Unexpected Series: Box Set

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Unexpected Series: Box Set Page 5

by S. L. Schiefer

  When my brother sent me that video of them at that ultrasound, it felt like my whole world fell out from under me. I’ve never been so amazed at something in my life. That little black and white screen of my tiny little boy. I could hear her reactions to everything too. Everything felt real. That video made everything just seem so real. Before all I had was a picture of the ultrasound. Now I have a video. He was moving around a lot too. I wonder if she can feel the movements yet.

  Momma sent me an email soon after Annie talked to her, she wasn’t upset. She seems really excited. Thank god, no one needs the wrath of Momma on them. She told me she expects me to be the man she raised me to be and take care of my family. Good thing this email didn’t come when I first found out. Momma would have been pissed at my reaction. Now, I just want to get home to my family.

  While I’m in my own head, I don’t notice Richardson come in and start packing the last of his things. I turn to him, “Hey man, you ready to get back home?”

  He nods his head, “Yeah, I have someone back home that I met right before we left. I want to get back to her.”

  Well I’ll be damned, “What’s her name? I didn’t know you had anyone waiting on you.”

  “I didn’t tell anyone, I had just met her. I didn’t expect her to wait, but she did. We’ve been emailing and talking on Facebook.”

  “Where did you meet her?” I ask.

  “I met her earlier in the day before our deployment party at that bar. She came out that night and brought a couple friends with her. You and her one friend were all over each other. Y’all were practically fucking on the dance floor.”

  I about get whiplash from jerking my head around to look at him with wide eyes, “Annie? You saw me with Annie?”

  “Yeah, I did. Why?” He has an odd look on his face.

  “Shit man, you would have been useful a couple months ago. Apparently Annie and I went back to my apartment. Had sex. Then she left. I don’t remember taking her home. Then she emails me and tells me she’s pregnant. Then my brother tells me not to be a douche and Annie is a sweet girl. So I figured she was trying to trap me.”

  He busts out laughing at me, “No man, you definitely took Annie home with you. So you’re going to be a Dad?”

  “I guess so.” I shake my head.

  “That’s great. Not how you planned, I’m sure, but still. You have someone always counting on you now that needs you to come home.”

  Yeah, how am I going to be a father when I’m not really sure how? I guess we’ll find out.


  The flight home was uneventful, which is a good thing. The ceremony at base was the usual. But I’m a ball of fucking nerves. I’m supposed to be meeting Annie tonight for dinner. So we can talk to see how we’re going to handle this. Being a family? Hell, I don’t even know what to call us. We technically aren’t a family. But I’m tied to this women, like it or not, for the rest of my life.

  At least she’s hot, and seems to be really nice. Exactly how my brother described her. I still can’t believe that this is the girl my brother was trying to set me up with. He’s never tried that before, so she must be something special. I wonder why he didn’t want her for himself if she’s that great.

  I rushed through seeing my parents. Momma and Dad both came to the ceremony, glad to have their son back in one piece. I think my mom squeezed half the life out of me. Dad gave me the “man hug”. You know, that half hug and slap on the back kind of thing. Jonah actually gave me a hug. They all told me it was great to see me. I’m sure they could tell my mind was elsewhere. Specifically on a brunette.

  Momma told me to be on my best behavior and to make sure my filter was intact before I open my mouth. I have no idea what that was supposed to mean. I made it back to my apartment, which Jonah got all ready for me yesterday. Thank fuck because I need a beer. Tonight is either going to go downhill fast or be really great.

  I had time to unpack some things, and get stuff either in a pile to wash or in a pile to put away. I actually got a lot done, and it took my mind off Annie and the baby for a little bit. But, now that I’m actually trying to shower and get ready, I feel like I’m going on my first date. These nerves can kiss my ass. Damnit.

  We decided to meet at a local pizza place. According to Jonah all she ever eats is pizza. She has to be sick of it if she eats it as much as he says she does. I pull in to the parking lot a little early. I jump out of my Jeep and head inside. I need to be in there first. I don’t know why, but I need to see her coming. Gauge her emotions before she walks in. I pick a booth close to the windows.

