Annihilation Prequel - Psychic Beginnings (Annihilation Series)

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Annihilation Prequel - Psychic Beginnings (Annihilation Series) Page 21

by Saxon Andrew

  The Demon stepped down from the wall and said, “Cease fire.”

  Huang looked and saw the Demon move behind a fifty caliber machine gun and lay down behind it. An unearthly sound erupted from it and Huang saw hundreds of puffs of soil erupt from the hill all the way down to the edge of the jungle. It couldn’t have fired for more than five seconds.

  The Demon stood and said, “Pull it back. Let me know if they send another line out.” He then walked back to his bunker.

  Huang looked down the hill and saw no movement. Everything was deathly still and silent. There were more than six thousand North Vietnam troops that started up that hill. Now there was nothing but stillness. He stood and followed the Demon to his bunker.

  “How many did you just kill out there!?!”

  AG looked up and said, “All of them.” Huang stared at him and AG said, “How many would your troops leave alive if they are able to take this hill and don’t think I’m stupid. I know how your army operates!”

  Huang simmered and finally said, “You would all be killed but what you just did wasn’t noble or fair.”

  “That’s the nature of war, General. It never is. I’m doing this in the hope that I won’t have to kill all of your men before this is over.”

  “You have a funny way of making that happen.”

  “Your men must be forced to choose between life and death. Before they can make that choice they must first realize they have to make it.”

  Huang sat down, “So what are you going to do?”

  “They’ll come back tomorrow night; that’s when they’ll decide.”

  “They won’t be given a choice, Demon. They’ll advance or be killed.”

  “I told you before that there is always a choice. Perhaps you’ll learn that here. It’s an important lesson. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some things to do.” AG nodded and Corporal Melton led Huang out. “Jerry, I can take your call now.”

  “We’ve managed to eliminate most of the Zu’s. There are four missile batteries up on the hills that we just are not going to be able to get to without losing a lot of men.”

  “Take them out when they move them.”

  “You think this will be over quickly?”

  “One way or the other; tomorrow night should determine the end result.”

  “Keep your eyes open; Charlie is full of surprises.”

  “I sense it as well. I don’t know what it is but it’s going to happen before tomorrow night.”

  “Just be careful; we have a trip to Boston.”

  “Will do, my friend. Keep your head down.” AG was weary and closed his eyes. He ordered his aide to wake him before daybreak. He closed his eyes and saw Cynthia in his mind.”

  • • •

  Col. Green said, “I need air support for hill 231.”

  “I’ve sent four intruders but three of them were lost to enemy missiles before they could get there. The fourth was able to lose the missile chasing it.”

  “I have five companies on top of that hill and they are being assaulted by a division of NVA regulars. They need support, Colonel Jensen.”

  “We have larger units than that that are being pinned down. We can only do what we can. I’ll try to get you some support but it doesn’t look good.”

  “Do what you can, Colonel. Thanks for trying.” Brian looked at his map and saw the close lines going up hill 231. It was a tough climb. He just wished he knew what was happening. A mortar round hit close by and he jumped up and yelled at the artillery unit to find the mortar and dispose of it. He glanced back at the map, “Are you still alive, AG?” Another round hit and he went out to supervise the return fire.

  • • •

  AG sat in a chair beside Huang the next morning looking out over the jagged mountains of Vietnam. He absently listened to Huang while he thought about how the enemy could possibly endanger the camp. There were no black lines going out into the jungle so it couldn’t be coming from there. What could it be? Huang said, “We would really be in trouble if you could have used your air support.”

  “You were smart to bring in the guns and missiles.”

  Huang looked at Ag and said, “You know about those?”

  “I do. My scouts spotted them being moved in.” Suddenly AG jumped up and looked off to the northwest. He saw three tiny black lines disappearing over the horizon. The lines were growing thicker as he watched. He jumped up and yelled at Captain Bingham, “Get some men over here now!” He ran up to the 50 caliber that was on the north wall and yelled, “Lift the base and tilt it up! Get moving!”

  Four soldiers ran over and dragged the machine gun back back and lifted the front of the base and rested it on the sandbags. AG saw the three black lines getting thicker by the moment. He chambered a round on the 50 and tilted the barrel toward the northwest.

  Huang had followed him over to the gun and saw the rushed activity moving the heavy machine gun. Suddenly three solid lines of red tracers left the machine gun faster than any bullet was capable of moving. The three lines looked like mile long electric cables moving into the sky. As he watched, Huang saw three Mig 23’s move over the horizon roaring in on the hilltop. All three flew into those three red lines of tracers and exploded in mid-air. They were apparently carrying napalm because the explosions were massive and fire fell to the ground with the debris. Huang looked at the Demon and knew those three shots were impossible. He had fired before the jets had cleared the horizon and had hit all three. Huang also knew a fifty caliber machine gun could not have fired that many rounds so quickly. Now he had no doubt. This being in front of him possessed supernatural powers and his fear rose quickly. He sat down on the ground and looked up at AG, “How did you do that?”

  AG looked down at Huang and said, “Someday I’ll tell you…but not today.”

