Vesta Mansion: Book One - The Power Inside

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Vesta Mansion: Book One - The Power Inside Page 29

by P. A. Priddey

  ‘Yeah, because you won’t upset anyone.’ He put his arm around her, and took her to the table. ‘Choose what you want.’

  Carrie chose another short sword. ‘I want this,’ she said, and there were many relieved faces.

  Claire ambled up next and picked up the sword Alex showed everyone. ‘Do any of you want this?’

  ‘No,’ they all said.

  Claire shook her head. ‘How can you not want this? It’s stunning.’

  Paige picked up another. ‘Because I want this one.’

  Michelle also took a short sword as did Skye and Sammy. Amy took a walking stick with a silver horses head. Asima took a set of throwing knives, and Jodie took a strange-looking wood and metal object which looked like an old rifle handle.

  ‘Do you know what it is?’ said James.

  ‘Yeah, it’s a crossbow,’ said Jodie, and heard a clicking noise as two arms sprung out with a taut piece of twine stretching between them.

  James stepped back and shook his head. ‘That never happened for me, how did you know?’

  Jodie pushed the arms back. ‘Dunno.’

  Blaze looked, but couldn’t take anything. ‘This is wrong, it’s James’s nest egg.’

  James dismissed it. ‘Just take what you want.’

  Alex examined the gold looking bar. ‘I’m quite sure I’ve enough money to compensate him.’

  Blaze smiled. ‘You might get that car after all.’

  James patted Alex on the shoulder. ‘Now that’s an idea.’

  ‘Choose what you want, and get George to buy it, I reckon this bar is priceless,’ said Alex, as he watched the others choose a different item each.

  ‘May I see that book?’ said Joseph.

  ‘I forgot about that,’ said James, as he handed over the old-looking tome. ‘It’s where I found the story of the pig-faced woman.’

  Joseph opened the book called British Mythology. He turned the pages to a chapter on pucas, and although the pictures were not flattering, one looked like a puca, the only difference was horns. Gort had ears on the top of his head, which from a distance might look like horns. ‘I’ve never read this, but I’ve heard about it though, may I borrow it?’

  ‘It’s yours to keep.’

  Joseph looked up from the book. ‘I can’t just take this, it’s very rare.’

  ‘Then I made a good choice when I bought it. Everyone take what you want, I have to take George to get some papers.’

  Alex picked up an item wrapped in cloth, inside was a small silver headpiece. He looked down to see a little girl’s eyes light up, and put it on her head. ‘A tiara for Tia.’

  Blaze took a crystal ball, and Summer took a red crystal stone, the size of her fist. Most of the other items had been books, some of magical spells, which were already being read. His three young daughters took a ring each which matched their eyes, and all that remained were three more rings, and the bone flute.’

  They spent the next hour looking at each other’s gifts off James.

  Alex, I am under attack, said House. The warlock is trying to get in down by the river.


  Let’s Rock with the Warlock

  Alex ran to the door, stopped, and turned to the children. ‘I need you to stay inside for me and not come out until I say.’

  ‘Why, Papa?’ said Sarin.

  ‘I’ll tell you when I come back . . . just promise me you’ll stay here.’

  ‘We promise.’

  ‘What’s wrong?’ Blaze asked.

  ‘Our friend has finally arrived, and is causing House a bit of grief.’ Alex followed by the adult wolves ran towards the stables.

  * * *

  Carrie gripped her sword. ‘Are we going to let them fight the warlock and demons alone, or do we help.’

  ‘We help,’ said Blaze. ‘I don’t know what we can do, but we won’t let anyone attack our home.’

  Asima stepped out of the study while tucking her short swords into her belt. ‘We fight.’

  * * *

  Alex ran past the herd of deer. ‘House, how powerful is he?’

  Very powerful, I am holding him off, but for how long I do not know. House couldn’t leave the perimeter of the land without concentrating on the force field.

