"This is how you prepare?"
Blice groans and snaps at Isidore. "Go away."
"Where am I supposed to go?" Isidore asks.
"I don't care. Just go away!"
* * *
The gardens are still alive and well, the flowers are always vibrant and fragrant. Making his way past the fountain, Isidore has to push back the tears in his eyes as he sees the apple trees. Tonight feels just like that night did, so alive with an invisible electricity, the stars glittering high up in the black velvet of the sky. Shouldn't he be anxious and on edge about fighting for his life in court? The strange and unexplainable thing is that he's not. It's as if he is on the other side of a bubble, watching his life pass by and there is nothing he can do to stop it. Whatever happens tomorrow is tomorrow's problem. Nothing he can do right now will change the outcome. Sitting down and leaning back against the trunk of an apple tree, he watches the tiny pink petals break free in the breeze and glide down to rest on his outstretched legs.
The twigs snap under someone's feet at the entrance to the garden and a soft voice calls to him. "Isidore?"
He looks up and frowns. "Oh, I'll leave."
"Stay, please. I came out here to talk with you." Clara says as she sits next to him and scoops up a handful of apple blossoms. "How have you been doing for these past six months?"
Isidore shrugs his shoulders. "I'm amazed you care."
"Katarina's asleep. I figured we could talk."
"I don't have anything to talk to you about." Isidore says. "You will never know the way you destroyed my confidence and my hope. I had finally found some scrap of humanity in myself, I fell in love with you, then you left and brought that entire false construct crumbling down on itself."
Her hand is on his leg, moving higher as she speaks. "I left because I was on assignment. The people I was working for wouldn't have taken kindly to me being in a relationship with, much less married to, an android. I was only supposed to be gone for two weeks, but some things happened and I had to stay longer. I planned on telling you about Katarina after I came back."
"Where were you, anyway?"
Clara pushes her black bangs behind her ears and stares up at the sky. "If I tell you everything, promise not to hurt our baby."
"Why would I hurt my daughter?" Isidore asks.
"I'm not who you think I am, Isidore. I've been working with Inquisitor Clark and some scientists from Common Ground to develop a way to control you then . . . kill you."
So his wife wants to kill him. Lovely. Somehow, he's not surprised. "How long have you been doing this?"
"Even before you came to my house and I saved you."
Perfect. "Why not let me die then? You could have let me die and solved your problems."
"But see . . . I didn't. I couldn't do it. I found out that you belong to Blice and I couldn't hurt him like that. Then I fell in love with you. Something drew me to you and I had to care for you."
Isidore looks away from her. "So what now? You don't love me anymore. Are you going to kill me right here?"
"I never said I don't love you." Clara whispers.
"Stop lying to me. It's just hurting us both if we can't move on."
"But I know enough about the way you've been programmed to know that no matter what I do, you will never move on. The bonds you make with people are eternal."
"Then just kill me." Isidore says.
"There is another option."
"What's that?"
Clara's fingers are warm on Isidore's face as he turns his face to look at her. "Do you realize where we're sitting?"
Of course he does. He could never forget their wedding night. That was the most magical night of his life. He had been so in love. "I will never forget."
"Love me like you used to."
Isidore watches as Clara unbuttons her blouse then pushes him down into the fresh grass. "Clara . . ."
"Shh." She kisses him and slips his shirt over his head. "Just accept my apology."
* * *
Blice hands Isidore the slave collar. "Put this on."
He's joking, right? It has been so long. "What? No way."
"You have to. It's the law."
"You're joking. I'm not wearing that again." Isidore insists.
"You can hide it under your tie or something. I don't know."
Isidore takes it and secures it tightly around his neck. God, this is the worst feeling in the world. As it connects to his nerves, he reaches out and steadies himself on the wall. It hurts worse this time, thought it's probably the sting of losing his newfound freedom.
Blice opens the closet and tosses Isidore's suit on the bed. "Get dressed and don't give me that look. I know you hate wearing this, but you have to look respectable or the jury will automatically sentence you to death."
