Starlight Rapture [Starlight Ecstasy Book 1]

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Starlight Rapture [Starlight Ecstasy Book 1] Page 2

by Astrid Cooper

  "I need for you to tell me—exactly—what you want.” His gaze held hers.

  The silence in the bedroom beat against her senses. “I want you to love me ... thoroughly."

  "Love you? That's a nice word, Samantha. Is love what you truly want? I'm here to fuck you. But if you have a preference as to how, then please be specific."

  Samantha flushed, then laughed as she saw the glint in his eye. “You're teasing me."

  "I'm not. Yet. But I mean it, if there is something that you want, a fantasy that will please you, then all you have to do is tell me. I can be very accommodating."

  "I'm sure you can be."

  "Is that censure in your voice, honey? I am what I am. You want the illusion of a lover; you want me to whisper undying love in your ear ... do you really want the lie, when the truth is so much better?"

  Taking her in his arms, he bent his head to her neck and licked her with his tongue. Samantha squeezed her eyes shut. Beneath her hands, she felt the rippling of muscles as he undulated against her; his fingers gently feathered over her body, kneading, squeezing, massaging. Lower and lower his palm worked. Two long, strong fingers stroked across her pussy. She opened her thighs, arching upwards, inviting—no demanding. She allowed the sex-lethargy creep over her, focusing her attention on her body and its pleasure; to live for the moment...

  John felt her honey-warmth spill over his hand and smiled to himself. She was ready for him, as he was for her. How he ached to bury his throbbing cock deep within her. But it was too soon. She had waited a long time for this release, a few more minutes wouldn't hurt her. It might kill him, though. He shivered with the pleasure of feeling her hands trace across the small of his back to his buttocks.

  His mouth teased down her breasts, tormenting each already contracted nipple to tight buds. Lower his mouth quested, sucking, licking, scrolling around her navel. He exerted a tentative pressure on her thighs, a silent question that she silently answered by opening her legs wide. He drew her knees up so that she rested her feet on his shoulders.

  Settling against her pussy, his fingers parted her folds as his hand braced against her pubic bone. She held her breath. Slowly, deliberately, his mouth devoured her. His tongue tip swirled across her clit, teasing it lightly, drawing it to a peak. Her thighs trembled as a wave of pleasure rippled outwards. One of his fingers, then two crept into her pussy. A movement in and out, around and around. The pressure within her built. Her climax hovered, almost there. He halted fingers and tongue, waiting; holding; denying.

  "John, I can't stand it anymore!"

  "Can't you? I think you could if you really tried."


  "You want more?"

  His whisper caressed her pussy, he blew across her nether-lips, cooling the heated flesh. His tongue lapped at her.

  "Mmmm!” It was all she could say. Words were forgotten, need—passion making her mute. His mouth feasted on her as his fingers began their gentle, yet inexorable massaging to that pinnacle he had denied her. Her temples throbbed in unison to the tempest between her legs.

  Her climax came; a sudden release of heat. A tension, painful, harsh bursting forth from her. Raising her hips from the bed she feverishly ground against him.

  "Do you want me inside you, now, honey?” he asked.


  Impatiently, Samantha awaited his entry. Instead he leaned forward and reached down. She heard rustling and felt him fumbling with something. His body returned against her. More fumbling and rustling. What was he doing? Turning kinky on her? She opened her eyes.

  "Oh,” she said.

  "Boy scouts,” John said. “Are always prepared. I'm a careful guy. I've got a sheath with ticklers, if you prefer?"

  "What is that thing you're wearing on your ... um ... it's red and green and silver!"

  "You want me to explain? It's a sheath, and because it's Christmas Night, of course, it has to be red, green and silver.” He laughed. “You don't know the trouble I had to get one made with these colors. I can see you're laughing at me. Anyway, I prefer a sheath to drugs ... medication impedes the pleasure. This will drive you crazy and it's also protection."

  "You don't have to worry about that, I had my shot."

  "It's the law for me. Protected sex."

  "Can't have you break the law, then."

