Ravage Me (Ravage MC)

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Ravage Me (Ravage MC) Page 21

by Michele, Ryan

  “Always. I’ll be home in a couple of hours and all this shit will be over.” I wanted to believe him. I really did, but what I was about to do… if I was wrong, the brothers would have my ass on a stick. I’d be dead, but I needed to know for the club and myself.

  Leaning up, I wrapped my arms around his neck threading my fingers through the back of his hair. Staring into his beautiful blue eyes, my lips fell to his. He instinctively pulled me closer, deepening the kiss. I hoped this wouldn’t be the last time I did this, because if I were wrong about Rocky, it just might be. That fear almost held me back from doing what needed to be done, but I couldn’t let it. If it were true, the guys needed to know.

  “I’ll be back soon.” Nodding, we both stood.

  “Daddy!” Cooper yelled from his room. Cruz smiled, shaking his head. After lots of hugs and rough manly kisses, Cruz handed Coop off to me as he left.

  Liv had been staying here in the same room that Stella and Moxie were privileged to a while back. I never went to see her and stayed very clear of the room as it was very tempting to go in and beat the living shit out of her, but I didn’t. I wanted to at times… but didn’t, only because Cruz said no. They needed her; in turn I actually needed her.

  After a half hour, the sound of revved-up Harleys filled the room. I listened as they left the clubhouse. Gathering Coop, I handed him off to Ma, who eyed me as if she knew I was up to something, but didn’t say a word. I left in search of my target.

  He was here; I just needed to find him. I grabbed my bag that looked like an oversized purse because I needed to make sure everything I packed was with me and well hidden. Walking through the clubhouse, Buzz was behind the bar cleaning it up as two of the club mamas were mopping the floors. “Hey, Buzz. You see Rocky?”

  “I think he’s out at the shop.” Perfect. I’d planned on doing this in the basement of the clubhouse, but the shop would be even better. Off the backroom, where Sting was kept for so long, was a small room about eight by eight with mainly storage inside. Sending out a quick text to Casey, I made my way out into the sunlight.

  Walking into the shop, the first man I came across was Greg, the man I had hurt the first day I was here. Even though I’ve apologized to him, I still felt a bit bad. Poor guy was just protecting my bike. Walking up to him, I said, “Hey, Greg.” He smiled broadly.

  “Hey, Princess. What’s going on?” he asked while wiping his hands on the shop towels next to him.

  “Just out for one of my walks. Hey. I’m gonna go look for a couple of things for Sting in the back. I’m thinking of tuning him up.” I wiggled my eyebrows suggestively.

  “You and that man of yours.” He smirked. “Sure thing. Go on back and get what ya need.”

  “Thanks. Hey, you seen Rocky?”

  “Yeah, in the office.”

  “Could you ask him to come back? I need to talk to him about something.”

  “Sure thing, Princess.”

  “Thanks!” I smiled my most sultry smile at the guy. Flirting always worked around this place. One thing a man couldn’t deny was pussy.

  Making my way to the back room, I took in all my surroundings. Three men were working in the shop, but seemed to have their heads stuck in their work. It looked as if Rocky was the only one inside the office, at least from what I could see through the mini-blinds.

  “Hey, Bitch!” Casey called from behind me as she waved to all the guys. I was so gonna miss her.

  “Hey, Babe. Come to help me look for parts?” I winked taking in the oversized purse she was carrying, as well. Men never seem to give a second thought to the purses, man, what they didn’t know.

  “Absolutely.” Since giving Casey a quick rundown early this morning about why we were going to be doing what we were about to do, I felt calm with her by my side. I had to give her a hell of a reason, or she wouldn’t want any part of it. It was too dangerous, and I couldn’t help that feeling lingering in the back of my head saying, what if I’m wrong.

  Shaking myself out of those thoughts, we headed towards the back. Casey instantly went to work, clearing a small space in the center of the room and placing a chair in the center. I knew if I were gonna do this, it would have to be fast and methodical… no mistakes. The guys have already been gone for an hour, and if everything went okay, Cruz said he’d be back in two. I needed to get to work.

