Romancing The Billionaire: The Complete Story

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Romancing The Billionaire: The Complete Story Page 13

by Olivia Wilson

  ‘Oh, I'm sure. After all, going to work is not as much fun as hanging out here, in my apartment and everything it has to offer.

  ‘I'd watch myself if I were you, or the next time your away your apartment will be left to look after itself.’

  ‘Perish the thought. Anyway, how's father? Have you seen him?’

  ‘He's okay. He’s back to his normal self now. Seraphina’s kept him out of the office as long as she could. But as far as I'm aware, he’s broken free now and is back to his old ways, working all the hours he can. Since you mention it, he did tell me something rather curious that might interest you.’

  ‘What's that?’

  ‘Do you remember that waitress I told you about that day. The one who Seraphina and I were chatting with in the coffee shop?’

  ‘Amy, yes,’ I sigh, wondering where this is going this time.

  ‘Well, your father happened to bump into her at a charity dinner event.’

  ‘She seems to have met the whole family now, then.’

  ‘I know, small world, isn't it? As I understand, this chance encounter occurred right in the middle of an argument she was having with Ashby Talbot.’

  ‘An argument with Ashby Talbot?’

  ‘It was quite a nasty argument, as I understand it. Your father says Ashby was rather annoyed with her. He seemed to think that she'd driven some sort of wedge between you and him and sabotaged some business plans. It seems Ashby became physical with her, and your father had to intervene and have Ashby removed from the building. I don't know, I don't understand it all. Whatever it was about, it seems underhanded, and Ashby's behaviour must have been appalling. As your father has made it clear, he never wants to see Ashby again.’

  ‘Father had to intervene. What on earth was Ashby Talbot doing? When I see him...’

  ‘Your father said something about miscommunication and crossed wires. Anyway, he sorted it all out. Ashby's gone, Amy’s safe, and she's going to speak to you about it at some point, I think. At least, she was. Your father said she was on her way over to see you before you left. I'm assuming she didn't make it in time.’

  ‘No, she didn't,’ I say in disappointment.

  ‘Oh well, never mind. It's not as though you don't know where to find her now, is it?’

  ‘No, it’s not like that at all.’’

  Chapter 33


  ‘There’s a telephone call in your office for you, Amy,’ Richard says as he's cleaning some cups from one of the customer tables.

  ‘Thank you, Richard. Who is it?’

  ‘It's Gloria. You may want to hurry, because it’s long-distance, and the line’s not superb.’

  ‘Okay, thanks. Could you keep an eye on things out here for me, please?’ I say casting an eye across the shop floor.

  ‘No problem Amy. Will do’

  Heading into my office, I pick up the receiver and sit down at my desk, crossing my legs and smiling into the phone out of habit.

  ‘Hello, Gloria. How are you?’

  ‘I'm good, thank you, Amy. How are you and how are things in the shop?’ The familiar voice comes crackling down the line.

  ‘I'm getting by, thanks. Everything is ticking over fine here. How's the travelling going?’

  ‘Well, as it happens, that's why I'm calling you. we've decided to stay on past Europe and travel on for a few months more. We've been looking into finances, and it looks like we’ll be selling the coffee shop.’

  ‘Oh, okay.’

  ‘It shouldn't come as too much of a shock to you. We did forewarn you that this might be the case. You do know that this is nothing to do with the way that you are managing the place don't you? It's just finances.’

  ‘It's fine, Gloria. You don't have to explain yourself to me, and as you say, you did tell me it might be the case,’ I trail off.

  But she continued on without missing a beat. ‘We are having an incredible time Amy! We miss you all, of course, and we’re sad to let the shop go. But this is the trip of a lifetime! I'm sure once the new buyers meet you, they'll be looking to keep you on. Of course, I'll provide you with a shining reference should you need it.’

  ‘That's kind of you, Gloria,’ I slip in, sounding more relieved than I felt.

  ‘I’d better go now Amy, Ken is calling me to dinner, but I'll keep you posted as soon as I know anything more. You look after yourself, and we'll speak again soon.’

  ‘Yes, I hope so Gloria. Enjoy your dinner and I hope the trip continues to be marvellous for you both, you deserve it.’

