Heart of a Wolf

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Heart of a Wolf Page 26

by K. D. Friedrich

  Directly, behind him, sat an enormous male dressed in all black. Every now and then, when the male grimaced, a fang would peek out from underneath his bottom lip. She figured Maxwell wouldn't come alone. Men like him were smart not to trust anyone. The huge man's gaze surveyed the place before locking on his boss.

  The fact that Maxwell wanted to meet Kian just after eleven a.m., surprised Winter. In general, vampires as young as Maxwell avoided the sun. They didn't tolerate ultraviolet light for too long. Not only did the sun weaken them, but she heard from a few vampire friends of hers that it also burned like a bitch. They must have had a witch put a protective spell on them or something.

  They appeared far too content about being bathed by the sun.

  Winter watched Kian open the door to the café. She tested the headset. "You hear me, brother?"

  Kian stepped inside. He rubbed his ear where they had wedged the tiny wireless earpiece. "Like a bee in my ear," he whispered.

  She smiled. "Maxwell's in the last booth by the window. He's got a friend seated right behind him. Looks like another vamp to me."

  Kian nodded. Wired and protected with a powerful spell woven by Summer, he entered the shop, glanced around, strolled toward his father, and slipped into the bench opposite Maxwell.

  Tristan groaned. "I don't like this. The man isn't stupid."

  "We have to try. It's the only way he can get Maxwell's confidence," Winter assured him.

  Magnus had wanted them to bring backup, including Ren and Levi, but this operation needed to stay small. For one, success was a long shot and two, she doubted they'd be able to keep the Peyton pack's top guard from ripping out Maxwell's throat.

  Tristan growled beside her. Winter sensed his wolf pacing within him. Putting someone he considered family into harm's way didn't sit well with him.

  "You showed up. I have to admit, I had my doubts." Maxwell's drawl came over loud and clear through the earpiece wedged in Winter's eardrum. The male's smug tone made Winter want to gag. "When Lex told me you wanted to set up a meeting, I was…intrigued."

  With both of them so close and without distractions, Winter noticed the resemblance between Kian and his dad. They'd probably be mistaken for brothers, rather than father and son, since Maxwell appeared about the same age now. It was amazing how a vampire turning reversed the aging process.

  "What can I say, Dad? I'm feeling nostalgic as I get older." Kian displayed a calm exterior, but Winter knew her brother-in-law well. Inside, he had probably planned out several ways to kill the vampire.

  Out of nowhere, a truck pulled up in front on the café giving them a limited visual on Kian. At least the wire strapped to Kian's chest had clear reception, the method primitive, but effective. If they used magic to bug the conversation, Maxwell might have picked up on the energy. There was no way to know how he'd react.

  Winter cursed. "We can't see you, Kian, with the damn truck parked there."

  Kian leaned back in his seat, bringing his face into view. Yet, Maxwell remained blocked by the vehicle.

  "You reek of magic," Maxwell blurted. "How is my darling daughter-in-law? I recognize her energy. It's so intoxicating."

  Kian's frown deepened. Winter could tell he didn't like his father's mention of Summer one bit. "There are a lot of people gunning for you, Dad."

  "I'm not concerned, but I'm surprised you care. Why the sudden change of heart?"

  Kian was quiet a moment. He sighed. "You're the only blood I got left.”

  "Really? I remember you disowning me."

  "My mother just died, for Chrissake. My head was in a bad place back then. After having my own kids, I know how important blood is to a man. Like I said…you are my only blood."

  Maxwell didn't say a word. The silence became unsettling. The truck that had blocked their view drove off, revealing a stone-faced Maxwell, staring at Kian.

  "He's not buying it," Tristan growled.

  A waitress came over, placed two empty cups on the table, and smiled. "What can I get you two this afternoon?"

  "Just coffee for now." Kian's eyes never left Maxwell.

  Maxwell grinned. "I'll have the same."

  The woman nodded, left, and then quickly returned with a pot of coffee. She filled their cups before turning her attention toward the party behind them.

