Tale Of A Traveler (Tales Of A Navigator): Endless Horizon Pirate Stories

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Tale Of A Traveler (Tales Of A Navigator): Endless Horizon Pirate Stories Page 3

by Cristi Taijeron

  There was a fog rolling in and it was getting chilly, plus the streets of London at night were no place for a lady to be. “Here, take my coat.”

  I started to remove it, but when she saw that I had no shirt on under it, she looked me over with a bashful grin. “Put that back on. We’re almost there.”

  Shaking my head at her prudent demand, I put my coat back on and then playfully wrapped my arms around her. “At least let me warm you up with my arms.”

  Stopping where she stood, she snuggled up against my chest. As her cold damp cheek pressed against my collar, she giggled, “You’re warm and you smell surprisingly good.”

  “I wear sandalwood oil. My father used to splash me with it when I was young, and I’ve grown accustom to the smell.” I didn’t go into detail about how I was lucky enough to find his bottle in the pocket of the fancy coat he had loaned me.

  “It’s very nice.” She inhaled my scent, then poked my tattoo. “And what is this?”

  Happy to show it off, I pulled back my coat and grinned. “I drew this to represent my love for the sea and my passion for navigation.”

  She released a dreamy exhale. “Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. You have a lot more than good looks going for you, Sterling Bentley.”

  Though I could have held her there near my heart all night, she stepped away and continued to tug my hand. “Only one more block to go.”

  Following her down a smelly alley, I thought about how much I liked her. It was obvious that she liked me, too, but her interest in me was so much different from anything I’d experienced before. It had nothing to do with money, because I didn’t have any. Nor was it based on power, for I was worthless at the moment. Her view of me caused me to look deeper into my character, and I found myself liking her even more for it.

  Her small flat was on the second floor, and as she went to light the candles, I noticed that her dining room window looked out upon the lights of the town. I could even see the torches lining the harbor docks. The place smelled good, it was clean and organized, and as the candles lit the area, I was taken aback by the sight of her artwork on the walls.

  The many different sizes of canvas were painted with either the ships in the harbor or the busy city streets, but most portrayed birds in the sky with vines lining the corners. Though each piece was well done, the one above the sofa caught my interest more than the rest. Walking towards it to get a better look, I easily drifted off into the scene. The outlines of the ship’s silhouettes were so realistic I could almost smell the tar on deck. And the burning shades of the sunset sky were so spectacular it was as if’n I could feel the warmth of the sun.

  Enamored by her work, I stood there, staring at the finest details as she took my coat and hat.

  From my peripheral view, I saw her playing with the feather on my hat afore she hung it on a hook by the door. At that moment I realized one of her paintings was of a vase full of feathers. I liked her more with every move she made.

  She invited me to stay for dinner. Of course, I accepted the offer.

  Opening a bottle of wine, she poured me a glass and I sipped on it as she prepared dinner. We talked without pausing as she cooked and carried on all throughout the tasty meal. Even once it was time for me to go, we ended up chattering on near the door for a while.

  It crossed my mind to kiss her when I said goodbye, but I couldn’t tell if she wanted me to or not. I’d never thought much about manners or etiquette when it came to kissing on women, but I was certain Moriah Taylor she was worthy of both. Rather than trying to make any moves that could offend her or embarrass me, I tipped my hat and thanked her again before I walked out the door.


  After finishing my second day of work at the harbor, I made my way to Barlow’s Brothel Inn and Tavern in an attempt to retrieve my sword. Entering the smoke filled room, I squinted in the dim lighting and looked around to see if Billy Barlow or my father were anywhere among the crowd.

  Observing the multitude of drunken patrons and topless whores, I realized it was Friday night. This was the one day of the week where the whores wore only skirts and jewels, and spirituous drinks sold for half price. Men came from all over town to enjoy these treats, and moreover, to watch May and Holly do their famed naked dancing.

  Looking at the time, I realized they’d be taking the stage any minute now. Normally, I’d wait around to watch this show I had heard so much about, but I didn’t want to be anywhere near that crazy bitch Holly tonight.

