Day (Hero Society Book 2)

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Day (Hero Society Book 2) Page 9

by Jessica Florence

  She moved her hips up toward me and then around, proving how those dance moves would be useful later.

  “Despite our start of me hiding from you, you’ve never given up on me.” My hand moved down to caress her body over her short top. She wasn’t wearing a bra underneath, I discovered, my fingers finding her barbell on her taut nipple.

  “I’ve thought about these a lot lately,” I admitted.

  “Think about them with your mouth sucking them.” She smiled, then went about lifting her shirt over her head. There was no time to waste: Lilith gave an order, and I had no problem giving into her.

  My mouth swirled over those wings around her sweet, pink nipple.

  Her breasts were perfect, and I could seriously touch them all day. Not big, but not small. She was just right. The holy Goldilocks of tits.

  “When was the last time you were touched, Lilith?” I didn’t care when, but I was curious.

  “I can’t remember. Vibrators are better than men anyways,” she purred, and I stopped sucking on her tit.

  Okay, I’ll be the first to admit it had been a while for me. I was too afraid of breaking a woman, so I usually stayed away. I tried it once with the chick on top, which was fine, but then my hands gripped the bed so hard I tore the mattress. The girl freaked, and that was it. But I’ll be damned if she thought that a vibrator was better than me.

  I forgot all about the things I liked about her—my mission now was to make her believe in the one dick above all: mine.

  She wouldn’t run away if I broke anything, as long as it wasn’t her.

  Her eyes looked at me in confusion as to why I stopped. Instead of answering her, my hands and mouth clashed against her body with a strong purpose.

  The little moans and whimpers from her lips only spurred me on, to prove her statement wrong.

  My hands went to her tight-as-hell jeans; we both worked her out of them in a few seconds and then she was bare before me.

  I’d technically seen her naked before, but then I was too freaked to truly appreciate the sight that was now spread before me. The sunrise coming in from the window next to the bed gave a sweet orange glow to her skin. She was perfection.

  I moved closer to inspect her soft body with my hands, but stilled when I saw them.

  She had little scars all over her body. From fighting?

  When my fingers rubbed along her hips and felt raised skin that seemed oddly familiar, I had to examine it. I swore her whole body stiffened as I moved over to look at the scar.

  I sucked in a deep breath.

  It wasn’t really a scar, but a brand: the letters E.A., with an open-winged bird, were burned into her skin right where her hip would curve over to her rounded ass cheek. Jesus, someone fucking burned her!

  “Ezra Alistair. The man who bought me from my family. He did that when I was sixteen.” My gaze flew up to her face that was looking out the window, instead of at me.

  “Why did he brand you?” I was shocked that someone could do that to her, because I honestly doubt that she wanted it. She didn’t even have any tattoos or anything marring her skin besides this.

  “The night after he took my virginity, he branded me as his property.” Her voice was confident, like she didn’t have any issues with what was done, but I saw the way she stared at that window like she wasn’t even seeing it. She was seeing the memory like she was still living it.

  Fuck that.

  My fingers caressed the skin lightly then moved over the rest of her body. Feeling her, showing her how sexy she was to me.

  She didn’t stop my advance, but her head moved back to a neutral position so she could see me. It was time I helped her forget her painful memories for a change.

  “You know my favorite thing about you, Lilith?” I asked as I put my mouth to her stomach and began kissing downward. The scent of her was driving me wild with need, but I was determined to be patient and make her see and feel nothing but me.

  “What?” She wasn’t as turned on as before, but I would change that soon.

  “I love your big fucking smile—the way you light up over every damn thing.”

  Her whole body melted after that.

  Keeping her legs where they were, I pressed a kiss to her mound and then slowly slid my tongue into her slit.

  She tensed, and a small whimper bubbled out of her. Good.

  I kept teasing her like that before opening her legs for me to slide between them, giving me the perfect view of her cunt.

  Seeing her before me had done something to that control I had. I lunged for her like she was my favorite meal, licking slow, then fast, and faster.

  Her back bowed off the bed, pushing those tits toward the ceiling. I love that sight.

  One finger joined my tongue in the pursuit to keep her back off the mattress like that so I could stare at her pierced breasts while making her come on my mouth.

  It wasn’t long. In fact, I’ve never known a woman could come so fast, but she was like a live wire. She whimpered and writhed beneath my touch, and I couldn’t do anything but keep lapping at her and watching as her body was wrecked with the pleasure of it.

  She had barely come down from her orgasm when she was reaching for my face.

  Then my communicator went off.

  Come on, man!

  I reached over for it just as a beeping sound sounded inside Lilith’s jeans.

  Seahill Elementary was on fire, with kids inside. Everyone was needed.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  We both rushed to get dressed then Leon shoved his feet in some boots and tied them up. Once my crop top, jeans, and heels were on, we headed out the door.

  “Aren’t you cold?” he asked as we rode the elevator down to the parking garage. Leon didn’t have a car, so Phillip made sure he had one to use if needed. It was a pretty sweet ride, an all-black Jeep.

  Rose and Draco were rushing out of the elevator as we loading in the Jeep.