  Alex saw him at last. A tall, gaunt man, he wore a red robe with and an amulet around his neck. The warlock’s hands were waving in the air as he cast spells. There were four demons nearby just watching. Alex felt the energy build up inside. He concentrated on the warlock and swung his arm to the side, he felt a force leave him and the warlock flew to the ground.

  What did you do? House asked.

  ‘I think I psychically slapped him.’

  A psychic slap, I am sure that sounds wrong.

  ‘Maybe, but it stopped him casting spells at you,’ said Alex, It gave him a chance to look around. The demons tried jumping over the river, but bounced off the shield and got soaked. He still hadn’t seen Kaeya, and saw a cloth sack next to the warlock which moved.

  ‘You fool,’ the warlock shouted. ‘Do you think that’ll stop me from getting what’s mine?’

  Alex stood with hands on hips. ‘No, you’ll get what’s yours soon enough.’

  The warlock pushed his fingers through his short grey hair. ‘Just hand them over, and I’ll leave you in peace,’ he said, trying to sound friendly.

  ‘I don’t think so, the pixies are free of you, and will stay that way.’

  ‘Hand them over now or feel my wrath,’ screeched the warlock, now sounding downright unfriendly.

  ‘Don’t be stupid, they’re not yours and never will be again.’

  The warlock looked at Alex with his hands moving furtively. ‘You believe my power is weak now the pixies have escaped, yet you fight from behind a force field.’

  Alex shrugged. ‘I’m still learning, but I’m sure I’ll get there in the end.’

  ‘You won’t have time for that,’ the warlock snarled. ‘Your shield is weakening.’

  House, are you OK?

  Yes, he is not doing anything to me, but be careful he might be trying something else.

  The warlock smiled, as he held his hand out with the palms facing down. ‘I see my pixies you have behind the force field, and those women and little girls. I’m going to sacrifice them all, and feed the rest of the animals to my friends.’

  Alex bit at that, and walked towards him, he swung his arm and his power sent the warlock crashing to the ground once again.

  STOP! House shouted. Do not let him trick you into going out of the shield, he tried to get in another way, but I stopped him.

  ‘What?’ the warlock cried, as he stood up. ‘You can’t have a force field that adapts.’

  ‘That was a big mistake on your part I’m afraid, and now you’ll leave my friends alone forever.’ Alex lifted his arms and felt the power inside grow again. This was his fight as James wasn’t around, and was quite sure Asima’s blades wouldn’t work this time.

  The warlock had a crazed look on his face. ‘I’ll get in eventually.’

  ‘I can stand here slapping you around while you keep trying.’

  ‘And I can create my own force field and see you try.’

  Alex sensed fear in his enemy. ‘Best of luck trying to get in here while holding on to a force field.’

  ‘You’ll suffer for your insolence,’ growled the warlock, and his face suddenly changed into a sickly smile. ‘Or maybe something else will suffer because of you.’ The warlock picked up the sack with pixies inside.

  Alex felt a lump in his throat. ‘You won’t hurt them, they’re too important to you.’

  ‘Not all of them. Tell me have you ever seen one of them having its arms and legs pulled off? You should hear the noise they make.’ The warlock pulled Kaeya out of the sack.

  ALEX, NO . . . said House, but too late as he was across the river before he finished.

  Alex took Kaeya with one hand, and the other hand covered in golden energy hit the warlock’s ches
t sending him flying backwards with a hideous scream. The four demons charged, but Rho and Chi took care of them before they got anywhere close.

  The warlock stood with terror in his eyes. ‘You’re no wizard.’

  ‘No, I’m something much worse, I wasn’t hiding behind the shield, I was testing your power,’ said Alex, with the golden glow in his eyes. He let the power grow inside, and without warning, it vanished and he looked at his enemy.

  ‘Let’s see you defend yourself outside the force field,’ snarled the warlock, and raised his hands above his head.

  It confused Alex, he never knew where the power had come from, but had felt it for some time and now it had gone. He tried to summon more, but nothing came and felt weak and powerless. He looked at the warlock who was still standing there, but now had pure terror in his eyes, and smoke coming out of his mouth. He twisted in agony trying to say something. There was one full scream, and the warlock was dead. His body vanished and the robes fell to the ground.