  • • •

  Phang was furious. “He did what?”

  “He shot them down, Sir. He hit all three before they could bomb the hill.”

  Phang was beginning to feel something inside him that made him think Huang may have been right. He looked up and said, “Notify Hanoi. We need another attack.” The aide left and Phang looked up at the distant hill. What was up there?

  • • •

  Night had fallen and Phen was ordered to take his new unit up the hill. His father had died the night before and he had wept in privacy at his loss. He had known there was not going to be a good outcome in attacking the demon. Just before the first line moved out they heard an amplified voice from the top of the hill.

  “I do not wish to kill all of you but I will if you continue this attack. I am going to set off a line of flares halfway up the hill. You will be safe on your side of that line but I will kill any of you that cross it.” AG looked at Bingham and said, “Light em up.”

  Suddenly a long line of red and green flares ignited in a trench and illuminated the hill. The line ran from one end of the hill to the other. The NVA officers ordered all the troops to move forward together. If they could get half way up without being fired on, their chances were vastly improved. The ten thousand men began moving forward in a tidal wave of humanity. As they moved forward they saw the thousands that had died the day before. Most of them had been shot in the center of their foreheads without any other wound on their body. The dead screamed to them that they were going to die. How could they have all been killed the same way? The troops continued moving forward but as the mass approached the line of flares, the front lines slowed and then stopped at the line.

  AG looked at Huang and said, “This is what I mean by having a choice.” He picked up an AR-15 and stood up on the wall and looked down at the mass of soldiers.

  A NVA Colonel moved forward and yelled, “Continue your advance. You will not stop!”

  Phen watched the Colonel and when no one moved he pulled his side arm and shot one of the soldiers at the front of the line. Phen ran over and snatched the gun from the Colonel and yelled, “Perhaps you’ll lead us across, Sir.” He then pushed the Colonel
across the flare line and he was immediately shot in the center of his forehead and fell next to the flares. The remaining officers started ordering their men forward but they were grabbed and moved to the front of the milling soldiers. Phen looked up and down the line and said, “If you want us to advance, you lead us across this line.”

  No one moved, but one officer stepped across and yelled, “Follow me!” He was immediately shot in the head and fell where he stood. Phen looked up and down the line and said, “Anyone else want to lead us up the hill?”

  No one moved. The mass of soldiers stood at the flare line, frozen on what to do next.

  • • •

  Huang looked at AG, “What are you going to do?”

  “If they don’t withdraw, I am going to have to eliminate them.”

  “Is there no other way around this? This killing must stop.”

  AG handed Huang the white flag he had used to approach along with a folded piece of paper and said, “Take this to your General and tell your men down there that they have ten hours to get back across the border or their lives are forfeit.” Huang stared at AG and he said, “This is where you have to make a choice.”

  Huang looked down at the troops below and took the flag. He stepped over the wall and started moving down the hill. AG smiled and said, “Stay safe, General. I’m going to need you.”

  Phen looked up the hill and saw movement. A soldier raised his rifle but Phen pulled the barrel down. “Wait and see.” The troops watched and they were able to recognize Huang about a hundred yards away. The thousands grew silent and Huang stopped in front of the center of their lines.

  “I have been asked to deliver a message from the Demon.” Huang looked up and down the lines and said, “I have seen the power of this being twice now. Believe me when I tell you that he could kill every one of us faster than you can imagine. I have begged him not to do that and he has said that he will allow us to leave his lands unharmed if we will move back across the border within ten hours.”

  An officer raised his gun to shoot Huang but was shot in the head before he could pull the trigger. Six other officers took their hands off their weapons. Huang looked up and down the lines and yelled, “I’ve risked my life to come down this hill and save you. If you don’t want me to do it then just stay where you are; if you are still here in an hour you will all die.”

  Phen said, “What should we do?”

  “We should all go ask General Phang that question and allow him to lead us back.”

  The lines parted in front of Huang and he continued down the hill followed by the thousands of soldiers. AG went over to one of the fifty caliber machine guns, sat down, and closed his eyes.

  Chapter Eighteen

  General Phang stood in his tent waiting for news from the front lines moving up the hill. His Lieutenant Aide ran up and said, “The soldiers have left the hill and are being led here by General Huang!”


  “It appears the Demon has spooked them and they refuse to continue the charge up the hill.”

  “Have the traitors shot.”

  “If we attempted that we would die. All of them are coming here, Sir.”

  “All of them?” The Lieutenant nodded.

  Phang turned to his second in command and said, “Notify Hanoi we have a mutiny.”

  Huang walked out of the jungle and heard Phang, “No you don’t. We’re simply coming to ask you to lead our charge personally.”

  “That’s not going to happen and you know it. You’ll all be hanged as traitors if you don’t go back.”

  Huang reached in his front pocket and said, “I have a message for you from the Demon.” The entire camp froze. Phang stared at Huang as he started reading.

  “General, you made a mistake invading my lands. I had every intention of killing all of you but Huang has persuaded me to allow you the opportunity to withdraw and I agreed. However, you sent two of your officers to have General Huang assassinated and I don’t tolerate that behavior in my domain. I will kill the two responsible now.”

