Because I Said So: (A Texas Heroes Crossover Novel) (The Hell Yeah! Series)

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Because I Said So: (A Texas Heroes Crossover Novel) (The Hell Yeah! Series) Page 15

by Sable Hunter

  “Don’t worry about the dishes, I’ll clean them up tonight,” she offered, sensing his unrest.

  “Thanks.” He didn’t argue with her plan. The faster he could get out of here, the faster he might be able to find a bit of peace.

  Hating to ask, but needing to know, she just pointed out the elephant in the room. “I know what you said yesterday, but you might have changed your mind.” She met his eyes. “This thing between us, was last night a one-time deal or do we dare to repeat it?”

  The audaciousness of her question went right to his cock. Last night, he’d found solace between her thighs. She’d agreed to his crazy proposition and he was going to hold her to it…of course, she could always say no. He hoped to God, she didn’t say no. No other sane woman would agree to this, and he knew of no other woman he wanted. His body was addicted to hers. “Do you want to repeat it?”

  This was her out, her chance to walk away with her pride intact, if not her heart.

  In vain, she tried to read his eyes. Was she being a total fool? Nothing good came easy. Great reward came with great risk. These idioms didn’t give her much comfort. The clash of their gazes did cause a spark of electricity to pass between them. This exchange of heated intensity gave her hope. She might be making the mistake of a lifetime, but for now the gamble seemed worth it. “Yes.”

  He felt triumph surge through him. “Good. I’ll pick you up after work and we’ll have dinner.”


  “How’s my girl?”

  Hearing Aunt Bess’s voice almost made her cry. “I’m good.” She paused. “I guess. A little tired.”

  “It’s seven-thirty in the morning. You should have slept all night. Are you eating?”

  “Yea, I’m hungry all the time. I think it’s nerves.”

  “How’s Brodie?”

  At the mention of his name, she rolled over on her tummy, burying her face in the pillow where he’d been lying his head every night. “Okay. He was on call last night, and he got called in early this morning. I’m about to go in too. Even though we’re not partners anymore, seeing him at work is awkward. He’s my supervisor.”

  “Among other things. How’s that going?”

  Leave it to Aunt Bess to go where the rubber meets the road. “Well, we’ve been sleeping together for two weeks.” She didn’t tell Bess, but the sex was great. Shane hadn’t expected it to get better, but it had. Every day his hunger for her seemed to grow. “But that’s all it is. He’s built a wall between us that I don’t know how to scale. When we’re in bed, he’s different – open and giving. Everywhere else, he just goes through the motions. We don’t really even do anything together; sometimes we pick up takeout and eat together, but nothing public.”

  “My poor baby. I know you’re hurting.”

  “Aunt Bess, I have no one to blame but myself. I went into this with my eyes open. I keep expecting him to open up, to see me.” Her voice broke. “He doesn’t talk about the past any more, he doesn’t even mention it. But I know he’s thinking about it, how he wishes I was her.”

  “Is he good to you?”

  Shane frowned. “He’s not mean to me, not like he was at first. Sometimes I catch him watching me, but I can’t tell what he’s thinking. I keep expecting him to end it. Maybe, I should…” Her voice dipped down to nothing.

  “Maybe you should what?”

  “End it first. My heart’s already breaking,” she admitted. Just last night, she awoke to find him staring out the window. He hadn’t known she was watching. He’d covered his face with his hands, even taking off that ring he wore to stare at it before replacing it on his thumb. Knowing he was suffering, she’d gone to him. But when she’d touched his back, he’d jerked away. Shane had backed up, giving him his space. Brodie hadn’t wanted space, he’d pushed her to the bed and pushed his way into her body, taking her over and over again until she was exhausted. The man seemed insatiable. And afterwards…he always held her, holding her so tight she couldn’t escape. “The only problem is that I love him, Aunt Bess.”

  “I know, baby. Don’t rush into anything. That boy went through hell, give him time. Love him hard and he’ll see the light. Give love a chance. After everything you’ve told me about him, I think he’s the perfect one for you.”