  He laughed and kissed her and she tasted her own musky self on his lips and tongue.

  Kneeling between her thighs and bracing himself on his outstretched arms he used the tip of his penis to trace a line across her stomach, probing downwards. His cock slipped back and forth across her labia. Her hand fisted around him, holding him.

  "Now?” he asked.

  Their gazes locked before he lowered himself into her.

  Samantha gasped and he halted.

  "What's wrong?"

  "You're so big, and it's been a long time. I don't think I can. And you're vibrating! Is that what that thing does...?"

  "It enhances. You like it? Is it too much?"

  As he went to draw away, she grasped his buttocks. “No, I want this. I want you. All of you."

  Smiling, John settled against her, his knees taking his weight. He entered slowly, giving her time to grown accustomed. Her warm honey flowed around him as her woman's muscles sheathed him. It took all his will power to control the urge to bury himself to the hilt. Three years without a man. She had told him that. Now he knew it to be true; despite her arousal, she was tight. Ignoring his own body screaming for release, he focused instead on extending her pleasure.

  One centimeter in, and then retreat, slowly his cock probed her, the sheath straining, pulsing—for them both. It was a delicious massage of every inner muscle and Sam thrashed on the bed in delirium, pain, pleasure, passion.

  "John, now."

  "No, honey. Wait."

  He smiled to himself. He was going to tease her, fuck her good and proper as she deserved. He would truly make her head spin, to turn her inside out before he soothed her from inside out.

  He slipped his hands beneath her buttocks and raised her, rocking his hips against hers, easing his full length into her. He drew back, his cock resting at the entrance to her pussy, to return again to full possession. Again and again, the slow seductive rhythm that she began to match. His languid pace increased until they moved as one, a tempestuous joining.

  He came, paused, then continued to rock against her. She pinioned her legs around his waist, crossing her ankles to hold him tight.

  She was almost at the brink when he halted. Unfastening her legs he turned her sideways. Lifting her, he drew her back between his thighs and entered her again. With one arm holding her to him, he used the fingers of his other hand to splay wide her pussy, to assault her clit as he fucked her, slowly, deeply.

  The delicious pressure-pain built and built. Lights danced before her eyes. Her body strained against the hand that worked her, bucked against the cock that impaled her. A moment of suspended awareness, she felt certain she would explode. She screamed.

  "That's it honey, give it all you've got."

  And she did. Wave upon wave of excruciating pleasure. She writhed against him as his body and fingers continued to work on her, in her. Her next climax matched his. They cried out together. With one long, slow, deep thrust that seemed to stretch forever, he drove into her and calmed...

  John brushed aside her hair and kissed her neck. “That was a good entree."

  "I thought it was dessert."

  "We haven't had the main course, yet."

  "There's more?"

  "A full menu. Now what can I tempt you with?"

  "I'll leave it up to you."

  "A wise choice."

  Samantha opened her eyes. Beside her, the bed was empty, with only the indentation in the pillow and the tangled sheets to remind her that she had not slept alone.

  Correction ... not much sleep had occurred.

  She raised herself on an elbow. He must have left as soon as she had fallen asleep.
Satiated sleep after hours of making love.

  No, not love, she reminded herself. Sex. He had been her Christmas Night gift and whatever the cost, he had been worth every cent. John—a gentle lover; insatiable. Inventive. She blushed to remember what he had done, what he had coaxed her to do to him, to herself. Together.

  They could teach those shifters on Tau Ceti a thing or three.

  She winced at the thought, the longing. That for them there could be a future. With him there could be nothing more—just a night of pleasure, paid for. But—oh God! Once she had him, how could she forget the sensations...? How could she forget him?

  She wouldn't.

  She would have him again. Soon. Her pussy tensed at the thought. Pulsed. If only he was still here, she'd fuck him senseless.

  Pushing herself off the bed, Samantha hobbled to the bathroom, every muscle protesting her movement. Her inner muscles ached, stretched and thoroughly used. The thought made her body pulse anew.

  On the vanity she saw a three-D business card and beneath it a long black velvet box.