  Suddenly the Colonel and Lieutenant standing next to Phang flipped backward as a heavy round went through their heads. Four seconds later everyone heard the reports of the shots coming from the distant hill. Huang looked out toward the hill and knew those shots had to be fired before he had read it. The fear of the thousands increased and everyone remained silent but kept looking around expecting a round.

  Huang said, “I apologize for the interruption. The Demon goes on to say, ‘You will take your men back across the border immediately. You will have ten hours to evacuate and after that time I will kill any of you still in my lands. General, you will turn yourself over to General Huang to answer to your assassination attempts. If you refuse to follow my instructions I will kill you now.’”

  Phang stared at Huang and then moved quickly behind a large tree’s trunk. Suddenly an eerie sound was heard over Phang’s head and the top half of the large tree fell way. Huang went over and examined it. He looked at Phang cowering behind the remainder of the tree and said, “It appears the Demon just shot this tree in half.” Huang looked back at the General and said, “That tree will not save your life, General. You have ten seconds to decide.”

  Everyone stared at Phang and saw his fear. He hesitated but then rushed forward and held out his hands. Huang looked at Phen and said, “Bind him. I will also need witnesses to the attempt to kill me.”

  Phen said, “I saw what happened.” Six others also stepped forward and said they had also witnessed the event. “All of you will go with me back to Hanoi to handle this issue.” Huang looked around and said, “Gather enough provisions to feed you and get moving back across the border. You can make it if you hurry.”

  One of the headquarters officers raised his handgun at Huang but immediately feel backward with half his head missing. The mad rush back to the border began at that moment and most of the army left their heavy weapons behind.

  • • •

  AG sat on the hill waiting for another black line to appear but none did. After an hour he stood and stretched. Edward Bingham furrowed his brow and asked, “Are they leaving?”

  “Yes they are, Ed.”

  “What did you just do?”

  “I protected Huang from being killed by his General’s staff.”


  “Because I hope that one day he will change our history.”

  “You don’t sound very positive about that.”

  “It’s a long shot, but I’ve got to take it. I’m going to depend on you and your father to help me defend our country in the future. Will you?”

  Bingham looked out over the jungle and said, “I will follow you wherever you lead, Sir. I know my father will do the same.”

  “It’s going to cost your family a lot but it will save you in the end.”

  Bingham smiled, “I’ll do whatever you need, Major.”

  “I’ll let you know what must be done when this is finally over. Thank you, Ed.”

  Bingham saluted and moved over to his company to check on those that were wounded during the enemy’s charge up the hill. Ninety six soldiers had been wounded and twenty five were killed by the enemy’s small arms fire. Bingham called in the medical choppers to start evacuating those that were severely wounded.

  • • •

  Huang continued his walk to the trucks and heard the whump of distant explosions. Everyone stopped and looked back. Huang thought a moment and said, “It appears the Demon just had our missile batteries destroyed on the other side of the river.”

  “Will he allow the soldiers on the other side of the river to escape?” Huang looked at Phen and slowly shook his head. They turned and continued moving toward the border.

  • • •

  “Colonel, it’s over.”

  “Are you ok?”

  “We are. Jerry has removed their anti-aircraft weapons and is currently pursuing the remaining NVA on his side of the river.”

  “What ab
out the forces attacking you?”

  “I agreed to allow them to escape back across the border if they could do it in ten hours.”

  “We should call in air support and blow them to hell.”

  “Sir, I gave my word that they would be allowed to leave in peace. Please don’t violate my promise.”

  Brian thought about what the fallout would be for such a decision, but finally said, “Aren’t there still some missile batteries operational?”

  AG smiled, “I’m not sure, Sir, but I’ll have confirmation within ten hours.”

  “Let me know when you’re certain.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  • • •

  Cynthia and Lydia were walking back to the dorm from class when Cynthia suddenly stopped and her eyes went wide. Lydia said, “What?”

  Cynthia turned to Lydia and hugged her tightly, “He’s ok. He’s ok.”

  Lydia hugged Cynthia and felt her joy. She so longed to have that kind of attachment with someone. She smiled and said, “I knew he would be.” Cynthia looked at her, with her puzzlement obvious. “When we were ten years old I once asked AG if he was going to marry this girl he had chosen. He didn’t answer but he smiled. He will come back, Cyn. And he’ll be coming for you.”

  Cynthia’s tears were immediate and Lydia led her to the dorm.

  • • •

  AG and Jerry sat in Lt. Colonel Green’s bunker at the firebase as Colonel Jensen told them about the firestorm back at headquarters they had precipitated. Brian listened in and knew he was losing his two best officers. “Why didn’t you call in air support and bomb that escaping division?”

  “The only way to protect my men was to allow them to leave peacefully, Sir.”

  “You would have probably gotten away with it but you called in medivac choppers to move your wounded. You wouldn’t have done that if they still had anti-aircraft capability.”

  AG looked at Jerry and then turned back to Jensen and shrugged, “It was a risk I had to take, Sir.”


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