  ‘Thank you, Amy.’

  So the bar’s going to be sold, and I may or may not be in the position of having to find myself a new job, depending on who buys it that is. But, it's not just me that this concerns; there’s other employees to think about, and it will fall to me to let everybody else them know the circumstances.

  Well, I suppose there's no time like the present. I’d better get out there now and let them all know.

  ‘If you could all just stop what you're doing and gather around I'd appreciate it. Richard, if you could just flick the lock on the door and turn the sign to closed for me please? Then come and join us once you've done that.’

  ‘No problem Amy.’ Richard drops the cloth he's been using to clean the table, on the top, before heading to the door.

  ‘If the rest of you could just pull a chair around for a quick chat.’

  ‘Is something wrong, Amy?’

  ‘No,’ I lie, pulling a chair in and sitting down on it as Richard walks back across the room to join us.

  ‘Actually, I've got something that I'd like to say first,’ Laura says, standing back up from her seat, no sooner than her behind touches it.

  ‘That's great, Laura, but if we could just get a couple of things out of the way first.’

  ‘It is with great regret,’ she begins, placing her hand on her chest and bowing her head to the side, ‘that I have to inform you all today that I will be leaving your company soon,’ she says as everybody turns to look at her. ‘I know it's sad, but I'm sure, given time, you'll all get over it and on with your lives.’

  ‘That's fascinating, Laura, thank you, and I'm sure we'd all like to hear more about it later. But first If I could just...’

  Laura ploughs on, nonetheless. ‘Be comforted, all of you, by the knowledge that I have enjoyed my time here, and I wish that I could stay. If it were possible, I would, but alas, I'm off to greener pastures. Yet you will all maintain a special place in my heart.’

  ‘Thank you, Laura. Now if we could just address the issue we're gathered here for…’

  ‘I remember the first time I walked through those doors,’ reaching a handout she points towards the entrance, looking forlorn. ‘And saw your smiling faces, welcoming me with open arms. Now, here we all are. Two years on, and grown so much, in so many different ways along our own little individual journeys. Now I have reached a crossroads, and the path which I have chosen means we must in sadness, we must part.’ She continues to ramble on, everyone having mentally checked out by now. Everybody except for Richard, that is.

  It looks as though she may have finished as she lowers herself to her seat and I wait to see if she has anything else to say before I begin to speak.

  ‘Is that all now Laura?’ There’s a hopeful tinge to my voice I can’t hold back.

  ‘Yes, please continue Amy as I'm sure we all want to hear what you have to say. Although, I'm sure you understand we’ll struggle to concentrate after this rather shocking revelation.’

  ‘Quite. Well, I'm sure you've all been wondering how...’

  ‘Sorry,’ Laura leaps into action again. ‘If anybody would like to keep in touch with me, then I’ll be providing contact details later on. Thank you.’ She sits back down again.

  I begin again with one eye on Laura as I speak. ‘As I was saying, I'm sure you've all been wondering how Gloria's been getting on. The good news is that she and Ken seem to be having a marvellous time. So good, in fact, that they're planni
ng on continuing their journey. That, of course, means they won't be coming back anytime soon. As you are aware, trips like these cost money, so they’ve decided to put the coffee shop up for sale. That's all I know for now. Gloria did assure me that as soon she has any further information, she will let us know. So until then, we'll be carrying on as usual, and you’ll all continue to have the pleasure, or displeasure, whichever way you see it, of working with me until things are finalised. I'm not sure how you will feel about that, and I wish I could give you some firmer details, but that's all I have for now, I'm afraid. So if we could all just soldier on as best we can, despite the impact that this will have on us, then I'll give you further news as I have it.’

  ‘Thank you, Amy,’ Richard says.

  ‘You're welcome. Now come on, let's get going, we’ve got a shop to run,’ I say with some resolution, standing up from my seat and grabbing the back of my chair. ‘Laura, if you could flip the sign on the door and open that back up for me, please,’ I ask as I pull my chair back to the table.

  ‘Sure thing Amy.’

  ‘Amy?’ Richard interjects.

  ‘May have a word with you when you've got a moment, please?’

  ‘You can. Just follow me into my office now if you like.’

