  “Kevin!” she said, hoping to get his mind out of whatever gutter he’d just ventured into. “Derrick is going to kill me if I don’t get in there before he does.”

  “Derrick?” His eyes flashed with humor. “You haven’t heard?”

  “Heard what?” She didn’t follow the gossip columns on the exploits of the Forgotten Camelot’s cast. There were too many scandals to keep up with, especially involving Derrick.

  “Derrick was caught messing around with a seventeen-year-old fan girl, whose father happens to be an executive with our rivaling network. Our Sir Lancelot is no longer out gallivanting the kingdom, looking for King Arthur. He’s in jail and won’t be getting out for quite some time.” Kevin shook his head. “The network had no choice but to fire him. I mean the guy was stupid enough to send out a Snapchat of him and his jailbait girlfriend skinny dipping in his pool.”

  Madison splayed a hand across her stomach, feeling sick inside. As much as she detested her job as Sir Lancelot’s costume designer, mainly because he was an egotistical jerk, the pay was double what was standard in the industry due to the popularity of the show. She knew she wouldn’t be able to find another gig like this one anytime soon. “They just started season two. How can they fire Lancelot?”

  “Don’t worry,” Kevin said irritably. “They found another actor to replace him. I thought I was a shoo-in for the role, but they gave the part to some British guy. They claim he looks similar enough to Derrick that fans won’t care. Plus, he’s wildly popular with the ladies and will bring in viewers from across the pond.”

  The nausea gripping her middle ebbed away as the realization that she still had a job sunk in. She was never going to complain about her job again. She loved her job. Actually, there were quite a few aspects about the job she loved.

  For one, in the cutthroat industry of film and television, she was Sir Lancelot’s costume designer for the weekly TV series Forgotten Camelot. The popular show each Saturday night featuring the characters of the once shining city of Camelot who were cursed by Morgan le Fay to live in present-day New York. King Arthur and his court had forgotten who they were. All except Sir Lancelot— also known as Lance Knightly— the star of the show.

  “That’s fantastic!” She motioned for Kevin to let her in. “I need to get in there so I don’t leave a bad impression with the new guy.”

  Kevin rolled his eyes dramatically. “Don’t get too excited.” He pressed a button to unlock the gates. “I heard he’s already taken.”

  “I could care less if he’s taken or not. I just need my job.” Madison slipped through the opening. “Besides, you know I don’t date actors.”

  “You say that now, but once you get a look at the British bad boy you’ll change your mind.”

  Madison froze. British bad boy was a name her one-time fiancé had earned after leaving NYU. Swallowing, she clutched her stomach again. “Um, so what’s this guy’s name?”

  Please don’t say it. Please don’t say it.

  “Caleb Matthews.”

  Chapter Two

  Hidden behind a partition in the dressin
g room, Madison peeked at the man sitting in the chair getting his makeup done. She wished she’d taken the time to do her own makeup this morning. At least the free lash extensions Beth had talked her into a couple of weeks ago enhanced her blue eyes, even without applying mascara.

  The guy laughed, and she knew this wasn’t a bad dream. Caleb Matthews, the one man she’d vowed to never speak to again, sat just yards away in her dressing room... er, his dressing room.

  He looked good. His dark brown hair still had a slight wave to it, although it was a little shorter now. Beth moved out of the way, and Madison quickly pressed her back against the wall to avoid being seen.

  Wasn’t her life already hard enough? Just when her parents had finally reconciled their differences and gotten back together a year ago, they had died in a car accident. Madison had been forced to leave her internship with the elite designer India Marcos in New York and return to California to take care of her pregnant younger sister, Jenny.

  Ms. Marcos had liked Madison, and had connections in Hollywood. She’d somehow managed to get Madison on as one of the costume consultants right before the pilot of Forgotten Camelot aired.

  Her nose started to twitch, and she rubbed her finger underneath to prevent the sneeze. Seconds later her anonymity was blown.

  “Madison?” Beth asked. “Is that you?”

  Tugging on her too-small shirt, she stepped out from behind the partition. “Yeah. Good morning, Beth.”

  Caleb stared at her, that little smirk she’d once loved hovering on his lips. “Madison Taylor,” he said in his sexy British accent. “It’s good to see you again, love.”

  Her heart skittered a little at his term of endearment, but she quickly reminded herself he was British. British people always called people “love.”

  “You two know each other?” Beth asked.

  “Yes, Madison and I were—”

  “Acquaintances,” Madison said, cutting him off. “At NYU.”

  Thankfully he didn’t correct her. Just gave her that annoying little smirk again.

  “Hello, Caleb.” She moistened her lips, because her mouth had gone impossibly dry. “I guess we’ll be working together.”

  “Yes.” He stood up, removing the plastic cape draped over his shirt. “I’m looking forward to it.” His eyes traveled over her, and the smile on his face grew, carving the dimple in his left cheek. “You look good.”

  She gave a short, sarcastic laugh and rolled her eyes. “Oh, please. I look like I was up all night with a baby, which I was, by the way.”

  The smile on his face fell, and his eyebrows bunched together. Obviously, no Botox for this guy.

  “You... you have a baby?” he stammered.

  Madison enjoyed the shocked look on his face. That’s right. I haven’t been pining away for you the past two years. It was evil to make him believe she had a baby, but she couldn’t help herself.

  “Her name is Charlotte, and she’s eight months old.”

  Beth lifted a perfectly plucked eyebrow, and Madison hoped the woman wouldn’t clarify her actual relationship with her niece.

  “Who is Charlotte’s father?” Caleb asked with a slight edge to his voice.

