Ravage Me (Ravage MC)

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Ravage Me (Ravage MC) Page 3

by Michele, Ryan

  “You gonna take care of it now?” G.T.’s eyes wandered back to Casey, who was talking animatedly with her hands to one of the mechanics.

  “Hell yeah. Those bitches won’t know what hit ‘em.” Spending the last two years planning their demise, I went from fast and furious to slow and painful. It would all depend on my mood that day on how it’ll all play out. It took a year of being locked up to figure out it was even Babs that did the set-up. I didn’t want to tell Ma because I knew she’d tell the brothers, and I wanted that bitch. But I did anyway, knowing they deserved to know what happened. But Babs disappeared off the radar for a while. I didn’t know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. “But, I need to think and get my shit together first.”

  “You need to be smart. I don’t want you back there… ever.” His eyes bore into mine at the seriousness of his statement. I took it deep to heart.

  “I’m not going back. I made a mistake trusting the wrong person. I should have known better. It won’t happen again.” Stomping out the smoke on the table, I leaned back feeling the heat of the sun warming my skin.

  “Love you.” G.T.’s hand landed on my leg and squeezed. My heart warmed instantly.

  “Love you, too.” Sitting there in silence for quite a while, we let the everyday noises of the garage fill the void. It was nice having the sun on my skin and not having to move for anyone. If I wanted to stay all damn day, I would. Yeah… never going back. “So, what’s new around here? Ma couldn’t tell me much when she came up.”

  “Sorry, I couldn’t come.” None of the club members had been up to see me the entire two years. Part of me felt deserted by them, but deep down, I knew they were doing it to protect the club. One wrong word and they could all go down. I couldn’t live with that.

  “No worries. Tell me.”

  Blowing out a deep breath, G.T. began laying out the new shit going down and even some old shit. I knew he couldn’t tell me club business, so he just kept to the basics and more about the people and families than anything.

  “What about my studio?” Two years before I went in, I started Studio X. The club owned the business, but it was mine. I built it from the ground up, making it the number one strip joint in Sumner. Every town needed one, and people came from miles around to partake, mostly married men who needed a little escape. I’m not one for cheating, but in my world, it happened all the time. As for me, I’d never tolerate it.

  I took really good care of my girls and paid them exceptionally well. The club provided me with security that I was too busy to handle, and I handled the girls and money. The manager, Liv, handled all the scheduling, and whatever the girls needed she brought to me. Or that was how it was before I went inside.

  The strip club was a legal way for the club to make money, and I was glad to help. Not to mention, the paychecks I received allowed me to live very comfortably. Win… win. But while I was gone, who knows what the hell happened. I knew I was ready to get back to it, though.

  “X is doing great. Liv’s been running the show, keeping everything in line. Any issues we’ve taken care of. Nothing too much. Couple of the girls got roughed up. Money’s good.” G.T. said blowing out the smoke from his cigarette and paused. “You going back to work?”

  “Yep. I’m gonna check in on everything tomorrow. Tonight is about partying.” Standing up, I brushed the ass of my jeans getting whatever dirt off. “I’ve gotta go say hi to Diamond.”

  Out of the corner of my eye, Cruz walked out of the shop, putting his sunglasses on and making that already sexy body even sexier. Was that even possible? When his head turned, and he met my stare, he shook his head and kept walking. “What’s his story?”

  “Patched in about a year ago, completely trust him. Came out of the Marines, and he’s an honorable man. He’s proven himself over and over again.” My mind flashed to Cruz in uniform, and I liked what I saw.

  I spotted a man in the corner of the garage wearing a Prospect rag sweeping the blacktop and nodded his way. “What about him?” The man’s straight long hair covered his face, but his dark beard was long enough to see beyond the ends. His body was lean and lanky, but his movements were fluid and knowing. G.T.’s eyes followed mine.

  “That’s Rocky. Pretty quiet, but talks when it’s important. He’s only about six months in.” I tilted my head to the side trying to get a better look at him. Something about him seemed familiar, but nothing I could pinpoint.

