Vesta Mansion: Book One - The Power Inside

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Vesta Mansion: Book One - The Power Inside Page 12

by P. A. Priddey

  ‘What was wrong with them?’ said Alex.

  At first, I had no idea, I tried healing them, but there was nothing I could do. They started dying and no one could stop it. I left the mansion and went to the nearest village, but it was happening there, too. They called it a pestilence, and all the children and their mother died over the next six days. The father burnt their bodies out the back.

  Alex shuddered. ‘That must’ve been the worst thing a father and husband ever had to do.’

  Yes, all the servants had left or died, he died a few months later from a broken heart.

  ‘But you stayed,’ said James.

  At first, after the disease passed, some of his distant relatives came and took anything of value which was too much for me so I left. I travelled for a while. When I came back I sort of found out happiness would return one day.

  ‘Sort of found out?’

  Someone told me.

  ‘Who told you?’

  I cannot really say as another family was living here then, but I took no interest. They did not stay long, and different families moved in over the years. They stopped coming here after a while because of the rumours in the village that the mansion was haunted . . . I believe that was my fault. There were positives over the years when people lived here as changes were made, some needed like glass windows. After a while when no family moved in, men came and took anything of worth, and broke the windows for fun. I decided to take over the mansion and protect it, and the lands it stood on.

  They arrived at Blaze’s, and the girls as usual ran to him. Alex asked them to look after the plaque until they moved to their new home. House, can you protect them here?

  Yes, I have already been searching the area as far as I can. I found a couple of men whose minds were in a trance, but when my presence touched them they became aware, and had no idea where they were.

  How far can you travel?

  I don’t know, but it might be the same distance as the land of the mansion.

  ‘Alex, we need to talk,’ said Blaze, with a worried look on her face.

  ‘Of course, are you OK?’

  ‘Things have been happening around here, and getting close to the house.’

  ‘What kind of things?’

  ‘There have been fires, strange men hanging around, and so much crime over the last couple of nights. Normally it wouldn’t bother me, but I never had two little girls to look after before.’

  ‘It’ll stop now?’ he assured her.

  Blaze raised both eyebrows. ‘How can you be so sure?’

  Alex grinned. ‘I got a friend to visit, and it’ll be more peaceful round here than you’ve ever known, trust me.’

  ‘For some reason, I get the feeling you like saying that.’

  * * *

  Carrie was looking out of the window. Please don’t come in, she thought.

  Summer walked over to her. ‘What’s up, Caz?’

  ‘I see their father’s here again.’

  ‘Yeah, I’ve gotten to like him, and I’ve even said I’d cook him a meal one day.’

  Carrie turned away from the window. ‘You ought to be careful . . . he might have you working in his kitchen.’

  ‘You’ve changed your tune since you last saw him.’

  ‘I’ve had a few weeks to consider it, and he’s a rich man who uses Blaze.’

  ‘I don’t know how you work that out, he pays her a lot of money to look after his children, and he’s no snob if that’s what you’re thinking.’

  ‘I guess you’re right,’ Carrie sighed. I try hating this guy, but it’s not going to work, she thought.

  * * *

  Alex did enter the house and Carrie was the first person he saw. She stood there in jeans and a white sleeveless top, which showed off her perfect curves. ‘Hey,’ he said. His heart wanted her to embrace him, but his brain begged she didn’t.

  ‘Hi ya,’ she said cheerfully, and embraced him.

  ‘You’ve got the nicest welcome of anyone I know,’ said Alex, enjoying her touch and smell.

  ‘You’re very huggable.’

  ‘I never get one of those,’ said James.

  ‘Soz, Jimbo,’ she said, and gave him a brief hug, which made Alex a little jealous.

  You know the girls have put the plaque in their bedroom, said House.

  Good, they’re keeping it safe.

  Won’t it look strange if you have to keep asking for it when you take me back every week?

  I’ll put one of your other items in the car, which you can jump into.

  That is a much better idea.

  Are you in a hurry to get back?

  Oh no, I like it here.