  What did you do? House asked.

  ‘It wasn’t me . . . I don’t think I could do much at the moment.’ Alex turned around. The women stood with one hand on their amulets they had off Joseph, and the other one pointed to where the warlock had been.

  Are you OK? Rho asked.

  ‘I think so, but they stole my fight, and my energy.’

  That was clever of them, said House.

  ‘Yeah, I guess so.’ Alex grabbed the sack, opened it, and thirty pixies jumped out.

  ‘I knew you would save us again,’ said Kaeya, sitting on his shoulder.

  ‘You had me worried,’ he said weakly, and felt exhausted.

  Kaeya hugged his neck. ‘I had to find my friends.’

  ‘House, Is there anyone in the mansion apart from the children?’

  James has just come back with George.

  ‘Can you ask him to bring the chest down? And tell the girls they can come out now,’ Alex mumbled, barely able to stand.

  ‘Did we kill him?’ said Carrie, after jumping over the river with Asima.

  ‘He was quite dead before he vanished.’

  He was dead, said House. But I don’t know what happened to his body.

  Carrie put her arm around Alex, holding him up. ‘What’s wrong? Did the warlock do something to you?’

  ‘No, you lot did,’ he said, and kissed her cheek. He put two fingers in his mouth and whistled. A few seconds later Bronte appeared, and jumped over the river.

  ‘What did we do?’

  Alex gave her a smile, it was a tired smile. ‘You drained my energy.’

  Carrie gasped. ‘We didn’t know we were doing that.’

  ‘It’s all good, you killed the warlock, and I’m happy.’

  ‘What have I missed?’ said James, after he came running down with the chest and put it down by Alex. He saw the robes on the ground, and gave them a speculative look.

  ‘What you got that for?’ said Kaeya. ‘It was our prison.’

  ‘It’s called justice,’ said Alex. ‘And I’m going to lock whatever’s left of the warlock inside, and bury it somewhere deep.’

  ‘And the sack, too.’

  ‘Would you do the honours?’ Alex asked James as he managed to get on his horse with the help of Carrie and Asima. ‘And those suits the demons were wearing.’

  James just stared at him. ‘I don’t suppose you’d like to tell me what happened?’

  ‘I’ll let the others tell you, unless you want to wait until I’ve slept for a month. House, are there any deep holes we can drop the chest into? I’d rather it not be taken inside.

  There is an old well near the mansion, said the spirit. It has been filled in, but I can open it and seal it back up afterwards.

  ‘What about the Amulet?’ said James, as he picked it up along with the warlock’s robes.

  ‘Put it in the chest,’ said Alex, sitting on the horse with the pixies he took out of the sack. They jumped over the river and received strange looks from the others including the children.

  ‘Why are you riding your horse, Papa?’ said Shaula.

  ‘Because I’m too tired to walk.’

  Michelle stood there scratching her head. ‘Why are you tired when we killed the warlock?’

  ‘The others can tell you, I’m going to bed.’ Alex carried on up to the mansion. He managed to get off the horse without falling over. He patted the stallion’s neck and thanked him.

  Rho followed him up. Are you OK?

  ‘I just need sleep, and lots of it.’

  Are you upset with them? House asked.

  ‘No, I’m quite proud of them, I just hope I can make it to my bedroom.’

  * * *

  The women looked confused as they returned to the mansion.

  ‘I thought Alex would have been happier,’ said Michelle.

  Skye flopped down on one of the sofas. ‘Me too, it’s not like him to walk off.’

  Anna sat next to her. ‘I was expecting a celebration party.’

  ‘And where is he?’ said Donna.

  ‘Now I’m sure Alex has his reasons,’ said Blaze.

  ‘I’m just worried we did something wrong,’ said Sammy, ‘and he’s upset with us.’

  You can still have your party, Alex will not hear it. House told them.