  I turned to G.T. “I missed you,” I said, pulling my baby brother into a tight hug, which he reciprocated effortlessly. Ever since we were kids, he’s always acted like my big brother instead of younger. He taught me more than any one man in the club. He’s been in the ring with me, at the shooting range, and by my side throughout all these years coaching me to be the woman I am today. G.T., also known as Gage Thomas by birth certificate only, was the rock that I would fight for till my dying breath.

  “I missed you too, Princess.”

  Nodding, I began heading in the direction of the clubhouse with Cruz a few feet in front of me. “I know you’re there, girl.” I could get lost in that deep drawl of his voice. I didn’t slow my pace, but I did answer.

  “I’m going to see Diamond.”

  Cruz turned around suddenly, halting me in mid-step, “We will talk about this later.”

  “We will, huh? You think this is how it works?” Leaning in close to him, my lips almost touched his ear. “I don’t fuck brothers. It’s not gonna change.”

  He challenged me back, leaning into my ear, the smell of him and leather assaulting my senses. “Everything changes.”

  I tapped down the shiver that ran through my body. I was not giving in. I couldn’t. I’ve seen so many mommas come in and out of the club, that’s what the guys called whores, club mommas. The names were interchangeable with them. I would never become one of them.

  It’s one thing to find a guy outside the club, have a good time, and get away. Here… you never get away. I was not one to be passed around by the guys and deal with all the drama of seeing them with another woman. I was strong, but some things, I knew were too much.

  Pulling away from him, I stepped through the clubhouse doors. The smell of stale beer and cigarettes lingered everywhere. Adjusting my eyes to the darkness, I took in everything in the room. Dark paneling encased the entire room. One was a wall of pictures, those who we have loved and lost. The other wall was the bar. Mirrors lined the walls with beer signs shining brightly. Liquor and glasses encompassed the shelves. The L-shaped bar had tons of nicks and dents, representing years of men drinking and becoming brothers.

  A man about my age wearing a Prospect rag was behind the bar. “Hey, Sweetheart, can I get ya something?”

  “Oh, Honey. What I want, you can’t give me,” I purred, cozying up to the bar, leaning on my elbows, giving him a good show of my tits. Yep flirting.

  “I’m sure I can.” His eyes lingered on what I’ve just put out in front of him, and he licked his top lip.

  A hand slammed down hard on the bar next to me, catching me off guard and causing me to jump a bit. Cruz stood next to me, eyeing the Prospect. “She yours?” he asked Cruz.

  “Yeah. Hands off,” Cruz growled.

  My temper flared. There was no way in hell this guy was going to lay claim to me. I knew how this shit worked. Once a brother claimed a woman, she was untouchable to anyone. I shouldn’t care since I wouldn’t get with anyone in the club, but my independence took over. This was so not happening. “Fuck off. I’m not yours. I’m not anyone’s. Let’s get that shit straight right now.” The Prospect actually looked nervous which pissed me off more. “Grow some balls,” I murmured, staring at him.

  “Who the fuck do you think you are?” The Prospect glared intently at me. Respect goes a long fucking way, and if these shits didn’t show it now… they’d never make it.

  Before I could let the asshole know how I felt, Cruz stepped in. “Shut the fuck up. You don’t fucking talk to her like that. You hear me?” His eyes f
ell as he went back to cleaning the bar.

  “I don’t need to be rescued. I can damn well do it myself.” I gripped the side of the bar tight enough to turn my knuckles white.

  “Maybe that’s the problem. You need a man instead of the pussies who let you get away with that shit.” Cruz said grabbing the beer bottle from the bar taking a long swig. Watching his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed, I held back the moan that wanted to escape my dry lips turning my insides to mush.

  “You know what I need?” I leaned in close to him breathing him in, but mustering my strength. “I need a dick. One that has no association with this club, and I’ll get it tonight. After that, I’ll be just fine. Don’t worry your little heart about that.” Hearing Cruz’s breathing pick up, I turned back to the bar smiling.

  “Princess?” Turning towards the church doors, Diamond stood there tall and proud. Man, these two years since I had seen him last had aged him. He was still as handsome as always, however, with his short gray hair and green sparkling eyes; it was obvious that time was wearing on him. I could sense the power radiating off of him though.

