Romancing The Billionaire: The Complete Story

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Romancing The Billionaire: The Complete Story Page 8

by Olivia Wilson

  “Sorry I had to go x”

  It has to be from Amy. There’s a mobile phone number at the bottom and as nobody can see me, other than the obvious exception of any low flying planes overhead. I have no qualms at all about punching the air whilst whisper shouting the word ‘Yes!’

  Chapter 18


  ‘What do you mean you won't tell me? Oh, you can't tell me. You can go ahead and sell our home out from under us but you can’t tell us why, or whom to? We've been renting from you for years now. The rents always paid on time and you've never had any complaints from, or about us so I don't understand your actions here at all. I want to know who’s responsible for this and where I can find them. Well I tell you something if you haven't given me something by the end of this call. I'm going to come down there, take your confidentiality clause and... Thank you,’ I scrawl the address down as she says it.

  Then tearing the paper from the pad, I head into the hall and snatch my coat from the hook.

  ‘I'm going out!’ I call in through the living room door without opening it.

  ‘Are you sure this is a good idea Amy?’ Rosie appears looking concerned as she pulls the door closed tight behind her so my father can’t hear.

  ‘I don't care if it's a good idea or not. I'm doing it,’ I say pushing my arm into the sleeve of my jacket.

  ‘Look Amy, perhaps you should take some time to think it over. I mean, you don't want to say or do anything rash that might make the situation worse now do you?’

  ‘How do you define worse Rosie, worse than having no place to live? Because that’s where we’re headed right now, if I don’t do something. Have you seen how upset my father is by this?’

  ‘Yes I have. I wasn't meaning to try and tell you what to do Amy; I just care for you both you know?’

  ‘I know Rosie,’ I touch my hand against hers. ‘Thank you for being here for us.’

  ‘Of course, always,’ patting her hand on my shoulder she leans in to give me an affectionate hug.

  ‘Now if you’ll excuse me. I have a man to see about a house.’

  Slamming the door shut behind me, I march down the street towards the bus stop. Luckily, there's a bus just arriving just as I get there, so I jump straight on board. The tube stations a few minutes away and before I know it, I’m there. I don't hesitate to get down the steps, into the underground station and onto a waiting train. The tube takes me straight into the city and as I walk out onto the pavement I know the address, it's not far from where I work. Although I do have bit of looking around to do, as the numbers are difficult to see and I'm not sure what sort of building I'm looking for. It's not long before I think I find the place. I walk straight into the lobby and up to the reception desk slamming my scrap of paper down on top.

  ‘Can you point me in the direction for here please?’ I point to the information the person on the phone gave me.

  ‘Sure, straight behind you to the right, there’s a lift which will take you straight to the top floor. That’s where I believe you want to be,’ the woman replies.

  ‘Thank you,’ I rush straight over to the lift and wait for the people inside to come out before getting in.

  Standing inside, my fingers grip onto the strap of my bag as the lift travels upwards towards the top floor. It’s not long before the door pings open and I march out, and through, the two huge, glass, double doors before me.

  ‘Excuse me Miss. Can I help you?’ The woman at the desk asks as I pass by her, but I don’t stop to answer. ‘Miss you can't go in there!’ She calls out as I push down on the handle of an office door.

  ‘Well you seem to be mistaken, because I am going in there. See,’ swinging open the heavy, mahogany stained door I storm inside.

  Behind a long desk, a large black office chair faces the window with its back to me. Holding the letter in my right hand, I slam it down on the desk causing the occupant of the chair to spin it around and face me.

  ‘You!’ I shout when I see who’s sitting in the chair.

  ‘Oh hello Emma isn't it?’ Ashby Talbot feigns confusion as he smirks and furrows his brow.

  ‘Your Crawford's associate from the charity event and the restaurant the other evening.’

  ‘How clever of you. This is cute; you appear to have a memory of sorts. I wonder what else you can do.’

