Lethal Seduction: A CIA Romantic Suspense (CIA Agents Book 1)

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Lethal Seduction: A CIA Romantic Suspense (CIA Agents Book 1) Page 7

by Roxy Sinclaire

  He made a decided effort to feed her something other than pizza. It was hard when they were outside a major town and slumming it in a tiny motel. When he wasn’t wrapped around Jovana, he tried to figure out just how deep Austin had put him in. He messaged the few friends he had gathered in the CIA, trying to figure out if it was just Jovana with the contract on her or if Austin had gone so far as to put one on both.

  Charlie Austin was a meticulous man. He wasn’t someone who left liabilities free. He was playing with fire by staying here this long, but maybe this would work in their favor. Each time he was with her, he found it harder to not want to just stay in bed with her. “Here’s hoping that we’re just fucking and not fucking things up.” He sipped at a hot beer as he waited on a message to be returned.

  Scott kept the next few days like that, waking her up by sliding into her and then putting her to bed by wearing her out at night, testing how many times he could manage to fuck her in between. He took a great amount of pleasure in finding out all the different angles he could take her in and which ones would make her make the most noise.

  Then there was also the art of finding all the places that would make her moan and the easiest way to get her calling out his name as he made her come. He discovered the bonus of showering together and making a mess of the bathroom as he took her in the shower. That was something he especially enjoyed.

  They seemed to only leave the motel room to pay the fee for the night and to search for food. After two days, it was time for them to get back on the road. They had lingered long enough, and he had already gotten a message from his contact that the visas he ordered were ready. He didn’t want to leave. The room seemed to be safe enough, and he enjoyed holding her and being inside her far too much.

  “Let’s stay here,” he said on the final day. They were supposed to meet his contact in Santa Fe in a few hours, which it would take a few hours to get there. But, he would be forced to drive, and he had enjoyed fucking her far too much. He wasn’t ready to break from the routine that he had created the last few days.

  “Not practical,” she said, as she had said the first morning he had woken her up. “Remember, I need birth control if we are going to do without your efforts in protection. You have few condoms left. If we stayed here, what would you do?”

  “Buy more condoms,” he said without a thought as he packed his bag, putting her clothes in it as well. He wanted to pout. She seemed to make him let down his guard, and he felt the utmost desire to just be himself around her. No seriousness, no hard edges. It had been just him as it had been just her in this room for the past few days.

  She let out a laugh and gave his rump a swat. “If you get us to our destination, I promise to make the effort worth your while.”

  Like she hadn’t already. He frowned, knowing she had a point. They would be safer out of the country. “The longer you stall,” she chided him, “the longer it will take us to get to Santa Fe and the longer it will take us to find another bed to enjoy each other in. Are you ready to stop stalling?”

  He raised an eyebrow at her as he stood. “Gonna make it worth my while?”

  “Have I not made it worth your while so far?” she shot back at him. It was a test and he knew it.

  “Why do you think I want to stay here?” He wiggled his eyebrows at her.

  “Come.” She wrapped her hand around his bicep. “It is dangerous the longer we stay here. You know this.”

  “Fine.” He huffed as she led him to the door. “You’re right. But we’re going to have to change cars again, and there’s not going to be a lot of chances for us to really enjoy ourselves.” He heaved up his bag over his shoulder. “I guess it’s back to reality sooner rather than later.”

  They loaded up in the little sports car and got back on the road. The drive wouldn’t be long but he still felt remiss about having to leave the haven that motel room had become. “It is not as if we will not have sex again,” she chided him, her hand reaching over the center console to stroke his thigh. “You look so sad, as if I had not already promised to make you happy.”

  “I got comfortable.” He shrugged, not bothered at all by where she kept her hand. “I wasn’t ready to get back to business, I guess.”

  She leaned over and kissed his cheek. “It will be all right.”

  “Now you’re comforting me?”

  “If it makes you happy.” She grinned. “You look like you are sulking.”

