Vesta Mansion: Book One - The Power Inside

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Vesta Mansion: Book One - The Power Inside Page 31

by P. A. Priddey

  ‘I wouldn’t say loyal,’ said Daralis. ‘They don’t fear death while the warlock is alive, as he can bring them back.’

  ‘We could just let them kill each other,’ said James.

  Alex shook his head. ‘No, we can’t let either of them win.’

  ‘How would they be able to bring him back?’ Paige asked.

  ‘A ceremony with a human sacrifice,’ Daralis replied.

  Paige had a look of disgust. ‘That’s horrible, why does it need a sacrifice?’

  ‘It would be an exchange of sorts, so he can come back here.’

  ‘If the loyal ones know where it is,’ said Blaze, ‘why haven’t they performed the ceremony?’

  ‘They may not have retrieved it yet,’ said Joseph. ‘As the warlock would have had it well hidden and most likely hard to get to, or it might be they have to wait until a certain date to perform it.’

  Alex pondered it. ‘That’s what we’ll try to find out tomorrow.’

  ‘Do we have a plan?’ said Paige.

  ‘I’ll walk around hitting my palm with my fist telling you what to do.’

  ‘You really need to take this more serious you know.’

  ‘I am, but I’ve slept for over two days and I’m full of life,’ said Alex, and wasn’t wrong, he gained the energy back the women had taken and a lot more. He felt no fear of demons or the warlock.

  ‘We could always go and get rid of a few of them,’ said Carrie, sounding hopeful.

  ‘I know you want to try your new sword, and I’ve no doubt we’ll go hunting soon. Tonight I want to spend with my family and friends, which reminds me, are they still watching the film?’

  Michelle entered the mansion with George. ‘It finishes in five minutes.’

  ‘How do you know that?’ said Alex, and introduced them to their guest.

  Michelle smiled at her, and looked at Alex. ‘I put it on for them.’

  ‘Good, Daralis will soon meet the rest of our friends.’

  ‘Is he always like this?’ said Daralis.

  ‘No, worse,’ muttered Claire.

  Alex grinned. ‘I think she should close her eyes, don’t you?’

  ‘Yeah, it might be fun,’ said James.

  ‘I don’t like surprises,’ said Daralis.

  ‘Trust me you’ll love this one,’ said Alex.

  Blaze shook her head. ‘We gave up questioning him when he says that.’

  Daralis sighed. ‘OK, just tell me when.’

  Alex walked to the cinema just as the film finished, and asked everyone inside to be quiet as they came out. Daralis had her eyes closed, as over two hundred and seventy pixies swarmed around her and hummed a tune.

  ‘What’s that beautiful noise?’ she said.

  ‘Have you never heard it before?’

  ‘My little ones hum something similar.’

  ‘Open your eyes.’

  Daralis did and gasped, she fell to her knees trying to hold as many as possible. She was clearly happy. ‘You saved so many, and I never knew they were alive, but are you going to keep them here?’

  ‘They’re welcome to stay as long as they want, why do you ask?’

  ‘They’re not safe out there anymore, and I don’t mean the warlock and his demons, but people.’

  ‘Normally that would be true, but our little friends have adapted since their captivity.’

  ‘How have they adapted?’

  ‘Have you watched the news about little ghostly shapes?’

  Daralis shook her head. ‘I’ve heard about it on the radio.’

  ‘They can do that now, but I’m afraid your three won’t be able to do it, so they’ll need looking after.’ Alex knew she wouldn’t mind, as they have been her children for so long.

  ‘Mother,’ Flax shouted, and ran to Daralis with Gort.

  ‘Hello, little ones,’ she said, embracing them.

  Alex raised an eyebrow. ‘Mother?’

  ‘Not in the real sense of course, but there are many who call it me.’

  ‘It’s like that here, I’m father to many and Blaze is mother.’

  James folded his arms. ‘And I’m the brother they throw in the swimming pool.’

  Alex realised he was too hyper, and decided to thank all the women for defeating the warlock by passing some of the excess energy he had. None of them noticed but their amulets were now full.