  And what do you think of my girls?

  I love them, part of me wants to tell you to knock as many walls down as you like, if it will make them happy.

  No, I’m happy with what we decided.

  I can sense another power here, and it is fading.

  The dragon ornament on the shelf with the golden mist, it’s been protecting them.

  It is not mist it is energy, and is not protecting but hiding them.

  Blaze said the trouble was getting closer, and now I know why, said Alex, and walked over to the shelf and picked up the ornament. ‘This is nice,’ he said to Blaze.

  ‘It was a present off George. It used to have dragons fire inside, but it’s nearly all gone now.’

  ‘Dragons fire?’

  ‘Not real of course, it’s just a name.’

  ‘Ah, I see, well you just have to shake it,’ Alex lied, as another image entered his mind, and shook it. The ball was now full of golden energy.

  Blaze raised an eyebrow. ‘I didn’t know it did that.’

  Alex stayed for a couple of hours, listening to the girls who had lots to talk about since they last saw him — the day before. It was about the film they watched, and some songs they downloaded. Sarin wanted him to see the new game on her phone, and how she had almost completed it. Alex took great care in listening to them, but kept glancing up at Carrie who turned her head away when he did.

  Alex left the house, as Claire drove up in a small blue Fiat.

  She got out the car and glared at him. ‘I heard you were ill when the twins first came here.’

  ‘Yeah, and it was most unpleasant, too.’

  ‘Well, what was wrong with ya?’

  ‘I don’t know, some sort of fever.

  ‘Sounds like a lame excuse to me,’ she snapped.

  Alex stared at her. ‘Why would I need an excuse, when they’ve been here a lot longer than those four nights I was ill? I was burning up, and there was lots of vomiting, would you like to know about the vomiting?’

  Claire walked into the house at speed, and he smiled.

  * * *

  What the hell’s wrong with me, this has never happened before, Carrie thought. He’s good looking I guess. Who am I kidding he’s gorgeous, and just look how he was with the children. Who is he? Carrie sighed, she had never felt these feelings before and it confused her.

  ‘You changed your tune again,’ said Summer.

  ‘You were right, I’d been horrible, so I gave him a hug,’ said Carrie, it wasn’t much of a lie, but a lie it was.

  * * *

  A month after the work started on the inside of the mansion, Ron Stevens invited Alex to meet some interior designers. He met them, and they showed him many pictures of how they thought it should look. He said no to most, and agreed on a couple of them. One design was for the main hall with the fireplace which he thought was perfect. Alex hired two designers; one would concentrate on the ground floor, and the other on the upstairs. He could see plug sockets and light switches on the walls. The new windows were ready to be fitted, and saw men plastering.

  Alex thought the mansion wasn’t far from finished, until he walked upstairs, and noticed no doors were fitted and no toilets or bathtubs. He didn’t worry too much, as he still had two months before the deadline.

  It changes every time I come h
ere, said House, sounding quite happy.

  Are you OK with it?

  Yes, it looks so bright with the plaster on the walls.

  How are you enjoying it at Blaze’s?

  It is very enjoyable, and they talk about you a lot.

  Alex looked out of one of the second floor windows. Nothing good I take it?

  No, it is not like that.

  Well, I won’t ask, as I want you to protect them, not spy for me.

  That is very noble, but there is something I will tell you. They are all worried about Blaze, and what will happen when you take the children away.

  I know, but I’ll sort something out.

  Your girls said you will take them back for visits, or invite them here.

  They’re right, and I won’t leave anyone out as my girls love them.

  Alex walked downstairs where everyone was busy getting on with their work. The tables in the hall where they had lunch had many flasks still on them. He stepped out the back and saw one of the workers coming out of the wolves shed, and decided to investigate. He opened the door and saw many toys on the floor. ‘Have they been giving you presents?’ he said, trying not to laugh.

  Very funny, said Rho. They think we are pets, and keep bringing us this stuff.

  Alex heard a squeaky noise from the corner.

  The cubs will love them, said Chi, with a toy steak in her jaws, and squeaked it again.