Respectable? "So I look respectable with this slave collar on?"
"I'm so sorry."
"It's okay. If they want to humiliate me, let them try. It doesn't get to me anymore."
"You're lying." Blice says. "I can see it in your eyes. You hate this."
"Of course I hate it. How would you like to be treated like some kind of animal?"
"I know. At least I was able to talk them into letting you wear clothes."
Isidore glares at him as he fixes his hair in the mirror.
"Don't look at me like that, Niko. I'm on your side. I hate seeing them treat you like this."
"So what happens once we get there?" Isidore asks."You remember those courtroom dramas you used to like so much? Well forget everything you think you know about the justice system. This isn't the United States of America. There is no due process. They tried to mimic that system, but it all fell apart when the judges were bribed and then did some bribing of their own. Now it's all screwed up. Here's how it goes: opening statements, cross examination of witnesses, then closing arguments."
"No direct examination?"
Blice dabs his cologne on the back of Isidore' neck. "Nope. They don't really care about what the witness has to say. They want to humiliate and degrade the witness to make themselves look good. It makes better television that way."
A sudden surge of panic fills him. "Oh God. What are they going to do with me?"
"Just stay silent, don't make eye contact, and if they make you drink the purple liquid, try not to scream."
"Purple liquid? Damien had that one time and he threatened me with it. What was it?"
Blice messes with Isidore's hair, undoing all that he had done. "An extremely painful T.I.M.E. poison that makes you submit to people. It's awful. Every other country has banned it because it's inhumane."
Isidore pulls on his suit jacket as Blice continues to comb his hair. "Anything else I need to be prepared for?"
"Um . . . you don't hold up well to torture."
Why did he expect anything different? "Torture? So much for justice."
"Justice is dead. The most you can hope for is pity."
"I don't want pity, Blice. I want a chance to live."
Blice sets the comb down and puts his hands on Isidore's shoulders. "Then that's what we're fighting for. If we lose this trial, you won't be alive for long. I guarantee you that."
"That's wonderfully comforting."
Blice pushes him back into the bedroom. "It's the truth. The truth is never comforting. You of all people should know that. Now, I need to tell you about some things. First, the jury needs to become your best friend."
"I know what a jury is, Blice."
"They are all men."
This sounds like some sexist attempt at thwarting justice. Again, he shouldn't be surprised. "Why are there only men on the jury?"
"Misogynistic pigs thought that women would find you too attractive then side with you no matter what." He tosses Isidore his dress shoes.
"They can do that?"
"They can do whatever they want. Not only that, but they scanned the backgrounds of every person there to make sure they've never been with a man."
Isidore sighs and
ties his shoes. This isn't going to go well. "How do they have the right to discriminate?"
"They're the court. It doesn't matter. You know it's wrong. I know it's wrong. That doesn't change anything. Next, I will try to defend you. If the judge won't allow that, then you'll have to just sit there as they condemn you. I think that it won't be an issue because you legally can't represent yourself. Next, you are pleading guilty to all charges."
Guilty? But he's not guilty. "Hell no. Why? I didn't do this."
"Listen, that's not the way things work here." Blice says. "If you maintain your innocence, you become weak and a target. They will only try to break you. You don't want that. I don't care if we're going up against Damien. He was never your friend so get that disillusioned thought out of your mind. He might have been friendly to both of us at one point, but as soon as he started hurting you, I severed all ties to that bastard. Now, you have to follow the Android Laws. Do not make eye contact with anyone, especially not the judge. You don't speak unless given permission first. According to them and the news reporters, you are property and a slave."
Isidore's heart sinks and he feels sick. "News reporters?"
"You haven't noticed? Change the channel to the news. This case has become one of the most publicized in the history of the Unified State. It's not about the murders anymore. This has grown to epic levels. The main focus of this case is defining you. Are you an object to be possessed and controlled or are you a human being with emotions and rights? That's what the outcome of this trial will ultimately be."