  Shane knew she was right. She just didn’t know if he’d ever feel the same way.

  “I hope so.”

  “You sound weak. Are you coming down with something?”

  “I don’t think so,” she muttered, even as she pressed a hand to her queasy tummy.

  “Well, you take care of yourself. I love you.”

  “I love you too, Aunt Bess.”

  After hanging up, Shane pulled herself together and headed for work. Every mile of the way to the station, she reviewed the events of the past couple of weeks.

  The small talk they’d made to fill the empty spaces.

  The excuses they’d made to hide that they were sharing a bed.

  The way she’d lie awake at night just to watch him breathe.

  Why did it have to hurt so much?

  And why couldn’t he learn to love her back?

  Even before she slowed down, her radio sounded. By the time she parked, both ambulances were pulling out of the bay. Shane only had time to throw open her door and sprint to climb in with Orion. Since the day she’d almost been run over, her partner had watched her like a hawk. Shane expected that Brodie had read him the riot act, telling him to look out for her. Orion hadn’t said anything, but he wouldn’t let her take any risks at all.

  The whole thing was getting on her nerves. It wasn’t like she’d break or anything.

  “What’s up?” she asked, fastening her seat belt.

  “A school bus ran off a bridge into the Blanco River.”

  His voice was even, but Shane’s response wasn’t nearly as calm. “Oh, my God! Had the kids been dropped off at school?”

  “No. They were on their way to school.”

  She held on as the ambulances raced to the scene, not knowing what they’d find. When they arrived Shane saw a sight she knew she’d never forget. The bus was off the bridge, like the report said, but the back wheels were hung on a piling. At least the front half of the bus was under water up to the bottom of the windows. On top of the bus sat about fifteen children, waving their arms, and crying. The older ones were hugging the smaller ones, giving what comfort they could.

  As soon as they came to a full stop, Shane grabbed her kit and ran to help. Brodie was right behind her. “You stay back. I’ll get them up and you can tend to them up here.”

  She wanted to argue. She was fully capable of climbing out there. In fact, with his bulk, he might have a harder time than she would have. Looking at his face, she saw there was no use to argue.

  News crews began arriving and another responder unit from Fredericksburg came. To everyone’s relief, none of the children appeared to be harmed. Brodie’s main concern was to ensure that there was no one still in the bus and no one had fallen in the river. Despite being reassured, he took no chances. Shane watched in concern as he stripped off his shirt and dived in. Over and over again, he went under. The water was very swift and every time his head disappeared, she held her breath until he surfaced again.

  Orion and Lyndon aided Brodie, they found the driver still strapped in his seat, his head barely above water. “Call for life flight!” Lyndon yelled to her. She did, briefing the dispatcher on the situation. Standing around waiting, Shane felt helpless. The helicopter came and left, then one by one, the men began to bring the children to her. Thankfully, Brodie had confirmed what the kids and the driver had told him. Everyone was accounted for.

  “What took you all so long?” one little girl sobbed, “I was so scared.”

  Another cried, “I want my mom!”

  Shane did her best to reassure them, but she felt like total crap. Refusing to let her discomfort show, she plowed on through, determined to do her best. Once the last child was loaded up,
she climbed into the cab of the ambulance. To her surprise, Brodie sat behind the wheel. “What are you doing here?”

  “I sent Orion with the Fredericksburg unit, one of the children appeared to be suffering from shock. They were shorthanded and needed someone to work the back with the patient.”

  “Okay.” Shane didn’t feel like saying anything else, she just laid her head back on the rest and looked out the window. He started off, making their last run to the ER. Having the kids checked out was just a precaution, but a smart one, they all agreed.

  “What’s wrong? Do you feel sick?”

  Shane raised her head. “I’m fine, just a little tired.” Maybe if she kept saying that, it would be true. Actually, she thought she might be coming down with something. Placing a hand on her own forehead, she felt for fever. Her forehead was damp with perspiration, but cool. Weird. Maybe, it was a stomach bug.