  Going to it, she lifted the card. It took some moments to overcome the shock, to make sense of the red writing.

  Johnathan Lucas. Pearl Farmer. Broome, Australia. Alias—Kuno, followed by a familiar email address and a cell phone number handwritten in red ink.

  She read the card over and over. Opening the box, she gasped at the black pearl necklace lying in folds of red silk.

  Realization made her giddy. John, her male escort, was in reality Kuno, alias Johnathan Lucas her internet confidant.

  She didn't have to be Einstein to figure it out.

  Her friends Sue and Rob must have arranged it with John/Kuno. Against such a determined threesome, she hadn't stood a chance. The fine details of how it was accomplished didn't matter. The end result was that after eighteen months of shared confidences in their private chat room, she had met John in the flesh.

  In the flesh.

  As memories surfaced of John and their night together, her pussy tensed, flooded. She was beyond embarrassment; she couldn't even blush!

  With a trembling hand she reached for the phone and keyed the cell number. It was answered after one ring.

  "Good morning, honey,” John said.

  "Where are you?"

  "Room next door."

  "Get in here, Kuno."

  "Just coming, sweetheart."

  "Lucky you."

  His laughter tugged at her insides. Seconds later, the sensor rang. She raced forward, the door slid open and she dragged him inside. He wore a red silk gown and nothing more; untied, the gown hung from his body, revealing his erection.

  "You and I aren't finished,” Sam said. “Do I call you John or Kuno?"

  "Kuno is my felinus name."

  "I like Kuno ... you were the first man I spoke to and trusted."

  He inclined his head, his folded hands over his heart. “Kuno, saer wan naemis-al."

  "What did you say?"

  "In felinus, I was declaring myself to you. My name is Kuno and I exist for you."

  "Oh. Well...” She cleared her throat. “You and I aren't finished, Kuno!"

  "I know that.” He leaned into her, bending her backwards onto the divan. “I'm going to take you to Tau Ceti and then after that..."

  "I'd like to see Broome and swim with the dolphins."

  "You can talk to them you know. The stories they can tell..."

  "I'd like to go swimming and fuck you at the same time."

  "Can be arranged,” John said settling between her legs.

  "Are you really a sensualtor?"

  He laughed. “Was I that good? Yes, it is my profession, beside being a pearl farmer."

  "And a reprobate!” She slapped his bum, pinched him for good measure, then tugged off his robe. “Thank you for the pearls."

  "Pearls can be used for a lot of things other than to grace your neck, Sam. Do you know what?"

  "I can imagine. But I want my pearls around my throat and I want you inside me. Now, Kuno."

  "And later?” He smiled that lazy smile that she would never grow tired of watching.

  "We'll make it up as we go along."

  "I know a bar on the lower level—"

  "That place's forbidden to tourists."

  His brow quirked. “Do you always do what you're told, Sam? Don't you want to live on the wild side?"

  "Yes, of course. I'm tired of being safe and secure, but what I've heard about the lower level, my adventures would end real quick, before they had begun.” She paused, studying him, seeing the light in his eyes, the smile. “Do you go there?"

  "Often. It's where the shifters hang out and the others; sex and danger walk hand in hand, honey. There's holo-dancing and—"

  "What's holo-dancing?"

  John rolled his eyes. “I'll take you there and show you, but suffice to say that if you enjoyed my performance here, you're gonna love my dancing."

  "And the shifters hang out there?"

  "Mnn. The cats mostly. You know what they're like."

  "I don't actually. I've never met a shifter."

  John smiled, running his finger over her mouth. “The cats love a virgin, I'm gonna have to put my scent on you, before we go out. I don't want to have to call challenge to any felinus. It's messy."

  "But I'm not a virgin,” Sam whispered.

  "Honey, a cat will tell you any woman who hasn't had a shifter as a lover has never been loved properly. Unless you've fucked a cat, they consider you a virgin."

  "And you want to take me to this bar? What is it called?"


  "It sounds harmless enough. And what do you mean you're going to put your scent on me."