  ‘I knew there was something about you I didn't like.’

  ‘And yet you’re becoming my favourite person. So tell me, to what do I owe this delightful little visit today.’

  ‘This,’ I push the letter further towards him.

  ‘And what is this?’ He continues to look at me without looking down at the letter.

  ‘You know full well what it is; don’t play the innocent with me.’

  ‘Now there’s a novel idea,’ Ashby gives an annoying smirk.

  ‘You've bought our home out from under us and now you expect us to leave.’

  ‘Oh I have, have I?’

  ‘Why are you trying to be smart with me? You know what you've done.’

  ‘I think you have me mistaken for someone else.’

  ‘What are you talking about?’

  ‘Tell me Miss...’ He looks down at the letter. ‘Smith is it? Where is it that you think you are today?’ Looking smug, he leans back into his chair and placing his fingers together. ‘Where do you think you are standing right now?’

  ‘Is this a trick question? In your office of course.’

  ‘It's not my name on the door of the office is it? You would have noticed that, had you looked where you were going before barging in.’

  I take a gulp as I turn to look at the entrance to the room then back at him.

  ‘Did you do any research at all before you came stampeding in here this morning? No of course not, you couldn't have done. Because if you had, or had even opened your eyes when stepped inside the building. You would have noticed that it’s not my last name everywhere is it? It is in fact your lovers.’

  ‘My lover?’

  ‘Oh dear he’s not tired of you already has he? I’ve known Crawford for many years and he can have, how do I put it, a short attention span.’

  ‘I don’t understand.’

  ‘You have been dating Crawford Montgomery have you not? And you are at this precise moment in time, standing in the main office for the owner of Montgomery holdings, are you not?’

  I want to be angry, but I'm hurt and can tell from his face he sees that I’m wounded.

  ‘Ah so the penny drops. I can't imagine what a shock this must be to you. But, it would all have been obvious to you had you even at least scratched the surface. But then why do that when you can just come here and learn it all from me?’

  ‘Amy?’ I turn to see Crawford walking into the office behind me, the woman from the desk outside standing alongside him. ‘What are you doing here?

  ‘Oh here he is now, what perfect timing. I'll leave you two alone. I imagine you have a lot to talk about,’ Ashby gathers some files and heads for the door.

  Crawford stops him by taking hold of his arm as he passes. 'What's going on Ashby?’ He asks giving him a challenging stare.

  ‘It seems old chap; we have somehow found ourselves in a curious case of coincidences. I'll leave your lady here to fill you in if you don't mind. It is your family business and I just work here after all,’ Ashby pulls himself free from Crawford’s grip and leaves the office.

  ‘Amy, what are you doing here in my father's office?’

  ‘Your father's office,’ I fight back the tears, I will not cry. ‘Well that figures.’

  ‘What do you mean?’ Crawford asks looking confused.

  ‘You just think that you can have anything you want don't you?’ I turn and head towards the door.

  ‘Amy, I don't understand any of this. If you just talk to me I’m sure we can work it out.’

  ‘That's funny, because I do,’ I don’t even turn to look at him as I walk out the door. He doesn't come after me this time. Then I don’t sup
pose I expect him to.

  Chapter 19


  I want to go after her, but something inside tells me it's not the right move right. She wants to alone, and there’s something happening here I want to get to the bottom of. Looking down at my father's desk, I notice a letter sitting on top. I pick it up and cast my eye over it. It’s from an estate management team who’ve been acting as a type of landlord, it appears to be an eviction notice of sorts. But what does that have to do with Amy, or Ashby, and why is it here in my father’s office?

  I’ll speak to Ashby about this; perhaps he’ll be able to tell me what’s going on.

  ‘Christa,’ I say emerging from my father’s office. ‘Do you happen to know where Ashby is?’

  ‘Mr Talbot? Yes, I think I saw him go into the boardroom sir.’