  Before I was able to walk to him, Cruz reached out and gripped my arm. “We’re not done here.”

  Nodding and pulling away from Cruz, I leaned into Diamond’s arms. “You all right, Old Man?”

  “Never better now that you’re home.” Diamond wrapped his arms around me tightly, kissing me on the cheek. “They let you do that red shit to your hair in the joint?” His own question made him laugh. He has always given me shit about my wild hair ways. Back in the day, I’d have three or four colors at a time. He just liked to give me shit.

  “Yep, some bitch named Berta. Made me eat her pussy first.”

  His deep laugh was music to my ears. “Glad to know your smart ass mouth came home, too.”

  He squeezed me tighter. “Thanks, Di.”

  Diamond led me past the large room where the brothers held church, towards his office. Sitting in the large space, he grabbed both my hands. “Princess, I’m so sorry you had to deal with that shithole.”

  “I’m good, Diamond. I’m out now.” Ma told me the brothers were chomping at the bit not having any control over my fate. They hired the best lawyers, and we fought, but in the end the evil bitch won. At the time, I didn’t know it was Babs. That bitch did a bang-up job with all the evidence against me. I could feel the tension in my body starting to rise just thinking about her. This wasn’t the time for a blow up.

  As he squeezed my hand, I tried to get a grasp on my anger. “First, I wanted to thank you for handling that shit for us. I know we asked quite a bit.”

  Looking him right in the eye, all anger left my face. “I’d do anything for this club. You know that. Those bitches deserved what they got.” He smiled, not acknowledging it again. I knew this was his way. The things they’ve had to do were secret, and I couldn’t help the bit of pride I felt that I was privileged to my part. The fact I was let in just a sliver was enough to fuel me to do what needed to be done, which I did. Taking out those bitches that wronged the club was an honor.

  “For right now, you’ll have a brother with you at all times.” I looked at him confused, wondering what was going on. I’ve been taking care of myself for years before I got locked up and never needed anyone’s help, not even the brothers.

  Fire ran through my body, sending it on a course of explosion, but I controlled it and took a deep, heaving breath. I spoke as calmly as I could. “With all due respect, I don’t need a babysitter. I can take care of myself.”

  Diamond’s happy nature disappeared, and I knew I had overstepped my bounds. Shit. His face turned tight, and every muscle in it pulsated. His eyes turned menacing, and no longer belonged to the warm, fun-loving guy that just hugged me a few minutes ago causing a sliver of fear to creep through my body. “This is not up for discussion, young lady. You will have a brother at all times.”

  I dropped my head in shame. Disappointing Diamond sent an ache throughout my body that I could spend an eternity not feeling again. “Sorry, Diamond.”

  He leaned back in his chair lacing his fingers together and placing them behind his head, reclining. “I hear you had a little run-in with some mechanics.”

  Of course, he would know already. Nothing gets past this man. “Yes, Sir.”

  “You know you can’t go beating up the workers.” His eyes were serious, but his warmth returned and emanated from his words.

  “I’m know. I’m sorry.”

  “Damn right you are. You will apologize.” Diamond and Pops were the only two that could rein me in. I was not scared of them. Well, I guess I kinda was, but for a good reason. I respected them with every fiber of my being. I trusted them and knew they had my back always.

  “We have a party planned tonight for you.” A smile graced my face at this knowledge. I just knew they wouldn’t let my homecoming pass without something. I was almost disappointed when I arrived, and the welcome wagon wasn’t in full force. But I didn’t let it show.

  Diamond leaned in close, stilling my hands of their rhythmic movements that I didn’t even know they were making. “We’d do anything for you. You know that, right?”

  “I know.”

  “You need to keep your eyes and ears open all the time.” I wondered who the hell he was warning me about, but knew I wouldn’t get any answers even though I had to ask.

  “Are you gonna tell me who I’m looking out for?”

  He eyed me, his expression impassive. “Everyone. Now get out of here and see your Ma.” He nodded towards the door. I knew my dismissal and took it. As I reached the door, Diamond wasn’t done. “Also, you apologize to Cruz.”

