Magic After Dark: A Collection of Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance Novels

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Magic After Dark: A Collection of Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance Novels Page 50

by Margo Bond Collins

  He pulls into my aunt’s place. It’s empty. No cars line the driveway.

  Colin parks and helps me down from his truck. He runs around to the back of the doublewide trailer, while I look in the windows. The furniture remains, but all the trinkets are gone. The door’s locked.

  I sit on the stoop.

  Colin appears in front of me. “There’s no trace of them.” He texts someone. “Emilian is with Brayden and them. He’s a damn fool. Why didn’t he leave with his mother?”

  “Is he?” I rub my temple. “Don’t you get tired of running?”

  “We aren’t the runners, Elysia. We’re the chasers.” He sits next to me. “But, yes, I’m tired of this game. I’m tired of all of it.”

  “Why do you take money from Roger and the other shop owners?”

  “None of us want to.” Colin hangs his head. “My father gives orders and we can’t ignore them.”

  “Your father?”

  “He’s our pack leader. He sent us here to secure the area a year ago. We were hoping he’d let us live alone, away from the larger pack. No such luck. He called a few days ago.”

  “What if you run away? With me?”

  “It’s not that easy. We’re bound to his will. It’s hard to explain.”

  “This is unbearable.”

  His phone vibrates again. He glances at it and hands it to me.

  “It’s Fonso.” I put it on speaker. “Fonso, I’m so sorry. I’ll be home soon.”

  “Good. We thought the Hunters had gotten you. That wasn’t cool, Elysia.” He pauses. “Am I on speaker? Who’s phone is this?”

  “It’s Colin’s.”

  Colin walks toward his truck.

  “Wonderful. Take me off speaker.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “Nadya thinks she’s found your father.”

  Chapter 22

  I’m jolted forward as something rams into the back of Colin’s truck as we begin to back out.

  “What the fuck?” Colin’s arm flies out to protect me from hitting my head.

  I look out the back window to see Kyle’s Jeep behind us. “Why is he doing this?”

  Colin jumps down, raging madness etched on his face. “We don’t have time for this. Move that piece of shit and get out of our way!” he yells at Kyle.

  I climb out of the truck. Kyle circles away from his Jeep, coming closer to Colin.

  “He’s not who you think, Elysia.” He yanks his gun out, pointing it at Colin.

  Thunder roars.

  “You’ve lost it, Kyle. She knows exactly what I am.” Colin grabs me and shoves me behind him. The moment he touches me, the thunder subsides.

  It’s Colin. His touch—his body—being near him stabilizes my abilities.

  “Elysia, step away from him. You’re not going to believe this, but—”

  “He’s a werewolf.” I move under Colin’s arm, standing in front of him. “And you’re looking for his pack leader. I heard you on the phone last night.”

  “I knew there was something off with you. You’ve always had it out for me. Even in class when we’d fight I felt that aggression.” Colin tries to move me back, but I push him away. “Put the gun down. You’re pointing it at her.”

  Kyle aims it toward the ground. “Yes, I’ve had it out for you. I knew what you were the minute I set eyes on you.”

  “How did you know?” I ask. “Why are you after them?”

  “He killed my mother.” A tear forms in the corner of his eye. “He and his kind killed her in cold blood.”

  Colin stiffens.

  “I wanted to kill you the first time I saw you in town.” Kyle’s jaw tightens. “I couldn’t because we needed to know who the pack leader calling the shots was.” He raises his gun again. “Who is it?”

  “I’m sure Colin didn’t kill your mother.” Colin paces near me; his body trembles. “Right, Colin?” I touch his arm and his body calms.

  Kyle pulls out a picture from his back pocket, throwing it on the ground. It’s a security camera picture of Colin near a woman’s body. He’s naked, blood dripping from his mouth.

  “Oh, God.” Bile rises in my throat.

  “Her name was Sonya.” Colin drops to the ground, squatting. “She was my first and only kill. He made me do it. I had no choice. I had to prove myself.” Remorse is laced throughout his words.

  “Oh, God.” I clench my stomach.