  Millie toyed with one of her braids. ‘We didn’t really beat the warlock; it was you who did it.’

  ‘You did, your power is still growing, it just needed a little help,’ said Alex, as they all started going into the party room and he held Blaze back.

  ‘What’s wrong?’ she said.

  ‘Nothing, but remember the night you moved in?’

  ‘Yeah, it seems such a long time ago now.’

  ‘It’s only been a few months, but so much has happened.’

  ‘Are you OK? Or did we take too much energy?’

  ‘You took it all, but I’ve plenty more now. Anyway how are you feeling?’

  ‘I’m good, what’s going on?’

  Claire poked her head around a door. ‘We’re ready.’

  ‘Thank god, come on woman.’ He grabbed Blaze’s arm and led her into the party room.

  ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY,’ they all shouted.

  The children ran to her with their cards and presents. She was the centre of attention, as they sat her at a table and everyone gave their gifts.

  Daralis sat by her. ‘I’m sorry, I didn’t know.’

  ‘It’s OK,’ said Blaze. ‘I’ve a feeling we’ll have lots to talk about.’

  ‘That would be nice, as I only get to chat to others now and then.’

  Alex stepped outside for an hour, as he had been asleep for so long he wanted some fresh air. When he came back in, he saw Daralis talking to Blaze and Paige. ‘Is that your first drink?’

  Daralis toyed with her glass. ‘Yes, it’s been so long since I had one, and I’m kind of nervous.’

  ‘How long’s it been?’

  ‘Since I started looking after the pixies, I’ve only had the odd drunken night in over two thousand years,’ she said, to the surprise of many.

  James patted Alex on the shoulder. ‘Almost catching you up, old man.’

  ‘I knew she was old, but I meant about the drinking.’

  ‘Alex!’ snapped Paige. ‘That’s an awful thing to say.’

  ‘What did I say?’

  ‘You said she’s old.’

  ‘My sweet Paige, Daralis is over two thousand years old, and I guess you would feel proud to be called old when you look that good.’

  ‘Alex is correct, I am old, and feel privileged to be so.’

  ‘Well I don’t agree,’ said Paige. ‘It should be two thousand years young.’

  Daralis smiled. ‘I believe it’s over three thousand, but I’m not altogether sure.’

  Joseph was inspecting the walking stick Amy had off James, when to his surprise he clicked a button and pulled out a long blade attached to the handle.

  Alex laid his hand on James’s shoulder. ‘You talked about weird earlier, those gifts you gave everyone comes into that category.’

  ‘Yeah, I’ve no idea how that happened, what did you choose?’

  ‘A metal bar, I was about to check it out when we had a visitor.’

  ‘That was some timing,’ James agreed.

  ‘What was left in the case?’

  ‘A flute, which George had and three more rings, any idea what I should do with them?’

  ‘Just hold onto them for a while, what happened to my bar?’

  ‘I put it in the study,’ said Paige.

  Blaze leant on the table. ‘I have a crystal ball and started to see shapes in it.’

  Daralis raised an eyebrow. ‘I’ll show you how to use it if you want.’

  ‘Yes, please, I’m a little worried I might see something I’m not meant to.’

  Alex walked to the study with James, and the bar was on the desk. It was four-foot long
, and gold coloured, with patterns engraved into it. He noticed a split in the middle, and tried pulling it apart but it wouldn’t give. He twisted each side in different directions, and the bar extended as an extra piece shot out either end, which made him jump. He twisted them back and they retracted. Alex twisted once more and a sharp-pointed spear came out of one end, and a two foot blade came out of the other. He now had an eight foot metal spear-sword, but had no idea of its real name.

  ‘That’s some weapon,’ said James.

  ‘And like Carrie I can’t wait to use it.’ Alex liked the weapon, but not the idea of having to twist it every time he needed it. Close, he said in his mind and the two ends shot back inside. Open, he thought, and both ends shot back out.

  James watched, his eyes going big. ‘You can do it just by thinking about it?’

  ‘Yeah, and it’ll come in very handy.’

  That’s a nice toy you have there, said House.

  ‘A gift off James.’

  Did you have a productive sleep?