  Catching a glimpse of Billy standing behind the bar talking to his wife Lula, I wandered in his direction. The moment I plopped down on the barstool across from where he stood, Lula blew me a kiss, but Billy came around the bar to hug me.

  Squeezing me uncomfortably close to his fat, sweaty body, he bellowed, “Ah! Little Mason. It’s good to see you again, my boy.” It always humored me that the man who kept the skulls of his enemies in his study could be so loving.

  Patting my cheek, he said, “At this age, you look just like your father did when I met him…” He went on for a bit about the way they met, and even started telling me about the time my father was first elected as captain of their crew among the Brethren of the Coast. I had heard most of these tales before, but no one told them quite as lively as the man who helped the fearsome Mason Bentley make his name, Billy Barlow.

  Wrapping up the thrilling adventure with a tear in his eye, the chubby old man said to me, “Pay attention to the things your father teaches you, boy. If you can pick up on but a wee percent of his solid character and good judgment, you’ll do all right in this world.”

  Knowing how damn long I had to go to catch up to my father’s ways, I laughed, “Speaking of good judgment, I came to talk to you about my lack of it the other night.” I told him a brief summary of how Holly ended up with my sword, and asked if he had seen it.

  Pouring a mug of ale, Billy said, “I am afraid I have nothing but bad news about that. After you left, she got sweet with a well-dressed patron, and somehow talked him into running off with her. The old chum swept her off her feet and out of my barroom, but not long after their romantic walk into the sunset, she came back crying. Apparently, he robbed her for all she was worth, including that sword your father gifted you. I tried to hunt him down, but no one knew his name, or his whereabouts.” He shook his bald head.

  “Damn it.” I slapped my forehead. Though I was devastated by the fact that my sword was gone for good, I was glad to hear that Holly didn’t get to reap the rewards of her robbery.

  Lula nudged Billy with her elbow. “See. Damn that whore to hell, Billy. If you ask me, this is all your fault for keeping such a troublesome slut around.”

  Glaring at his wife, Billy growled through clenched teeth, “As it stands, Holly makes me more money than you do. So unless you plan to start dancing better than she does and drawing in a crowd like this every Friday night, I suggest you clamp them flapping jaws shut.”

  To my surprise, Lula clamped her jaws shut and walked away.

  With her gone, Billy slid me a mug and took a chug of his. “That woman is the reason I drink.”

  After taking a swig of ale myself, I asked, “Have you seen my father tonight?”

  “He’s upstairs with May. I reckon we won’t see either of them till he sails away.”

  “Isn’t she dancing tonight?”

  “He paid to keep her for himself. So, Francine is taking her place.” He pointed at the skinny brunette at the other end of the bar. She was nowhere near as pretty as May, and there was no way she could dance as good. My father had been visiting May since I was young, and even as a lad I was awestruck by her beauty, as well as by the way she moved her body on the stage. Mason Bentley was one lucky dog having that woman to himself every time we came to London.

  Snapping me out of my thoughts, Billy said, “Francine is new around here, so we’ll see. Anyhow, I’ve got to get ready for the rush.” He put his arm over my shoulder and leaned in close as he quietly said, “Remember, you and yo
ur father are Kings around here and you always drink for free. Plus, you can have the whore of your choice for the eve for half price.” He hugged me tight and then headed for the kitchen.

  On his way, he whispered something to Francine and she quickly headed in my direction with a fresh mug of ale.

  As the obviously drunk wench staggered toward me, I watched her bare tits jiggling as she tried to stay on her feet. Crashing against the bar next to me, spilling a good deal of my ale as she set it down, she then stepped between my legs and put both her hot, clammy hands on my cheeks. “Hello, handsome.”

  Though I liked the sight of her tits pressing flat against me, I didn’t like the way she was so drunk I had to hold her up. “Hello,” I mumbled, as I moved away from her rum scented breath.