  “Lean over.”

  “I’m fine.” She leaned over so he could repeat what she’d just done.

  “You’re pale.” Brodie frowned. “I don’t like this. When we get to the hospital, I’m going to get someone to check you out.”

  “No, not necessary,” Shane argued. “There’s nothing wrong with me. I didn’t eat breakfast this morning.”

  Brodie hit the steering wheel. “Dammit! Why not?” When she just shrugged, he blew out a harsh breath. “You will from now on, I’ll feed you myself.”

  Shane would’ve protested more, but they arrived at the hospital. She got out to assist, still thinking she could avoid seeing a doctor. Brodie couldn’t be serious.

  Inside the hospital, the hall was jam-packed with parents and news media. Even though no one was seriously hurt, a bus full of school children going off a bridge was news. Once they’d finished their paperwork, Shane tried to make a stealthy exit.

  “Not so fast.” Brodie grabbed her hand. “Dr. Niels will see you, she’s waiting over there.”

  Giving Brodie an evil glare, which he just laughed off, she followed an attending nurse. Once she was behind the curtain, she eased up on the bed and began her usual doctor/patient routine. “There’s nothing wrong with me that a hamburger and a milkshake won’t cure.”

  “Ahem.” The nurse acknowledged her comment – barely. She just went on with her business, taking her blood pressure, listening to Shane’s heart, and peering into her eyes.

  “Or maybe a few more hours sleep.” Shane kept on. “I really should go.”

  The doctor appeared about that time, glancing over her vitals listed on the chart. “Let’s get a blood workup and rule out any virus or infections. Is there any chance you’re pregnant?”

  “No.” Even as she said the word, the possibility that she might be hit her right between the eyes! She was late! Shane groaned, then shrugged to the doctor. “I’m just sore.” How could this be? She was on the pill! Yes, there was always a chance for it not to be effective. But she was on the pill!

  Seeing the worried look on Shane’s face, the doctor patted her hand. “We’ll run a test anyway. Best to rule something like that out while we’re at it. Is that your husband with you?”

  “No!” she said a little too forcefully. “He’s not my husband.” Her blush probably gave more away than she intended. Dr. Niels gave her a knowing nod and smile. “I’m not pregnant.” Shane thought maybe if she said the words out loud, her statement would be true.

  She couldn’t be pregnant; she just couldn’t be.

  Brodie would be furious.

  “I don’t see anything to be alarmed about,” the doctor said, making notes on her iPad. “I’m on duty tomorrow. Leave your contact number and I’ll text you as soon as the lab sends me the results. In the meantime, go eat something and hydrate. Hydrate. Hydrate. Half the people I see are not getting enough fluids!”

  Yes, the doctor was preaching to the choir. They’d treated a half dozen people who’d suffered from some form of dehydration or heat stroke in the last month since she’d been at Stonewall.

  Once she rejoined Brodie, she was glad to tell him there was nothing seriously wrong. “I told you I was okay.” She conveniently left out the point about the blood work and the pregnancy test. No use borrowing trouble. “Just give me a little space and I’ll be fine.”

  Her abrupt response took Brodie by surprise. This wasn’t like Shane. In the time they’d been sleeping together, she’d been as sweet as pie. Putting up with his moods. Always glad to see him or be with him when he made time for her. Like the dick of a guy that he was, Brodie wondered if this was just her time of the month.

  For the rest of the day, Brodie watched Shane like a hawk. He was right. something was off with her, he just didn’t know what it was. Or could it be more?

  What if she was getting tired of their little arrangement? What if she was about to hand him his walking papers? The thought that she was getting tired of him stole his ability to function. The thought of never being with her again, never touching her again, made him feel like someone had punched him in the gut.

  Would she be better off without him? Probably.

  But Brodie wasn’t ready to let her go.

  So, what could he do? Hell, he needed to do something to make her happy enough to continue this deal she’d made with the devil.

  Because he didn’t know if he could survive if she didn’t.

