The Fab Life

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The Fab Life Page 3

by Mercy Amare

  He looks up at me, and I can tell that he is very surprised by my question. He nods his head. “I did. And when your mother broke up with me eighteen years ago, it broke my heart. She said she felt like she was holding me back, and I couldn’t understand. I think I do now, but she was wrong. I could have handled being a father, and I still would have lived my dream. You would both would’ve been here with me now. But she doesn’t think so.”

  “Do you love Veronica?” I have to ask.

  He nods his head. “I do. It’s not the same as your mother, but I do love Veronica. Your mom was just… the one that got away.”

  “Hey, Dad?”


  “I love you.”

  He smiles down at me. “I love you, too.”

  5:39 PM


  I stand in front of my full-length mirror looking at myself, and I have to admit that I look kind of good. I do feel like an impostor in these clothes though. Veronica tries to explain all the name brands that I’m wearing.

  “This dress is a Valentino sleeveless dress with crystal embroidery,” she says. “Try not to spill anything on it, because this is a nine thousand dollar dress. You won’t be wearing it again, but we will be donating it to charity.”

  I choke on the air. “Nine thousand dollars?”

  She smiles. “It’s a bargain, trust me. I love all designs by Valentino.”

  It is a beautiful dress, but it cuts off about six inches above my knee. I guess I expected a nine thousand dollar dress to have more to it.

  “Your shoes are Giuseppe Zanotti Design platform pumps.”

  I look at my heels. They’re four inches tall, they’re white, and they have tiny crystals on the heel. They’re beautiful, but my feet are already hurting. “How much did they cost?”

  “About 800 dollars.” She says it nonchalantly, like it’s not a big deal. “And your purse is a Chanel vintage, and it cost…”

  I cut her off. “You know what, I don’t want to know how much it cost.”

  “Okay. And your father wanted me to give you this.” She hands me a small white box with a bow on it.

  I open it, and see a beautiful pearl necklace. “Wow.” I slip the necklace over my head, and I suddenly feel like a princess. My life literally feels like a dream, like I would wake up at any second and I would be back home in St. Louis with my mom.

  “You look beautiful, Kihanna,” I hear Veronica say.

  It’s in that moment that I decide maybe Veronica isn’t so bad. What I took as controlling was just her trying to help me. Maybe she’s not the evil stepmom I thought she was.

  “Thank you,” I finally respond.

  Everything about me is perfect, even my hair. The stylist fanned my hair out. She said it was Farrah Fawcett hair, but to me it looked more like Kardashian hair. I told her that, and then she proceeded to tell me that Farrah made it popular long before the Kardashian sisters did.

  “So, Dad said that this black and white party was at the senator’s house…” I bite my lip nervously.

  “Yes,” she confirms. “Senator Mike Newman. He was a quarterback for the 49ers before he came senator. He helped us win the Super Bowl twice.”

  I am not a fan of football, at all. Let’s face it — St. Louis Rams aren’t exactly that great. “I’m more of a baseball fan. I also enjoy hockey sometimes.”

  “Oh, you’re into sports.” She considers this for a moment. “Do you know how to place tennis?”

  Tennis? That has to be the most random question ever. I laugh. “Oh, you’re mistaken. I enjoy going to a baseball game, or a hockey game, but I do not play.” I try to imagine myself playing hockey, and wince at the image of me getting my teeth knocked out. No thank you.

  “A lot of girls around here play tennis. You should learn. It’s never too late. I can have my instructor, Javier, give you a few lessons.”

  “You guys have already spent enough money on me. The clothes, the car, the necklace…” I shake my head, wondering exactly how much they have spent on me. “I’m so grateful, but I can’t ask for more. It wouldn’t feel right.”

  “Things are different now. Mark is a very wealthy man, and you are a very lucky girl. You just accept the gifts. It’s his way of trying to make up the time missed with you.” With that, Veronica walks out of my room, and I am left to think about what she just said.

  When I first met Veronica, I had her pegged as a fake, but she’s not. Sure she has fake boobs, her tan is too dark, and her face is unnaturally smooth for her age, but she is very in tune to my dad’s feelings. I didn’t expect it.