  Alex laughed. ‘You’re a lucky wolf,’ he said to Rho, as his phone rang and knew it was Adhara. ‘Hey, sweetheart, you OK?’

  ‘No, Papa, the wedding’s off.’

  ‘Aw, honey, how come?’

  ‘They decided it was too much money, as they’ve got no work.’

  ‘Like the sun and moon,’ said Alex.

  ‘Always there but so far apart,’ Adhara replied.

  ‘Yeah, maybe we can work something out for them.’

  ‘You think we could do it?’

  ‘I’ll come over now, and we can plot and scheme.’

  ‘Oh yeah, Papa, that sounds like fun.’

  They arrived at the house, and the girls came running out to him, and as always he picked them up.

  ‘Can we do it?’ said Sarin.

  Alex winked. ‘I believe so, but we need Blaze and a couple of your friends to help.’

  They entered the house and saw Blaze, Asima and Summer sitting at a table. He noticed Tia watching television. She gave him a wave and carried on watching her programme. Alex couldn’t see Carrie, and felt disappointed, if not relieved. No, just disappointed.

  ‘I hear you’re going to save the wedding,’ said Blaze.

  Alex gave her a sly look. ‘No, we’re going to try to save it.’

  ‘OK, what’s your plan?’

  Alex sat down with his girls either side of him. ‘Well, from what I understand the problem is money.’

  ‘Yeah, they’ve got a cleaning business but their biggest client, a factory, closed down. You know they won’t let you pay for it.’

  ‘Knowing you as much as I do, I had a feeling your friends would feel the same way about accepting gifts. What if we gave them a wedding, which would be almost free?’

  Blaze raised both eyebrows. ‘How do you mean, almost free?’

  ‘A few things will cost, but we can keep it between ourselves. I hear Summer is a wonderful cook, and if I gave you the money could you organise the sit down meal at the hall in town? I could get it for free . . . or for a little donation, would that be a start?’ Alex knew George could get the hall for him.

  ‘It could work,’ said Summer. ‘And I wouldn’t mind doing it.’

  ‘They’ll want to know who bought the food,’ said Blaze.

  Alex winked. ‘You can buy it with the extra money I’m going to pay you.’

  ‘Extra money for what?’

  ‘I’m sure you’ll think of something.’

  Summer glanced at Blaze. ‘I see what you mean about him now.’

  ‘Look at their little faces,’ said Alex, and the twins expressions changed to one of a frown.

  Blaze smiled. ‘Have you rehearsed that?’

  ‘No, but it’s what they’d look like.’

  ‘OK, then what?’

  ‘A party on the night and free drinks with a stopover for whoever goes.’

  ‘And where we gonna have this free party?’

  ‘That don’t matter at the moment, but it’ll be free. The thing is can you tell them so it doesn’t look like it’s coming from me?’

  Summer sipped on a cup of tea. ‘They’ll want to know who’s paying for the hall.’

  ‘Tell them George has many contacts and can get it for free.’

  James poured himself a coffee from the pot on the table. ‘I can drive them to and from the wedding in the limo.’

  ‘That’s a good idea,’ said Alex.

  Blaze looked surprised. ‘You make it sound so simple, but why do you want to help them?’

  ‘I have my reasons, one of them is my girls and they want new dresses.’

  ‘You’ve bought them many already.’

  ‘Not for a special occasion.’

  You are a smooth thinker, said House.

  Thank you my friend, but I’ve had to do a lot lately. The women watched him as he had gone quiet. Alex noticed their looks. ‘Sorry, I was thinking.’

  ‘Thinking or plotting?’ Blaze teased.

  ‘Both, as you ladies are helping me, when I take the girls to get their new dresses, I’ll take you.’

  ‘Are you trying to say for our help you’ll buy us an outfit as payment?’

  ‘Sure, I don’t mind.’

  ‘Considering you’re doing our friends a favour, we should be buying you one.’

  ‘Now you know I’m doing it for my girls, and wouldn’t you love to see Asima in a dress?’

