Juliette's dream aotr-1

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Juliette's dream aotr-1 Page 23

by Saxon Andrew

  “No, her father made that happen. She is what he made her to be. I suspect she was different when she was with her first husband.”

  Scotty explained what was going on and what he expected Talben to do. Jingo sat a minute and thought about what could be done. Jingo looked at Wesley, “Have troop transports land and unload their troops into the garrisons at your spaceport. Lock down all communications and search your troops for any communication devices.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “Anglo, I need your help.”

  “Tell me what you need.”

  “King Varner is going to bring fifteen transports with two thousand troops in each. They will disembark and enter the fifteen garrisons next to the space port. As they enter the garrison, I want them teleported back onto the ship that brought them. I want the troops unloaded in the garrison closest to the landing pads to remain overnight.” Jingo turned to Wesley, “Take those transports and park them out in the forests to the west of here. Have them ready to move by midday.”

  “Anything else?”

  “Yes, Anglo. In the morning, when each ship arrives to take the troops, the ones in the first garrison will embark on the first ship. You will then teleport them to the second garrison. When the second ship lands, you will do the same thing. We will embark those same two thousand troops on every ship. King Varner, have your officers mix them up so the groups look different going on each ship.”

  Wesley began shaking his head and reached for his console.

  Scotty hit his com, “Jessica?”

  “Yes, Your Majesty?”

  “I need you to be here in the morning. Bring Kreeg with you, and I need you to fly him around King Varner’s fleet.”

  “What are you trying to accomplish?”

  “We know the Commodore selected to provide defense of the planet is one of Talben’s lackeys. I need Zreeg to confirm that the ships remaining behind are all Talben’s. I also need to find which ship in the fleet leaving for our world is also one of Talben’s men.”

  “Your Majesty, why don’t you just allow me to teleport Talben to the Zord?”

  “The idea has merit, Anglo, however, the ten Ultraships would hold worlds hostage against his return. Can you get all ten before any of them could kill a planet?”

  “No, I cannot.”

  “We’ll take care of him after we insure the safety of King Varner’s citizens.

  Wesley looked at Carrie and saw her thoughts. She liked and respected the green-clad archers. She especially liked the one named Michael. There was something about him that was different. He thought about it, and then it came to him. Like his daughter, he was also pure of heart. He also knew he was a dynamic warrior. This young Emperor respected his opinion. That spoke volumes about what kind of man he was. Wesley watched Scotty and the Cainth issue instructions for the next day and felt small. He had a title; that blonde haired warrior had a heart.

  Finally, Scotty said, “Jingo, have we missed anything?”

  “No, I don’t think so. Anglo, as soon as the fleet leaves for the null band, teleport Jessica back to the communities. Jessica, can you handle all the issues with those ships?”

  “Certainly. You and BC are the only ones that would pose a problem.”

  Scotty stood and said, “Jingo, I’m going to leave you in charge.” Scotty turned to Wesley and said, “If you desire us to help, you must make sure your officers understand that Jingo’s orders are law. Will there be a problem making that happen?”

  “No, I’ll bring them in momentarily and introduce them to him.”

  Scotty raised his com and saw Grang walk up to him. He lowered his com and said, “You aren’t going with me.”

  Grang said, “Yes, I am.”

  Scotty put his hand on Grang’s shoulder and said, “The future of these worlds lies in the hands of that young woman.”

  Everyone in the room turned and looked at Carrie, who was confused about what Scotty was saying. Grang looked at her and then back to Scotty, “Brother, I need you to make sure she is not harmed. She is this world’s Madeline. I will be safe with the Zord. You know that. There are those here in the palace that will attempt to harm her. I trust the three of you to make sure she is not harmed.”

  Wesley interjected, “How do you know there are traitors here?”

  “Your ex-wife has chosen all of the personnel here, has she not?”

  Wesley thought about it, and Carrie said, “Yes, she has.”

  “She didn’t teleport those ten guards here with her when we returned. They were already present. It will be her they attempt to kill. They do not fear Wesley.”