  Life keeps surprising me.

  6:49 PM

  Black and White

  Toby is checking out my legs on the limo ride over to the party. I want to say something, but both my dad and Veronica are clueless, and I don’t want to ruin this happy moment for us. It’s the first time, besides the brunch disaster, than we’ve all been together as a family.

  “Toby, you will behave tonight,” my father tells him sternly. So maybe he did see Toby checking me out. That, or Toby always misbehaves and this is the normal for them.

  He rolls his eyes at my dad. “I always behave.”

  “I’m serious. I don’t want to get another call telling me that you were caught having sex with a girl in the pool house.”

  Toby laughs. “Fine. I’ll find somewhere better next time.”

  Dad turns to me and smiles. “I guess I don’t have to tell you to behave.”

  I laugh. “Don’t worry. I definitely won’t be having sex with anybody tonight.”

  Toby winks at me, and I discretely flip him off. I decide that if he if wasn’t such a pervert, I would like him. He’s hilarious, and he already feels like my brother… Well, aside from the whole checking me out thing. Gross.

  A few minutes later, our limo come to a stop, and somebody opens the door. I let Toby get out first, simply because I don’t want him looking at my butt when I climb out. I follow him.

  “So this is what a former NFL star’s house looks like…” I comment, looking at the massive house.

  “Not nearly as impressive at our house,” Toby shrugs, like it’s no big deal. “You will soon see that there isn’t much that is more impressive than the creator of Staying Connected.”

  “I am beginning to see that…” I’m suddenly feeling overwhelmed. I don’t belong here. This isn’t my world, and people are going to see it. They are going to see right through me. I’m an invader into their perfect lives.

  “Listen, I know this can all be overwhelming, but you need to remember two things…” Toby gives me a pep talk as we walk inside. “One — you’re the fucking hottest girl here, and two — your dad is richer than anybody else here. People will try to intimidate you, but remember you have all the power. Plus, nobody messes with my sister. If they try, I will beat them up.”

  I laugh and am surprised that I feel better. “If you weren’t always trying to get me to have sex with you, I might actually like you.”

  “Hey, we are family. We got to stick together. It’s not my fault you’re so sexy.”

  I roll my eyes. “Whatever.”

  “Toby!” I hear somebody yell. We both turn towards the voice, and I see a guy with dirty blond hair walk up to us. “Hey Toby. Who is your attractive guest?”

  “Kihanna, Ty.” He points between us.

  “Are you two together?”

  I say, “No,” as Toby says, “Yes.” I glare at Toby, and then turn to Ty. “Toby is my stepbrother. So yes, we are here together, but not together.”


  “Oh, you haven’t heard?” Toby asks him. “This is Kihanna Evers, Mark’s prodigy… or spawn, whatever you want to call her… She’s also my new housemate.”

  Ty studies me, and it’s then that I notice his hazel eyes. They’re a weird mixture of brown, green, and gold. I seriously want to stare at them just so I can figure out the pattern. “I can definitely see the resemblance.”

p; “Right? It’s kind of freaky. She’s fucking hot though.” Toby talks about me like I’m not even there. I want to smack him, but I don’t want to make a scene. Seriously, I thought we were making such good progress on the whole brother-sister thing.

  “Do you guys want to get some champagne? I’m already needing it,” Ty admits, shaking his head.

  “I don’t drink.” The last thing I need right now is alcohol on my empty stomach.

  “You do now,” they both say together.

  Ty flags down a guy carrying a tray of champagne. He grabs one for me and one for him. Toby grabs one too, and then holds out his drink. “Here’s to my new stepsister.”

  I roll my eyes, but take a sip anyway. The second the drink hits my tongue I want to spew it out of my mouth. Somehow I manage to swallow it. It burns all the way down, and I try hard not to vomit. “This is disgusting.”

  Both Ty and Toby have already finished their glass. Toby grabs mine, and downs it. “Your loss.”

  I crinkle my nose. “That seriously taste like piss.”