  The waitress comes over to ask if I’m ready to order or if I’m waiting on someone. I tell her that she should be here any minute, and to just bring me a Coke until she arrives. I sit there for about ten minutes before I text her and tell her that I’m here, and that if she’s running a little late to just let me know. Another ten go by and I pick up my phone. Nothing. What the hell. If she was planning on standing me up she should have never agreed to meet me.

  I sit for thirty minutes. Alone. I pick up my phone and call her. Goes straight to voicemail. What the fuck ever. I stand up and throw some money on the table. I start towards the door and I see the waitress shake her head. Yeah, I know. I bet she’s feeling pretty great right now. She must be getting me back for not remembering her. Jesus. I don’t need this shit.


  I’ve never been so nervous in my life. I cannot believe that I’m getting ready to sit down to a meal with Jayden. My baby’s father. I never thought that this day would come. But here I am, getting ready to walk out the door to head to my favorite pizza place.

  Yes, yes. I know it’s all I eat. One would think that baby would get so sick of pizza. But no, all we ever crave is that saucy greatness!

  I look at my phone as I head towards my SUV. I have a text from Jonah saying that everything will be alright and to stop worrying. How the hell does he know how I’m feeling when he isn’t even with me? I ignore him. Mr. Smarty pants.

  Brandy also texted me to make sure that I’m ok with going alone tonight. She offered to come with me to keep Jayden in check. But I told her that I would be fine, I’m great at holding my own. So she can just chill and wait to get details. Crazy red head.

  I climb into the SUV, which seems to be getting harder and harder with this damn belly, but I’m still managing. Start the car and the damn gas light is on. Fuck me, I always forget to get gas. I pull out of my driveway and head towards the gas station that’s close to the pizza place. That way I’ll only be a few minutes late.

  I get there a little faster than normal, but it is a little late. It’s close to seven thirty. Everyone is either home eating with their families or out eating at this time. Hopefully the restaurant isn’t packed. And hopefully they can get my pizza out fast, baby is starving.

  Pulling into the station, I notice that some of the lights must be broke. I pick the closest pump to the road which happens to be farthest away from the door. This gas station always gives me the creeps, there is never anyone here and there isn’t really any houses or traffic. And the attendant is always sitting in the back. Deciding to just use my card, so I don’t have to waddle my way across the lot. I swipe my card and shove it in my back pocket, I put the nozzle into the tank and wait for it to fill. I’m so absent minded thinking about meeting Jayden in just a few minutes that I don’t even hear this guy come up to me. Just out of nowhere, poof, and he’s there.

  “Can I help you, sir?” I ask as I start slowly backing away from him.

  He gives me a snarl. I try to take in as much as possible about him. Black, inky hair that’s overgrown. Really tan skin that looks almost like leather. Smells like he hasn’t taken a shower in a couple months. Has a tattoo of something on his neck that I can’t make out.

  “Bitch I said give me your money!” He yells at me. Apparently I’ve missed what he said. Oops, can’t make him mad.

  “You’re calling me a bitch, when you’re trying to rob me? Ar
e you serious right now?” I put my hands on my hips.

  “Listen to me, if you don’t give me all you fucking have I’m going to beat the fuck out of you!” He’s practically spitting while he yells.

  “Alright, alright. Damn, you can have it all. Dumbass, you have to know I’ll call and cancel my cards. And I have ten dollars in cash on me. So have at it, go have a grand time with it. But know that you’ll be caught dickwad.” Apparently me and my mouth need to learn some control. Because the next thing I know he lunges for me and punches my jaw. And motherfucker that hurts! My head snaps to the side and I stumble back. Trying to catch myself on something before I fall, but can’t find anything. I fall back and hit my head on the concrete.

  Seeing stars for what seems like hours I stay on the ground, and the next thing I know he’s grabbing my legs and pulling my towards the car. I start kicking at his arms, legs, face. Whatever I can get I’m going to. I connect once with his face, which pisses him off again because he punches me full on right on my face. I feel blood trickling down my neck. He starts yelling at me again to give him my shit but I can’t move. I’m in so much pain that I don’t know what’s going on.