  “Not sulking,” he argued lightly, pulling off the interstate. “Just trying to get back into a frame of mind that is worthy of our situation. I got sidetracked while we were back there.” He sighed.

  Her hand slid up to his knee and she squeezed lightly, trying to offer comfort. “It was the perfect distraction to forget the trouble I am in. I would not trade it, and I would give anything to make the time we had together in that little room longer. But . . .” She paused, looking out the windshield. “I have made things dangerous, and staying in one place will put us both at risk.”

  He didn’t have the nerve to tell her that she wasn’t the only one at risk anymore and that there was likely a contract on him. He hadn’t mentioned that Austin hadn’t bought the picture that they sent. He would just have to keep them moving no matter how comfortable they got. It bothered him the more he thought about it, especially after the first time he finally gave in to her and they made love.

  He picked up her hand where it rested on his knee and held it, drawing circles on her skin with his thumb. It comforted him. She comforted him. He changed the subject. “We’ll have to stop for gas soon. Then we’ll get to Santa Fe and from there, out of the States. As soon as we hit Mexico, we’ll be a little safer.”

  “Why would it be safer?”

  “It’s easier to get on a plane there without having to worry about every passenger on it.” He shrugged. “Brazil is the goal for now, because it’ll be safer and easier to hide there.”

  She grew quiet, the effect of riding in a car. She alternated between holding his hand or touching him, stroking her fingers along his skin and making him wish they were still in the motel room. He became hyper-aware of every stroke the pads of her fingers made, the scrape of her nails.

  He couldn’t recall being so hard for so long without getting some sort of relief. And the person who seemed eager enough to give him relief was right beside him. He didn’t even know if he had ever wanted someone so much.

  They paused for gas and he sent her in to pay and for snacks. He stayed out to keep an eye on things and took notice of something. The car parked in front of his was left running. Cautiously, he gave a glance to make sure no one was in it, no children lingering in the back seat. It was a simple four-door sedan, larger than the sporty little thing he had lucked up on before.

  When Jovana came back to him with her haul, he nodded to it. “Keep pumping gas. I’m going to check to see if the doors are locked and if they are, we’ll jimmy them open. If you see anyone looking or coming our way, let me know.”

  She did as he asked, trying to keep a look out with an expression that said she looked bored and not at all like someone who was watching for bystanders. The door was unlocked, and it was apparent that the person who left it running was in a hurry. He grinned back at her. “C’mon.”

  She left the pump in the car and grabbed the stash she had gotten from the convenience store. He hurried to the sports car and got the rest of their things, leaving the keys on top of it. He threw his bag in the back seat and jumped behind the wheel just as the owner came running out of the store. “Hey! My car!”

  “I upgraded you,” he hollered back, motioning back to the car he was ditching before he blasted out of the parking lot. If the car’s owner protested anymore, he couldn’t tell. There were no sirens following him, so he assumed that cops weren’t called. He decided to stay off the interstate to be safe, taking the highways as an alternative.

  He couldn’t be overly cautious, but he assumed the guy who owned the car was willing to take the trade
. He would be fine until the owner of that car reported it stolen, if he hadn’t already. It wasn’t his concern, and Jovana was quick to remind him of that.

  He didn’t protest, but with the lack of traffic and an apparent air of friskiness, she seemed to want to take advantage. She unbuckled her seatbelt and reached over the smaller console to attack the button and zipper of his jeans. “Can I help you?” he asked, trying not to let it excite him when she reached into his jeans and grasped his cock in her hand.

  “I think I can help you.” There was something salacious in the way she looked at him. “Do you protest?”

  “I do not,” he groaned as she began to stroke him. She didn’t give him the opportunity to say much more because she leaned over and began to add her lips and tongue to her play. She swallowed him greedily, and he had to struggle to remain focused on the road. “This is dangerous.” He growled and thrust up into her eager mouth. Maybe that made it more exciting, but . . . “I can’t do this.”