  “You ready?” My eyes focused on hers. She may not have become the gun-toting girl that I did, but she still had her father in her, and when he came out to play, it was game on.

  “Let’s see who this fucker is.” Nodding, I made sure my guns were loaded. I gave Casey a taser and stuck mine in my side holster. It was made to look just like a gun and was gonna be my tool of choice for this inquisition. We were as ready as we were gonna be.

  I wasn’t as nervous as I was last night. Having that extra time to think and not react helped keep my head on straight. Now if this shit was confirmed, I couldn’t say it’ll stay that way. I was playing that one by ear.

  Going out into the connecting room, we began looking for parts for Sting, always keeping our eyes attached to the door. When it slowly creaked open, I glanced over at Casey who nodded.

  “Hey, Rocky. Can you help me find some plugs for Sting?” He grunted, but hearing his boot steps getting closer, I turned and smiled at him. His eyes were still the same brown as they’ve been every other time, but this time I imagined them green, and as I did, an elusive chill ran down my spine. I didn’t let it show, instead; I gave him a very vibrant smile. “Thanks.”

  Casey walked up on the other side of Rocky as he turned to look at her, appraising her up and down. That was just what I suspected he’d do, with her long legs and painted-on jeans; no one could resist her. “Hey, Rocky, you know Casey, right?” He nodded his head.

  “Hey, Rocky.” Casey’s voice was a soft purr, very seductive and inviting. This woman rocked.

  Rocky kept his head turned towards Casey as I began to creep a bit closer. Casey amped it up by moving closer to Rocky, giving him the fuck-me eyes that men fell for every time. Rocky was no different. Taking the taser out of my holster slowly, I placed it behind my back waiting for the perfect time. Casey leaned in close to whisper in his ear. Keeping herself far enough away, to avoid the shock she knew would be coming. Reaching around, I placed the taser on Rocky’s neck, hitting the trigger hard, he fell to the ground shaking and mumbling some garbled up shit that I couldn’t understand. Tasers only gave you a short period of time, and we had a lot of work to do.

  “Now. Come on.” Casey grabbed one of Rocky’s arms while I grabbed the other, dragging him into the room. Picking the big lug up, I dug in Casey’s purse finding the rope and duct tape. At first I thought of using the rope to bind him, but then thought better of it, duct tape would work just nicely, and it’s harder to break out of.

  Quickly, I taped his hands behind his back and then taped them through the slats on the chair. Moving his knees up the side of the chair, I taped them to the back chair poles. There was no way he could stand and swing the chair at either of us if he got the chance. I then taped his thighs and torso just for good measure.

  Casey searched through her bag, finding an old sock. “Perfect for now. I’ll get it all done; then we’ll have to take this out to do the rest.” Taping the sock into Rocky’s mouth, he began to come back from the shock.

  “Hey there, big guy. Remember me?” I asked as his eyes grew wide, and he began shaking his head. “Well, I think I know you from somewhere, so I’ve gotta check some things out.”

  He tried to move in the chair, but realized if he did the only place it would get him was the floor, and for me that’d be just as good as where he was. Reaching into my purse, I grabbed the battery-operated shaver and flipped it on. Rocky began squirming. “What’s wrong? Have something to hide under all that hair?”

  He shook his head repeatedly, but his body was tensing up, as he was trying to move his arms out of the binding. I would hit him a few times in the face
, but just wanted to make sure I was correct before I completely fucked myself. Gripping his head, I held on tight to the top of it as my buzzer cut his hair. Rocky tried moving to get away from the cutters, but didn’t put up too much effort.

  I began swiping through his hair, cutting every last bit off, giving him a military short haircut. This looked more like the officer. Next I moved to the beard and mustache.

  I moved the cutters closer to his face as his eyes got wide, and he started thrashing around. This was no good. “Casey, tase him.” After she did, I cut the length of it off. Casey went and grabbed the razor, water bottle, and soap out of her purse. After the first few strokes, my heart was beating out of my chest. My hands became sweaty, and my eyes saw red. I shaved around his gag; there was no need to take it off. I ripped the tape when needed to go around, placing it back, but kept the gag in place.

