Vanquish (The Pike Chronicles Book 6)

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Vanquish (The Pike Chronicles Book 6) Page 8

by G. P. Hudson

  “No. You’re wrong. I was told that removing it would kill me.”


  Jon glared at Vrakos.

  “If the symbiont dies while you are joined, then you too will die. Just as if you die, then it will die. This is true.”

  “But I can take it out?”

  “Perhaps. It is a difficult procedure. Not many can perform it. But in its weakened state there is a chance it can be removed without killing you.”

  “Can you do it?”

  “Yes. There is still a risk, as the procedure is highly invasive, but I believe it can be successful. It is worth the risk if the other option is death.”

  Jon couldn’t argue with that logic, but he was pissed that he hadn’t been given the option before. Back when he had asked to remove the symbiont, Ambassador Varyos had told him that removing it would kill him. Was that a lie? A way for the Diakans to maintain control over him?

  “Admiral, we cannot contact our ships,” said Colonel Bast. “We are being jammed.”

  Jon instinctively tapped his comm trying to connect to the Freedom, with no success.

  “We must leave,” continued Bast. “We are at risk here.”

  “You’re right,” said Jon. “Have you taken the Diakan weapons?”

  “Yes, Admiral. Each Diakan was well armed. We are better equipped to handle any new threats.”

  “Good. AI, we need your help?”

  “I am here, Admiral,” said AI, through Jon’s comm.

  “Can you contact our ships?”

  “No, Admiral. All communications are being jammed.”

  “Do you still have access to the Chaanisar brain chips?”


  “Doctor Vrakos,” said Jon. “I need access to this facility’s computer network.”

  “Move me closer to that console,” said Vrakos.

  Jon nodded to Bast, who moved the gurney. Vrakos placed his hand on the console, and it came to life. “The system requires my DNA for authentication,” Vrakos explained. “You can access the network now.”

  Bast placed his own hand onto the console, allowing AI to establish a connection, and enter the Symbiont Medical Center’s network.

  Chapter 21

  “The weapon fire has triggered an alarm. Diakan Security will be here momentarily,” said AI.

  “Are they hostile?” said Jon.


  “We need to get out of here.”

  “What if these ones were acting alone?” protested Seiben.

  “What if they weren’t?” countered Jon. “Do you want to take on a larger force?”

  “No,” said Seiben, sheepishly.

  “AI, direct Colonel Bast to a safe exit from this facility,” said Jon.

  “No exit is currently safe, Admiral.”

  “Then make it the least dangerous.”


  “I am receiving AI’s directions,” said Bast.

  “Then lead the way, Colonel,” said Jon.

  Bast exited the room, jogging down the hallway. The group followed. Breeah kept pace with Jon, all the while stealing glances at him.

  “What’s wrong?” Jon said, noticing her behavior.

  “You called for her.”



  “I did?”


  “I saw her, while I was unconscious. We were back on Earth. She was still alive. So were my daughters.”

  “You did not see me, or Anki?”

  “No. I was reliving the past. I was also on assignment with Kevin in another dream. We were attacking- Hang on a second. You’re not jealous, are you?”

  “Jealous? Of your dead wife? Clearly your mind has not fully recovered from the toxin.”

  “I’ve recovered enough.”

  “Do not concern yourself, Jon Pike. I understand. You loved your wife, and your children-”

  “And I love you and Anki. You are my family now. Don’t ever forget that.”

  Breeah nodded. “I do not begrudge you your mourning. I assumed you came to terms with your grief.”

  “My grief governed me for the longest time. All I wanted to do was die, but the symbiont wouldn’t allow it. Then I met you and Anki, and I had a reason to live again. Tess is gone. Nothing can bring her back. There is nothing for you to fear.”

  “I am a Reiver, Jon Pike. Fear is foreign to me.”

  “That’s my girl,” Jon said with a grin.

  “You two are going to make me cry,” said Seiben, running directly behind them.