  ‘Energy wise yes, but not sure about the dream I had.’

  Do not think about it, if it is important it will come to you.

  ‘Are you enjoying the party?’

  Yes, it is a good way for everyone to meet your new friend.

  ‘Has she been here before?’

  A few times, but I’ve never spoken to her.

  ‘These are the rings,’ said James, pointing to two which were similar to Alex’s daughters, and one in a small jewellery box.

  Alex opened the box, and inside was a stunning white diamond ring. ‘Can I buy this one off you?’

  ‘No, you can have it.’

  ‘I have to pay you something.’

  ‘There’s no need, as you did say I could have a car.’

  ‘I insist, this is for something else,’ said Alex, taking his wallet out, and handing over whatever money was inside. ‘Is that enough?’ He put the three rings in one of the drawers.

  James flicked through the notes. ‘There’s over a thousand pounds here.’

  Alex shrugged. ‘I don’t understand how you could just travel around collecting these items we all wanted.

  James put the money in his back pocket. ‘I never travelled around. I got them from the same place, an old antique store I used to visit when I was down south.

  ‘They were from the same shop?’

  ‘Yeah, the old guy who owned the place always had something for me when I went in. He knew I had an interest in weapons, but for some reason he persuaded me to buy the other stuff.’

  ‘Is the shop still there?’ said Alex.

  ‘No, it closed down a few years ago. I’ve no idea what happened to the guy, or even if he’s still alive.’ James scratched his head. ‘Do you reckon they might be enchanted?’

  ‘Maybe, why do you ask?’

  ‘The swords Asima and I used were from the same shop, and that big demon thing died pretty easy.’

  ‘Well, you did slice its throat open, but you could be right.’

  They returned to the party, as Kaeya jumped on Alex’s shoulder. He smiled at her. ‘Hey, can I ask you a question?’

  ‘You can ask me anything.’

  ‘How long do pixies live for?’

  ‘The oldest I knew of before we were captured, was six hundred and seventeen.’

  Alex walked over to Daralis, now on her second drink. ‘Have you been keeping the pixies alive with magic? Or has something happened to them?’

  ‘I’ve been protecting them with magic if that’s what you mean?’

  ‘No, I mean two thousand years is a long life span for them.’

  ‘Oh, that, I’ve no idea, but you could be right.’

  Joseph looked across at her. ‘Maybe your kindness has someone watching out for you.’

  ‘It wasn’t all kindness, I love them, they’re my children,’ said Daralis, as three pixies jumped on her shoulders and kissed her.

  ‘I’ve so many questions for you,’ said Alex.

  One of the pixies folded his tiny arms. ‘Don’t you trust Mother?’

  ‘Yes, little one, I’d trust Daralis with my children, why do you ask?’

  ‘You want to question her.’

  ‘Not those kind of questions, just about the things you’ve seen over the years.’

  ‘You can ask me about that.’

  ‘I’ll grill you about it, too, but not tonight it’s a party.’

  The pixie stepped back, his eyes going big. ‘You’re going to cook us?’

  ‘No, why on earth would you say that?’

  ‘He meant to question you,’ said Daralis smiling, and explained to the pixie.

  The pixie looked relieved. ‘I’ll tell you anything you want to know, as you have the ear of our Queen.’

  Alex glanced sideways at Kaeya who was still sitting on his shoulder. ‘I believe for the most part she has my ear.’

  ‘I’m not a Queen any more, Willow,’ Kaeya grunted.

  ‘You’ll always be my Queen.’

  Kaeya grabbed Alex’s ear and leant forward. ‘No, Daralis is your Queen and Mother, as she has protected you for a long time and you should respect her for it.’

  ‘No, my beautiful little angel,’ said Daralis. ‘I’m just Mother, but please be kind to them as they thought you were all lost and are so excited.’ she put her hand out and Kaeya jumped on it.

  ‘I just want them to know I’m not their better, but their equal or maybe just their friend.’

  Alex poured himself a drink. ‘Are you going to stay here for a while?’

  ‘I hoped you were going to ask me,’ said Daralis as she put Kaeya down by Willow. ‘As I would have to leave my little ones behind, and I couldn’t cope without them at the moment.’