  Colin stands. He grips my hips and looks into my eyes. “She was Rom. She could manipulate thoughts...make people do things they wouldn’t normally do.” His eyes water.

  I shake my head as I stare at him with disbelief.

  Kyle’s eyes bore into Colin. “Do you know the restraint it’s taken not to kill you these last few months?”

  I’ve never seen this side of Kyle. His anger and hatred turn him into an entirely different person.

  “You ripped her throat out and left her there. She didn’t deserve it. She didn’t deserve to be attacked by some wild, raging animal. That’s what you are. You’re a fucking beast.”

  Colin faces him. His back is to me as he tucks me behind him. “Kill me, then. Will that make you feel better? I won’t even try to run. And, to make it easy on you, I even agree with you, I deserve it. But, if think I enjoyed that?” He points to the picture. “Then you are sadly mistaken.”

  “No!” I wedge between them, holding my arms up. My hand covers the gun barrel.

  “You still take his side?” Kyle lowers his gun. “After you’ve seen what he did?”

  My heart aches for them both. It starts to rain; this time, I want it to.

  “Who’s the pack leader?” Kyle asks Colin, raindrops dripping down his face.

  “My father. He’s the one who gave the order. He wanted your mother dead.” Colin grabs my hand. “All of us, the entire pack, follow his orders, or the consequences are severe.”

  “I’m part Rom; does he want me dead, too?” Kyle asks.

  “I don’t sense a trace of Rom blood in you. If we had, you’d already be dead.”

  The gun shakes in Kyle’s hand. “We’ve been tracking your kind for years and killing every one we find. Did you know that?” he asks. “My dad sent me here on a hunch, and I found you. You’re all I wanted. After you and your father, I’m done with your kind. I don’t care about the rest of you dogs.”

  “You’ve been killing innocents, then. The lone wolves don’t belong to a pack. If you tried to kill a pack member, you wouldn’t be standing here talking to me.” Colin wipes his face. “Even the best predators don’t stand a chance against a pack of werewolves.”

  “You were sent here?” I ask Kyle.

  “My father knew your family was in the area,” Kyle explains. “Where there are Roma, there are usually werewolves close by.” He bites his lip and his body trembles. “I didn’t mean to—you weren’t supposed to get involved, Elysia.”

  “Your father knows my family?” I ask. “Is that why you wanted to go out with me? To get close to my family?”

  “I liked you because from the first moment I saw you, I was attracted to you. I imagined a future with you, a life outside of this crazy, revenge-seeking life I’ve been living for years.”

  “I trusted you, and you lied to me. What happened to the free-spirited, easy-going lifestyle?”

  “The moment you walked into the diner, I wanted to shut the entire world out, forget about werewolves, my father’s orders, and my mother’s death. You made me want to forget all of it. There’s something special about you.” He steps forward.

  Colin jerks me back. “Don’t come near her.”

  I hush him. “Is your father responsible for hunting Gypsies like me and taking my father?”

  He shakes his head. “No, we only hunt werewolves. He wouldn’t...” Kyle bites his lip.

  “You’re not sure, are you?” I ask.

  Howls erupt in the distance.

  Colin looks in their direction. “We need to set our differences aside and get Elysia and her c
ousins out of town now.”

  “This isn’t over.” Kyle lowers his gun and takes out his phone.

  “Wait, Kyle. Don’t call your father, yet. Nadya thinks she found my dad. Please let me see where he is. Maybe you can get some answers, too.” The rain slows.

  The howling intensifies. Colin pushes me to his truck. “If we don’t get out of here soon, a lot more people will die.”

  “This is awkward.” Kyle looks out the passenger window. His Jeep wouldn’t start, so we piled into Colin’s truck after they had pushed the Jeep to the side of the road.

  “Thank you both for setting aside your hate.” I clasp my hands in my lap. “I know this isn’t over, but right now all I want to do is find my dad.”

  “You need to get out of town.” Colin grips the steering wheel tighter. “This isn’t a joke, Elysia. They’re coming and they will kill you.”

  “I won’t let that happen.” Kyle grits his teeth.

  Colin snorts. “You don’t know what you’re up against.”