  “How do you know what piss tastes like?” Toby raises his eyebrow at me. “I always knew you were kinky.”

  I roll my eyes at him. “It’s an expression, idiot.” I turn to Ty. “Want to introduce me to people?”

  “My pleasure.” Ty grabs my arm, and we escape from Toby.

  “Thank you.”

  “I have a confession to make.” He smiles at me, flashing his pearly white teeth. “I lied. I knew who you were. I just wanted to meet you. You’re far more beautiful than I expected.”

  I feel my face grow warm. “Thanks,” I reply awkwardly. What am I supposed to say to that? You’re beautiful too? I mean, he is kind of beautiful, but I don’t think you’re supposed to call a guy beautiful. It makes them feel less manly, right?

  Ugh, I so wish my mom was here to talk to tonight. I need her.

  “So how are you adjusting to all this?”

  “I’m doing okay.” I pause, and shake my head. “Honestly, I’m not doing so great. It’s a huge change. I remember two years ago, my mom had hardwood floors put in the living room, and it cost her a few thousand dollars. She had saved up for a few years, and she was so proud the day they were installed. And I come here, and we have marble floors, and a million dollar chandelier…”

  “Actually, if you’re talking about that chandelier in your foyer, it cost about ten million,” Ty corrects me.

  I feel sick at his words. “Are you serious?”

  He nods.

  I take a deep, steady breath. “I’m more than just a bit overwhelmed. I feel like I’m drowning in a sea of money.”

  “It could be worse. Money isn’t necessarily a bad thing to be drowning in.” Ty laughs and grabs my hand. “Come on.” He pulls me over toward a spiral staircase. I stop him at the bottom.

  “I don’t know what you’ve heard about me, but I’m not seducible.” I’m sure by now everybody has heard about my virgin status.

  He smiles at my words. “I have no intention of seducing you tonight. I just want to show you something.”

  I look at him cautiously. “I’m sure that’s what all the guys say.”

  “You’re cute, but seriously, I’m not going to fuck you. At least not tonight.”

  My heart flutters at his words. Damn hormones. Nobody has ever talked dirty to me before, besides Toby (which totally doesn’t count), and when Ty says he wants to fuck me, it turns me on. Of course it does. He’s gorgeous, but he’s probably a major player. He is definitely a guy I should stay away from. But right now, I don’t care. I want to get away from the party for a few minutes, before my dad drags me off to meet a bunch of rich people whose names I won’t remember.

  I clear my throat. “Fine. Lead the way.”

  We go up a couple flights of stairs. When we walk out the door, we are outside. It takes me a few minutes to realize we are on top of his roof.

  He motions me over to the edge. There is a rail between the ground and us, but I’m still very scared of heights. It makes me dizzy for a few seconds until I adjust.

  “I figured everything would be less overwhelming if you were up here,” Ty says. “Plus, it gives me a chance to introduce everybody as they arrive.”

  “Thank you.” I mean it. At that moment, I think that maybe I was wrong about him. I seriously think I’m going to like Ty. He doesn’t seem spoiled like I thought he would be. Though, I guess this could all be part of his big seduction plan. I’m not going to fall for this guy, definitely not.

  “Most people in our circle like to arrive fashionably late,” he explains. “Everybody has the need to make a grand entrance. It’s not just about the money, and power. We are all hungry for attention, no matter what the cost.”

  “We?” I question.

  “I am including myself, because I am the same way.” His words shock me.

  “You don’t seem the same as them.”

  He looks at me for a few seconds before responding. “Kihanna, make no mistake — I am just like them. And soon, you will be too. Hell, you already look like one of us.” He motions at my dress and shoes. “Just another rich girl with daddy’s credit card.”

  I roll my eyes. “Whatever, Ty. I didn’t come up here to be judged.” I turn around and walk back downstairs without a glance back. He doesn’t try to stop me, and I know it’s for the best. Ty is right — he is just like them. But he’s also wrong. I will never be like these people. My mom protected me from this life for a reason, and I will not allow myself to get sucked into it. Not even for a pretty boy.