  As everyone's getting back to work, I head back to my office with Richard close behind at my heels.

  ‘Come on in,’ I gesture to a chair as we walk through the door. ‘Take a seat.’

  ‘Thanks,’ Richard says, sitting down. ‘I won't keep you, I just wanted to let you know I’m handing my notice in.’

  ‘Blimey, talk about rats on a sinking ship.’

  ‘Oh no, it's not like that at all. I don't want you to think I’ve not been happy working here. I just I think it's time I moved on, that's all,’ he half-mutters, eyes not meeting my gaze.

  ‘So, just out of the blue like that, you think it's time you move on do you?’

  ‘Yes, I suppose.’

  ‘So nothing at all spurred you into this resignation?’


  ‘And what if I choose not to accept it?’

  He blinks a few times, not sure how to respond to that. ‘Well, I hope that won’t be the case. But if you did choose not to take it, I think you’d soon find you didn't have much of a choice.’

  ‘Indeed. Richard,’ I sigh, ’Is this anything to do with Laura?’

  ‘Laura?’ He tries to look innocent, but fails.

  ‘Yes, Laura. Has this sudden resignation been spurned by the coincidental, and rather flamboyant, announcement Laura made mere moments ago?’

  He doesn't reply.

  Clicking my tongue, I furrow my brow. ‘What's going on with you? Or more to the point what is going on with you two, if I might be so bold.’

  ‘I don't know what you mean, Amy, to be honest.’

  ‘Oh I think you do. Come on,’ I say, standing up from my seat and walking around the desk to pull my office door open.

  ‘Where are we going?’ Richard asks standing from his chair.

  ‘You'll see, follow me.’ Walking out of my office and to the coffee shop, I take a glance around, but I can't see Laura anywhere, she must be in the back kitchen having her tea break. Surprise, surprise. Heading in there, I push my way through the door with Richard close behind me. Startled, she jumps a little and pushes a newspaper under her bag.

  ‘What's that?’ Looking towards her bag as she looks decidedly dodgy.

  ‘Oh, it's nothing. Is that the time? I must be getting back to work.’ She tries to move passed me but I stop her with a gentle, firm hand.

  ‘You stay right there. What was that you were looking at?’ I ask again.

  ‘Nothing, nothing at all.’ Laura plays it all wide-eyed and innocent, but she's fooling nobody.

  ‘Oh wow, look at that!’ I point out of the window as I approach the table, causing Laura to spin her head around to see what I'm talking about. As she does so, I make a swift passed her and snatch the newspaper out from under her bag.

  ‘Hey, that wasn't fair,’ she protests putting her hands on her hips.

  ‘Life isn't fair, sometimes. Now, what is this that you've been looking at that you’re being so secretive about?’

  ‘Listen, it’s nothing, Amy. Honestly, just give it back to me please.’

  Laura reaches for the newspaper but I move it out of her way as I flick through the pages to where she was.

  ‘One of the world's top international models is yet to confirm or deny a romance with billionaire playboy Crawford Montgomery. Britain's most eligible bachelor has movie star looks and a bank balance most men can just dream about! Who can be surprised that even one of the most beautiful women in the world has fallen for his playboy charm? Whether or not either of them continue not to comment on the status of their relationship, in these pictures, they look every bit as loved up as you might expect them to be.’

  I stand, and stare, as I see the headline, read the write-up, and look at the picture of the stunning model on Crawford’s arm. There’s a photo of them eating dinner together, and then he's just touching the corner of her elbow as they walk. That’s it then, I’ll never get him back now.

  ‘Who cares about that trashy newspaper, anyway? It’s not even good enough to stuff my shoes with,’ Laura says as she pokes her nose out.

  ‘You stuff your shoes?’ Richard asks.

  ‘Yeah, I do. It keeps the shape,’ she replies.

  ‘I do that too.’

  ‘No way?’ Laura smiles at Richard, then turns her attention back to me. ‘Anyway, I'm sorry you had to see that, Laura. That's what I was trying to hide it from you, no other reason.’

  ‘Don't worry Laura; I'm not upset with you. But I do need a break after that. Well, after this whole day in fact. First, we lose most of the workforce, then I see this drivel.’