  “I can take care of myself,” I say. “I’m not going anywhere until I find him.” I want to grab hold of Colin’s hand, but don’t want to make Kyle uncomfortable.

  “It’s not the time to be stubborn,” Colin says.

  He pulls into the campground and slows. Deena’s lying on the ground in front of the office.

  “Oh my God! Let me out.” I push Kyle out of the passenger door. Deena’s covered in dirt. I lift her head and place it on my lap.

  “Is she okay?” Kyle asks. “Feel for a pulse.”

  “She’s breathing.” I shake her lightly. “Deena?” There’s a huge red mark on the left side of her face. “Someone hit her with something.”

  “That’s not all they did.” Colin stares at the cabin. The door sways in the wind. “I don’t have a good feeling about this.”

  “Alice.” Deena’s voice startles me and I look down. She blinks several times as if she’s trying to focus. “I’—so—rry” she stammers. “I couldn’t stop them.” Kyle helps her to her feet. She wobbles.

  “Get her a chair.” I point to the wooden chair near the office entrance.

  “I’m fine...or maybe not.” Deena reaches up and touches the ugly mark on the side of her head. She eases into the chair.

  Once Deena seems like she’s okay, I take off toward the cabin. “Fonso! Nadya!”

  “Wait!” Colin calls after me, but I keep running.

  “Fonso.” The cabin’s been ransacked. Fonso and Nadya’s clothes are thrown around the room. “Nadya!” No answer. They’re gone.

  “Elysia!” Colin runs in. “What if there was someone waiting in here for you?”

  “They’re not here.” I run down the hall. The drawers are out of the chest, and my clothes have been tossed all over. “What were they looking for?”

  “Fonso’s car is still here.” Colin points out the window. “Someone took them.”

  Crackling waves of light dance through the sky.

  “Who took them?” Anger boils within me. My brain feels like it’s on fire.

  Colin embraces me.

  Deena appears in the doorway. “It was a woman and a man. They drove a black Mercedes. I didn’t get the license plate number. The woman got out of her car and popped me one.”

  “What did she look like?” Kyle asks from behind her.

  “Black hair with short bangs. Wearing leather pants.” Deena touches her brow. “Nasty bitch. And, who the hell wears leather pants in this heat?”

  “I know her. She’s...” I sit on the edge of the couch.

  “Vadoma.” Kyle says. “Dad is involved. Vadoma is his ex.”

  “Your ex-girlfriend? She’s the one who kidnapped my father and came after me in New Orleans.” I’m more than shocked by his admission. My head feels woozy and I’m glad I was already sitting or I’d be on the floor. Small cyclones of wind mimic my dizzying head just outside the cabin.

  “Why are they going after them?” Colin asks.

  “I don’t know,” Kyle snaps. “He was traveling for a while. I thought he was tracking the wolves.”

  “And your ex, who is career driven. This is her career?” I ask.

  “She hates werewolves more than I do. They killed her entire family.” Kyle shakes his head. “I don’t understand why she is involved in kidnapping Roma. She’s one herself.”

  “Werewolves?” Deena’s eyes widen. She looks back and forth between Colin and Kyle. “I think I may still be knocked out. This is crazier than my nightmares. Then again, I’m pretty sure I saw Fonso throwing rocks through the air without actually picking them up. It’s been a hell of a day.”

  “Where are they?” I glare at Kyle.

  “Dad’s compound is on the beach. He’s got to be there.” Kyle steps aside to allow Deena to leave.

  “I’m getting a drink.” Deena says.

  “Let’s go.” I follow Deena out the door. She walks to her trailer and disappears inside.

  “Wait.” Colin squeezes my shoulder. “It’s too dangerous. We need to get you out of town first, where you’ll be safe. I’ll go with Kyle to rescue your cousins and dad.”

  “You’d be committing suicide.” Kyle’s mouth twitches. “He’d kill you on the spot.”

  “We are going together.” I glare at them both. “I knocked your ex out once before. I can do it again.”

  “You did?” Kyle smirks. “I would have loved to have seen that.”

  “It’s not safe,” Colin insists. “Please.”