  Scott rolled to a stop on the side of the road, throwing the car into park. He shifted the seat back and pressed the wheel up further out of the way. Her tongue swirled around him and he was instantly glad he had decided to pull over.

  “God.” He dug his hands into her hair as she worked him, thinking there was no place he would rather be. Well, there was one place he would rather be. “Stop, stop, stop.” He pulled her off his swollen cock and pulled the seat belt out of the way. “You’re going to have to get over here so we can break this car in.”

  “Get over there?” She looked at him curiously.

  He fished a condom from his wallet and tugged it on quickly. “You started this, lady. You’re gonna have to fuck me now.”

  “Am I?” her lips quirked upward and she raised an eyebrow, testing him again.

  He didn’t give her the opportunity to protest because he was tugging her into his lap and catching her mouth in a hungry kiss. Would he get tired of this? He didn’t think so. She wiggled out of her shorts and helped guide him into her with little effort. She was wet and he slid in easily. She enjoyed sucking him off while he was driving. “What am I going to do with you?” he asked against her mouth.

  She rotated her hips, riding him in the small space. “You are going to do this every chance you can get.” She took his hands and pressed under her tank top to cup her breasts. “You are going to fuck me and enjoy it.”

  He groaned. “Oh, you’re never gonna be rid of me.” He palmed her breasts and squeezed lightly. “You’re gonna be stuck with me forever now.”

  Her voice went breathy and she clung to him. “That is what I want. I want that.”

  “You can have it.” He buried his face against her neck, thrusting up into her. “I’m all yours.” There was nothing more that he wanted to hear than her admitting she wanted him. It was enough to get him to struggle not to come as she thrust herself down on him with a growing force.

  This beautiful woman was spoiling him, ruining him for anyone else and making it so he would only want her. Did he give a damn? Nope. As long as she wanted him and would let him fuck her every chance he could get, then she would have him for keeps.

  The force of their lovemaking had the car shaking, and the small enclosed place only seemed to echo every noise she made back at him. It was intoxicating. He brought both hands down between them to tease her until he had her shaking with her release and clinging to him as she cried out his name.

  “Fuck me,” he gasped out, not able to last much longer after that. He kept his arms around her and tried to figure out a way to get them back on the road while staying buried in her.

  Chapter 12

  Jovana got him to stop one more time for an impromptu intimate moment. It was hard to keep from touching and kissing him, getting the taste of him in her mouth. She never had that desire to revisit any of the men she had been with before, but she couldn’t get enough of Scott. He seemed to desire her just as much, or he didn’t protest each time she would fish his cock from his jeans to stroke him or suck him.

  Each time she started, he would immediately pull over, allowing her to either tease him until he came or he would tug her into his lap and thrust up into her. “A bed,” she begged as he threw back a latch that had his seat lying all the way back. “Or a place where we won’t be so cramped like this.” She rotated her hips so he hit every delicious part of her. “I need more room,” she pleaded.

  “Soon,” he gritted out, his hands on her hips. “Let’s get this done, then I will get us a room and fuck you against the wall.” His hips bucked up against hers. “In the shower.” He gasped and she felt his control failing. “In the fucking closet, I don’t care. Wherever you want me, you can have me.” It was a promise she was intent on holding him to.

  Their constant stops made the trip to Santa Fe take longer than necessary, but Scott didn’t complain once. If anything, he was as eager for her as she was for him.

  Each time, he seemed to cling to her, his words growing more and more attached and amorous. She was sure that his desire for her and his promises to protect her were less out of a sense of duty and more out of something else. He was winning her over, not that it was too much effort to get her to fall for him.

  “Stay in the car,” he said as they parked in front of a little pharmacy. “I’ve got to pick up a few things and I’ll be right back.” He didn’t make a move to get out of the car, his hand finding her thigh. “When we get done here, we’ll see about getting a room for a more comfortable place to enjoy each other’s company.”

