To Be Your Girl (To Be Yours Book 1)

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To Be Your Girl (To Be Yours Book 1) Page 12

by Rae Kennedy

  “No, thanks. I’m just hanging with my friends tonight.”

  The girl visibly scoffs at him but he doesn’t see it. He turns away from her too fast to give me a wink across the table. The girl stomps off along with her friend—who apparently had been giving Tuck some attention.

  “What the fuck, man? What kind of wingman move was that?”

  “Sorry, I just wasn’t into that girl.”

  “No shit. You know that’s not how being a wingman works. You take one for the team. Come on! How many times have I done that for you?”

  Cade goes a little red again. Does he think I don’t know he’s a man-slut?

  Tuck gets up from the table and rubs the back of his neck. “I’m getting some shots.” He heads for the bar.

  Cade puts his warm hand over mine and leans in close. “I’m sorry about that.”

  “About what? The girl hitting on you or for checking her out?”

  His blue eyes go wide, his mouth slack.

  I burst out laughing. “I’m just kidding, Cade. It’s fine.”

  The distress in his face softens but doesn’t go away completely. “You sure you’re not mad? Jealous?”

  “I’m not mad. And I never said I wasn’t jealous.”

  He laces his fingers through mine. His smile is heart-stopping. It’s like I am the only other person in the room. The touch of his hand is innocent, but still intimate, promising so much more. But after an instant, we part again. Tuck sloshes over to the table with three shots. Cade and I just kind of sit there.

  “Don’t make me drink all these. You two need to catch up. I’ve already had two at the bar.”

  I have never seen Tuck this wasted. I’m surprised he is still forming coherent sentences. Shit, I’m surprised he is still standing.

  “I’m going to the restroom. I’ll be right back,” I say.

  I head for the back where there is a huge line of women waiting. Sweet. The buzz in my back pocket tickles. I take out my phone. It’s a text from Court.

  Call me in five minutes.

  A few minutes later I dial her number.

  “Hello?” she answers.

  “How’s the date going?”

  “Oh my god! That’s awful!” She says it with such conviction I almost believe I have just given her the most dreadful news.

  “That good, huh?”

  “Where are you?” She sounds so worried. I have to keep from laughing too loud. She is a good actress.

  “We’re at Flanagan’s downtown.”

  “I’ll be right there!” She promptly hangs up.

  * * *

  When I get back to our table, the shot glasses are empty but we have apparently gained a few more skanks. One girl is rubbing her hand through Tuck’s thick hair while the other two hang all over Cade. The bleach blonde looks like she is whispering in his ear and the other one is clearly trying to sit on his lap. I roll my eyes as I pull out my stool. This is going to get old real fucking fast.

  Cade straightens when he sees me, flinging the lap-dancer to the floor on her butt. That makes me smile. She gets to her feet, cursing. The other girl doesn’t seem to notice. Cade is looking at me, clearly exasperated. He stands. “I gotta take a leak.”

  Ear girl wraps her fingers around his collar and smiles up at him. “Want company?”

  Seriously? In a bar bathroom? Is this real life? I’m starting to get mad again.

  He pries her fingers from his shirt. “I think I can manage on my own.”

  She crosses her arms and sticks out her chin. Dear God. Cade leaves quickly.

  The girl from the floor is by her side and they turn toward Tuck. “Let’s go, Tiffany.”

  They scoff away and Tuck slams his fist down on the table when Cade strides back over. “Dammit! What’s with you tonight, man?”

  Cade doesn’t know what to say—obviously him turning girls away all night is a novelty. So I speak up.

  “You know what, it’s probably me. How are you supposed to pick up chicks with me hanging around? I’ll just leave and let you boys have fun.” Cade’s jaw tics under his skin. “My friend, Court, is coming in a minute. She can take me home.”

  Cade looks like he is about to protest but Tuck chimes in.

  “Your friend Court, eh? Would I like her?”

  Yes, probably. “No.”

  Cade doesn’t look happy. “Haley, you don’t have to do that.”

  But before he can say any more, Court runs over to our table.

