Annihilation Prequel - Psychic Beginnings (Annihilation Series)

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Annihilation Prequel - Psychic Beginnings (Annihilation Series) Page 16

by Saxon Andrew

  “You know me. I’ll see you soon.” Jerry walked out, signed the papers, and looked up and saw a tall young man dressed in civilian clothes and a corporal in uniform that looked dangerous.

  The corporal came forward and said, “I’ll take your bag, Sir.”

  Jerry handed it to him and the taller man said, ““I’m Lt. Weston and I’ll be escorting you back to Gibraltar.”

  “Gibraltar? Isn’t that were the Demons are based?”

  Charlie smiled, “You know how things get exaggerated. Trolls, elves, humpbacks, but no demons are there.”

  Jerry followed Weston out to the Jeep and they drove to a bar. “Our flight out has been delayed so I thought we’d stop here and waste some time.” Jerry shrugged and followed Weston into the bar. He ordered two beers and handed one to Jerry. Santos came in and joined them but ordered a soft drink. Jerry turned his back to the bartender and looked out over the room. He saw a group of soldiers at a table pointing at the corporal. He looked at Santos and saw a small white ghost on his shoulder. He looked quickly back at the table and said, “It looks like your corporal is about to get in trouble.”

  Charlie turned around and scanned the room and saw the group that Jerry was talking about. “Turn around and face the bar, Santos.”

  “I see them, Sir. Should we just leave?”

  “No, they’ve sent one out to bring a crowd. We’ll try to avoid it in here.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Jerry looked at the Corporal and saw that this man was dangerous. There was something in the way he moved and carried himself that made it obvious he should be avoided. Evidently, those soldiers didn’t see it. They were coming toward the bar. Four of them surrounded Santos and six more came in through the front door and waited to see what was going to happen. The large corporal in front of the four said, “Is that a white insignia on your shoulder from the south side of a northbound bird.”

  Santos turned around as the other three laughed. “No, it’s just something we wear in my company.”

  “I hear you call yourselves the white demons.”

  “No, we really don’t call ourselves anything but late to meals.”

  The other three snickered but quieted when the larger corporal looked at them. “So we have a comedian here. I think your company is made up of nothing but girly boys and cowards.”

  Santos shrugged, “Some of them do look good in their makeup.”

  “My unit would kick your company’s butt.”

  “I’m sure you’re right. You must be very proud of your unit.”

  The corporal was frustrated. This soldier would not take the bait. “Your Captain is worthless and a coward.”

  Santos stiffened but then took a deep breath, “I’ll be sure to let him know what you think.”

  The corporal turned and the four went back to their table. Weston looked at Santos and said, “Why did you take that? You could have taken him.”

  Santos looked at Jerry and said, “I don’t fight those weaker than myself unless I’m forced to do it.”

  “Why not?”

  “Fighting those weaker than yourself only weakens you.”

  Jerry looked at Charlie, “Do you think the same?”

  “I do. Even if you win, you lose. There is no improvement in fighting a weaker opponent. The damage to one’s ego comes from a victory that is not worth having. The corporal handled this situation properly.”

  “But they insulted your CO and company.”

  “We let our actions speak for themselves. We don’t have to prove anything to anyone but ourselves.”

  Jerry glanced over and saw the six from the door had joined the four at the table and they were arguing among themselves. “I don’t think this is over.”

  Santos said, “It’s not. However, I did what I could to prevent it and now it’s on their heads.”

  Dodd saw the corporal was also seeing what he saw. That was unusual. He looked at Charlie and said, “Are you going to help him?”

  “He won’t need it.”

  “There are ten of them now.”

  Charlie shrugged and he looked at Santos who also shrugged; that’s when nine of the ten stood and came over to the bar.

  The man who had done all the talking said, “I don’t like your attitude.” He drew back a fist and swung at Santos. Jerry tried to follow what happened but it almost happened too fast to follow. Santos leaned back and ducked around the man’s sucker punch and grabbed the arm and pulled the large man toward the bar. He then put his left hand on the back of the soldier’s head and slammed the man’s forehead on the bar and kneed him in the stomach. He grabbed the big corporal and eased him to the floor and laid him gently down among the other eight soldiers. The eight that witnessed the fight were too stunned to move. Santos went to a knee and rubbed the big corporal’s midsection forcing air into his lungs. After a few moments the large corporal groaned and opened his eyes.

  “Try to take a deep breath.” The other eight watched Santos tend to their comrade and looked at each other. They turned and looked back at the table at the soldier who had not come forward. Santos, Charlie, and Jerry all saw the soldier stand and move toward the bar; the approaching soldier was more dangerous than the others. Santos stood and the group at the bar lifted the man off the floor and moved out of the way of the approaching Sargent.

  He looked at the knot on the corporal’s head and then turned to Santos, “Why didn’t you just kick his butt the first time?”

  “He’s not skilled enough to take me on. I had no desire to harm him.”

  “So you let him insult you?”

  “I would rather take the insults than hurt someone needlessly.”

  The Sargent looked at the wobbly corporal and turned back to Santos, “Do you think you could take me?”

