The Fab Life

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The Fab Life Page 9

by Mercy Amare

  “Later.” I wave as he walks off.

  “Jacqueline is shooting you dirty looks,” Courtney informs me.

  I look over to where Jacqueline is and see that she is giving me dirty looks. Like worse than normal. I see that her bruise is starting to heal. Under her eyes the black has faded to purple and yellow. I giggle to myself. “What’s her problem? Is she still mad about her nose?”

  Victoria snorts. “She’s probably more mad that Ty was sitting with you.”

  “Why?” I look at the three of them. What do they know that I don’t?

  “Jacqueline is Ty’s ex-girlfriend.” Courtney is the one to answer. “They only dated for like three months. It was nothing serious. I think they just used each other for sex.”

  “Like that makes it any better.” I suddenly feel sick to my stomach.

  “No, this is a good thing, Kihanna. You have something that she can’t,” she says, getting excited. “Ty broke up with Jacqueline. She didn’t take it too well. The fact that he’s dating you is like the ultimate insult to her. This is perfect.”

  “We’re officially together now. Like in a relationship,” I tell them.

  “AWESOME!” the three of them agree.

  I thought it was awesome until I found out Jacqueline Hoff was his ex. Why did he not tell me? I mean, obviously we haven’t dated long enough for him to give me a list of his ex-girlfriends, but it seems like he would’ve told me his ex was my arch-nemesis.

  The bell rings and I’m more than ready to get the hell out of the lunchroom.

  3:34 PM


  The most dreaded part of the day is here. It’s officially punishment time… I normally wouldn’t mind cleaning the school. I did something bad and I should be punished. I just wish that Jacqueline wasn’t going to be here with me. Being around her isn’t punishment… it’s torture.

  As soon as my last class is over, I walk to the basement. Jacqueline isn’t there yet, but Kasbian is. I wave at him, and he walks over to me.

  “Hey, Kihanna.”


  “Ready for your week of punishment?”

  I shrug my shoulders. “This won’t be so bad.” Just then we both turn to see Jacqueline walk down. She’s already giving me dirty looks. I lean over and whisper in his ear. “Well, maybe it will be.”

  “It’s like the principal is punishing the whole janitorial staff,” he jokes.

  We both laugh and Jacqueline fake smiles. “Does Ty know you’re flirting with the janitor?”

  I glare at her, but choose not to comment. Kasbian looks at me questioningly. “You and Ty Newman? Are you two a couple?”

  “They just made it official today,” Jacqueline answers him for me, in her fake-sweet voice. She then turns to me. “I hope you enjoy my leftovers. I’m sure you will. He is very good in bed… Oh, wait. I’m sorry. I forgot that you’re a virgin. My bad.”

  “Might I remind you that I am the one who broke your nose? I haven’t always had my daddy’s money to bail me out of things, and I know how to fight. Don’t mess with me,” I threaten.

  Mr. Dekoven, the head janitor, walks into the basement. “Good. You’re both here. Kasbian, you can take the redhead. And blonde girl, I’ll show you what you’re going to be doing.”

  Jacqueline rolls her eyes, but follows Mr. Dekoven.

  “He does know my hair isn’t red, right?” I ask as I follow Kasbian back up the stairs.

  “It has copper highlights though,” he says. “It does kind of look red. But guys like redheads, so it’s okay.”

  I roll my eyes. “Right. Cause I totally care about impressing guys.”

  Kasbian stops as we reach the top and turns toward me. “Are you really with Ty Newman?”

  “Yeah.” My voice comes out in a whisper. “We went out Saturday night, and we clicked. We are both into the same things and have a lot in common. He asked me today if I wanted to be his girlfriend, and I said yes.”

  “The only thing Ty Newman wants a girl for is sex,” he warns me.

  “I know how to say no,” I defend myself.

  Kasbian sighs heavily. “Why did you agree to be his girlfriend? You barely know him. Why not wait a few more weeks, or months even. You just moved here. How do you know that he is the only guy that would be interested in dating you? And maybe you’d be interested in those guys too.”