  The look in his pleading eyes would haunt me forever, but I have to go. “It’s my family they have. I will get them back.” Thunder booms overhead. “I know it’s asking more than I should, but I need you there with me.” I touch Colin’s face.

  “Stop petting the dog already.” Kyle rolls his eyes.

  Colin growls.

  “Kyle, I don’t know how to say this.” I don’t even want to say it, but I don’t want to give him any more false hope.

  “I get it, you’re with him.” Kyle brows furrow. “Regardless of all the bad things he’s done? Roger? My mother?”

  I shake my head. “I can’t explain—”

  “There’s nothing to explain.” He starts for Colin’s truck. “If we’re going to do this, we need to move now.”

  “The packs are coming. I can feel them.” Colin grabs my hand and leads me to the truck.

  “This isn’t going to be pretty,” Kyle says.

  As we near the truck, three wolves emerge from the surrounding woods. They transform before our eyes.

  Chapter 23

  “Colin, your father’s arrived,” Kayla says, standing stark naked. “He sent us to find you.”

  “Where’s Emilian?” Colin’s expression hardens.

  “He’s safe,” Riley says. “We sent him south to the glades cabin. He gave us a hard time about it, too. He made us promise to protect his brother, sister, and her.” He nods in my direction.

  “How he expects us to do that is beyond me.” Brayden walks closer. He seems more confident and open. He stands straight while the others maneuver themselves to block their private areas. “We are merely puppets on a string.”

  “He wants you to come now,” Kayla says. “He says we are at war. A Rom girl killed your Uncle Silas. He’s angry you’re not already by his side. He’s been calling you all night. Why haven’t you come?”

  The three of them wait to hear his explanation.

  “Did you hear his call?” Brayden asks.

  “I did.” Colin grabs my hand. “I’m not fighting his war anymore.”

  “What the—” Kayla stares at our united fingers. “I don’t understand. Are you and her...”

  Their faces turn blank.

  “I can’t explain it, but being around Elysia breaks the bond.” Colin’s eyes meet mine. He beams.

  “Impossible,” Riley says.

  “I’m not going back. I’m not extorting. I’m not killing. I’m not going to do his bidding anymore.” Colin move
s a stray hair behind my ear. “It’s over.”

  “What about us?” Brayden complains. “We’ve been together for years, we’re your family. Her,” he jabs a finger in my direction, “This girl is your kryptonite. She’s going to get you killed by your own kind.”

  “We are family. We are also pawns. I know you don’t like what my father forces us to do anymore than I do. So why don’t you come with us and help find her family,” Colin pleads. “We need to get them out of town before more die. Then, if you want, you can go back and tell him I’m gone.” His fingers tighten, squeezing my hand. “You’re all Emilian’s friends and you promised him.”

  “We did,” Kayla says.

  Colin lets go of my hand. He reaches behind the seat of his truck, and returns with a bag of clothes. He tosses the bag toward them and they dress quickly.

  “If he calls, we’ll have to go.” Riley zips his jeans up.

  “I know,” Colin says. “I appreciate your help. It won’t be easy.” He looks at Kyle. “We’re going up against werewolf killers.”

  “Is that so?” Brayden laughs.

  “I never thought I’d see the day. Werewolves, Roma and, Diner Boy fighting side-by-side.” Kayla winks at Kyle. “How’d you get involved, anyway?”

  “Colin killed my mother.” Kyle gives me a sideways glance. “And he stole my girl.”

  “Tough breaks, kid.” Brayden smacks him on the back.

  Kayla bores in to me. “For the record, I’m doing this for Emilian. Not for you.”

  “Yeah, I got it.” I roll my eyes.

  “What’s the plan?” Riley asks. “Storm the castle, rescue the Gypsies? That sort of thing?”

  “I don’t know of any other plan,” Colin says. “Let’s go.” He hoists me up into the truck.

  The others pile into the back. I can’t help but think about what kind of father Colin has. I can’t say I’m anxious to meet him. He’d likely want to kill me on sight. Kyle’s father isn’t a saint either, especially having kidnapped my family. Dad never told me anything of my family or who was hunting us, although I have an inkling he knew more than he said. “It seems we are all trapped in our parent’s battles.”


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