  ‘Losing half the workforce?’

  ‘Oh yes, forgive me, that's why I came back here. Right, Richard, this is Laura,’ I say looking from Richard to Laura and them from Laura back to Richard. ‘Laura, this is Richard, you two have a lot to talk about.’ Now if you would excuse me, I'm going to go out on a break.’

  Grabbing my coat from the back of the door, I march from the kitchen, across the shop and out the front door. Taking a deep breath of fresh air, I pause before I begin walking. This has been a strange afternoon, within the space of not very long at all. I appear to have lost my boss, two of my workers, and maybe my job when the coffee shop sells. I remember that I haven’t ordered mums flowers yet this week so make my way down towards the florist that I always pass on my way to work each day.

  Maybe this would be a good time to go ahead and apply for the management position I’ve seen advertised in their window?

  Reaching the shop, I look up and stand to a halt as I notice the “for sale” sign above the door. In shock I rush towards the door keen to get inside. The “manager wanted” sign has been removed from the window as I push my way in through the door and approach the counter.

  ‘Hi. You had an advert in the window for a manager,’ I say pointing towards the window with some urgency.

  ‘Yep, we did. Don’t need one now though. Due to the “FOR SALE” sign above the door.

  ‘What will happen to the shop?’

  ‘I don’t know, it’s way above my head. I just know the owners are selling up. Other than that your guess is as good as mine. Don’t be too downhearted,’ she says noticing my disappointment. ‘The person who buys it might well want to keep it as a florist, and they may need a manager. So, I’d keep an eye out if I were you.’

  ‘Yes, I will, thank you very much,’ I say, turning my back to leave the shop.

  ‘Either that or you could always win the lottery and buy it yourself,’ she calls out after me as I’m leaving.

  Slowly, I make my way back to the coffee shop. Once I get there I push the door and step inside beginning to remove my scarf.

  ‘Amy, your back" Laura says looking surprised to see me.

  ‘Yes Laura. I do work here.’

  ‘I know yes. But I wasn't expecting to you to be back so soon.’

  ‘Well, I have a couple of things to do in my office so I’m going to get myself a coffee and a croissant, take ten minutes and I’ll be back out again. So, whatever it is you’re looking so shifty about, you’ve got that long to cover it up,’ I say placing a cup under the coffee machine and pulling the lever down. Taking a plate from the cupboard, I remove a croissant from the cabinet and place it on the top.

  ‘Amy, listen. I need to speak to you first…’

  ‘Look, I know you think it’s urgent Laura but please, make it wait. Ten minutes, that’s all and I’ll be back.’ Flicking the lever up on the coffee machine, I remove the cup from the drainer and pick up my plate.

  ‘You can have all the time you when I’m back, I promise,’ I say winking at Laura as I head into the office to check my messages and re-charge my batteries.

  Reaching the office door. I turn around, placing my back against the door and step backwards to push it open. Continuing to walk backwards in line with the door, I revolve until I am turned around and facing my desk.

  "Ah, good. Coffee, thank you. Jit down there please and I’ll call you if there's anything else," the blonde woman behind the desk says without making eye contact with me.

  She’s wearing a suit, a tailored trouser suit from what I can tell. Her light-blonde hair is scraped up into a French twist with a piece of fringe falling down over the frame of her thick black glasses. Paperwork from the drawers is strewn across the desk in front for her and she appears to be reading todays mail.

  ‘Excuse me?’ I ask, confused as to who she is, what she’s doing here and why she wanted my coffee.

  ‘I’m sorry was I not clear? Put the coffee down there and if I want something else I will ask for it.’ She peered authoritatively over the top of her glasses.

  ‘It’s just, I don’t mean to be rude, but you’re sitting at my desk and I have things to do.’

  ‘No, this is my desk.’

  ‘I don’t understand.’

  ‘I see. You must be the person who’s been acting manager whilst your boss has been away. Well, no need to worry anymore. You’ve got a new boss now. So, you see this is my desk. You are right now, standing in my office and in fact this whole coffee shop is under my authority. I’ll have this place whipped into shape in no time. You can start by giving the front of house a good sweep, I’m sure you know where the brushes and such are.’


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