  “I don’t know,” I answer truthfully. “All I know is that I really like Ty right now. It doesn’t mean I’ll always be with him. But he’s fun and smart. He understands me. Besides, who else would want to date me, Kasbian? I’m a Raggedy Ann in a sea of Barbies. I can’t compete with these girls.”

  “Not everyone wants plastic. Some guys like girls who are real, and you’re the realest person they have ever met. Don’t sell yourself short. Don’t go for Ty Newman. You deserve better.”

  I’m not sure how to reply. What Kasbian said made total sense, but I don’t understand why he’s telling me this. “Let’s just get to work.”

  Kasbian looks disappointed. “Okay.”

  8:27 PM

  Virgin ears.

  The rest of janitorial duty was awkward, to say the least. Kasbian stayed mostly silent, and so did I. I wasn’t sure exactly what I could say to him. How do I explain to somebody what I am doing when I am not even sure myself?

  So after scrubbing toilets for an hour and a half, I came home, showered, and waited for my dad to come home from work. I was hoping that tonight wouldn’t be another long night. I want to ask him about the weekend, and I am praying that he doesn’t turn me down. While I wait, I decide to call my mom. I haven’t talked to her much the last few days, just mostly via text. It wasn’t like her to not call me more often, so I wanted to make sure she was doing alright.

  “Hello,” she answers. Her voice sounds different, and for a moment, I almost don’t recognize her. She sounds… older… if that’s possible.

  “Hey, Mom,” I greet her, trying not to sound alarmed. I’m sure she just had a long day at work. She is almost forty. Maybe her age is catching up with her. “I miss you.”

  “I miss you too.” Her voice sounds a bit more chipper. “How is everything in California? Are you getting along better with Veronica and Toby?”

  “Me and Toby are getting along well. Veronica, well, she’s Veronica. I’m not sure what other way I can explain her. She just gets really excited and forgets that I’m a real person and not her puppet.” I try to describe her. “But it’ll all work out. She’s getting better.”

  “That’s good. What about your dad?”

  “Well, Dad works a lot.” I twirl my hair around my index finger. “I wish I could spend more time with him, but I understand. We have brunch together every Sunday, and he’s taking a whole week off in two months. We are going skiing for Thanksgiving.”

  “Skiing?” My mom laughs. It’s good to hear it. I miss her laugh. “Well, I guess every family has their own traditions.”

  “I guess so.”

  “Have you met any boys you’re interested in?”

  I clear my throat. “Well, there is this one guy…” I tell her the whole story. I tell her about our date Saturday night and about how he asked me to be his girlfriend. I also tell her about Kasbian and what he said today.

  “It sounds like this Kasbian guy has a crush on you.”

  “Do you think?” I ask. “I don’t know. It’s so hard for me to tell. I’m not good at reading guys. I just wish I knew what to do.”

  “Just follow your heart. I know that you will make the right decision.”

  After getting off the phone with my mom, I finish up my homework. I am about to go to bed because I’m tired of waiting on Dad, but when I look outside, I see his car pull up. I go into the foyer to wait on him.

  “Hey, Kihanna,” he greets me when he walks inside.

  “Hey, Dad.” I give him a hug. “I was wondering if you had time to talk?”

  “Sure. What’s up?”

  “Well…” I
bite my lip nervously. “I got invited to Ty Newman’s Malibu beach house this weekend. A bunch of people are going, even Toby. We are going to fly out Friday night and come back Monday night. And I was wondering if I could go.”

  “If Toby is going, I don’t see why not,” Dad says. “Are Mike and Angela going to be there?”

  Probably not. “Um, I’m sure they will be.” I fake a smile.

  “So what’s the deal with Ty? Is he your boyfriend or something?”

  “Something like that…” I answer, nonchalantly.

  “And you’re not just going there to have sex with him?”

  “UGH! Virgin ears, remember?” I remind him, covering my ears. My dad has talked with me about sex enough to scar me for a lifetime.