  Asima looked shocked. ‘I won’t be wearing any dress.’

  ‘Why not? You would look lovely.’

  ‘I can’t fight in a dress.’

  ‘And neither will I,’ said Blaze.

  ‘OK, I was joking about the dresses, choose whatever you want.’

  ‘And Tia too, Papa,’ said Sarin.

  ‘Of course, honey.’

  ‘I might need a chauffer’s outfit,’ said James.

  ‘That’s going a bit far.’

  ‘Not really, it’ll only be for one day, so we could hire it.’

  ‘OK,’ Alex huffed. ‘As long as you don’t wear it when you’re driving me around.’

  James grinned. ‘I wouldn’t dream of it.’

  Alex looked at Blaze. ‘Well, how’s the neighbourhood?’

  ‘It’s been great, no trouble at all, and people have been so friendly. What did you do?’

  ‘I told you, I had a friend pop around.’

  * * *

  Over the next few weeks Alex had more dreams. He saw his girls begging him not to send them away, but his visions of them were clouded. Their clothes were from a time long ago when his dream took him to the ancient kingdom. He was in space again with a giant asteroid hurtling towards him. He dodged it, but the darkness took him, and he woke up in a sweat. His dreams frustrated him and wondered why it couldn’t be Carrie he was dreaming of, and quickly pushed the thought out of his mind.

  Alex visited George to see if he could make any sense of it.

  ‘Sorry, it’s not my field, but if your other dreams had meaning I would guess these do, too.’

  Alex sat opposite George looking across a mahogany table. ‘That’s what worries me, but I’d never send them away.’

  ‘Maybe you would be doing it to keep them safe.’

  ‘I hope being at the mansion with me will do that.’

  ‘Me too, maybe you should talk to Rho he knows more about this stuff than I do.’

  Alex entered the mansion with only a few weeks remaining to get it all finished. The drive would be the last job, and it worried him there wouldn’t be enough time to get it done. The gardens were coming on well, there wasn’t muc
h colour to it but he liked the way it looked. Inside the mansion was almost finished with the decorators in and furniture being fitted.

  James checked out various rooms. ‘This place is growing on me.’

  ‘Don’t tell House, he thought you liked him.’

  ‘Oh I do like House, and the mansion, I just didn’t like all the dust.’

  Alex looked at the polished floor. ‘We can both agree on that.’

  They made their way to the wolves. Chi was lying down, the cubs were due anytime, and Rho was pacing around.

  Alex watched the wolf. ‘Are you OK?’

  I’m fine, said Rho, in a grumpy tone.

  ‘You don’t sound it.’

  Just impatient, I want to see my cubs, and run with my mate again. I don’t believe it will happen until the mansion’s finished.

  ‘I’m sorry, my friend, I’m trying to get it finished as quickly as I can.’

  Your people are doing a good job, and it seems to be on time, but there’s something else that’s troubling you.

  ‘My dreams,’ he said, and told him of them.

  You have to remember, not everything is as it appears.

  ‘I don’t understand.’

  Not all your dreams will come true, some are portents and some are events which happened a long time ago.

  ‘Well, I can promise you I’ll never send them away.’

  I’ve no doubt about that, but you should concentrate more on the other parts of your dream for now.

  ‘Like why I keep waking up?’

  I guess it’s because you did something wrong.

  ‘It’s hard to do something in your dreams.’

  ‘Maybe they’re just dreams,’ said James.

  Alex shook his head. ‘No, my dreams mean something.’

  They left the mansion to get something to eat.

  ‘You don’t think these dreams you’re having are here to distract you from your plans?’ said James, over a ploughman’s lunch.

  ‘No, I’ve had many dreams over the past couple of months, why do you ask?’

  ‘You’ve got the girls protected by House, could these forces that have been trying to hurt them come in some other form?’

  ‘You could have something there I guess, my mind’s been preoccupied by the dreams, and of the mansion,’ said Alex, but he wouldn’t tell him Carrie was another reason his mind was preoccupied.


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