  “Hey!” She looks gorgeous, her cheeks flushed from the cold outside as she takes off her coat and scarf. “Thanks for saving me, Haley.” She gives me a big hug.

  “No problem. Court, this is Cade.”

  They shake hands over the table and she flashes him a stunning smile.

  “Hi, Cade. We’ve sort of met before.”

  “Uh yeah...” He returns her smile but I can tell he doesn’t recognize her at all.

  “And this is my brother, Tuck.” I motion over to the incredibly drunk one across from me.

  “Hey, gorgeous.” Tuck grabs her hand while completely eye-fondling her entire body. I want to face plant on the table.

  “Nice to meet you, Tuck.” If she is offended by his inebriation or blatant ogling, she doesn’t show it. She smiles just as wide for him as Cade—maybe wider.

  “You want to get out of here?” I ask her.

  She breaks her gaze with Tuck to look at me. “Are you kidding? I just got here. I’m ready to drink!”

  “Oh, hell yes!” Tuck jumps up enthusiastically. “What’ll you have?”

  “Anything with tequila,” Court replies.

  Tuck clasps both hands over his chest. “I just fell in love.”

  * * *

  Cade continues to decline girls’ attention throughout the night, but Tuck doesn’t seem to mind—he and Court are preoccupied taking tequila shots. Cade leans over to me, his lips brushing my ear and his warm breath sending shivers down my neck.

  “Dance with me.”

  I know that is a bad idea. “Okay.”

  We try to stay at a friendly distance on the dance floor, but it is crowded and guys with hard, pointy elbows keep bumping into me. Cade has no choice, really, but to pull me into his arms. His body is strong and solid against mine, but also yielding to my every curve and movement. He moves right along with me, our rhythm the same. His hands softly slide down my back to grip my hips. He feels so good wrapped around me. My arms are locked around his neck, our faces very close.

  “God, I’ve wanted to touch you all night.” He looks at me, breathing gone ragged and licks his lips. Those beautiful full lips. I want those lips on me so badly.

  “Yeah?” Now I am out of breath.

  His hands dig into my hips. He bites his lower lip. “I always want you.” His beautiful eyes devour me and I feel heat drip all the way down. He rips his gaze away and buries his face into the crook of my neck. I can feel him actually growling against my skin.

  “We can just tell my brother, you know.”

  “Yeah, I know. But we should probably do it when he’s sober.”

  He’s right about that.

  “Hey, guys?” Court pushes her way to us, interrupting the moment. When I look over at her, she is directing an approving smile toward Cade but then she makes a face with the cutest little crinkle above her nose. “I think Tuck needs to go home.”

  She is correct. When we get to the table Tuck is passed out, face-down, beer still in his hand. Classy.

  * * *

  Cade and I are sitting toe-to-toe in the bathroom, Tuck passed out by the toilet after having emptied his stomach only four times. Cade nudges my foot over with his and I push back. The innocent if a flirtatious game of footsie quickly morphs into very suggestive toe rubbing.

  “Ready to put him to bed?”

  “Yeah.” I try to hide my yawn when I say it, but he catches me.

  He just smiles his sexy half-sleepy smile at me as we get up and walk Tuck to his room, each of us und
er an arm. Let’s be real, Cade is doing most of the lifting. Tuck falls face-first onto his bed without even a sound. Still out. I take off his shoes and Cade manages to get the comforter over him.

  We leave Tuck to sleep it off. As soon as we close his bedroom door, I feel nervous. Nervous that I won’t be able to turn Cade down, we’ll have sex, and my worst fears will be confirmed. That I really am horrible in the sack and, like Adam, he will dump me.

  This is irrational. Doesn’t stop me from feeling it.

  Cade puts his arm around my shoulders and pulls me to his chest. “Sorry we didn’t get to have an evening together.”

  “Me too.”

  “You okay?”


  He gives me a knowing look.

  “I’m just tired.” Gather your courage, Haley. “Can we just go to sleep tonight?”

  I don’t know what reaction I expect. Disappointment? Frustration? But it isn’t what I get. He looks into my eyes warmly and smiles.

  “Babe, just sleeping with you will be the highlight of my whole fucking day.”