  Wesley hung his head.

  Scotty walked over to Wesley and stood in front of him, “Perhaps you’ll handle that situation when this is over.”

  Wesley looked up and everyone saw his determination, “I’ll handle that before this situation is resolved. Tell Jessica I’m going to need the names of those in my fleet that are loyal to Talben.”

  “Did you hear that, Jess?”

  “Yes. If I gather them I expect you to use them.”

  Wesley almost had a snarl, “Just give me the names.”

  Grang looked at Wesley, and then at Carrie. He looked at Scotty and said, “I am sworn to follow your orders. She will not be harmed.”

  Scotty looked up at the huge Magrum and smiled. He looked at Michael and Jingo and said, “You three are the ones that I trust with my life.” He looked at Carrie and said, “You have chosen well.” Scotty hit his com, “Send me, Anglo.”

  Wesley looked at Carrie and asked, “What did he mean, ‘chosen well’?”

  Carrie walked over and put her arms around Michael, “Will you have me?”

  Michael smiled, “Only as long as there are stars in the sky. You do make the universe a more beautiful place in which to live.” She stood on her toes and he kissed her.

  Wesley grew angry. He hadn’t sanctioned this pairing. Then he saw the first real smile on Carrie’s face since her mother had died. He thought about it and said, “The wedding will be after this affair is concluded.”

  Carrie ran over and jumped in his lap, “Thank you. A million times, thank you. He is the one I’ve been waiting on. I know it in my heart.”

  Grang looked at Jingo and shrugged. Jingo laughed out loud and slapped the big Magrum on his back, “Let’s look around this place and see where uninvited guests might try to crash our little soiree.”

  Wesley got on the board and started talking to his Admirals and Generals. He only spoke with those that had proven their loyalty. After four hours they arrived and met the two archers. Grang had turned his Zecka on and watched the gathering closely for any hint of danger.

  Scotty arrived at the clearing and Julie was waiting for him. He raised his eyebrows and Julie said, “I made Anglo promise to take me wherever you are when you returned.” Scotty smiled and hugged and kissed her deeply. Maranda saw Scotty appear and watched as he greeted Julie. She remembered when she and Lem would meet each other the same way. She waited for the blond-haired archer to come closer.

  Scotty held Julie’s hand and walked toward Bleath. “How’re the communities?”

  “Fine. Just a few settling-in issues. Nothing serious.”

  “Good. Hello, Bleath. Have you decided what justice you wish to impose on these two?”

  “Before we discuss that, I want to share what we’ve discovered in your absence.” Bleath showed him Kreej’s revelation to Maranda and her reaction. “This is what her mind is like now.”

  Scotty drew back from the misery and overriding hatred he felt, “That’s enough, Bleath.” Scotty looked over at Maranda and saw her staring at him. She did not display any fear, unlike that weasely son of hers, and she stared straight into his eyes.

  Julie looked at her and recoiled at what she saw. Scotty looked at her and motioned her over to Bleath. Julie walked away wondering what had made this woman into what she saw.

  Scotty walked up to Maranda and she sai
d, “I have seen in the minds of the Zord that you are their Supreme Ruler.” Scotty nodded. “I know they can look in my mind and see whatever is there. I wish to ask one favor before I die.” Scotty started to get angry but she said, “I know I don’t deserve it. However, I have seen that one of your beliefs is that you will protect those that can’t protect themselves.”

  Scotty stared at Maranda then said, “That only applies to those that are innocent of wrong.”

  “I know that. I know there is no defense for my actions.”

  “What is it you want?”

  “I have to kill my father.”

  Scotty leaned back and Maranda continued, “My father told this piece of crud son of mine that he was going to kill my youngest sister if she didn’t toughen up. Now that I have been removed from the succession, he will move quickly to eliminate her.”

  Scotty stared at Maranda, not certain of what she was saying.

  “My youngest sister has a loving heart. She is like I once was before my Father bent me to his will. She doesn’t stand a chance against him. It will be an arranged accident.”