  ‘Thank you Christa,’ I'm about to head in after him when I have another thought. ‘Christa, would you happen to know anything about this at all?’ I push the paper across the top of her desk.

  ‘I know there's been some sort of property takeover. I believe that Mr Talbot may have been working on something in absence of your father,’ she stares down at the letter. ‘But that's all I know I’m afraid.’

  ‘Thank you Christa,’ I pick the letter back up and head for the boardroom.

  Ashby’s there; reclined at the head of the table with his hands behind his head, his feet crossed and resting on the corner of the table.

  ‘What's this all about Ashby?’ I hold up the paper as I enter the room before throwing it down onto the table.

  He’s startled, it’s clear he wasn't expecting me. Dropping his feet from the table, he lowers his arms and straightens his back to sit upright in the chair. ‘Ah there you are old chap. Fancy a coffee?’

  ‘I asked you a question Ashby. What's this all about?’ I point towards the paper on the table.

  ‘Oh that. It’s nothing. Just a little property development project your father and myself have been working on together. All pretty standard stuff, nothing for you to worry about.’

  ‘I’ll be the judge of that thank you Ashby.’

  ‘With all due respect Crawford, had you father wanted you involved he would have asked you.’

  ‘I’m not convinced he asked you. Your saying that my father knows about this are you. He knows you're about to evict people from their homes?’

  ‘Now Crawford...’ Rising from his chair, Ashby opens his arms to me. ‘I realise your little dalliance in the wrong side of town may be causing you to feel a tad conflicted here. Still, this is business remember? And well, if you choose to slum it in your spare time. Then you should realise you may hear the odd sob story…or two,’ his eyes half close as his nose pokes into the air.

  He takes a few steps towards me and is within reaching distance. Before he can get another word out, I grab him by his collar and throw him up against the wall beside us. ‘You sneaky little rat. My father doesn't know anything about this does he. You've taken full advantage since he's been away,’ pulling him back down from the wall I toss him across the room. ‘This is Amy's house isn’t? What else have you done since my father’s not been here?’ I move towards him again.

  ‘Steady on old chap there's no need for this,’ Ashby holds his hands up in defence.

  ‘I knew you were up to no good, you've always been the same Ashby. Why my father even bothered to give you a chance I'll never know? Christa, would you please call security,’ I call out of the door.

  ‘Straight away Mr Montgomery,’ she replies from outside.

  ‘Now Crawford come on you're being unreasonable. You’re letting this woman get to you. Ask yourself is she worth it? You can't say you see a future for yourself with this woman.’

  I do not intend to listen to anything else he has to say and security is swift to arrive so I don’t have to.

  ‘Tony,’ I address the first security guard as they enter the room. ‘Would you please escort this man from the building? Also make sure he doesn't come back in here,' I’ll square it with my father when I see him.

  ‘Sure thing Mr Montgomery,’ Tony and his colleague hold of each of Ashby’s arms. His feet don’t touch the ground as he's removed from the room sandwiched between them. Shouts of ‘You'll regret this,’ and ‘you haven't heard the last of me,’ echo down the corridor until I close the door to mute them out.

  ‘Christa if you have the time. I’d appreciate it if you could pull up all the paperwork you can find in connection with this please?’ I pass the letter back over to her.

  ‘Of course,’ she says examining it.

  ‘I want everything you can find. Regardless of how insignificant it might seem please; I'll be back for it later today.’

  I want to sort this mess out for Amy, and for my father. I’ve got to find out what's been going on. But, first I need to find my father.

  Chapter 20


  ‘Hi Amy,’ Laura beams as I enter the shop.

  She’s her usual giddy self. If there’s one thing I can count on to pick me up a little when I’m down. It’s the combination of Laura’s bright, wide smile and twinkling baby blue eyes.

  ‘Afternoon everyone,’ I say as I begin taking my coat off.

  ‘Gloria’s waiting for you in her office,’ Richard says walking behind me. Laura’s eyes are following him as usual.