  "You're my woman, now, so I don't share, except with your permission. I have a cat-brother and he's gonna love you. From a distance, at first. After that, well, maybe you might want to ménage."

  "Two lovers at the same time?"

  "Two is the basic number, the initiation for a virgin. Once you get used to us, all bets are off."


  He kissed away her protests. “Sam, you don't have to worry, no one is gonna do anything against your will. Especially against your will. We have a code of behavior. No more talking, I want to love you and then fuck you and then take you out of this synthesized, homogenized hotel and introduce you to the real universe.” He carried her to the bed and laid her upon it, kneeling between her thighs. The tip of his cock touched her clit and she lifted off the mattress.

  "You're very sensitive, aren't you? Mmm, good.” He touched her again and Sam gritted her teeth as the quivers raced through her. “And you've got good control—even better. You'll need it for what's ahead."

  "What's ahead?"

  "A surprise."

  "I've already had my share of surprises."

  "Relax. It's Christmas and I'm going to give you something you're never going to forget."

  "You already have."

  "You think?"

  "I want you inside me, Kuno. Now. I don't want you to wear that sheath. I want to feel you, all of you; I want you to make me vibrate with your flesh and blood. I know I can do it for you. Kuno, now."

  He bent forward, his cock sliding into her, he settled over her, his face pressed into her neck. He nibbled and licked, and then sucked. Then bit. “Now any cat looking at you will see my mark. You're mine, Sam. Now. Forever."

  "Forever is such a long time."

  "In the universe's scheme of things, honey, just a blink of an eye. Now, look at me, I want to watch your eyes when I love you. You want it this way, under me? I can de-activate the gravity..."

  "You can do that?"

  "Mmm. Making love in free fall is an experience all its own. You can touch me all over. Not as good as holo-dancing, but close."

  "What is holo-dancing?"

  "Come to the bar with me and find out."

  "You're not going to tell me?"

  "It's not something you talk about, it's something you do. A
nd once you've tried it, you'll never be the same.” He pressed into her for emphasis, drawing back and then re-entering her, this time changing direction.

  "Ahh...” Sam moaned. “What did you do?"

  "A trick of the trade, honey. There's a pleasure-spot high up to the right."

  "Do it again, oh please!"

  "Now, wrap your legs around me, lock your ankles at my back and I can probe deeper, touch another place. Ready?"

  "I...” Sam's words died in her mouth as John's body impaled her, deeply, fully and his hands beneath her tilted her to another angle. Her mind exploded with light, the world closed in on her, the only sound that of the blood pounding in her ears. Time stood still; she forgot to breathe as the exquisite pleasure rippled through her. She bit him on the neck and John cried out, not with pain, but pleasure.

  He moved against her, alternating angles, speed.

  Sam became slowly aware that she was drifting. Opening her eyes, she discovered that she and John were hovering over the bed. Somehow, sometime he must have de-activated the gravity ... he kissed away her questions. His hands fanned around her body, beneath her, probing, stroking, as his cock within her probed and stroked. She explored his body, every inch, every crevice, every secret. She bit, she licked, she clawed.

  "You've drawn my blood, Sam, do you know what that means to a felinus?"

  She shook her head.

  "It means, sweetheart, that you've marked me as your own. Forever."

  Sam reached up and brushed back the hair flying around his face. “Forever is such a short time, let's not waste a moment."

  "My sentiments exactly. I always knew there was a tiger lurking within you, the passion curbed by pain and memories. Now, there's no more pain ... well, not much ... and I want you to be the tigress—claw me, bite me, love me, Sam."

  "Like this?” She ran her nail down his spine.

  "Ah, yes!"

  Sam teased her nails over his flesh and he writhed against her. In the null-grav his movements made them turn over and over, spinning out of control, as passions span out of control, as he loved her, as she loved him, insatiable, inexhaustible and inventive.

  "This is only the beginning, Sam,” John whispered.

  "Naturally. I didn't come more than a billion kilometers just for a one night stand."

  He laughed and looked down at her, holding her face between his hands. “You can come for another billion kilometers ... My promise to you!"


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