  She couldn’t help but smile at him. “Have you not gotten enough of me on the ride here?” Honestly, she’d lost count of the number of times she had caused him to pull over.

  “Nope,” he quipped as he got out of the car. It left her with a warm feeling in her chest. She leaned back into her seat, watching the storefront as she reflected on her feelings for him. Did she love him? It was clear that he was necessary in her survival, but she didn’t have to seduce him. He wanted her. She wouldn’t lie. She wanted him just as much as he wanted her.

  He came back to the car with a plastic bag tucked under an arm, and he was suspiciously eyeing the area around them. It made Jovana concerned by the dark look on his face. “Everything all right?” she asked as he sat back down behind the wheel.

  “Yeah.” He offered her the bag. “I just got something of a warning while I was getting the things I needed.”

  “What is the warning?”

  He eyed her, his expression sober before he put focus on getting the car out of the lot. He put them back onto the interstate, taking them south. “I didn’t tell you this, but the picture we staged didn’t take. The director of the department I work for didn’t believe it for a second,” he said seriously.

  “You are in danger now, too?”

  “As of right now, the order for you to be killed still exists,” he said. She suspected that was closer to the reason he insisted that they continue moving. It made sense. She stayed quiet as she waited for him to answer her question. He wasn’t risking everything by trying to save her, was he?

  When Scott didn’t answer, her patience ran thin. “Well? Are you in danger now, too?’

  “I don’t know,” he growled at her in response. “There’s a very good chance that another agent has been assigned to you. So, that means that someone else will be looking for you to . . .” he trailed off, and she noticed his eyebrows had drawn down and his expression had darkened further. He didn’t finish. He didn’t need to. She knew if another agent were assigned her, then she wouldn’t have the same luck she’d had with Scott.

  “Will we still be going to get a room?” she asked, suddenly needing to be close to him, though she didn’t have the desire to have sex with him. She needed the security of his arms around her.

  “We need to get to the border as quickly as we can,” he protested.

  “I want to hold you,” she said in response. She didn’t argue against his assessment. She just stated what she need
ed. His expression twisted and he took the last Santa Fe exit, driving until they came across a rundown motel. It was apparent that he favored them. He pulled into the lot, instructing her to stay put while he arranged for a room. After a short thirty-minute wait, he came back to the car.

  “This is a terrible idea,” he told her as he moved his car closer to the room they would be staying in. He grabbed his bag and was quick to come around the car to help her out of the car. He took her to the door, unlocked it, and tugged her inside. The door was secured and he tugged her to the bed.

  He didn’t seem to be intent on allowing her to just hold him, though. He caught her mouth and wedged her beneath him. He cupped her face in his hands and controlled the power behind the kiss. He was going to turn this into sex, and that wasn’t what she wanted.

  She had to get him to stop before she lost her focus. She tore her mouth from his. “Stop! Scott!” She had to get him to see what she was trying to do. They needed comfort. They needed comfort that sex wouldn’t provide.

  “This isn’t what you wanted?” his voice sounded thick and she could see the frustration apparent on his features. There was more to the warning that she was aware of, and it was adding to his frustration.

  “No,” she shot back at him. “It is not that I do not enjoy sex with you, but that is not what is necessary right now.” She would make him see.

  “It isn’t?” His brows drew together, frustration edging deeper into anger. After everything they have done, she hadn’t seen him angry yet. “You’re the one who wanted to stop and get a room. We’ve been fucking around damn near all day. What did you want to stop for?”

  “Because.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close. “The stress of reality has become too much.” She lowered her voice as she spoke to him, trying to soothe his anger. “It is obvious when I look at you. I wanted to comfort you, to hold you.” He had been tense against her, something she was aware of the moment he forced her onto the bed. Slowly, he began to relax on her. His face buried against her neck and one hand went into her hair. “It is not just fucking,” she whispered to him.


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