  Santos smiled, “I wasn’t sure until you asked.”



  “Why does my asking make a difference?”

  “Because you know I can.”

  The Sargent smiled, “I gave myself away, didn’t I?”

  “You did.”

  The Sargent glanced at Charlie and then asked Santos, “And him?”

  “He could take me faster than I took your friend here.”

  “I thought so. It appears the talk about the Demons is true. I’ll see you later.”

  The other soldiers started complaining and the Sargent said, “Gentlemen, that corporal could take all of us and not work up a sweat. Are you blind? Go ahead and give it a shot. I personally like to stay healthy and I will not take on those two.”

  “What about the third?”

  “If you go after him, I’m reasonably sure the other two will stop you.” The group looked over at Charlie and Santos who smiled. They turned and walked away.

  Jerry looked at Charlie, “Would you?”

  “We take care of our own, Lieutenant.” Charlie looked at his watch, “Let’s go catch a ride.”

  Jerry thought about what he had just witnessed and forgot about looking for a drug connection. There was something happening out at Gibraltar and it didn’t make sense. He decided to wait and see. He was furious that the Sargent had been able to tell that he was the weakest one of the three.

  • • •

  Jerry reported to AG and came to attention and saluted. He noticed how young the Captain was and wondered just why he had been promoted at such a young age. AG returned his salute and said, “At ease; take a seat.”

  Jerry sat down and AG said, “I’m eighteen years old, Lieutenant. This promotion was forced on me but I do take it seriously. The welfare of my men is my number one priority and I will do whatever is necessary to make sure they are not wasted. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, Sir, it is.”

  “You are replacing an officer who was pretty much worthless and the men that gravitated to his platoon are also pretty much useless. The first three platoons are the fighters and your platoon is the one that supports their efforts. I understand tha
t you desire to sit this war out so you’re arriving at a place that will meet your needs nicely. Your platoon does not leave camp but does all the KP, cleaning, and weapons maintenance. You should feel right at home.”

  Jerry stared at AG and said nothing. AG waited to see what his response was going to be.

  “You’re the one doing all the training of your warriors?”

  AG was surprised at the observation, “I am.”

  “You’re also baiting me to see how I’ll respond to your announcement.” AG shrugged and nodded. “I suspect you have enough good soldiers to make a fourth platoon but don’t have the necessary leadership to make it happen. I also suspect that the other companies refused to take the Lieutenant I’m replacing to allow you the opportunity.”

  “That’s an astute observation, Lieutenant. Just how did you come about making it?”

  “I just looked around as I arrived and I saw quite a few soldiers in other units looking at your training exercises wishing they were part of it. It appears that only the fighters are allowed to wear the ghost.”

  AG leaned back in his chair and stared at Jerry. Then he felt it. “You’ve been lost.”

  “I have.”

  “When did you find out?”

  “I was ten.”

  “You will turn your platoon over to your staff Sargent and start training immediately. I will start moving the other soldiers in to your ranks and they will begin after you are far enough along to oversee their efforts.”

  “It won’t take me long, Sir. I want the hand-to-hand training as quickly as possible.”

  “You’ll get it after knife training.” AG paused; Dodd was three years older than him, “Maybe I should be reporting to you?”

  Jerry shook his head, “I don’t think so. You’re more talented than I am. I sense that clearly but I think I can help you in your quest.”

  AG stood and reached out, “My name is Anthony Gardner and you can call me AG when we’re together. I need the help.”

  “I’m Jeremiah Jacob Dodd. You can call me Jerry. My platoon will be the best, AG.”

  AG smiled, “I don’t doubt that for a minute.”

  Jerry stood and saluted. AG returned the salute as Jerry left to join in the knife training. He vowed to never be considered the weakest again. His mind began opening and he learned how to return the blade to their holders in less than ten minutes with either hand. He was hitting targets dead center in less than an hour.

  • • •

  “What do you think about your new officer, Captain?”

  AG smiled, “He may be better than I am, Sir.” Brian stared at AG. “I’m serious, Sir. He also possesses talents similar to mine. He’s been lost in an army that doesn’t function very well.”

  “We’ve been having a lot of soldiers requesting transfers into our battalion. They’ve been coming in slowly but they are good soldiers that have heard about the Demons and want to be a part of it.”

  “He’s your next promotion, Sir. He will be ready rather quickly and two companies will make a huge difference in our ability to defend ourselves.”

  Brian stared at AG and said, “Tell me when he’s ready.”

  “You’ll be the third to know, Sir.”


  “Him, me, and then you.”

  “You better have enough Lieutenants ready to take command.”

  “Way ahead of you on that one; I’ve have ten that can step right in.”

  Brian smiled and thought about all he could do if he had two companies of demons.

  • • •

  AG waited until Charlie came in from training. He looked at AG and said, “Knife training is done.” AG smiled. “He is already better than anyone other than you and I wouldn’t bet against him even if you were competing against him.”

  “Get him out in the jungle and get him up to speed on scouting. I’ll start his hand-to-hand training when he returns.”

  “I’ll take him as far as I can but you will have to be the one that completes that training. I think he’s like you.”