  She poked my nose with one hand, and sloppily grabbed below my belt with the other. “I hear you have a big cock. I’ve got some time to wet it before the show if you’d like.”

  Nowhere near drunk enough to be enticed by her trashy offer, I swatted her hand off of me. “No thank you.”

  She stuck her tongue out in a way that was so far from saucy it was humorous, then slurred out some attempts to persuade me. But I wasn’t interested. Half price or not, I had already decided to take my father’s advice and give my attention to one woman while I was in port, and it wouldn’t be this flea bitten tramp. Wishing her a good night, I slipped through the crowd and headed for the door.

  Tonight, I had a real woman awaiting my return, and I wanted to see her as much as I wanted a bite of that dinner she had promised to make for me.


  Three days had passed since I’d met Moriah, and though I had yet to kiss her, I kept ending up at her door like a dumbstruck monkey after work every night.

  Tonight, when she opened the door, I instantly noticed my favorite painting was gone. Pointing toward the blank space on the wall, I asked, “Where did it go? Did someone buy it?”

  With a wide smile lighting her pretty face, she said, “Yes. It sold for more than I’ve ever made on a painting before. The buyer loved it so much he commissioned me to do another for his study.”

  Happy for her, I pulled her close to my chest and grinned. “And what do you plan to do with your newfound fortune, lovely?”

  “Who knows, maybe I’ll be able to retire in the Caribbean after all.” Sliding her hands up my arms, she planted them on my shoulders and calmed her excitement as she asked, “What about you? Where do you want to settle down?”

  “Settle down?” I looked at her as if’n she was addled. “I never think about that. As far as I can see, I’ll be sailing all my life.”

  “All your life? You don’t think you’ll ever grow tired of the sea?”

  “Never,” I defended, and took a step back as if she was coming between me and my bride.

  “Don’t get upset. I’m not asking you to stay with me or anything. I’m just speaking in general.” She took a step towards me, filling the gap between us and provocatively tickled down my neck. “Eventually you’ll get old, Sterling. One day you may wish for a place of peace, and perhaps you’ll long for the love of a good woman to keep you company.”

  As if she had cast a spell on my soul, I started visualizing myself settling down with her. In this unusual daydream, my wild spirit felt calm and at ease alongside her, and my urge to run was nowhere to be found…

  Realizing the ridiculous places my mind had wandered off to, I shook my head loose of her enchantment and conjured up my memories of full sails, sword fights, and great gun blasts. “I’ll find peace in The Locker when my dead body sinks to the bottom of the sea,” I chuckled, as I pulled her closer to me.

  She laughed too, but before she could respond, I kissed her.

  The feel of her mouth on mine was better than I had imagined it to be. She tasted like wine, she smelled like lavender, and her touch was as warm as the morning sun. I could have stayed right there with my arms around her until the sun itself had risen, but it seemed she had other plans for the evening.

  Nibbling on my lip, she tugged me toward her bedroom. Following her gentle lead, I kissed her some more, and easily went along as she pulled me onto her bed. Landing on top of her, I moved my hand behind her head and tangled my fingers in her luscious auburn locks as I dived deeper into her kiss.

  Rain began falling outside as she moved her hands inside my shirt and began unlacing it. Once she had it off of me, I took my time to undress her. Listening to the sound of the downpour beating on the roof, I removed her clothing piece by piece. Bit by bit, her beautiful body was exposed to me, taking more of my breath away as each layer fell loose. She was curvy, and smooth, and there was so much to grab onto as I kissed her, everywhere.

  Once she was completely bare beneath me, I rose above her to glance over the entire picture. I could see the rain falling sideways in the wind outside of her closed window, which was a drastic contrast to the sight of her rosy red cheeks and the way her warm auburn curls sprawled across her white pillow. But my favorite part of the scene was the way her amber eyes reflected the flames of the candlelight illuminating the room.

  Flashing me a surprisingly sultry smile, she reached up and twirled her finger around the locks of my ponytail hanging over my bare shoulder. I couldn’t wait another minute to have her. Sliding her knees apart, I laid on top of her, and moved myself inside her.