  Maxwell tore open a sugar packet and poured it inside his steaming cup. The clink of the spoon hitting the rim echoed over the wire. "Not exactly the drink I was looking for, but I still like the aroma."

  Quiet ensued.

  Kian broke the uncomfortable calm first. "I want my kids to know their grandpa. They asked about you. They don't know everything that happened, and I plan on keeping it that way, but it doesn't mean they shouldn't know you now." She noticed Maxwell's interest perk up at the mention of his grandkids. "But with all this crap going on, I can't put them at risk."

  Maxwell stirred his coffee once again. "And what of your pretty mate?"

  Even from five hundred feet away, Winter noticed the way Kian's jaw tightened. "What about her?" he asked, his voice harsh.

  "She's okay with this family reunion you're hoping to plan. I'd think she and her parents would rather kill me than invite me over for tea and biscuits."

  "This is Lancaster business; besides, my woman knows her place." Winter cringed, thanking the Goddess that her sister wasn't present to hear Kian's comment.

  "Good to hear you have a handle on your mate. But if you really want to convince me that you're serious about reconciliation, let's have a proper family reunion. I want my grandchildren and my daughter-in-law to accompany you for a little get together. I'll set the time and—"

  "I said I won't put my family at risk," he snapped.

  A clap of thunder rolled at the same time a harsh frigid breeze frosted over the windows of the van. Winter waved her hand and the glass cleared. From the east, dark clouds rolled in fast, swallowing the sunlight. Kian may have discovered his powers over the weather many years ago, but he never fully learned to control it when emotions ran high.

  "Shit, easy brother. Easy," she whispered.

  "He's about to lose it," murmured Tristan.

  Maxwell's grin widened. "We'll find a nice, quiet location where we can all become better acquainted."

  Tristan shook his head. "I can't do it. Not until you settle this shit with the Peyton pack. They are allies with the Leerys and the MacGlenn pack. It's an association I can't afford to lose. If they think I'm allying myself with the man responsible for kidnapping an alpha's mate, I'll lose their support and gain an enemy. Think of it in the terms of business. They offer me resources I find invaluable. Resources I don't want to lose." He paused a moment. "But there is a way to appease them."

  "Go on. I'm listening."

  "Give Niles's Peyton back his mate, unharmed."

  Maxwell chuckled. "Alive I can do, but unharmed might be stretching it."

  Kian growled. "You have to return her, damn it. This isn't going to go away. I've held them back, but they won't stay passive for much longer."

  "Unfortunately, I don't have the female. Not anymore at least, she's no longer…reachable."

  "Don't bullshit a bullshitter, Dad. No one is unreachable for you."

  "You're right." Maxwell leaned forward. His pupils bled out until his eyes swirled like eerie silver pools. "Not even you, son."

  "He's not buying it," Tristan warned.

  "Shh." Winter stared at the meeting.

  Kian growled. "What the fuck does that mean?"

  Maxwell smirked. His terrifying cold eyes assured Winter that no sense of humanity existed in the vampire. He truly had become a monster. He laughed, yet it lacked true amusement. "You worry about the wrong threats, boy. Stop concerning yourself with those damn animals, when I'm the one who holds your family’s fate in my hands."

  "What the fuck are you talking about?" A streak of lightning flashed in the sky.

  "I've been watching them, especially, sweet Summer." His father's voice grew ras
py. He licked his lips. "I bet she fucks like a demon and tastes like heaven. Tell me…does she like it rough? I can't wait to spread her—" Kian jumped up from his seat and grabbed Maxwell by the throat. Maxwell's dog stood.

  Tristan had the driver's door open in seconds.

  Winter grabbed Tristan's shoulder. "No, get back in here. He's baiting. Sit down." Tristan slid back into the van with a grimace. He slammed the door shut. "Kian is handling it," she added.

  Kian stood there in front of his father with his palm locked around the vampire's larynx and a murderous glare in his eye, his hatred evident to all who dared to watch.

  "Lots of vulnerable blood bags here," Maxwell said through gritted teeth. "One word…and they're…dead. You may have my good looks, but you got your mother's bleeding heart."