  “He is Charlie.”

  Charlie smiled, “Well look at this. We’ve found a diamond in the trash.”

  AG laughed, “And it’s at least forty carets. He says his platoon will be the best.”

  Charlie thought a moment, “If you had a platoon and I pitted mine against yours; who do you think would win the competition?” AG smiled and Charlie said, “He needs to be given a company and then we’ll see which is best.”

  “I like the way you think Charlie.”

  Charlie started to leave and then said, “Sir, how is it that our men are learning these skills so quickly. I know a good karate fighter takes years to train but we have learned the skills faster than should be possible.”

  AG stared at Charlie and said, “I think some of the talent I have is imprinted on the minds of our men through my contact with them. I don’t know how it happens but it does. It makes the training take place at an accelerated rate.”

  Charlie smiled, “I kinda thought that was part of it. I’ve seen it happening before my eyes. I don’t think it will take long with Dodd.” Charlie turned and left.

  • • •

  Six months later, Jerry and Charlie were promoted to Captains and three of the five companies in Major Green’s battalion wore the ghost on their shoulders. The area around Gibraltar was pacified and then the real fighting started.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Cynthia was lying on her bed studying for the next day’s classes when she heard a knock on the door. She put on her glasses and went and opened the door to find Lydia Gonzalez standing there. She was shocked. Lydia took one look at her and smiled, “Boy, are you in full camouflage or what.”

  Cynthia squealed and rushed forward and hugged her. “Come in, come in.”

  Lydia walked in and said, “I assume you’re dressing like this to avoid over anxious suitors.”

  “I am. And it’s worked so far. The first year went without event.”

  “Have you heard from him?”

  “He’s been promoted to Captain and his company is gaining quite a reputation.”

  “How could it be any other way? The lad does have talent.”

  “So you’re going to school here?”

  “I am. Scholarships make a world of difference.”

  “I think you’ll really like it here. What are you going to be studying?”

  “I’m going to be a doctor, Cyn.”

  “Great, I can help you. I’ve already taken all the first year’s classes.”

  “Great, I’d appreciate the help.”

  Emily came walking in and took a look at Lydia and said, “Oh, my God. They’ve brought a Greek Goddess to life.”

  Cynthia burst out laughing and said, “Em, this is Lydia Gonzales. She and I went to school together.”

  “Hi, I’m Emily. I didn’t know they made females this pretty.”

  Lydia smiled, “Cynthia is just as pretty as I am. I just don’t have to hide it like she does.”

  Emily’s eyes narrowed, “You understand her reasoning for doing it.”

  “If I had that man of hers I would be wearing sackcloth and a football helmet. He’s worth it.”

  Where are you going to be living?”

  “I’m in the freshman dorm right now.”

  Cynthia smiled, “Well, I’m sure you’ll like it there. I hope you can fight off all the suitors.”

  “Not a problem. I know what comes first. My studies are the most important thing and I’ve had experience at avoiding those that hold no interest for me.”

  “You still haven’t found anyone?”

  “I won’t settle for less than what you have, Cynthia. So far, no one has measured up. I do have my hopes.”

  “I’m sure you’ll find someone. Let’s go get something to eat at the student center.”

  “Lead the way. I’m famished.”

  Lydia looked at Emily and said, “You know that you’re pretty good looking if you
would change a few things.” Emily stopped dead in her tracks and stared at Lydia. “I’m serious.”

  Cynthia said, “You’ve lost a lot of weight, Em, and she’s right.”

  “Now you’ve done it.”

  Lydia looked at Cynthia and then back at Em, “What?”

  “Now I can only order a salad.”

  All three girls laughed and left for the cafeteria.

  • • •

  Major Green sat in the Commanding General’s office wondering what was going on. The General came in and Brian jumped to attention, “At ease, Major. Sit down.” Brian sat down and wondered what was going on.

  “I understand that you currently have the youngest captain in this man’s army under your command.” Brian nodded. “I have talked with several of the officers that have come into contact with this Anthony Gardner and they tell me he might be the finest soldier in Vietnam. It appears our enemy thinks he is. They refuse to attack your firebase because of his reputation. Is that true?”

  “He is a remarkable soldier, Sir.”

  “I asked you if it was true!”

  “Yes, Sir, it is.”

  The Old Man stared at Brian and said, “He is now the youngest major in this army and he will be assuming command of your battalion.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “You are promoted to Lt. Colonel and you will be taking command of a regiment that will be assigned to a firebase that is currently located at the main entry point of the Ho Chi Minh trail. I expect you to stop the influx of troops and weapons coming down that trail into South Vietnam. Do you understand your orders?”

  “I do, Sir. Where will I get the other battalion?”

  “I’ve had a regiment that was chewed up and they have enough survivors to constitute a second battalion. The former Colonel operated under the assumption that hiding in the firebase was the safest thing to do. An enemy rocket taught him he was wrong. Is there anything I can offer to assist you in this assignment?”

  “Yes, Sir, there is.”

  “Go on.”

  “I’ll need you to allow me to promote new officers for all of my companies.”


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