Swap Meets (Volume 2): A 13 Book Excite Spice Hotwife Erotica MEGA Bundle (Excite Spice Boxed Sets)

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Swap Meets (Volume 2): A 13 Book Excite Spice Hotwife Erotica MEGA Bundle (Excite Spice Boxed Sets) Page 53

by Selena Kitt

  Wednesday was a crazy busy day in their household. Sarah got up normal time and got the kiddos to school and worked. That part was pretty normal, but Wednesday also added dance class and soccer. Basically, she left the house before eight and got home around eight. She’d thought she would get used to Wednesdays, but she never did. They were long days filled with running around and work with no down time. The only bright spot was that she awoke to the smell of fresh brewed coffee once again. Her husband was determined to make her come undone simply at the sight of him on Friday.

  By the time she crawled into bed, sex was the last thing on her mind. She just needed sleep. Victor had called to say he would be late and usually that meant she waited up, but tonight she was not sure she could. She didn’t even have the energy to read her Kindle. Her eyes would not cooperate.

  She was just about asleep when she heard Victor come home. She had a renewed desire to stay awake until he came to bed, but her good intentions flew out the window and she fell asleep almost instantly.

  The sinking of the mattress roused her from her sleep and she snuggled back into her husband, still only half awake. She tried to greet him, but all that came out was a mumble. He chuckled and began to tell her about his day.

  “So, work was pretty slow today and I knew you had the day that never ends so I took off and came home. I finished the laundry and ironing and put them all away.”

  Sarah felt instantly guilty. She hadn’t even noticed. “Sorry.” Was all she managed to get out.

  “No need to be sorry, your day is one a marathon runner would have had difficulty keeping up with. That is why I also washed the floors and cleaned the upstairs bathroom. I wanted to do ours as well, but then I had an errand to run.”

  Sarah let curiosity get away from her. “Errand?”

  His arm pulled her close. “Yes, errand. One for Friday, so don’t ask.”

  Friday. Sarah didn’t know if she should love or hate that word.

  “Go to sleep my sweet, hot, beautiful, hardworking wife. I will even read you a bedtime story.” He clearly sounded amused with himself and if she were not so tired, she probably would have playfully smacked him on the shoulder. This week brought out a whole side of Victor she hadn’t seen in years. He was hot and in control, yet so giving of his time. Making sure the things that weighed heavily on her mind were taken care of. That and coffee. He made her coffee. If she had not already been married, she would have been proposing on the spot like a pathetic romantic comedy heroine. All women deserved a husband like hers. Her thoughts were interrupted as he began to speak. His voice strong and deep, yet soft enough to foster her sleep.

  The smell immediately hits me and I know that my mate is near. The smell calls to me and the beast inside is forcing me to find him. I hear nothing. See nothing. Everything is about his smell. It is chocolate mixed with pine and a hint of honey. If someone had told me that combination would drive me to distraction I would have told them they were full of crap, yet here I am, needing to find the source of the smell. The intoxicating aroma made just for me.

  Before I know it I am in a corridor walking away from the crowds. He is not in the bar, he has left. I lost him before I got him. Just as I am about to crumble inside, I catch a whiff again. It is coming from a closed door and, that door be damned, I am getting in there and now. All of my human logic is gone. All I can think, not feel is: Mate. Mine. Mate. The oddity of that briefly crosses my mind as I enter the room as nothing less than a predator. I am stopped short when I see the back of a man, completely naked. His back muscles are strong and pronounced, and his ass…that ass is a thing of art.

  Mine. Mate.

  Yes, he is my mate. And then I notice what should have been the first thing to hit me: he was not alone and he was not standing still. He was bent over someone else. Fucking them as if his life depended on it. She cleared her throat and he turned to face her.

  Holy shit! He was fucking a man. Before she could process that, a second smell hit her. He was not just fucking another man, he was fucking her second mate.

  Sarah knew this story well, but to hear her husband read it, with no judgement in his voice made it the hottest thing she had ever heard. She wanted to listen all night, but her body had other plans. Sleep.


  Thursday was finally here. She had been on edge and so close to coming all week and while her husband was all about the sharing, sharing with him only put her more on edge. Thursday was Mommy Porn day and she would have all of her mommy porn friends to talk to. They would be jealous, to be sure, but they might also have some advice. If she were being truly honest with herself, she was a bit nervous for Friday. After a week of intense build up, the last thing she wanted to do was to let Victor down. He worked so hard at her physical and emotional arousal that he deserved a night to remember. A night for the record books.

  It so happened that this was Sarah’s week for hosting, and with her husband being over the top helpful around the house, she didn’t have to do her last minute “fake” cleaning where she stuck things in closets and closed doors so that no one would see the disarray that was her life. Today the house was clean clean. When she woke up and came downstairs that morning, her dear sweet, hotter-than-the-equator husband had left a few bakery boxes on the counter so she didn’t even have to bake anything. All she had to do was plate. By the time the doorbell rang, she was already relaxed and ready to just hang with her friends instead of the frenzied last minute running around her week to host always seemed to entail.