  “Riding with us?” Leon called out, and Draco shook his head.

  “Phillip said separate cars. It’s going to be a rough one. Park by the playground,” Draco replied, and both of us took off toward the school. It was a few miles away, just on the outskirts of the island Seahill was on. People liked having more trees around the school than the city scenery. Said it was better for the kids. I didn’t remember much of my childhood before Ezra, so maybe they knew what they were talking about.

  “Jesus,” Leon cursed as we approached. There were tons of people standing outside the burning one-story building. Firemen, camera crews, policemen, and the people who had gotten out already.

  It was quite the scene.

  “I hope someone has a plan,” I murmured, and I saw Leon nodding his head next to me as he drove to the playground where Phillip and AJ were already waiting. Both Draco and we pulled up at the same time, everybody hopping out.

  “What’s the dealio, oh wise one?” I asked first.

  Phillip was running his hand through his blond hair, looking highly stressed.

  “I didn’t see this one. That only means one thing.” He looked at the building, and gestured for us to walk with him as he talked.

  “Emanuel is behind it. He’s the only one who knows how to play against my sight. So this one is up in the air. I have no clue which way it’s going to go. But I can say all scenarios where you try to leave out of the gymnasium end badly. So no one go there,” he stressed, and I made a mental note to not go into the gym.

  “Firemen are trying to get the fire under control, and three have gone inside to get the one class of first graders that didn’t make it out yet. No one has heard from them. So it looks like we will have to get them and the kids,” he continued, then took a deep breath and looked at his sister.

  “Rose, I think you’re going to need to calm everyone down to help them listen.” She nodded with a nervous but determined look on her face.

  “Leon, try not to break too many walls—they are unstable with the fire. The wh
ole thing could collapse if you smash too many.” Phillip looked at Leon, and I knew he understood how serious this was. Anybody with eyes could see it.

  “Draco and Lilith are going to assess the way in then AJ will be guiding you through your communicators. And if anyone attacks, try and deflect and get away. This is no place for a fight.”

  Hmm. I guess we might be expecting some unwanted guests inside. Well, I did just have my first amazing orgasm by a man, and whoever they were screwed up me having more. So I could handle whooping some tail if needed.

  “We aren’t fireproof, though. What do we do about that and the smoke?” Rose asked, a valid question. We were almost there, and the main crowd was in front of the building, not paying attention to the side where we were about to enter.

  AJ walked over with a tablet.

  He pulled up a map of the building, with little blinking red lights going off on the map. I’m guessing that’s where the flames were.

  “We are here.” He pointed to the door we were about to go through.

  “The kids are over here.” He moved his finger over to about the middle of the building to the right, a space labeled Music Room.

  “If we take this route, we should reach the kids in three minutes with minimal view of fire. It’s located just past the main lobby and the opposite side of us now. But that won’t stay for long; the building is brick on the outside but almost everything inside isn’t. I used the camera to look at the hall before it burned, and I could see that a beam fell from the ceiling, blocking their exit door. No windows, so they need us to move quickly before the smoke—or worse, the fire— gets to them.” He talked quickly but we all heard him loud and clear. Time to move.

  “I’ll take the lead. Rose, stay behind me, Phillip after her, then Leon, and Lilith. AJ, you keep us updated okay?” Draco took control of the situation, and none of us had any issues with that.

  We heard yells from the front about the side of the building collapsing, then Draco kicked the side door in. It flew open, plumes of smoke escaping out into the open air.

  Leon looked back to check on me as we started moving in. I winked at him and mentally scrolled through my music list in my head. It may be strange to people, but I always used to work listening to music. It helped keep me calm and surprisingly focused. I was always a better spy with some tunes inspiring me. I was without a player now, so I would have to play the song mentally.

  As soon as I stepped into the building I hit my mental play button for “Come and Get Your Love” by Redbone. Oldies were my favorite.

  The smoke was thick in the air, but the flames weren’t visible yet. My hand started moving along with the beat, then my feet started walking along to the song playing. We walked in a line as one, everyone ready to do their part. Spreading out wasn’t really an option on this one; we needed to work together.

  “Okay, about fifteen yards ahead, then you should see it on the right,” AJ echoed through Draco’s communicator. I smiled, so far so good.

  Then I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I twirled around with the lyric and felt that little tingle over my skin.

  “We’ve got company,” I sang out, and sure enough, as soon as I said something, a man ran out from the open door we just passed. I was about to spin and kick him off but Leon stepped over and punched him right in the face. His body flew back and sunk to the floor. I doubted he was dead; Leon had better control of his powers now, but man was he going to have a shitty headache when he came to. We’d grab him on the way back and make sure he made it to the police.

  “All right, Leon, you’re up,” Draco called, ready for the muscles to do his part in this rescue.

  He walked over with haste and went about moving the beam. Of course that’s where everything went to shit.

  Two men and a woman surrounded us, and none of them looked like they were here to help in the rescue.

  “Leon, keep working on the door. Rose, stay with him, you two are going to get the kids out of here. Phillip, find the firefighters. Lilith and I will make sure our friends stay away from here.” Draco gave everyone their job, and Leon looked at me briefly before trying to move the beam without collapsing the ceiling around it.