  We brush our teeth side-by-side at the sink in just our underwear. It feels so ordinary but affirming, like we are a real...couple.

  I try to spit out the toothpaste as discretely as possible—turns out that’s incredibly hard to do. I look over at him in the mirror. Even brushing his teeth he looks sexy.

  “You don’t have to work for it, do you?”

  He spits.

  “What do you mean?”

  I rinse my brush. “The girls.”

  He washes out his mouth.

  “Oh.” He looks down, a little shy even. “I guess not. Not for those types of girls, anyway.”

  He puts his toothbrush away.

  We climb into his bed. I snuggle up to him, laying my head on his bare chest, just under the swell of his shoulder.

  “How many girls?” I regret asking as soon as the words are out.

  “Definitely not answering that.”

  “Are with all of them?”

  “Every single one, I swear.” His arm is wrapped around me, resting at the small of my back. His other hand is over mine, holding it firmly to his chest. I can feel his heart beating under my palm. “Are you worried about that?”

  I want to act like I’m not, but—

  “No, don’t answer that. You have every right to worry about that. I’m not offended. If it makes you feel more at ease, I get tested every couple of months when I donate blood. I’m clean.”

  “You donate blood?” I had no idea.

  “Yeah, it’s important to me. I mean, I’m O-Negative—that’s the universal donor so...I just feel like if I can donate I should. That’s actually the reason I haven’t gotten any tattoos in a while.” The conviction in his voice makes me feel there is more to it than that, but I don’t want to pry.

  He kisses the top of my head.

  “Night, baby.”

  I sink into him and he holds me through the night.


  All day Sunday, Tuck is here.

  At breakfast: he keeps complaining of his splitting headache. I give him a couple painkillers with water and suggest he go back to bed. He insists he will be fine once he eats. Then he proceeds to cover his eggs in hot sauce and eats every bite. Cade and I can only exchange secret glimpses and smiles across the table.

  Rest of the morning: Tuck announces we should all hang out before he leaves for his business trip Monday morning. So we do the dishes. Together. Then Tuck and Cade start playing this macho video game. They try to get me to join but I kindly decline and excuse myself to go shower and do some homework. Lame.

  At lunch: we go to our favorite pizza place that sells these enormous pieces by the slice. Tuck pulls up a chair and wedges himself between me and Cade. Literally. Like, I have to screech my chair over.

  All freaking afternoon: it seems like I can’t get away from Tuck and his big goofy, clueless grin. At the grocery store, Cade just gently touches the ends of his fingers along the back of my arm but then Tuck keeps turning around to ask asinine questions like should we get the can with meatballs or franks. Always meatballs, Tuck, always. Every time I feel the warmth of Cade’s hand on my back or the brush of my arm against his, it is short-lived because Tuck. Is. Still. There.

  At dinner: Even though Cade and I usually cook dinner alone together, today, Tuck wants to help. Cade has him chop the vegetables. That is usually my task. I stare at Tuck chopping all haphazardly and completely uneven. I don’t even realize I am grimacing at him until I catch Cade in the corner, snickering at me behind his fist. I try to relax. Tuck is leaving soon for a whole week—he’s my brother, I love him, I can handle this night. But then while he eats his food, he chews really effing loud.

  After fucking dinner: Tuck finally goes into his room. Cade grabs me by the waist and pulls me tightly to him, his strong arms around my shoulders, and his lips at my cheek.

  “Have I told you how crazy you’ve been making me all day?”

  His words make me smile.

  “No, but I’m listening.” I draw a line with my finger across his chest, down his taut abs to just above his belt buckle. I hear the hitch in his breath as he leans in to kiss my lips.

  “Hey, guys! Want to watch a movie?” Tuck calls from the hall. We step away from each other before he rounds the corner. Just before.

  “Every fucking time!” Cade curses under his breath, his fists balled at his sides.

  After the movie—another action flick—I am hopeful the day of Tuck is over.

  “Which one next?” Tuck holds up two more movies, his face entirely lit.

  “Don’t you have to get up early tomorrow?” I’m grasping here. It’s only 9:30.

  “Psh. I’m wide awake.”