Blice takes inventory of the papers in his briefcase one last time before taking Isidore's arm and pushing open the tall wooden doors to the courtroom. They are greeted by the flashing of cameras and insults that Isidore seems to ignore. Good. Blice makes sure he is still wearing his slave collar and is looking at the floor as they walk in. They can't mess this up. Isidore has one chance to do this right. If Blice is given permission to defend him, then the life of his dearest friend is in his hands. It's terrifying, but Blice has made many public appearances when he has been scared out of his mind. He'll add this one to the list of the worst. Instead of showing fear, he smiles at the cameras and waves. Let all of Paradise see his confidence, not his dread.
He leads Isidore over to the defendant side and sets his briefcase on the table as Isidore sits down and remains silent. From across the room that is quickly filling with spectators, Damien and Inquisitor Clark enter and mockingly bow to Blice. Pretentious assholes. So they're working together. Blice entertains the thought that Damien isn't intelligent enough to do this on his own.
Isidore tugs at Blice's sleeve.
"What's up, Niko?"
"Can I have my notebook?" Isidore whispers.
"Sure, buddy." Blice finds the black leather book and a pen then hands it to him. "Just stay calm. Let me handle things."
The judge in a long black robe with a balding head walks in and sits at the bench in front of the large banners of the Outlander Forces and the Inquisition. He motions for the secretary who hands him a manila folder. After he flips through it and whispers to the bailiff, he holds up his hands and addresses the room. "The National Court of The Unified State is now in session. This is case 390. Clark and Montgomery v. Williams. Both sides have agreed to no legal advice and no lawyers."
Blice stands. "Your Honor, I will be defending Mr. Williams."
"Objection." Clark glares across the courtroom at Blice. "No legal representation."
"Your Honor, as an android, Mr. Williams is legally not able to defend himself. Will the court allow him all the rights of a free man so he will therefore be able to defend himself?" Blice asks.
"Request denied. As such, the court will allow President McSage to defend Mr. Williams."
Clark growls and flips through papers as he whispers to Damien.
The judge continues. "Mr. Williams, you have been charged with six felony counts of breaking the Android Laws, one hundred and fifteen counts of murder, and six counts of assault. How do you plead?"
Before Blice can stop him, Isidore stands and gives his answer. "Innocent."
The judge gives Isidore a warning look. "I will remind the defendant that knowingly lying in court is perjury and a felony."
Blice stands and bows. "Mr. Williams pleads guilty, Your Honor."
"No. I plead innocent." Isidore nearly shouts.
Blice grabs his arm and angrily whispers at him. "Don't do this, Niko. If we can prove you have no control over your actions, then your guilty plea won't have any holding here. If you plead innocent, there is nothing protecting you from them. You will have to testify. Damien and Clark will tear you apart."
"I need your plea, Mr. Williams." The judge says again.
Isidore's large blue eyes beg Blice. "I'm innocent, Blice. I will fight for that. Do this for me."
Blice sighs and rubs his eyes. "Mr. Williams pleads . . . innocent."
The room fills with whispers. Damien grins and cracks his knuckles.
"Very well. The court will hear opening statements. Mr. Montgomery."
"Thank you, Your Honor." Damien stands and smoothes back his blonde hair before walking over in front of the jury stand. "Gentlemen of the jury, as a basis for this entire case, I will ask you to think about one question. How do we define what is human? Do you want your rights to be diluted or taken away from you because computers want rights? Should televisions, appliances, and vehicles be treated as living and feeling human beings? Of course not. Just because we live in an age of technology, that doesn't mean that technology can take our place. As human beings, we have to guard our humanity against imposters who seek to claim it for themselves. Androids like Mr. Williams are doing just that. Yes, he is the only android at this point, but what of his child? Should the government be forced to extend benefits and rights to a half android abomination?"
Blice stands and fixes his tie. "Objection. No basis for his claims."
"Overruled. Continue, Mr. Montgomery."