  With him still out from the taser, I opened his eyelid placing my finger on the colored part of his eyeball. When my finger moved to the side, it revealed a brown contact that I slid out of place. I did the same to the other. The green eyes I dreaded stared back at me.

  Stepping back, Officer Macaffe sat in front of me. The one man I never wanted to see or think about again. The only man inside that I fucked, repeatedly, and not by choice, the one man that could truly call me a whore.

  As he began shaking his head getting whatever fog out from the taser, I stared him down.

  “This him?” Casey asked, already knowing the answer.

  “This is Officer Macaffe. He and I got really cozy in the joint. Didn’t we?” He didn’t say a word as his head dropped down to his chest. “I’d let you talk, but I don’t give a flying fuck what you have to say.”

  Grabbing the gun from my back holster, I slammed the butt of it into the side of his face repeatedly giving him a few kicks to the ribs as Casey held the chair. It was like she knew what I was doing before I did it. I loved how that worked.

  It wasn’t enough, though. I wanted him to know what it felt like. What it was like to have something rammed in your ass over and over again.

  He was gonna feel it.

  Rabbit agreed to meet with us in a large cotton field just outside of Sumner. We cased out the spot earlier in the day and didn’t find anywhere where men could hide. With the cotton, just getting picked, even staying low they would be exposed. We had Tug and Breaker in the cages fully armed with autos and everything else we might need, and of course, Liv.

  As we rolled up, we parked our bikes methodically in a row, with Diamond’s first. How the old man still hung with everyone like he was thirty was beyond me, but he made me damn proud to be at this side.

  Rabbit’s crew stood next to him, guns in their hands at their sides. We expected this to be heavy, but were hoping for the best, and with the amount of firepower we all had, we hoped smoothly. When Diamond talked to Rabbit on the phone, he didn’t want to meet, but in pure Diamond fashion, he worked it out.

  “Princess killed my girl, and you killed three of my men,” Rabbit stated matter-of-factly while Diamond stood in front of him, each of us flanking his sides, guns in hand.

  “No, she didn’t. Your ol’ lady was a cheat. As for your men, they were selling blow in our business, you knew that was a no-go.”

  “Bullshit!” Rabbit’s hand on his gun was starting to pulsate. He wanted to shoot.

  Diamond held his hands up in front of him as he was the only one of us who didn’t have a gun in his hand. “Gonna pull an envelope out of my rag.” When Rabbit nodded flippantly, Diamond pulled out the manila envelope that was delivered earlier this morning by Deara’s connections. She really came through for us.

  Diamond pulled out pictures of Babs and Liv fucking like animals in Liv’s apartment. He showed Rabbit picture after picture as his jaw ticked. “So you see, Rabbit, your girl was a lying slut. Playing you. And lucky for you, we have the bitch who shot your ol’ lady.”

  Just as we suspected, Rabbit’s eyes flared at the betrayal. Without the pictures though, this would have never worked.

  “What about my men?” He glared, becoming twitchier with his gun.

  “That was circumstance. You knew not to sell blow at Studio X, my establishment.” Diamond said casually.

  “Fuck. I should take out three of yours.” Rabbit’s eyes were focused on the cage in front of him. “Give her to me,” he demanded.

  Diamond wasn’t just going to hand Liv over; we had our own demands. “If we do, Princess is free and clear, no hits on her, and everyone leaves her the fuck alone. Also, no retaliation for the clean kills of your men.”

  “Fuck,” He thought a bit longer than expected. “Deal, I ain’t got no beef with your girl. That was all Babs that fucking little whore. But my men were good men.” Rabbit paused. “Fine. Hand her over.” Diamond stepped forward holding out his hand, which Rabbit took in turn, shaking the deal closed. I couldn’t help but feel a little relieved. This was easier than I expected.

  “Pull her out!” Diamond called to Tug and Breaker. As they dragged her body out of the cage, her eyes widened, and she started thrashing against the men. She knew exactly who Rabbit was. Too bad for her he didn’t give a fucking shit who she was. With the gag in her mouth, we only heard muffled pleas as her head shook profusely.