  “Show some class, old man,” said Kevin, who had taken position on their rear flank, with the three Reivers.

  “It is not wise to mock my daughter,” said Jonas, menacingly.

  “Maybe next time we should have these discussions in private,” said Jon.

  “Do your feelings embarrass you?” said Breeah.

  “Bah! What makes you think that big gorilla has any feelings?” said Seiben.

  “You know, I think leaving you behind for the Diakans would help us get out of this building,” said Jon.

  “Good thing you don’t have any feelings clouding your judgment,” said Kevin.

  “That’s not funny,” said Seiben.

  “What assignment were we on anyway?” Kevin said to Jon.

  “Phobos Three.”

  “Damn. That was an ugly one.”

  “Yeah. Our people were chewed up good on that one,” Jon said with remorse, briefly remembering the horrors of that particular battle.

  Up ahead Colonel Bast held up a fist coming to a stop before a bend in the corridor. He turned, giving the group hand signals, to indicate there were two armed guards up ahead.

  “They might not be involved,” whispered Jon. “I don’t want to take lives needlessly.”

  “What do you want us to do?” whispered Kevin.

  “Nothing. Stay here and back me up.” Jon moved to step out from behind the wall, when Breeah grabbed his arm.

  “What are you doing? What if they’re hostile?” said Breeah.

  Jon smiled. “Don’t worry. I’ll be fine. Just be ready in case they’re bad guys.”

  Breeah let go of Jon’s arm and he stepped out into view. “I’m Admiral Jon Pike. I need help.”

  The two Diakans stared at Jon for a moment, then raised their weapons.

  “Shit,” said Jon, diving for cover behind the wall, just as a flurry of blue energy bolts blazed through his former position. Colonel Bast and the Chaanisar immediately returned fire. The hallway turned into an energy gauntlet.

  “I’d say you got your answer,” said Kevin.

  The Chaanisar sprang out from behind the wall as Bast laid down suppressive fire. Kevin and the remaining Marine added their firepower to Bast’s.

  It couldn’t be a prolonged firefight. The rest of Diakan Security would arrive any minute.

  With superior speed the Chaanisar charged the Diakan sentries, bridging the gap between them with unparalleled agility, and lethal accuracy.

  In moments the confrontation had ended, and the two Diakans lay dead on the floor. They were stripped of their weapons. Jon, Breeah, and Seiben armed themselves, before the group hastily moved on.

  “Who the hell are these people,” said Jon in exasperation.

  “I believe I can answer that question,” said AI.

  “I’m listening.”

  “While I am unable to send any communications, I do have access to a wealth of information, including a database of Diakan current events. There are reports of a secretive group on the planet known simply as The Faction. They are opposed to the alliance Diakus has made with you, Admiral. They believe it weakens Diakus and the Galactic Accord. These beliefs are seen as blasphemous, since the Great See’er has prophesied your rise. To stand against you, is therefore the same as standing against the Great See’er.”

  “What are you saying? That killing me is a prelude to revolution?”

  “I do not know, A
dmiral, but it seems logical that this Faction is behind the poisoning, and the attacks. The reports in the database state that there is suspicion that the Faction has members throughout the Diakan government.”

  “That means we’re not just dealing with some fringe group. This is a real threat, not just to myself, but to the whole alliance.”

  “Yes, Admiral. Your assessment is accurate.”

  Chapter 22

  First Colonel Brock entered the Operations Room, in the mountain complex. There, General Dathos waited. After centuries of war with the Diakans, it was difficult for the Chaanisar commander to work so closely with them. But his military mind saw the value in the alliance, and knew that much of their success was reliant on the Diakan contribution. That contribution would be indispensable now that the Juttari and Kemmar were allied.

  “Greetings, General,” said Brock, maintaining a stern demeanor.

  “Greetings, First Colonel,” said Dathos. Like all Diakans, Brock found Dathos difficult to read. They weren’t known for displays of emotion, and Dathos fully lived up to the profile.