  Rose stayed close to him, and I decided it was time for a song switch. I needed something with a bit more sass. As soon as I hit play on my new song with a faster beat, I walked with sway toward the closest man to me. He watched my hips, and I wanted to roll my eyes. Pathetic. My hands lifted into the air sensually, but what he wasn’t paying attention to was my fingers gripping a pipe that had fallen down. I pulled myself up and lifted my legs up to where his head was and latched on. One quick twist and I felt his neck snap before the sound registered to me.

  “Lilith.” Draco was about to engage his closest perp when he called over to me.

  “Try not to kill them,” he reminded me, and I nodded. Got it. Just put them out for a bit, not kill.

  I didn’t really mean to, but these people weren’t here to play chess with us; they wanted us dead. They likely set this whole thing up just to get us in here.

  The woman who was closest to me watched what I did to her guy and then rushed me in anger. Oh boy.

  She threw the first punch, and I spun around, avoiding it, but barely. She was like a beast, and she came at me with everything she had.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  The beam was harder to get off the door than I thought it would be. I snuck a glance at everyone behind me to see they were doing okay so far. Phillip was moving around everyone with stealth to find the firemen that had disappeared.

  “They are fine; let’s get this door open and get the kids,” Rose commented, and I refocused my energy. I pushed the doors open, and we heard the yelps and cries of little kids. The room wasn’t full of smoke, but it was filling fast.

  “My name is Rose. Everything is going to be okay, but I need you guys to stay calm and listen to me.” Rose walked into the room, and you could feel a calm energy coat the air. Her powers were strong, that was for sure.

  All of the kids seemed to relax a little, and the teacher that was with them stepped forward, ready to lead her class.

  I looked behind us to the fight that was still happening.

  “We need a path!”

  “Coming up, honey!” Lilith sang to me, and even in the situation that was going to shit fast, she made me smile. She twirled around then kicked the woman in the chest. She did the same move another two times, moving her fight over so we could get by.

  “Okay, everyone hold hands and follow us. We’ve got a super strong man that’s going to lead the way. He ate all his veggies, so he’s got this,” Rose joked, but no one laughed.

  “Right. Let’s go.” She waved them over, and the kids came to her easily. There was about ten of them, so not a large group, but still. So many things could go wrong.

  We made it past Lilith and Draco, keeping the goons at bay. I could see the door ahead and took a breath I must have been holding that we were almost out. But then with a huge screech and a groan, the roof fell, followed by a cloud of smoke and flames. Shit.

  I turned back to look at Rose. She saw it too, and her face was pale. We needed another way out.

  “AJ.” I pressed the button on my watch.

  “Front door is the best bet, but you need to be fast. That side is burning up quick,” AJ answered, and I tried to think of how to get all the kids out as fast as possible.

  “I’m going to carry them out, two at a time.” I looked at the kids and nodded to myself. It was the best way. I was fast enough and strong enough that I should be able to get them out, and the flames won’t touch them.

  “Do it!” Draco yelled down the hall, and I knew it was our only shot.

  Rose told the kids what was going to happen, and the first two kids let me wrap my arms around them.

  “Hold on,” I told their semi-scared-looking faces before taking off.

  We passed the fight, and I found the lobby. Phi
llip was there waiting for us with the three firemen.

  “Knock it down,” he told me, and I took a breath before kicking the fire-coated door, and going full force through it with the kids.

  I set them down in front of the first set of firemen I saw then ran back for the others.

  Phillip dragged the one fireman out before someone came to help him get the others.

  As quickly as I could, I returned four more times, grabbing a pair of kids and running them out to safety. The teacher and Rose followed me with the last two. The fire was too much for them to run through without getting burned, so once I put the kids down I went back for them.

  Once I knew they were okay, I had to see what I could do to help Draco and Lilith, who managed to take down the woman, but there was a new man on the scene fighting her now.

  “Got them all out!”I shouted to them.

  Lilith grabbed onto the guy’s wrist and twisted him over her body and onto the floor, then quickly wrapped her toned thighs around his neck while holding onto his wrist still. He passed out within a few seconds.

  “Okay, I’m good to go now.” She stood up and dusted her jeans off, like she hadn’t just incapacitated a man double her size.

  Draco looked like he had a run-in with some fire, but was fine minus the burned shirt he had been wearing. He too pulled a ninja move like Lilith, and his man was out.

  “We can’t leave them in here,” he told us, and Lilith giggled while bending down to pick up the man’s hands and pulling him with her back bent, trying to move him away from the growing fire.

  “School might burn down before I get him out, but at least I tried!” She smiled, and I rolled my eyes at her theatrics. Fine. I’ll save the bad guys too.

  I did as I had with the kids, but instead of dropping them off in front of firemen, I left them with the cops. I even got the one man who had been knocked out shortly after we entered the building.

  Draco had his arms wrapped over Lilith’s back in protection as he walked her out the front doors, taking flames to the back. His skin healed almost instantly. No one would know what happened.


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