  The thing was; there was no way we could let her go with them alive. If he didn’t kill her immediately, we’d have to take her out. Her mouth was too much of a problem that we didn’t need. If she were to confirm that Princess did, in fact, kill Babs, we didn’t know for sure what way Rabbit would sway, even with the betrayal.

  Tug and Breaker threw Liv at Rabbit’s feet as she landed on her knees. The loud crack of his gun slamming into the side of her face echoed throughout the field, as did her whimpers. We couldn’t leave just yet, even though we all wanted to. We needed to make sure the final deed would be done, and her lips were sealed forever.

  Turning my head, I didn’t want to watch this shit. I didn’t care for Liv and wanted her fucking dead, but these assholes were nuts and pissed. That could really fuck with a man’s head.

  After what seemed like forever, a single gunshot rang out over the vast field. Turning to see Liv dead and lying on the ground with a bullet in her head, I was finally able to breathe. Princess would now be safe, and we could go on with our lives.

  The ride back to the clubhouse was peaceful and calm. I wouldn’t change a fucking thing about my relationship with Princess. It was fast, but that’s how I live. I see something. I take it. You never know when it will be taken away from you if you wait.

  I couldn’t wait to get home and lie in bed with her. She doesn’t know this yet, but she’s not going back to that fucking apartment, ever. She’s with Coop and me forever.

  Pulling up to the clubhouse, the shop was moving more than normal as Buzz started making his way to the bikes. He acted almost nervous as he came up to the side of my bike.


  “Hm… well…”

  “Spit it the fuck out!” I yelled my anger peaking as the guys began listening intently as they took their lids off.

  “Well. Princess, Casey, and Rocky went into the back room of the shop a while ago and some of the guys said they heard moaning.” My body began pulsating as my head felt like it was going to explode. There was no fucking way Princess would cheat, especially after the shit she gave me. Not to mention, I’d fucking kill her. Ripping the lid off my head, I climbed off my bike and jogged into the building. My long strides were not getting me to that fucking room quick enough.

  Boot steps behind me began pounding, as well. G.T. heard the name Casey and was one step behind me. Turning the knob on the door, it was locked. I pounded. “Princess open the fucking door.”

  “In a minute!” she yelled sounding out of breath. Fuck this shit. Taking my boot I slammed open the door pulling out my gun in front of me. As the brothers and I poured into the room making it so much smaller than it really was, I took in the sight before my eyes. I was stun
ned into shock.

  A man whom I assume was Rocky without all his hair was tied up, hands behind his back, knees up in the fetal position, bound by his torso. A sock gag was wrapped around his face while he lay their butt-ass naked. Blood covered the floor, mixed in with hair and various objects like a broomstick, bottle, and a large dildo. His face was a mangled mess with blood coming out from every angle of his body.

  “What the fuck is going on here!” Diamond boomed as I stood there staring at everything. When Princess turned around, she met my eyes, but it wasn’t her inside of them. This woman was cold, determined, and downright angry; there was no warmth at all. Detached.

  When Princess didn’t say a word, I looked at Casey, who crossed her arms over her chest and stared at a very pissed off G.T. as Diamond continued, “Princess, who the fuck do you think you are doing this to a potential brother?” Diamond pulled out his gun aiming it at Princess’s head.

  Princess’s demeanor didn’t change as she stood up from the crouching position she was in on the floor. When her eyes locked with mine again, the fire was burning heavily, and I knew she meant everything she did to Rocky, but why?

  “Princess, why would you do this?” I asked her through gritted teeth. This would for sure exile her from the club, and there wouldn’t be a fucking thing I could do about it.

  “Because he’s a traitor.” Princess’s voice was even-toned and hollow, as if she was coming out of a trance or something.

  “What?” I clipped, with Diamond right behind me still aiming his gun at Princess who didn’t flinch away from the gun.

  “You gonna shoot me, Diamond?” This was so not the time for cockiness, but leave it to Princess to say it.

  “Tell me right now what the fuck is going on here,” he demanded, not pulling the gun away instead cocking it ready.

  Princess began walking around the small space with her bloody hands behind her back. We were all spectators as she began, “Officer Macaffe here…”


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