  Maranda stood and walked up to the Giant Zord and knelt in front of him, “Look in my mind Great Flyer. I will submit myself to your justice. I swear on the soul of my dead Love; I will return to face you for my crimes. I humbly beg for the chance to save one that is innocent and good. I know I don’t deserve anything from you for all the horrors I’ve committed. I pray you’ll give me a chance to save Ashley. Please.”

  “What about your son?”

  “He is just as responsible as I am. He has nothing good in him. I will not ask for his life. He deserves to lose it ten times over for his lust for power. He, like I, deserve our punishments.”

  Bleath looked at Scotty. “Bleath, it is your decision. I will support whatever you decide.”

  Bleath gave a screech and a huge warrior ran forward, grabbed Jimmy in his claws, and lifted into the sky. Hundreds of Zord lifted and followed the rising warrior. Jimmy could be heard screaming until the flock disappeared. “He will be flown over the identical path he used to chase one of our females. He will be dropped from very high up on the spot where he killed her.”

  Bleath looked down at Maranda and said, “You are troubling. I know you are responsible for the lodges. I also know that it was your father that twisted your spirit and made you what you are. He used the death of your mate to cause your change. I see your sister in your mind and I agree; she is like you once were. I cannot allow an innocent child to die; even if it means you live.”

  “Great Flyer, I may lose my life trying to save her but if I live, I will come back to take my flight with your warriors.”

  Bleath looked at Scotty and said, “There are some things that should be allowed. She means what she is saying. We will delay her judgment. The one we want for our justice is the father. She will need your help to save her sister.”

  Scotty looked at Maranda, “And she will have it.”

  Maranda ran forward and threw herself at Scotty’s feet, “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

  Julie looked down at the weeping woman, then looked Scotty in the eye. Scotty saw what she was saying without her having to speak. “Maranda, come with me.”

  Maranda stood, composed herself, and followed Scotty out of the clearing. Scotty hit his com, “Anglo, send us back to Varner’s throne room.”

  Julie watched them disappear and felt the despair of the black haired beauty named Maranda.

  Maranda and Scotty appeared in the throne room, and Wesley and Carrie jumped up and started toward her. Scotty said, “You will go back and sit down now!!” Jingo and Michael stepped in front of the two and stopped them from moving forward. Maranda stood in the center of the room with her head down. Wesley snarled, “Where’s that worthless son?”

  Maranda looked at him and said, “He’s dead.”

  Carrie and Wesley were stunned into silence.

  “The giant Zord carried him out over the forest and retraced the route he had followed to chase and kill a Zord Female. The warrior carrying him dropped him from high altitude over the spot where he killed her. He had plenty of time to think about his evil deeds before he landed. It will be my time shortly to make that flight with the Zord.”

  Carrie stared at Maranda with hate in her eyes, “Why are you still alive?”

  Maranda looked at Carrie and said, “My Father is planning to kill Ashley.”

  Carrie turned pale and even Wesley fell back in his chair.

  “My evil Father told that worthless son of mine that if Ashley didn’t toughen up he was going to have to arrange an accident. Now that I’ve gone missing, Ashley will be next in the line of succession. My Father will prefer my youngest brother, who we all know is rotted to the core.”

  Scotty looked at Wesley, “She has sworn to return to the Zord after she kills her father. They looked in her mind and know she means it. They believe, as do I, that an innocent person should be saved when possible.”

  Maranda looked up at Wesley and Carrie, “My father had Lem killed to use me to set you up. He also put the idea of killing June in my head. I look back at who I was and now see what I’ve become, and I yearn for the long fall to end my suffering. But first, I must try to save Ashley.”

  “You’ll never get close to him.”

  “I must try, Wesley.”

  Scotty said, “She will get close if you help her.”

  Wesley stared at Scotty, “How?”

  “Contact him now and tell him that you sent some scouts out ahead of the fleet and they were able to find Maranda and save her. They have just jumped in and Maranda has insisted on going home to his protection. You are leaving with your fleet, but will send her home in a shuttle once you reach the jump limit. Those ships being left behind will verify the shuttle being launched.”