  When his shift was over, he hung around, waiting for her time to be up. Once the hour rolled around, he stood waiting. “I’m going to follow you home. You can change clothes and we’ll go out. I have a surprise for you.”

  A surprise? “What would that be?” She followed him to the parking lot. If they were going anywhere together, that would be a surprise.

  “Wait and see,” he teased. To her surprise, he pulled her close for a kiss. Then Shane, not Brodie, looked back at the fire station. “What if someone saw us?”

  “No one did.”

  She didn’t know how he could be sure of that.

  “And if they did?” he continued. “We’re not doing anything wrong.”

  Shane stared at him, mouth agape. “You must be the one with the fever.” She started to feel his forehead and he pulled her close for another kiss.

  “Go.” He swatted her on the butt. “Before I decide to take you up against the truck.”

  In spite of her queasy stomach, she felt a stirring of arousal. “I’ll remind you of that idea later.” Neither of them could complain about their chemistry. It was explosive.

  All the way home, Shane tried to process the events of the day. She was possibly going on a date with Brodie and she was possibly pregnant with his child.

  Whew! That was a lot of possibilities.

  She would just have to take one thing at a time.

  Tonight, she planned on having a good time with him. Because – if she was pregnant, all of this would be over.

  * * *

  To Shane’s relief, as the evening wore on, she began to feel better. While Brodie ran home to change clothes, she’d stared at the depths of her closet wishing a designer dress would just suddenly appear. Since there was no chance of a miraculous appearance, she grabbed her old faithful, a little black dress with a low back and a filmy wrap. After applying a little more makeup than usual, she sat down to wait. Shane couldn’t help but think Brodie could’ve changed clothes at her house, if he would just deem it acceptable for them to leave clothes at each other’s houses. So far, he’d resisted the impulse, not wanting to do anything that could be construed as permanent.

  After sitting still for a few minutes, she’d almost dozed off when she heard his footfalls on the steps outside. One mark in his favor, he hadn’t just sat on his horn in the driveway.


  She stood up and gave him a smile. “Yes.”

  “Very nice.” Brodie looked her up and down. “You look wonderful.”

  She basked in his praise. Things might not be perfect between them, but he did have Rodney beat in the compliment department. Shane couldn’t be absolut
ely sure he wasn’t pulling her leg, but he did seem to appreciate her body. Maybe.

  Sometimes, deep in the night, doubts would arise. Brodie could have any woman he wanted. She understood he’d never love another, he’d made that point abundantly clear. Why he’d chosen/settled for her, she couldn’t really comprehend. Either he enjoyed her body or the man was an actor with Oscar potential. It also crossed her mind that he might consider her to be desperate enough to accept the scraps he offered, rather than demand to be treated with respect. Few women would do that.


  Of course he thought that – it was true!

  When he offered her his arm, she almost refused. Almost.

  Dammit! She had no spine, absolutely no spine.

  Because she loved him.

  “Thank you. Where did you say we were going?”

  He grinned. “I didn’t, but I can tell you now. We’re going to my friend Aiden’s vineyard. He recently opened an amazing restaurant. I thought we’d try it tonight.”

  She balked. “Are you sure about this? Wouldn’t you rather go into Austin where we’re not likely to run into anyone we know? What if there’s an emergency and one of us is needed?” Shane knew she should just give over and enjoy herself, but she seemed to be grasping for a reason not to go.

  “Stop worrying, Shane. This is just dinner.” Brodie frowned, beginning to be irritated at himself and her. “We’ll have our radios with us if we’re needed.”

  “All right.” Okay. Fine. She would enjoy herself tonight and worry about being pregnant tomorrow.

  After seating her in his car, he went around and got behind the wheel. “Did you know there are over two dozen vineyards located here in the Hill Country around Fredericksburg?”

  “No. I knew there were a lot, you can’t miss the signs. It’s beautiful here. So much prettier than Houston.” She looked out the window, watching row after row of grape vines go by.

  “Those are Norton grapes. They grow well around here. If you give Aiden an opportunity, he’ll talk your ear off about them.”


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