  ‘I can see your dilemma, but you can stay as long as you like. If you need anything from your cottage I can get you there in the blink of an eye.’

  ‘How can you do that?’

  ‘We have a magic vase which can transport us anywhere.’

  Daralis arched an eyebrow. ‘That’s a rare talisman indeed, and it’s been sought after for a long time. Where did you find it?’

  ‘Joseph’s family had kept it safe in their shop, and when I went in he gave it to me.’

  ‘How ironic, so many were looking for it, and it was in a shop.’

  ‘We never even knew what it was,’ said Joseph.

  ‘Those crystal amulets you gave the women are powerful, too,’ said Daralis. ‘Where did you get so many?’

  ‘My family made them, and my grandfather enchanted them.’

  ‘Was he a wizard?’ said Alex.

  ‘No, he always believed Siphon gave him the power to do it.’

  Daralis stood. ‘Would you take me to my cottage now, so I can get some clothes?’

  ‘Can I come?’ said Livvy. ‘I’d love to see how you’ve got a magic cottage in the forest.’

  Alex took them to the study, and picked up the vase as they took his arms, and the next instant they were in the cottage. Daralis walked into her bedroom, while Alex and Livvy stepped out the front door into the middle of a forest.

  ‘How can this be here?’ Livvy asked.

  ‘It’s always been here,’ Alex replied.

  ‘I meant the cottage, you can’t just live in the middle of a forest, and no one knows about it.’

  ‘She’s a witch remember, and most likely a powerful one.’

  ‘She’s cast a spell to keep it hidden?’

  ‘Yeah, and a good one.’

  ‘I can understand it being hidden, but won’t anyone walk into it?’

  ‘I’ve been thinking about that at home. House does the same with the mansion. They must get disorientated and not realised they’ve passed by, so it’s invisible to anyone else.’

  ‘But people like James and George had been to the mansion before you moved in.’

  ‘Yeah, but we’re shielded by House, and he chooses who he lets on to the land.’

  ‘I’m ready,’ said Da
ralis, and they walked back inside. Alex noticed a television in the corner.

  * * *

  They could find no clues to the whereabouts of the warlock over the next few days. Daralis knew he lived down south, but would never risk going anywhere near his home. It was a week later when one morning during breakfast the news channel was on, with a picture of a man most of them recognised.

  ‘With still no news of the missing tycoon business man, Oliver Chamberlain, it now appears his young son has also gone missing,’ the woman reporter said. ‘It’s not yet known if it’s connected to the falling share prices of the company, but the assistant director said they are trying everything they can to resolve the problem.’

  Paige sat staring at the television. ‘Was that who I think it was?’

  ‘The warlock,’ said Alex. ‘And now we have a name for him.’

  Summer put a pot of coffee on the table. ‘What about his son? Are we responsible for him going missing?’

  Alex stood and leant forward on the table. ‘In a roundabout way, yes.’

  ‘That’s horrible, they said he was young.’

  ‘I wouldn’t worry about it, too, much.’

  ‘Why do you say that?’ said Summer.

  Alex shrugged. ‘Just a feeling.’

  ‘You going to let us in on it?’ said James.

  ‘I’ve been thinking about what Daralis told us of the warlock, and he may still be alive, yet he was dead before the body disappeared.’

  James rolled his eyes. ‘Yeah, we know that.’

  ‘But do you know why he disappeared?’ said Alex, with the know-it-all look he gets.

  ‘I’ve no idea, but it happened to those we killed in the forest, too.’

  ‘Yeah, and they were demons. Soon as we killed them they were sent back to where they came from.’

  ‘Are you saying the warlock was a demon?’ said Paige.

  ‘No, but I believe he was using a demon body as his own.’

  ‘Was there something wrong with his own body?’ said James.

  ‘I don’t think so, but the warlock had gotten himself into the public eye.’

  ‘Yeah, I’ve just seen that.’

  ‘But how long for? He can’t show the world he never ages.’

  ‘When people believe he has died of old age,’ said Blaze. ‘He swaps places with another demon.’


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