  My body stood frozen; it was as if all the blood left instantly. The hand that clutched the handle on the door gripped it so tightly I thought for sure it would bust off in my hand. Not looking back, I asked, “This my punishment?”

  He laughed but didn’t say a word. I knew the answer. One thing I had a hell of a hard time doing was showing weakness to the brothers. As a woman, I was already considered weak. I’ve spent my entire life trying to prove that wrong. From fighting to shooting to riding… I did everything I could come up with to make the brothers see me as strong. This was going to be a bitch.

  The bar was illuminated, like always. The Prospect behind it and Cruz were the only two men in the room, but what caught my eye was the long brown-haired vixen, with small scraps of fabric barely covering her essentials, standing next to Cruz. She was definitely a club momma. They all seemed to look the same, no clothes and an eagerness about them that screamed slut. I’ve seen a lot of them throughout my time here. Did I like it? No. But they were part of it, and I ignored them. They were free pussy for the guys, all of the guys, something I refused ever to be.

  The woman’s hand began snaking up and down Cruz’s bulging arm as she pushed her body up against his side, her fake tits rubbing on him relentlessly. Normally, my eyes would roll at the situation, and I’d turn and walk away, but this time, I felt rooted in my spot. The men took club mommas all the time using them for their holes and nothing more. But with this woman touching Cruz, I couldn’t help the desire to go over to her and beat the fucking shit out of her.

  I knew I wouldn’t. He was not mine, and I didn’t want him to be. Right? Shaking off my thoughts, I approached the bar. Blowing out a breath, I knew I had to tackle this damn apology first, but I didn’t want to do it with her hanging all over him. I really needed to get on Sting and clear my head, which would definitely be my next order of business.

  Pushing my shoulders back, strengthening my spine with all I could muster, the Prospect’s eyes widened as I approached. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were Princess.” Cruz must have filled him in on a bit of my history. What I didn’t know was why, considering Cruz didn’t know shit about me.

  I smiled softly. “No problem. Nice to meet ya.”

  “Howd it go?” Cruz asked, cutting in while taking a pull from his beer. The sound of his throat sw
allowing filled my ears and my eyes wanted desperately to watch his Adams apple move, but I tore them away.

  “Fine. Can I talk to you for a minute?” I asked siding up on the stool next to him.

  “You can talk to me anytime you want, Baby.” His voice melted me like butter, and I wanted to kick my ass for it. I needed to keep my head on straight around this man but feared it wouldn’t be an easy task. He turned to the woman at his side, “Get lost.”

  Her high-pitched whine had me rolling my eyes in disgust. “But, Cruz. I’m horny.” Seriously? Why these women did this shit, I’d never know. It’s one thing that Casey and I vowed together never to be. We would never start sleeping with the brothers and turn into this woman standing by Cruz.

  “I am, too.” His eyes found mine as the words flowed from this mouth. The woman grabbed his arm tighter, but my thoughts drifted to the intense kiss that he gave me just a while ago, and my face flushed.

  “Good. Let’s go back and fix that,” she purred loud enough for everyone to hear, but I was sure it was a show for me.

  “We’ll see. I’ve gotta see if someone else will help, first.” His eyes never left mine as the woman huffed. She turned and glared at me. I laughed right at her. I couldn’t stop myself. I knew it was bitchy and catty, but fuck if she wanted to put herself out there like that, this was the shit that happens.

  “Take a hike,” he told the Prospect as he scurried off into the club. “What’s so fucking funny?” he asked, turning his body to me in the stool.

  “You.” Shaking my head, I reached for the beer the Prospect left for me before his hasty retreat.

  “Me? You’re the cock tease.” His voice had a bit of humor to it but was also laced with his frustration.

  I smiled ‘cause I knew I was. I was surprised he wasn’t pissed as shit and most men would be with my little game out in the shop. Needing to get this over with, I blew out a deep breath. Pulling from every bit of strength I could muster, I started strumming my fingers on the bar and suddenly it felt like the room was a thousand degrees, and I was burning alive. I just needed to get this out. “Look, sorry about earlier.” I looked down at the bar, not wanting to make eye contact.


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