  A few tense breaths later, Kian released Maxwell and sat down in his seat across from his father. Maxwell's henchman sat down as well.

  "You think I don't know what the fuck you and your little friends are planning for me. You think I'm stupid. I've been in this game for a long time, boy. I know how to play it. You fucking hate me. I can feel the hatred course through your veins. Well, guess what. The feelings mutual, you fucked me once and you can be damn sure, I won't bend over and let you give it to me again. The only way you're getting back that animal's bitch is if you do as I say. I want my grandchildren and your wife brought to me, them for the alpha's mate. That's my deal. My only deal."

  Kian slammed his fist on the table, rattling the cups. All eyes turned to them. Lightning exploded across the sky. Humans on the street stopped in fear at the unusual sight. "You think that I'm stupid." Outside dark clouds thickened, blocking the sunlight. Any minute, Kian was going to unleash a damn nor'easter. "You may know how to play the game, but I win that shit, Max. If you don't return Celine to the Peyton pack unharmed, they will come after you, followed by every damn pack on the East Coast. And an army of witches, including me. You. Will. Die."

  Maxwell grinned. "You always learned the hard way. Those are my terms, son." Maxwell stood. He straightened his jacket, brushing away any wrinkles. "Now, go run to your little friends that are sitting across the way. I'll be in touch in a few days with the time and place of delivery."

  He strolled out with his dog following at his heels.


  "Well, that went well." Tristan sat back into the driver's seat as they watched Kian march toward the van.

  Kian jumped in. "Get me the hell out of here before I track that fucker down and kill him."

  Tristan started the van and pulled away from the curb.

  "I'm sorry," Winter mumbled.

  "Don't be sorry. The meeting served two important functions. One, now we know for sure Celine is still alive and two, it let me know how fucking nuts my father really is. Summer and the kids need extra protection. My father doesn't make idle threats. If he says he wants my family. You can be damn sure he'll try to take them."

  Tristan nodded. "I’ll speak with my father and Dash. The kids will have a security detail guarding them."

  "I know my sister. She won't want to leave you, but you must send her home, Kian. She'll be stronger near the grove."

  Tristan agreed, being within the woodlands where they lived would offer Summer greater protection. He only wished Winter could join Summer's return. He wanted her safe and as far away from that sick bastard as she could get. Chances of her abandoning the mission were slim. She'd see this through to the end and complete her objective. That is what any good soldier would do.

  He just hoped, she lived through it.

  They drove the remainder of the way in tense silence. When they arrived back at the base, Kian immediately sought out Summer and rushed her back to their room. Convincing his stubborn mate to go back home would not be easy. The mission would be a long and torturous one. Tristan didn't envy Kian's task one bit.

  As he glanced at his mate, he realized, he had his own battle of wills to fight with a stubborn female that evening. Mainly, convincing Winter to take a chance on him…to take a chance on them.

  No better time to start then now.

  Winter stood by the entrance to the living room, filling in Magnus and Aric on their near disastrous meeting with Maxwell. Aric asked Magnus something and Winter quietly listened.

  Beside her, the setting sun pierced the nearby windows adding warm amber highlights to her long chocolate-brown hair. Several soft strands had fallen out of the binding and hung against her cheek. Never had he seen skin so smooth. Softer than the rarest rose.

  As if sensing his affectionate appraisal, she turned. A sexy rose darkened her cheeks. Aric and Magnus must have noticed the desire now swirling in the air, because they suddenly excused themselves, leaving he and his mate alone for the first time all day.

  He glanced at her and grinned. With a tilt of his head he said, "We have some things to discuss, you and I."

  "And what are we discussing?" She drew closer, bringing with her the sweet scent of her arousal.

  He closed the last few feet between them.

  When he couldn't get any closer, she lifted her hands, wrapping her arms around his neck. She weaved her fingers through his short locks. His eyes closed at the feel of her massaging his scalp.

  "Winter," he breathed.

  "I don't want to talk." She pulled him in and nipped at his bottom lip. "All I want is you…deep inside me. Right now."