  Carrie held out her hands in confusion. ‘He was quite happy, just tired as we drained his energy, but will anyone tell me how?’

  Paige leant her arm on Claire’s shoulder. ‘We were all holding the amulets off Joseph.’

  You have psychic abilities now, said Rho. And when you try to do something like move an object, or kill a warlock, you need energy to do it. Yours wasn’t strong enough, so you took Alex’s.

  ‘We never knew we could do that,’ said Paige.

  Sammy sighed. ‘I knew he was upset with us.’

  No, said House. He went to bed quite happy, just tired, and said he was proud of you.

  ‘Well, what do we do now?’ said Claire.

  You could always worship me, said House.

  ‘Excuse me!’

  It was a joke, but why are you asking me what to do? Play with the pixies or watch television or a film.

  ‘I meant about Alex.’

  Nothing . . . just let him sleep.

  Carrie looked at the wolves. ‘Why don’t we give him back his energy?’

  It doesn’t work like that, said Rho. If he needed it he could take it back, but I believe he will let you keep it.

  Emma jumped off a sofa, now excited. ‘Does that mean we can test our other abilities with this energy?’

  I believe so, said Rho.

  ‘That’ll be fun trying them out.’

  James grinned and poured himself a juice. ‘House, I believe you’re gonna be very busy.’

  It would appear so.

  * * *

  Most of those who lived in the mansion would always knock Alex’s door before entering. Not his daughters, they would just walk in to check on their papa. This gave others an excuse to go inside. The bedroom was soon full with three little girls and a lot of pixies. They were quiet apart from the pixies which were humming a tune. They all left at bedtime, which gave Carrie a chance to go in. As much as she wanted to be there so she could feel close, she was in there because she worried for him.

  * * *

  Alex dreamt. He watched Thoun getting on a ship with his family, and all the children who lived on the island. They could see a bright glow coming from the palace and he knew it wouldn’t be long before everything had gone. The dream changed to space again where an asteroid came straight at him. He dodged it, and the darkness once again took him.

  He watched over a field where some youths were running. They were being chased by what looked like the witch from the Wizard of Oz, cackling as she rode her broom. He followed her as she flew past them. They travelled a long distance, but she never noticed him or at least showed it. They approached a small secluded cottage in a forest, she stepped inside and he followed. That was after s
he shut the door on him, but he walked through it anyway. It wasn’t a thing he would normally do, but it was a dream and had no control over it. There was something very familiar about the place. The witch took off her hat and Alex saw something which surprised him, she changed and was no longer a witch or at least didn’t look like one. She looked about the same age as him, she was beautiful, with long brown hair, and reminded him of someone.

  The woman opened a cupboard and took out a wooden bowl, with symbols carved on the inside as well as the outside. She took out a couple of jars, placed them on a table, and filled the bowl with water. She lit two incense sticks, and dropped a spoonful of the contents from the jars into the water while saying a few words he couldn’t understand. Alex watched but had no idea what she was doing. The woman sat at the table and stared into the bowl as bubbles appeared in the water. It lasted for what felt like twenty minutes, with her eyes darting from left to right, and did not look happy when she stood and emptied the bowl into the sink. The woman stepped into another room, but he didn’t follow her.

  Alex couldn’t sleep as he already was. He decided to have a look around, but the only thing he found was a letter with a name on it. He saw a book shelf and thought some of the books might be interesting to read, but there was no way he could turn a page let alone get one off the shelf. Alex wasn’t sure what to do with himself. It had been four in the morning when the woman had gone to bed, but now as he looked at the clock it was late afternoon, and she came out of her bedroom. The woman made something to eat and put out a bowl of salad, before taking a book off the shelf and started reading. Soon as it was dark the woman became the witch again and left the cottage. She was quite swift on a broom which looked similar to what James bought the women. They approached a house, or as it happened, a mansion he recognised as his home. The dream ended and he started to wake up.

  * * *

  You will like our new visitor. House told those in the main hall.

  James leapt off the sofa. ‘What new visitor?’


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