  I just lay on the ground, trying to keep from passing out. I feel myself moving again, but I have no energy to fight. I feel like I weigh one-thousand pounds. I can barely feel my arms and legs. He picks me up and throws me in the backseat. I try to push him away but don’t know if I’m even moving. He grabs both arms and holds them above my head with one of his hands. He punches me again and again.

  My face feels so puffy my eyes are swelling shut. This motherfucker. I never thought this shit would happen to me. God, I hope he stays away from my belly. Even if I don’t make it through this, if someone finds me in time, my baby could make it. My eyes well up with tears as this scumbag starts to take off my leggings. Those sounded like such a great idea. I will never wear leggings again if I make it through this.

  Somehow I manage to kick at him some more but he gets the damn leggings down far enough and he flips me over to my stomach. Well, as much as I can be. I hear his zipper and I start screaming at the top of my lungs. Someone has to hear me, someone will hear me. He grabs me by my hair and slams my face down into the cushion of the seat and tells me to shut the fuck up. I start thrashing around, trying anything to get him off of me. Still screaming. I just need someone to hear me.

  I feel his weight as he climbs on top of me spreading my legs as he goes. Still pushing on my head, he settles in between my legs and I can feel his erection on my ass. This is the sickest thing ever. I start bucking and thrashing with more force than before. Realization dawning that this shit is actually going to happen. If I would have just gotten gas during the day when I was out last this wouldn’t be happening. If I didn’t open my mouth and just gave him what he wanted this wouldn’t be happening.

  He’s murmuring to himself behind me, but I’m not listening. At this point I’ve checked out. No one is coming to save me, no one is going to get this fucking creep off of me. I’m here alone, like I always am, to take care of me. As I feel him move me a little, assuming that he needs a better angle, I feel him start to penetrate me.

  My mind goes to when I was a little girl. Thinking back to birthdays spent with my parents. How much love I grew up around. The love I hope to give my baby boy someday. My parents never failed to show me that they care about me. I miss them so much, especially now. I want my mom more than anything. I want to crawl into her lap, like I did so many times when I was younger. I need her comfort, I need her love. I need to feel her.

  He is still thrusting behind me. My mind is running through memories of friends, vacations, school. I go back to the night Jayden and I met. I think about how he made me feel. How sexy he is. Everything about him. How he read baby stuff online, while deployed. How he was thinking about names. I’m so thankful that he came around.

  This guy is grunting, thank you fucking sweet baby Jesus. He’s getting close. He’s thrusting frantically into me now. He must like his violence because he starts hitting the back of my head. It doesn’t take but a few hits and everything starts to grow fuzzy. Right before I pass out I hear a bunch of yelling and then I feel the weight disappear. Good he’s done. But that’s as far as I get before I feel myself drift further away from reality. I feel someone touch my face and I think I flinch. Sounds like someone is saying my name, telling me to hang on that help is on the way.

  Why couldn’t this nice guy get here about ten minutes ago? Why did this shit happen to me? I feel the tears again, and try to open my eyes. But I distinctly hear a deep male voice say, “Sweetheart, it’s ok. I’m here. It’s Jayden, baby. I got you. Just stay with me. Don’t let go, Josh is going to need his mom. I can’t do this alone baby.” Oh my god, Jayden found me. And then nothing.


  I don’t even know what to say about Annie not meeting me. I’m so pissed that she didn’t show. What does that mean for us trying to work this thing out? Jesus, she should have just texted me and told me that she didn’t want to meet or whatever.

  Getting in my Jeep and head away from the restaurant, I see a gas station down the road and decide I need gas before I head home. This nasty ass gas station is still here. Shaking my head, I wonder how the hell this place is still in business. Seeing another vehicle and not feeling too friendly I pull up to the pump furthest from the car.

  Hopping out I get ready to shut the door when I hear a scream. A female scream. A tingle goes down my spine, I run around to the other side of my car and grab my gun out of my glove box. I never go anywhere without her. I hear her scream some more. It’s coming from the direction of the other car.