  I don’t want to watch either action flick B or C, so I get up.

  “Well, I’m exhausted. I’m going to bed.”

  “Okay, sis, see you tomorrow.” Tuck turns his over-eager attention to Cade. “You pick, man.”

  Cade watches as I walk away behind Tuck, obviously conflicted. He chooses movie C. As I enter my room, my phone buzzes.

  Cade: Will you come to my bed later, after Tuck’s asleep?

  Oh, God yes.

  Me: Definitely

  When I slide into bed, I really do feel exhausted.

  * * *

  I am awoken by a draft of cold air on my spine. Then comes the hard chest at my back and the warm arms wrapping around my waist. His lips brush lightly at my neck.

  “I couldn’t wait for you any longer.”

  “I fell asleep.”

  “Then go back to sleep.” He kisses me just behind the ear and I press back against him as he squeezes me tighter. I drift into a dreamless sleep.

  The clock reads 7:02. Blue is just starting to creep into the dark morning sky. When I roll over, Cade is there. Serene and beautiful. I can just make out the slow pulse in his neck. I nuzzle up next to him, rubbing my hands into his back and breathing him in. Then I kiss him just there on the neck. His skin is warm and smooth and smells just like a summer afternoon storm. It smells like Cade. A low grumble rolls through his chest.

  “I didn’t mean to wake—"

  The brush of his thumb over my nipple through my thin cotton shirt sends a shudder through my body and out my throat.

  “We have to be quiet, baby. Tuck’s awake.” His whisper is warm against my cheek. “I want you naked.”

  Done. He helps pull my top over my head and I wiggle my panties down as he kicks off his boxers to lie somewhere under the covers.

  Then he is over me, body hot and pressing against my skin. His fingers grip around the back of my neck and into my hair as he lowers his lips to mine. His kiss is soft but needy. You’re not having sex with Cade yet, remember? My resolve may be weakening. I rake my fingers down his naked back and then curl them around the firm curve of his butt. He has such a nice little booty. He hums his appreciation as he sinks his tongue into my mouth.

  I want him so badly.

  I am completely lost in him—his scorching tongue, the press of his palm against my breast, his skin grinding against mine. The heat is sinking into my belly and the familiar ache is building between my thighs. All I can do is rub them together to get some relief, squirming under him, feeling so...empty.

  But then I can’t even do that.

  “Spread your legs for me.”

  He slides his hand down my stomach, but he doesn’t touch me—he grips himself. Then the unmistakable press of the end of his cock at my entrance is all I can focus on—even though our mouths are still frantically pulling at one another. Is he going to put it in me? My body is eager for it, opening to him. But I am a little nervous at the thought of him inside me. Cade. My Cade.

  But he doesn’t push in. The broad head of his prick is sliding up and down, spreading my wetness, teasing every sensitive fold as it passes.

  “You’re so wet and swollen. I’m going to come just thinking about it.”

  “Cade...please...” is all I can pant out before that blunt head strokes up to my throbbing little bead and the wave that crashes through me is so overwhelming, it is almost excruciating. I let out a breathy moan.

  “Shh, babe.” Leaning on his elbow, he puts his other hand over my mouth. “Bite down if you have to.”

  His broad tip is moving silkily through my pussy and up again to rub against my painfully erect clitoris and my eyes roll back.

  “Keep your eyes open, baby. Look at me.”

  I’m doing my best to focus back on him, his parted lips, the panting of his breath, his eyes locked onto mine.

  “I want to see you when you come.”

  My legs are starting to shake against his hips. The rubbing of his cock against all my wetness is too much. Every time it moves down to my entrance, I can feel my inner muscles contract, willing him to go deeper, to relieve the constant swell inside. To fill me. But he doesn’t. He just drags it back up to nudge my thrumming clit, sending new ripples of pleasure through my body. I can’t get enough air through my nose and I keep trying to gasp through my mouth which is still covered by his palm. He is looking at me the whole time with those beautiful blue eyes, the faintest smile on his lips, looking entirely too sweet to be doing the filthy thing he is doing to me. When his erection slides back down, I can feel my pussy clench, pulling him in, just the tip.


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