  “Your message said there was an urgent matter to discuss. Have the Juttari attacked us again?”

  “No. It is not the Juttari. I am afraid I have bad news from Diakus.”

  “Has something happened to Admiral Pike?”

  “Yes. I have been informed that Admiral Pike has succumbed to the poison. The Admiral is dead.”

  The news hit Brock like a nuclear bomb. Admiral Pike, the man responsible for freeing so many Chaanisar, dead. It didn’t seem possible. Brock had seen much death in his long life, and had become suitably hardened to it. This, however, was different. Jon Pike was more than just a man. To the free Chaanisar, he was their savior. He had given them back their lives, and in return they had pledged their allegiance.

  “Are you sure?” said Brock.

  “I just received the communication today. It came straight from Diakus.”

  “I see.” Feelings of grief swept through First Colonel Brock. While the endorphins released by his chip helped alleviate some of Brock’s anguish, it couldn’t eliminate it entirely. This was the first time he had felt the emotion since his abduction by the Juttari as a child. Brock briefly wondered what other emotions hid under the surface, waiting for an opportunity to emerge.

  “In light of this development,” continued Dathos. “I am taking Admiral Pike’s place and assuming command of all allied forces.”

  Dathos’s statement snapped Brock back into the moment. “What makes you assume you have the authority to take command?”

  “It is the logical answer. I am the commander of the Diakan forces, and the humans are members of the Galactic Accord.”

  “Earth was a member of the Galactic Accord, and most of its population was killed in the Juttari nuclear attack.”

  “Yes. An attack your Chaanisar troops were instrumental in executing.”

  “We were still under Juttari control. Admiral Pike had not freed us yet. Regardless, the bulk of the human forces are now from the colonies, which were never part of the Galactic Accord.”

  “Even so, I am still the logical choice to replace Admiral Pike. You could not take command. How much human blood is on your hands? Do you think the humans will follow you?”

  “I am human.”

  “You are Chaanisar. You butchered the humans for centuries. They would never follow you. Neither would Diakan forces. Who else is there? The humans do not have anyone qualified to lead the alliance.”

  “Then there will be no leader.”

  “Nonsense. We need a leader.”

  “You are right. There is no one capable of replacing Admiral Pike, including yourself. Therefore we fight together, but lead our people separately. I will continue leading the Chaanisar, and you will continue leading the Diakans.”

  “You forget the humans. Who will lead them?”

  “Governor Sallas.” Brock surprised himself with the answer, and how quickly it came.

  “He does not have the necessary military experience.”

  “He has generals who do. They will advise him, as will I.”

  Dathos was silent for several long moments, his unblinking eyes locked on Brock’s. “You realize that this arrangement can only be a temporary one.”

  “We shall see.”

  “Very well. With Admiral Pike dead, it is imperative that we deal with this new threat from the Juttari and the Kemmar. We will need to adopt a stronger defensive posture. We can not lose anymore territory.”

  “I disagree. The loss of Telepylos is unacceptable. Admiral Pike said so himself. Admiral Pike wanted to move quickly to retake the system before the Juttari and Kemmar could entrench themselves. I agree with this decision.”

  “We cannot hold Telepylos. The jump gate in the system is linked directly to the Kemmar Empire. It gives them an enormous logistical advantage.”

  “All the more reason we need to control that gate. We not only need to retake the system, but we need to take the territory on the other side of the gate. These were Admiral Pike’s wishes.”

  “Do you have any idea how much resources that would require?”

  “Do you have any idea how much of a threat it is to allow the Kemmar to establish a stronghold two-hundred-and-fifty light years from the Sol System? It puts them within striking distance of Sol, now that they have the jump system.”

  “Nonetheless, what you are suggesting is too costly. I will not squander Diakan forces on such a foolish action.”

  “Then other arrangements will have to be made. If you’ll excuse me General, I have other matters to see to.”

  “As you wish.”