  Rushing over, I stop on the side of the pump with my back to it. I hear a guy grunting and peek my head around the pump. It is at that moment that all rational thought leaves me. Running around the pump I get to the guy and pull him out of the backseat. I vaguely saw him hitting this poor girl in the back of the head. I hope to god she’s ok.

  He falls backwards from the force of me pushing him. I then jump on him and start repeatedly hitting him in his face. I’ve lost all sense of anything around me, the only thing that matters is this guy on the ground. And him never doing this again. I hit him over and over. Until his face is unrecognizable.

  Moaning comes from the backseat of the car. So I pull myself away from the piece of shit on the ground. I make my way slowly to the women seeing that she’s on her side I go to the other door so I don’t move her too much. Opening the door I see a head full of dark brown hair. My stomach drops. Flat out falls right there. I glance down her body and see what my mind doesn’t want to see. This women is pregnant.

  Moving her hair out of her face, this poor girl. Her whole face is covered in cuts and bruises. Placing my hand on her cheek I go to tell her that help is on its way. I lean closer to tell her and something hits me. This woman is pregnant and has a head full of brown hair. Oh my god! Annie? Please no, don’t let this be Annie. I grab her face and will her to open her eyes. Looking closer, that dread hits me at full force. This is Annie!

  “Sweetheart, it’s ok. I’m here. It’s Jayden, baby. I got you. Just stay with me. Don’t let go, Josh is going to need his mom. I can’t do this alone baby.” I tell her frantically as I grab for my phone. Finally finding it I dial nine one one, and tell them the situation. And that we need two ambulances. That fucker is lucky I didn’t know the woman was before I knocked him out.

  I slip into the backseat as much as I can. Needing to be closer to her and my baby. No wonder she never showed up. Feeling guilty now as I see what kept her. I place my hand on her belly. Desperate to feel any type of movement. I will kill that mother fucker if he killed my baby. Murmuring anything I can to her, to try to let her know I’m here, I keep my hand on her belly.

  Nothing from Annie at all. No twitch of an eyelid, no involuntary hand movement, nothing. I scoot to the center of the car, closer to her belly. Placing both hands I rub and talk to Josh. Telling him that
Daddy is here, and I’m never leaving. Telling him that I love him and that he needs to hold on for Mommy. That we would miss him so much if anything would ever happen to him.

  As I start to hear the sirens in the distance I get more and more desperate to feel him kick. I know from reading that I should be able to feel him by now. The need to know if he’s ok consumes me. I put my head close to her belly, laying my forehead on her. I can feel her chest moving so I know Annie’s still breathing.

  Just as the ambulances and cops are pulling into the lot I feel something push at my hand. Whipping my head back I push a little harder at the spot I felt it. Almost like slow motion I feel the distinct kick of my baby. It’s like he was saying “Daddy, I’m ok. We’re ok”. I’ve never been more thankful of anything in my life.

  The EMTs rush over to the car and ask me to get out of the vehicle so they can assess her. Reluctantly I climb out but stand off to the side. Watching every move they make like a hawk. Fuck. I need to call Jonah, he’s going to be so pissed. I pull out my phone again and hit the speed dial number for him. I rub my hand down my face. This is not how I imagined seeing the mother of my child for the first time, technically.

  After three rings Jonah answers, “Hey, man. How’d it go?”

  I hesitate, not sure how to even say what I need to tell him, and he notices my hesitation, “What did it not go well?”

  Sitting down on the ground with my feet in front and my legs bent, I put my head down on my knees. I can feel tears threatening to make an appearance. I try to keep myself together as I tell him the horrible news, “Jonah, she didn’t make it to dinner tonight.”

  “What? I know she was going. I wonder what happened.” He asks out loud.

  “When I was leaving I stopped at the gas station down the road from the pizza place. I got out the Jeep and heard screaming. So I went to take care of the issue. I found a girl getting raped in the backseat of her SUV. I knocked the fucker out then went to the car to check on her. Shit, man, it was Annie. Annie was being raped.”


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