  “Kihanna,” I hear my dad call to me as I walk back into the foyer. “Come meet Senator Mike Newman, and his lovely wife Angela.”

  I walk over to my dad and smile at the couple. “Are you Ty’s parents?”

  “Yes,” the senator answers. “And you’re Kihanna Evers. We have heard so many great things about you from Mark. It’s so exciting to finally meet you.”

  “Thanks. You too, Senator.”

  “Call me Mike,” he insists.

  He and my dad continue their conversation. As I stand there, I look around the room to see everybody is staring at me. I feel like I’m being put on display. Maybe leaving the roof wasn’t such a good idea.

  Dad introduces me to a few more people, and I know that it’s going to take me a long time to remember everybody’s name. It feels overwhelming. My face hurts from smiling, and my feet hurt from these stupid heels. But worst of all, I’m homesick. I miss my mom. I sneak into the bathroom, pull out my cell phone, and call her.

  “Hello,” she answers groggily. I look at the time, remembering the time difference. It’s just after nine there. Mom never goes to sleep this early. Weird.

  “Sorry, did I wake you?”

  “Yeah, it’s okay. I was just tired. I had a long day,” she explains. “How is it going?”

  I sigh. “Not so good, Mom. I’m at this party with Dad. It’s a black and white party, which I still don’t know what it is. And this guy called me beautiful, but then he acted like a complete spaz afterwards. I don’t know how to handle guys. And I just… needed to talk to you. I miss you.”

  “I miss you too, but I know that you will be fine. A black and white party is just a fancy word for a formal party. Obviously you only wear black and white,” she answers, calmly. She always knows how to handle every situation that is thrown her way. I wish I was like her in that way. “And I’ve always told you that you were beautiful. Why does it surprise you that this boy called you beautiful?”

  “I don’t know. He’s so out of my league. He’s rich and really hot…” I shake my head.

  “Kihanna, might I remind you that you’re rich now too, and I’m sure you’re the most gorgeous girl at that party.”

  I can’t help but smile at her words. “Mom, you don’t know. You’re not here. Some of these women are like stunning. And I feel so intimidated. Everybody keeps staring at me.”

  “They are staring because they’re curious about you,”
she pauses. “Well… that, and you’re the most stunning person there. They can’t help but be attracted to you.”

  “Thank you.” She always knows what to say to cheer me up. “I wish you were here.”

  “Me too, baby. But I promise you it will get better. Just give it a little time. And if people keep staring, give them something to stare at… Just no more gothic clothing.”

  I laugh. “Dad told you?”

  “Yes,” she answers with a laugh. “Good for you standing up for yourself.”

  “The point was moot. She dressed me tonight. Ugh, I feel so… cheap, which is ironic considering my dress cost nine thousand dollars. And my shoes are almost a thousand. For a thousand dollars it seems like they would be less painful. My feet literally feel like they’re on fire.”

  “Whoa. So your outfit cost more than my car…”

  I laugh. My outfit probably costs more than her house if you include the pearl necklace, but I’m so not going there.

  “Go back to the party and hold your head up high. You belong there just as much as everybody else.”

  “Thanks. Bye, Mom.” I hang up my phone and stick it back inside my purse before walking back outside into the madness.

  As I walk out the door, I see a girl who looks really familiar. I can’t know her, but I feel like I do. She’s tall and thin but has large breasts. They don’t really fit her small figure, though it seems like everybody in this circle is unnaturally beautiful. She has dark blonde hair with light-colored highlights. She’s also really tan, but it doesn’t look too dark like Veronica’s.

  Suddenly, it hits me how I know this girl. She’s Jacqueline Hoff, the star of The Jet Setters. It was a lame TV show I used to love when I was a kid. She played Tiffany, the loveable little sister.

  She snarls when she notices me watching her. “Take a picture, it would last longer.”

  Seriously? What a bitch.

  Somebody whispers something in her ear, and she walks over to me. She forces a smile. “Hi, I’m Jacqueline Hoff.” Her tone of voice is nicer than it was, but she still has a sour look on her face.


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