  What I found between her folds was so much more than sex. She was soft like the clouds, warm like the flame of the one candle lighting the room, and the melody of her sweet little sighs made me want to go slow. I wanted to hold her and breathe on her, and feel her breath on me. She was a real woman full of feelings, and I could feel her emotions radiating through her skin as she held me close. Her arms pulled on my body but her spirit tugged at my very soul.

  Thunder rolled and lightning flickered through the glass as we melded together as lovers. Her passion ignited a fire in my spirit that I never knew existed. And at that very moment, if she would have told me she loved me, I might have told her I loved her too. None of it made any sense to me, but as she tangled her hand in my hair and held my face next to her beating heart, I had no reason to question it further. For the night, she was mine, and though I knew I would never grow tired of the sea, her enchanting spell sure made the love of a good woman seem like the best thing in the world.


  Waking up while it was still dark out, I eased myself out of Moriah’s arms and quietly wandered over to the dresser where she’d set the clothes she’d washed for me. I’d spent the rainy week tangled up in her sheets, and as I looked at her sleeping soundly in the moonlight, I realized that it had gone by too fast. I was truly going to miss her.

  Careful not to make a sound as I got dressed, I debated as to whether or not I should wake her and say goodbye before I left. Once I was ready for my departure, I fiddled with the feather she loved on my hat and made up my mind. Pulling out the feather, I put it in the vase on her dresser, and headed out of her door.

  Walking through the morning fog, I thought for a little about the time I had with that woman, but the instant I set sights on the masts in the harbor, my thoughts of her blew away in the breeze that was clearing the fog.

  Boarding Phantom afore anyone else was stirring, I found my father standing at the bow gazing upon the cold grey sea. Hearing me walk up behind him, he looked at me with the most ridiculous grin. “So you survived your weeks of destitution, aye?”

  “Did you think I was going to wither up and die in a corner without you there to wipe my arse?”

  “It crossed my mind.” He chuckled, then flicked the collar of his coat that I was still wearing. “But it seems you found a warm place to hide.”

  Taking off the freshly washed coat, I handed it to him and said, “Indeed I did. She washed my clothes and fed me well, too.”

  His face twisted into an accusatory scowl.

  Knowing plenty well that he was going to lecture me about how no son of his would be begging for comfort f
rom a woman, I fanned my hand at him. “Don’t worry. I worked for my money and I paid for all her food. I even left her the last of what I had to help cover her rent.”

  “Glad to hear it.” He nodded in approval.

  I patted his back. “See, I’m picking up on all the shit you say to me. Hell, you banter more than an ol’ maid yourself sometimes. And I’m sure I’ll hear your words chirping in my ear all my days.”

  “Good. Because one day I won’t be around to slap you on the back of the head when you misbehave.” He slapped me on the back of the head as he walked off to wake his sleeping crewmen.

  Grumbling men rose from their hammocks like ghosts escaping their graves, while a few others came staggering aboard from their wild weeks ashore, but as Captain Bentley reiterated our plans for Panama, they all came alive with excitement.

  Climbing the ratlines, my spirit lit up with the light that was extending its glow across the foggy dome above me. The sound of the canvas sails dropping in the misty air, and the sight of them filling with the heavy breeze, filled my heart with the only love I truly knew.

  I liked Moriah Taylor, I truly did, and she got her hook in my heart like no wench ever had afore, but there wasn’t one item of permanence worth the endless unknown laying before me. As she said, I was a world traveling artist of the sea, and as I looked over my compass rose tattoo, I knew that freedom would always be my heart’s true north. Aye, with no port to call home, and no woman as my own, my life story would always be the tale of a traveler.


  Be sure to look for more out & upcoming

  Endless Horizon Pirate Stories

  Uncharted Secrets

  Uncharted Secrets

  Queen Of My Nightmare

  Every Time It Rains

  Never Surrender

  *Relentless Storm



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