  “Well your ears and the rest of you, better stay virgin while you’re gone. I am trusting you.” He starts to walk up the stairs, but then he turns back to me. “By the way, I’m really glad you’re here, Kihanna.”

  “Me too, Dad. I love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  Friday, September 3

  7:32 PM

  It’s you

  The week passes painfully slow, but at last, Friday is here. I couldn’t be more relieved. My punishment is finally over. Things were very awkward with Kasbian all week, and I couldn’t handle much more silence from him. His disapproval of my boyfriend is unsettling, to say the least. What I don’t understand is why I’m letting Kasbian’s opinion mean anything. I don’t know him very well. I’ve never seen him outside of school. For all I know he stashes bodies away in his basement… Okay, maybe that’s a stretch. It just proves that Ty and I have been watching too many scary movies.

  I hung out with Ty a couple nights after I finished janitorial duty. We went swimming one night. Thankfully the pool boy, Brian, was off that night. Last night we watched scary movies in his theater.


  He has a freaking theater in his room. Who needs AMC? I’ve got The Theater of Ty.

  I will admit it has been kind of awesome. No teenagers texting, no children crying, nobody getting up to go to the bathroom, and of course, the best part — ultra comfortable seats!

  Ty is a complete gentleman too. All we’ve done is kiss, and he has never pushed me for more. I didn’t expect it. Even though I know he is not just using me for sex, it makes me feel good to know that he’s letting me set the pace. He’s kept his hands to himself. Unfortunately, that’s not all he’s kept to himself… He hasn’t French kissed me. I suppose that I could initiate, but every time I try I end up chickening out. I don’t know why. It’s just a tongue. I’m sure Ty’s had his tongue in a lot of places. But my mouth is not one of them. I can’t be too bummed out though, because this weekend is going to be amazing.

  “So, have you ever ridden in a private jet?” Ty asks, as we ride to the airport in the back of a limo. There are a lot of us crammed inside, and Ty is pushed tightly against me. I don’t mind.

  “No. Dad offered to send me a jet, when I flew to Cali, but it was all a bit overwhelming. I needed one last normal thing before my life was turned upside down, so I flew commercial,” I say. “I also regretted my decision half way through the flight when a forty year old man fell asleep on my shoulder.”

  “Well, the plane we are taking is Gabe’s Dad’s plane. It’s a G650, and it is very luxurious,” he explains.

  “Why are we taking Jack Johnson’s plane?” I ask.

  “Gabe’s coming. He is going to meet us at the airport,” he explains. “He’s a lucky bastard. His Dad just lets him do whatever the hell he wants.”

  Well, there goes my theory that Ty and Gabe hate each other. I decide to push a little for more information. “Oh, I didn’t know you two were friends.”

  “We’ve been best friends since grade school,” he responds, then proceeds to tell me more about the plane. I tune him out, because I feel confused. Maybe Gabriel is sad because he feels like he’s losing his best friend. Or maybe he doesn’t think I’m good enough for Ty. That could be it. I did make a really bad first impression at my first family brunch.

  Maybe I should just ask Gabe.

  My mind quickly rejects the idea. I hate confrontation. I’d much rather just show him that I’m not a bad person. I will make it my weekend mission to become friends with Gabriel. I will get his approval.

  “Do you mind sharing a room this weekend?” Ty asks me, as we are pulling to the airport.

  I look at him, not sure how to respond. “I don’t know, Ty…”

  “We don’t have to have sex. I will be good, and I will keep my hands to myself,” he promises. “It’s just with everybody going, it’s either you share with me or your stepbrother.”

  I look over at Toby. He sees me and winks at me. I turn back to Ty. “Okay, but I’m not having sex with you this weekend.”

  Ty smiles mischievously. “I’ve never had to work so hard to get a girl in bed before.”

  “Is that what this is? Just you trying to get me to have sex with you?” I am really hoping this isn’t one big seduction plan.

  “Kihanna Evers…” He looks at me very seriously. “Do I want to have sex with you? Yes. You’re so fucking sexy. But I also respect you, and I will wait until you’re ready. It should be special. Your first time should be a night you never forget. And I want to be your first… eventually.”