  Brock calmly exited the Operations Room, but his mind worked feverishly, analyzing everything he had heard. Once outside he sought to verify the grim news. AI, can you confirm that Admiral Pike has died?

  I cannot. I can only confirm that Admiral Pike landed on the surface, and was taken to the Symbiont Medical Center. I have had no information, or contact with the landing party since.

  Could that be the result of a lag in communications?

  While Diakus is a considerable distance from Sol, communications are facilitated through the use of communication drones, signal repeaters, and the jump gates themselves. It is possible that there could be a breakdown in the communication network, however I do not have any knowledge of such a breakdown. Lags are common, but this one appears abnormal.

  Nothing about this situation is normal.

  Chapter 23

  Governor Sallas sat behind his desk, in his new office on Amboss Prime, trying to come to terms with what First Colonel Brock was telling him. Even through the comm display, the Chaanisar commander remained intimidating. But that paled in comparison to his news.

  “Then it’s possible that General Dathos is telling the truth?” said Sallas, still reeling from the news of Admiral Pike’s death. Pike had saved him from the military coup, and from the corporate attack. The colonies owed so much to this man, and now he might be dead. Sallas did his best to swallow his grief and remain professional.

  “Everything is possible, Governor. Nothing can be confirmed,” First Colonel Brock said ominously.

  “Why would General Dathos lie? It makes no sense.”

  “I do not know, but the circumstances behind this development are suspicious, and General Dathos attempted to take control of the alliance.”

  “He tried to take the Admiral’s place? Did you let him?”

  “No. I did not.”

  Sallas felt relieved. The colonies had advanced substantially in the past year. Now united, their military strength had expanded exponentially. The idea of that military falling under Diakan control was not appealing. “So what was the outcome?”

  “General Dathos will continue to command the Diakan forces. I will command the Chaanisar. And I proposed that you lead the colonial forces.”

  “Me? I don’t have military training.”

  “No, you do not. But you are a leader,
and you have generals to advise you. If the Admiral is truly dead, it will create a power vacuum that the Diakans are only too eager to fill. The colonies need an experienced leader, and you are the natural choice. Together, we can present a united front to counterbalance the Diakans.”

  “Interesting, though it may not be enough. The Diakans are much more powerful than we are, even when working together. They voluntarily chose to follow Admiral Pike because of their prophecy. If he’s truly gone, however, there is nothing stopping them from taking control. It must be tempting to claim all those military gains as their own.”

  “You think they will seize power by force?”

  “No, they need us. But there will be more pressure for us to fall in line under their leadership.”

  “I fear you are correct. General Dathos was far more interested in securing territory, than retaking the jump gate at Telepylos.”

  “Makes sense. They’re no longer playing to win. They’re playing not to lose.”

  “Then we will play to win. The colonial forces have made great advances, with many new warships. Our combined forces can take the jump gate at Telepylos. We do not need the Diakans.”

  “Is that wise?”

  “Is it wise to have the Kemmar just two-hundred-and-fifty light years from Sol? With the colonial jump gate open that also puts Amboss Prime at risk. If Sol falls, the Kemmar would use the Sol gate to open a second front against the colonies. We need to take Telepylos and its jump gate, or we will never be secure.”

  “I will need to discuss this with my generals. In the meantime, let’s hope that Dathos is wrong, and Admiral Pike is still alive.”

  Chapter 24

  Governor Sallas sat alone at the board table in his conference room. A myriad of austere faces looked back at him from the wall screen. Those faces belonged to the numerous colonial generals commanding the now united colonial forces.

  When the new force was created a little over a year ago, a concerted effort had been made to include military personnel from every system in the colonies. All members of the various corporate military forces were considered, so long as they hadn’t taken up arms against New Byzantium. After the Kemmar invasion, and the powerful alliance Jon had created, the post was seen as a tremendous career opportunity, if not a chance for redemption. Sallas wondered whether the new found unity would hold if Jon was truly dead.


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