  “I’m not really sure.”

  It was a completely true statement, which, incidentally, made Caleb’s face go a pasty white. Madison’s sister, Jenny, was a train wreck when it came to men, and she wasn’t sure which loser had fathered Charlotte.

  “Charlotte is Madison’s niece,” Beth said, ruining the perfect moment.

  Caleb’s hazel colored eyes narrowed. “She’s your niece, then?”

  “Yes.” It was her turn to smile. She’d really had him going. “Jenny and Charlotte live with me.”

  “Jenny’s a mum?” he asked, the color coming back. “She can’t be. The last time I saw her she was only beginning her secondary school.”

  “A lot has happened in two years.”

  “Yes.” He cleared his throat and glanced away. “Quite.”

  “I’ll be back to touch up your makeup once you have your costume on, Mr. Matthews,” Beth said.

  “Beth, please call me Caleb,” he said, giving her his trademark smile that revealed his charming dimple.

  She grinned. “Okay, Caleb. I’ll check back soon.”

  Beth left, and it was then Madison noticed they had an audience. Several girls working as extras on the set were all making eyes at the new Lancelot. Derrick hooked up regularly with the newbies. She wondered if Caleb would do the same.

  Glancing back at Caleb, she found him watching her closely. “We need to talk. Meet me for drinks tonight?”

  “Nope.” She tried not to smile at the look of shock on his face. “I already have plans.”

  Her plans involved a cranky baby while Jenny worked the night shift as a CNA at a nearby nursing home. Caleb didn’t need to know that.


  Before Caleb could say more, Gerard, the director of Forgotten Camelot, invaded the dressing room. “Sir Lancelot has never looked better.” He winked at Madison. “Right, Mad?”

  Ugh. She hated that stupid nickname. She clamped her lips tightly and gave the director a quick nod of her head. Then she picked up her notebook and found a quiet corner to go over her notes.

  Gerard laughed at something Caleb said, and she realized he didn’t seem too upset about Derrick’s sudden departure from the show. Of course, Derrick had been difficult to work with, which probably meant everyone else on the set was also happy with the change.

  Everyone except her.

  Unable to help herself, her gaze drifted over to the man she’d be forced to work with on such an intimate level. She studied his handsome profile. She knew what it felt like to caress his face, knew the feel of the whiskers shadowing his jaw whenever he’d kissed her. Her fingertips tingled at the memory. So did her lips.

  Gerard slapped Caleb on the back. “We’ll be shooting action scenes the next couple of days, so not a whole lot of dialogue for you to memorize.”

  The director walked away, and Madison dropped her eyes to study the notebook just as Caleb turned to look at her. Her insides quivered like the Jell-O Jenny would sometimes feed Charlotte.

  Still sensing his gaze on her, she willed herself not to respond. She did not have feelings for Caleb Matthews. Well, other than loathing him. Annoyance rushed in, and she snapped her eyes over to meet his. “Would you stop staring at me?”

  The corner of his mouth twitched. “Sorry, love, but you’re even more beautiful than I remembered.”

  “I threw my hair into a ponytail this morning and neglected to put any makeup on. You’re an even bigger liar than I remember.”

  The humor on his face vanished. “I never meant to lie to you, Madison.”

  “So you said.”

  His lips flattened, and she saw the muscle in his jaw tighten. “And it’s still true.”

  An ache inside her chest made it difficult to draw in a breath. Deep down she knew he was right, but a lie of omission was still a lie. And that terrified her. Her father had been an expert at deception, which Madison blamed on his acting skills.

  “You have to be ready in fifteen minutes, Caleb.” She closed her notebook. “Derrick was a tool and never cared if he delayed production. I hope you’re not like that.”

  Thankfully she got a phone call and walked away to answer it. It reminded her she had a job to do, and working with her ex couldn’t possibly be harder than working with Derrick. She just needed to act like a professional and leave the past in the past.

  Chapter Three

  This day was finally over, and Madison was exhausted. Thanks to several wardrobe malfunctions, she’d been able to avoid Caleb for most of the day. She doubted tomorrow she’d be so lucky.

  Madison gathered up her belongings, anxious to get home. She just hoped Charlotte was in a better mood. With her sister now working the night shift, Madison took over the care of Charlotte the minute she got home so Jenny could sleep for a few hours with
out having to wake up to care for her baby.

  Finding her keys, she made her way to the parking lot. William, the sweet guy who played the part of Merlin, spotted Madison and hurried to catch up.

  “How about I walk you out?” he said, winking at her.

  “Thank you.”

  William was like the father she would’ve wanted and he frequently escorted her to her car.

  “How was it working with Derrick’s replacement?” William asked, holding a door open for her. “He sure seems like a nice guy.”

  He was a nice guy, and so likeable. Madison didn’t want to admit it though for fear she’d find herself hopelessly in love with him again. “It was okay.”

  “Just okay, huh,” William said with a chuckle. “Gossip travels fast, and a little birdie told me you two were once engaged.”

  “Beth needs to keep her mouth shut.” The woman had connected with Caleb and somehow managed to get a whole bunch of information out of him. When Beth had asked why they broke up, Madison overheard Caleb say it had been a big misunderstanding.

  “So it’s true?” William opened another set of doors.

  She glared at him, making his smile widen. “No comment.”

  “There’s a lot of speculation you’re still pining away for him and that’s why you never date.”

  Madison snort-laughed. “I never date because I haven’t met anyone I want to date. Plus, I’m too busy taking care of Charlotte in the evenings to go out.”

  “You’ve heard of getting a babysitter, right?”


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