  “How will that get me close?”

  “It’s not my intention to get you close.”

  Maranda’s eyes narrowed and her whole body stiffened.

  Carrie asked, “If you don’t have any intention of getting her close, why send her?”

  “To save Ashley.”

  Maranda took a deep breath and sat down on the floor.

  “Jess will take Maranda to the planet and she will ask Ashley and her husband…she does have a husband…” Maranda nodded, “…to go to the shuttle and pick up your bags and bring the charts of King Varner’s fleet. Once she’s on board, the shuttle will take off with Ashley and her family.”

  Maranda said, “Won’t that cause that shuttle to be attacked?”

  “No, you’re going to tell him that you’ve programmed the shuttle to fly into the sun. Tell him you’re disgusted by her weakness and she needed to be eliminated.”

  “Jess, I have a change of plans.”

  “I’ve been listening.”

  “Anglo, pull them out as late as possible.”

  “Her screen is as good as a Gamma, Your Majesty. She should be able to fly right up to the corona.”

  “He could still try to stop the shuttle.”

  “He won’t.”

  “How can you know for sure?”

  “He hates everything about your sister. Evil knows its enemies. He’ll leap at the chance to have the option of blaming you for her death.”

  “That should allow me to have my chance.”

  “Maranda, do you put your revenge ahead of the lives of the people in his kingdom?”

  Maranda just stared at Scotty saying nothing.

  “You will probably have a chance before he launches his attack. He will order you out so you will not be able to witness his plan. He must go through with it. If we don’t get those Ultraships, billions will die. Are you still the creature he created? Will you take your revenge and ignore the citizens under your care?”

  “Once we free your sister and he launches his attack, we will teleport him to the Zord. Once he’s gone, you will be the ruler of his kingdom.”

  “I can’t do that. I have a flight with t
he Zord.”

  “You can rule long enough to abdicate and put Ashley on the throne, and then make sure the leaders of the Military are loyal to her. Then you can take your flight.”

  Wesley stood, “You trust her to just give herself up to die?”

  Maranda looked at Wesley, “I killed June. I must pay for my sins. You may not believe this, but I know you are a good man. I’ve tried to hate you because of your weakness but that was the poison my father put in me. I destroyed your happiness and I deserve to die. I will die for my crimes. That is the only way I can prove to you that I am truly sorry for what I did. You never deserved what happened. You and Carrie should have been left to your lives.”

  Carrie watched her and lowered her head, “She means it.”

  “BC, are you on the channel?”

  “Yes, Your Majesty.”

  “You’ll need to bring Kreej, have him scan Wesley’s fleet, and give him the ones that are Talben’s lackeys. Once that’s done, we’ll send Kreej back home and await the arrival of the Ultras.”

  “Who’s, going to watch King Varner’s Fleet to make sure he doesn’t attack Bristone?”

  Scotty looked at Carrie and Wesley and said, “No one.” Scotty continued staring at Wesley, “You know what you have to do. Now all of you should get some rest. Tomorrow is a big day. You need not worry about Maranda. She will pay for her crimes. Anglo will teleport Jess into your landing bay tonight.”

  The next morning the fleet assembled above the planet, and Ntwer watched as the troops were moved to the fifteen ships. “That’s a lot of soldiers.” Finally, they were all on board and the Fleet moved out toward the jump limit. Wesley waited until they were close, then he hit his console and contacted Talben, “Your Majesty, I have managed to save your daughter.”

  “You’ve what?!?” Talben said in shock.

  “I sent some of my elite scouts and they were able to make an escape with her. They were unable to find Jimmy. I am still going to try and rescue him. Is your fleet ready to join me?”

  “We will arrive a few hours after you. Go ahead and start in-system; we’ll catch up.”

  “Thank you. Maranda refuses to return to Criston. She was abducted from my capital and says she will feel safer under your protection. I am going to send her to you, if that meets with your approval. She’ll arrive in a shuttle shortly.”


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