  There were only six active members in her mommy porn group. They were all very different, but had two things in common. They were moms and they read the naughty.

  Mary, the person who met her at the park and changed her life for the better was the organizer of the group. She was all about finding new authors to read, arranging schedules for hostessing, and even finding guest speakers. That one floored Sarah. Who finds an erotic romance writer and invites them to chat about their naughtiness? Yep, that would be Mary, and it was one of the best meetings they’d had.

  Sarah referred to Gia and Daisy as the twins. They weren’t actually related, but grew up together and from what Sarah could gather, they did everything together. Heck, their kids were actually were born a week a part. They were sweetness and honey, and it had crossed Sarah’s mind more than once that they might be a wee bit more than friends. One day she would ask them, but not today. Today was all about Friday.

  Rose had a name that sounded so sweet and innocent. She was anything but. Rose was the kinkster in the group and their go-to person if they had any questions about toys or an unusual-to-them lifestyle. Sarah had no idea how Rose managed to be so kinky. She was a mom to eight kids. Eight. Just thinking about that made Sarah tired. Then again, her kink was probably how she ended up with so many kids in the first place.

  Whitney was Sarah’s closest friend out of them. They had so very little in common, but Sarah found her easy to open up to. She never judged. She never advised out of turn. She just listened. Whitney was a young widow and had a kindness you could see in her eyes, but a hard shell she let few inside. Sarah felt lucky to be one of those few.

  The woman made quick work of the yummy goodness Victor had brought them and the coffee. Sarah didn’t want to jump right in with her tales of foreplay on crack, but she could barely contain herself. She had barely let Mary bring up the next meeting date and place before she blurted out, “I’m living out a book that is yet to be written and I have no idea how it will end.” Yeah, that maybe how she felt, but it was clear by the looks on her friends’ faces that it made sense to no one else in the room.

  “Explain,” instructed Rose. Sarah guessed that Rose’s kink leaned towards the dominatrix side. This was not the first time she had commanded in the group, and it would not be the last. No one ever questioned Rose when she used that voice. It was as if it held power all its own.

  So Sarah did explain. She explained everything from the open Kindle, to the yummy coff
ee, the crisp pillow cases, the sex shop, her inability to focus on anything but her arousal and her mass amounts of soaked panties. She left no detail unsaid. When she was through, she looked and them and said, “So?” As if that question asked it all.

  “So? So you are a fucking lucky bitch,” Gia and Daisy said in unison.

  Mary and Whitney shook their heads in agreement.

  Sarah looked at Rose, waiting for her reply. Rose was the woman of the hour and answered the question Sarah could not quite piece together, “So, you want to know how to turn this over the top, week-long foreplay into an equally over the top night of hot sex that leaves you both sated?”

  Sarah nodded. That was exactly it. The build-up was too great and that could make it impossible to meet.

  “Here’s what you are going to do...” Rosa began her instructions and others piped in their two cents as Rose permitted. By the end of Mommy Porn, Sarah felt confident in what she needed to do and in the fact that Friday would be all that it was building up to be. She just had a few errands to run before the big night.


  Sarah was still quaking with her release. She had mistakenly thought taking the edge off with a quick rub down while getting ready would make her less on edge. It only amplified it by one thousand. She was now on the cusp, closer than she had been all week and twice as sensitive. She wanted to kick her own ass for being so stupid. She knew that when it got this bad, the kind of orgasm she could give herself would be less then helpful, yet she’d convinced herself otherwise. She quickly cleaned herself off in the tub. She may very well be dripping again before he got home, but she was not leaving her cum as added evidence of her naughty time alone in the tub. Not that she would actively hide it from him. If he asked she would admit it, but no need to rub it in his face, a face she hoped would be in said spot before the evening was over.

  As she dried off she looked at herself in the mirror. For the first time since before having kids, she felt one hundred percent beautiful. Her husband had been just as aroused all week and it was because of her. Because of this body. Her body. She slipped on a pair of jewel encrusted thong panties that Rose assured her would drive him bonkers and a red see-through baby doll teddy. This was a far cry from what she usually wore and far nicer than anything the sex shop had. Rose had gone with her yesterday afternoon and they went to a very high end boutiques Sarah had never even heard of. It had amazing clothes and a back room filled with very hot clothes. Sarah would never spend this kind of money on a normal day, but this was not a normal day, it was Friday.

  Rose also took her to get a pedicure, which she said made her look put together, but not like a made up fashion doll. She had wanted to take her to get some make up, but Victor was an odd man and didn’t like her in make-up. He said it hid her beauty and ruined her taste. She never argued with that because she found it to be a pain to apply anyways. Their last stop had been a day spa that specialized in waxing. Sarah was super nervous about this one. The last time she had been for a wax it had been brutally painful and they took off almost all of her hair. She knew a lot of men and woman liked the bare pussy, but she liked a little landing strip. But Rose was right, this spa knew what they were doing. She may have come home with all of her “me” money gone, but she felt amazing and ready for her night of super hot lovin’.