  ‘Gloria, what does she want?’ I ask.

  ‘I don't know but it sounds serious. She said to send you straight in when you got here,’ he replies.

  ‘Suppose I better get in there then,’ I head towards Gloria's office door.

  I’m about to knock on the door when I feel my phone vibrate as it’s about to ring. I reject the call and knock on the door.

  ‘Come in!’ I hear her call from inside.

  Pushing the handle down I click the door open to peer my head around the edge. ‘You wanted to see me Gloria?’

  ‘Yes Amy, I did,’ she’s staring at her computer screen in concentration.

  ‘Come in, sit down,’ she says as her eyes move from the screen.

  She pulls her spectacles down her nose and from her face. Crossing her arms, she places her spectacles on the desk all the while not make a single piece of eye contact with me. When her eyes do lift to meet mine, she leans back in her chair and places her elbow onto the arm raising a finger to her lip.

  ‘If I've done something wrong Gloria, I’d rather you just came out and told me because this is beginning to make me a little bit nervous.’

  ‘You've been here what three years now?’ Gloria reaches out and plays with the edge of her glasses.

  ‘Almost three years,’ I add.

  ‘And acting as my deputy manager now for how long?’

  ‘For just over half of that time,’ I reply. ‘It’s starting to feel formal in here I must say.’

  ‘Do you like working here Amy; I mean do you enjoy it?’

  ‘I think you know that I do. Is this an appraisal? Have I walked into an appraisal that I didn’t know I was having? Because if that's the case, I'm not prepared,’ I’m joking but her face doesn't move, not even a hint of a smile in fact.

  ‘And your aspirations for the future?’ She continues.

  ‘My aspirations for the future?’

  ‘Yes Amy.’

  ‘Well I'd like to progress my career. With which might come a rise in income, which is much needed right now,’ I tap my fingers on my knees as I round off the sentence.

  ‘Why’s that?’ She asks.

  ‘It's a personal matter at home that I don't think would interest you. Besides, I don't think that my housing, or soon-to-be lack of housing situation, has anything to do with what we're doing here. What are we doing here?’

  ‘Sounds tricky, I understand why you might not want to discuss it,’ Gloria taps a pencil against her desk. ‘Put it this way, do you see a future for yourself here?’

  ‘Well that depends on whether there's a future for me to be had here. What’s going on Gloria?’
br />   ‘Okay I'll just get to the point,’ Gloria drops her pencil down on the desk.

  ‘Please do.’

  ‘I'm going to be leaving for a while. Well, for some time at least I'll not be here. As I’m the owner and manager, that will have a knock on effect on the business. I’d rather not think about selling at this point, in case things don’t work out and I’m back sooner than I thought. So I'd like to ensure that the place is good hands,’ Gloria says.

  ‘You're leaving?’

  ‘Somewhat yes, but I rather keep it just between you and me for now. I could do without any dramatics if you don't mind.’

  ‘Why are you leaving, when are you leaving?’ I shuffle to the edge of my seat.

  ‘Myself and Kenneth think perhaps there might not be as much spark in our relationship as there once was. We’d always planned when we were younger to get to a certain age and go traveling. I bought this place, became a workaholic, and as a result we may have neglected our relationship. We’ve now decided to take some steps towards remedying that. Sure maybe we’re both too old to go trotting around the globe, so we’re going to start simple and close to home in Europe. If things go well then we may extend our trip, in which case we may have to consider selling. But I’m getting ahead of myself. What I want to ask you is this, will you help us start on that path?’ Gloria looks at me with hopeful eyes.

  ‘I think this is great for both of you Gloria, and wish you all the luck in the world. But what’s it got to do with me?’ I furrow my brow.

  ‘You can't see that?’ Gloria tilts her head to one side.

  ‘No I can’t,’ I shake my head in confusion.

  ‘Oh Amy. For such a smart woman, you don't half have blinkered vision sometimes,’ she laughs.


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