"Thank you. Back to the child. We could simply exile it and the parents, but that just isn't enough. This problem will continue to spread like the disease it is. Why mate with a human when an android is physically superior? Humans will be attracted to androids because they are genetically coded to be perfect. Just look at Mr. Williams. There is a reason there are no women on the jury. Androids threaten our way of life and our futures. If we do not eradicate the monsters before more are created or born, then humanity will be lost. That is Mr. Williams's true plan."
"Objection!" Blice calls out.
This isn't working. "May we approach the bench?"
"Denied. Continue, Mr. Montgomery." The judge says.
Blice's face is hot with frustration as he sits down and pats Isidore's back. He leans over and whispers to him. "We're screwed. I'm trying, but Damien is getting everything through. Just hold on. I will do my best."
Damien paces back and forth in front of the jury. "This case shouldn't even be a case. There's nothing that the defense can offer to refute basic human truths. And what is another basic truth? That Jesus hates androids."
There's no way he's getting that in. This is a country without an established religion. "Objection! Your Honor, this has nothing to do with religion. Last time I checked, there were over twenty various religions represented in Paradise alone."
"Sustained. Mr. Montgomery, please refrain from the mention of religion."
Damien rubs his hands together. "All right. Gentlemen of the jury, do you believe that your god values androids as people?"
"Objection. Mention of religion." Blice says.
He slams his fist on the table. "Overruled? What the fuck?"
The judge points at Blice. "Sit down, President McSage. Control your language before I have you escorted out of the courtroom."
Damien continues. "The evidence will prove any accusations against this android if the fact that he is an unfeeling robot
who has been manipulating humans isn't enough of a reason to find him guilty. However, because I am a merciful and open minded person of the law, I will treat Mr. Williams as if he does have some sense of humanity while in this courtroom. That is, until he inevitably does something to make me regret that decision. Do not look at the defendant as a human. He is anything but. As everyone knows, property doesn't have a say in its own existence. Don't let him fool you. I have the upmost confidence in our research and evidence. With that, I hand over the room to the defense."
What kind of opening statement was that? There's something Damien is hiding if that's all he's going to say. Or maybe it really doesn't matter what he says. Now Blice has to play damage control. His strategy? Ha ha. He has no strategy. He'll just get up there and speak as the words come to him. What about the papers in his briefcase? Yeah . . . those are blank. He has no evidence. He has nothing prewritten. This should be fun.
He glares at Damien before turning his attention to the jury. "As president of this great country, I value people of every race, creed, religion, and way of life. Every person has a grand and ultimate purpose. Throughout history, even before the Unified State existed, people of various faiths and genetics were persecuted for being different than those in authority. Was it right to deny them rights? Absolutely not. We are better than that. Until this trial, I had been proud to call myself a citizen of the Unified State. We had finally become accepting of all races, religions, and sexual preferences. It was a beautiful step towards harmony. But here I am, listening to hate-fueled language and derogatory remarks aimed at Mr. Williams. That man is my vice president, my partner, my best friend, and my life. He has done so many great things that most of us can only hope to do. Do to the intensive media coverage of this trial, all of you know the details of my past with Mr. Williams. Yes, all of the abuse is true. I won't lie to you. I'd like to address that for a moment. Every time I did those terrible things, Mr. Williams suffered. Yes, he suffered just like any other human being. He is alive, he thinks, he feels pain, pleasure, and every emotion we feel. He wakes me up in the middle of the night because he has a nightmare then wants me to comfort him until he falls asleep. When he believed that the woman he loved died, he was so overcome with grief that he tried to kill himself. When he was five years old, I watched from a distance as he was beaten by inquisitors and left to die in the science laboratory. I wasn't supposed to be there and I had no idea who he was, but he crawled to my feet as he was bleeding and begged me for help through his tears. When he was twelve, the late Inquisitor Allen tried to kill him by removing his microchip from his brain in the middle of the city. That tiny boy was terrified. Guess who saved him." Blice points at Damien. "Mr. Montgomery saved him because he couldn't stand to see Isidore suffering."
Paradise of Lead Trilogy Page 61