  He knew she used her seduction as a way to avoid their talk. He also knew he should be stronger, stay in control, but damn, she smelled fucking good. His rock-hard cock ached and he knew if he didn't get her upstairs soon, he'd give the damn house an erotic show they wouldn't soon forget.

  "Run," he growled.

  "Why would I do that?" She offered innocence with her tone. Yet, his wolf scented her wickedness.

  "I'm giving you a chance to get to your room before I rip off this damn uniform and take you up against the closest wall." Her naughty grin nearly undid him. "One, two—"

  With a yelp, she spun and took off up the stairs. He raced after her, taking the stairs two at a time. He caught up to her at the top step. Within seconds, she was in his arms kissing him with a desperate eagerness that had his wolf howling with pleasure.

  Lost in lust, they bumped into a door. "Is this your room?" He almost didn't get the words out between breaths.

  She chuckled. "I don't care."

  Fumbling with the doorknob, the door finally opened. They stumbled in. Thank God the room was empty. He hated to have to kill someone, but to get inside his mate, he'd murder anyone that stood in his way.

  They fell on the bed, but they were too far to the right, landed on the mattress corner, and then hit the floor with a thump. Winter's laughter made his heart sing. He joined her. Chuckling, he lay on his back.

  She straddled his hips.

  The sight of her on top of him cut off his amusement in seconds. "You're so fucking beautiful, Winter." He brought his hand to her face. She rubbed her cheek against his palm.

  Biting her lip, she reached for the hem of her shirt and lifted it over her head, tossing it to the corner. Next, she unhooked her bra, revealing her perfect tits to the last bit of light from the setting sun cascading in through the window.

  Rosy, taut nipples tipped her soft round breasts. He couldn't decide which he found sexier, her leaning over him shirtless or her unbridled acceptance.


  Winter lowered her lips to his and kissed him slow. Passion tended to run hot and hard with Tristan. For some reason, tonight, she wanted slow and soft. His hands clutched her head as she slipped her tongue past his lips. He tried to take control, but she withdrew.

  "No, I want to take this slow. I want to savor you tonight," she whispered.

  "I'm yours. Do with me as you will, mate."

  She wanted to be his.

  One of his hands slid down her throat to cup her breast. His cock, hard and thick, rested beneath her, imprisoned by his jeans. Not for long if she had anything
to do about it.

  She scooted back, settling her hips between his legs, until she nestled amid his thighs. With a tug, she lowered his zipper, peeled away the denim, and revealed his long rigid shaft, hardened to perfection. Shifters were larger than most men when it came to their physical attributes. Tristan was no exception. She closed her hand around his beautiful smooth cock.

  "What are doing?" His voice was hoarse.

  "What I've wanted to do all day?"

  Without giving him a warning, she leaned down and licked the mushroomed tip. His taste exploded across her senses, forcing a groan up her throat.

  "Oh, fuck." He growled as she sucked him into her mouth deeper, sliding her lips down his shaft with a slow teasing decent. Tristan's back arched. He groaned, low and deep. "Fuck baby, your mouth is sweet."

  Winter grinned. She had never felt so wicked. She loved to test his ironclad control. To know that she alone made him burn so hot. Her dominant male was at her mercy and she reveled in every damn second of it.

  His enthusiastic response was all the prompting she needed. She drew him in all the way to the base and then up, while her hands caressed his balls. She increased the pace.

  His flavor grew incredibly feral. An enticing combination of power laced with an irresistible male musk she would forever crave.

  She increased her speed. His hips began to move with gentle thrusts, matching her eagerness. His strong fingers racked through her hair. His moans grew wild.

  "I'm going to come, baby. You have to stop."

  She didn't want to stop. She wanted to him come. Making this disciplined alpha submit to her became undeniable, but before she had a chance to force his release, the world spun out from under her.

  In seconds, she found herself on her back and underneath one sexy muscled male.

  "No, I'm not coming in your sweet mouth tonight. There is only one place I want to finish and that is in your tight hot pussy." His gaze glowed bright amber. The irises swirled with his magic. "My wolf needs to mark you inside. He demands it and I can't deny him. I won't."


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