  I have thought about Ty being my first, and I have to admit I like the idea. Obviously I’m not ready right now, but when I am he would the perfect guy. “I’m glad you respect me, but I’m definitely not ready this weekend. I’m not sure if I will be ready anytime soon. Are you sure you want to wait?”

  “If anybody is worth waiting for, it’s you.”

  I’m pretty sure my heart just melted into a puddle right then and there. Before I have a chance to respond, the limo comes to a stop and everybody starts getting out. When we step out of the limo I am surprised to see that the private jet is pretty big. In my head I guess I pictured it small.


  I feel an arm go around me, and I look up to see Toby standing there. “What do you think, sis?”

  “I think that this is a bit extravagant for a bunch of teenagers going on a weekend vacation,” I answer honestly. “But wow. This is… incredible.”

  “Your dad’s jet is a lot bigger,” he tells me.

  It’s in that moment, I feel like I understand everybody better. This is completely normal for them. They have had everything that they’ve ever wanted. If they want to go on a trip, they just hop on a jet. They don’t have to worry about money. They don’t have to wait.

  Ty grabs my hand, and Toby follows us as we walk up the stairs and board the plane. Inside, it’s not at all what I expect. It doesn’t look like a commercial plane at all. There are huge leather seats that look amazingly comfortable. They’re all spread apart so there is plenty of leg room, but there are only about twelve seats. There are tables between each of the chairs, and the chairs swivel. Ty and I sit beside each other.

  “Are you a nervous flyer?” Ty buckles his seatbelt.

  I shake my head. “No. Me and my mom always vacation every summer. When I was a kid I loved it, and now I’m just used to it.”

  “Tell me about your mom.”

  I smile, thinking about her. I miss her a lot. “We haven’t ever been apart before now, so it’s hard being here without her. She’s amazing. When she walks into a room, she lights it up. She’s so positive and outgoing. She is beautiful. She has dark brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. I wish I looked more like her.”

  “Your mom sounds awesome. I can see why you’re so amazing,” he says. “But it’s hard to imagine you being any more beautiful. I think you’re perfect the way you are.”

  Aw. He’s either the sweetest guy on the planet, or he’s working really hard to get laid. Either way, I’ll take his compliments. “You’re amazingly sweet.”

  “I only speak the truth,” he promises.

  Yep. He definitely wants sex.

  11:31 PM


  As soon as we get to Ty’s house in Malibu, the party starts. Ty and Gabe light a big bon fire, and everybody starts drinking. It doesn’t take long for everybody to get drunk. Toby and a few others are smoking weed, and I’m the only one not drinking or smoking.

  “Kihanna!” A very drunk Jason yells as he walks over to me. He’s holding a red Solo cup. “You…” He points at me. “Need to loosen up.” He holds out the cup. “Drink this.”

  I take the drink from him and smell it. My nose is burning. “Gross, no.”

  He laughs. “You’re not supposed to smell! Just tip it up and chug.”

  I start to say no, but then I decide why not? Everybody else is already drunk. Maybe it will be less boring if I have a little. I put the drink up to my lips and start to swallow. It burns my throat, and I pull it away after a couple of sips.

  “What is this?” I ask, coughing.

  “Tequila,” Jason answers. “And drink the rest of that.”

  I plug my nose and put the drink back to my lips. I finish it off and toss the empty cup into the trash.

  “Good girl!”

  “How do you drink that? It’s disgusting!”

  “The next one will taste better,” Jason promises. “See you later, babe.”

  Jason stumbles off about the time Ty walks up. He puts his arm around me. “Hey, Kihanna. You look like really good.”

  Wow. That was so random. “Umm, thanks.”

  “Seriously. I’m like so fucking lucky,” he continues. “You’re so hot and sexy. I just… I want to lick you.”

  I have no idea why, but I laugh. Hard. “You want to lick me?”

  “Yeah!” Ty nods. “Can I?”


  “Right here,” he answers, motioning around us. “I don’t care who sees.”

  I laugh. “No. Where would you lick me at? Like on my body.”


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