  She stepped out of her bathroom and into the bedroom for a last minute check and saw Victor sitting on the edge of the bed. “I didn’t hear you come in.”

  He was up and devouring her lips before she knew what had happened. There was no gentle seduction to this kiss. It was all need and heat. She melted into him and met his raw need movement by movement. Suddenly as it began he pulled his mouth from hers, but not is body.

  “Oh Sarah, what you do to me. This week has near killed me. All I could think about was sinking into your hot body and making you scream my name. I may have hit a record for the most times jacking off and still retaining a rock hard erection.” She sighed and he began to kiss, then suck on her neck in the way that always made her weak in the knees. “Do you feel me? Do you feel what you do to me?”

  Feel him she did. His cock was so hard against her it was almost painful. “Yes, I feel you. Do you know what you do to me?”

  He stopped sucking on her neck and his chest quaked against hers. He was working hard at holding in his laughter. “I did the laundry this week. I know what I do to you. Twenty pairs of panties since Sunday. You, too, were breaking records.”

  Before she could respond he was back at her mouth. Plundering, sucking, nipping, exploring and all out fucking her mouth with his. She was on sensory overload and she felt her orgasm begin to build before he even touched her anywhere below the neck. He pulled away and her body screamed for the loss and she all but cried out in anguish. She was so close and today was Friday. It would be today. He promised. It had to be, she couldn’t take any more.

  “Don’t worry, a promise is a promise. “ It was official, he could read her mind in the best possible way. “You will come tonight. Many times. My name will be screamed from your lips over and over again. Do you know the best part?”

  She shook her head just the barest amount. She wasn’t sure if he wanted an answer. If he wanted to know that exploding around him would be the best part, or that swallowing his cum as it shot down her throat would be the best part. For all she knew it was rhetorical. Her body was on such high arousal that her brain had all but shut down, and she was fine with that.

  “The best part is that I am going to do it again tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that until we are so beyond sated and tired we need a day off and then we will begin again. Somewhere along the line we let the fun part of our relationship take a back burner to everyday life.”

  She shook her head. He was right. They were always hot for each other. Flirty and very sexual until work got in the way and then it became a pattern. A pattern they needed to and would break.

  “Agreed.” Sara barely recognized her own voice it was so heady and lustful. “Where should we start? I can’t take much more. Seriously, I am prepared to beg. Repeatedly.” She was not at all kidding; she really would.

  “I can’t hold out much longer either. I am afraid I am going to come the second I sink into you. What do you want first? Do you want me to take control like in your books? I am very good at that.” He said it in jest, but he was spot on. There was not much hotter than when he took control in the bedroom.

  “That you are, husband of mine, but I can’t take it a second longer. I say hard and fast and then we take our time and enjoy the night with you at the reins.”

  “That may be the best idea you have had all day. I should have thought out the whole Friday thing and made it Tuesday.” She climbed on to the bed, scootching back towards the head board. He immediately grabbed her ankle. “Where are you going?”

  “Hard and fast?” Sarah was going to lose it if she didn’t come soon.

  “Slight change of plans.”

  “Fuck.” Sarah could not take much more and she crawled closer to him. If he was not going to follow the plan, she was going to enact her own plan.

  “No, that part didn’t change, silly woman.”

  She looked up at him. Goodness he was confusing.

  “The change of plans is that I am in control and now.”

  Sarah’s panties might as well be absent for all the good they were doing. Sarah felt her wetness running down her thigh.

  “So no hard and fast?” she tried not to sound disappointed.

  “Oh hard and fast it is.” He paused and she could see his demeanor change. “Get up.” Damn he was hot when he was telling her what to do sexually. She immediately complied. “Over to your reading chair. Reading started this so it seems like the best place to begin.”

  She all but ran over to the chair and sat down. He belted out a laugh so deep and sexually charged she was glad to be seated because she would have swooned. “In a hurry?”

br />   “Up.”

  She stood without thought.

  “I am going to take you hard and fast as promised. Bend over the arm of the chair and grab the second arm with both hands.”

  She did as he said and was shocked by the comfort. Not that it would have mattered if he took her on the ground at this point. She needed relief.

  “Look up.”

  She did and noticed a mirror on the back of the door that had not been there before. He planned this out. He planned out her fantasy in a way that was not threatening and beyond hot. She loved this man.

  “I see you like your present.” He said as he came in behind her. Somewhere along the line she missed that he had removed his clothes and was standing in all his glory. “I also see that you have a present for me. I like this.” He pushed up her teddy revealing her ass only covered by the barely-there thong. “A lot. So much that I think we should keep it on. Don’t you?” He was pulling her thong from between her ass checks and pushing it to the side. She nodded. She saw it as it was happening, but it still shocked her when his hand came down on her left check. Hard.


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