Ask Me No Questions

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Ask Me No Questions Page 7

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “I just can’t. Don’t ask me so many questions. It’s none of your business. I don’t want to have to do this. I don’t want to have to pretend that everything is going to be just fine.”

  She pulled away from him and headed toward the front door. He wondered what that meant. It sounded as if she was fearful of something, and it wasn’t about change.

  He stopped her as she got to the door.

  “Are you running from something?”

  She swung around, appearing shocked, and his gut clenched. Bingo. She was running.

  “Get out, Cash. Don’t come back. Don’t read into this. Nothing like this will happen again.” She opened the door, and he stood there.

  “This isn’t over. It makes me have more questions. Don’t be scared of my team and me. We won’t hurt you.”

  “Ha!” she exclaimed, and even that led him to have more questions. Someone had hurt her. Had it been a soldier, someone in the military?

  “What’s that supposed to mean? Are you running from a man?”

  She raised her voice again. “Get out, Cash.”

  He reached out. She stiffened beneath his touch, but he kept his palm against her cheek.

  He stared down into her eyes.

  “This is not over, baby. Not by a long shot.”

  She looked away, causing his hand to fall, and he walked out of the cottage.

  He heard the door slam behind him as he glanced over his shoulder.

  Just then he saw Memphis coming toward the cottage on a horse. Across the way, Red was standing there watching, making his way off the steps.

  “Where’s Cassidy?”

  “Inside. But don’t go knocking on her door right now.”

  “What happened?” Memphis asked, stopping the horse closer to Cash. Cash reached for the horse and petted it.

  “We need to talk. All of us.”

  Red made his way over.

  “What’s going on? I thought I heard some yelling.”

  “You tell me, Dad. What is Cassidy running from?”

  His father’s eyes widened.

  “What happened? Is Cass okay?” he asked.

  “Is she in some kind of trouble? Is she running from someone or something?” Cash asked.

  “What’s going on? What is he talking about, Red?” Memphis asked.

  Red stared at both of them.

  “I don’t know what’s going on. But if she asked you to respect her privacy, then do it,” Red said.

  “What if I can’t?” Cash replied, and Red just stared at him. He looked at the cottage then back at Cash and Memphis.

  “You all have to. It’s how it has to be.”

  * * * *

  Cassidy heard their conversation from the window. She panicked and decided that maybe it was best to leave here now. She walked toward her bedroom and pulled out her suitcase. She stared at it. She didn’t want to leave. She liked it here. Hell, she liked Cash’s kisses, and the way it had felt in his arms. She’d never felt so attracted to anyone. But he didn’t come alone. He came as part of a team, a group of soldiers, and one had such a bad attitude she wanted to punch him.

  She heard the knock on her door and jumped. Why can’t Cash just let it be?

  She needed to resist him. She needed to halt his advances and make it clear she wasn’t going to accept him or his team romantically.

  It made her feel bad, and it also pissed her off.

  “Damn it, Blaze. You’re such an asshole,” she said through clenched teeth.

  She stormed toward the door and was shocked to see that it was Red.

  She opened the door.

  “We need to talk.”

  He lowered his head as he stepped inside. His son and the others had to do the same thing each time they came inside.

  She stepped back, and Red held her gaze.

  “Want to talk about what went down between you and Cash?”


  “I think we ought to.”

  “It doesn’t matter. I don’t think this is going to work out, Red. I think I should start looking for another place. Maybe head out of Tranquility and head north.”

  “Not a wise idea when you have someone looking for you that means you harm,” he said.

  She swung her head around to look at him.

  “Don’t be pissed off. I put two and two together. That relationship you had in Houston made you quit a great job and drop off the radar. You don’t use a cell phone, you pay cash for everything, and you keep talking like everything is temporary. You can trust me. You can trust Cash and the men.”

  She shook her head and turned around to walk toward the kitchen, pretending to keep busy.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “You sure as shit do, soldier. You’re a Goddamn Marine. Start acting like one.” He raised his voice. The tears hit her eyes.

  “Start acting like one? It’s what saved me from getting my God damn Marine head shot off.”

  He squinted at her.

  “This guy you were seeing, the bad relationship, he hurt you? He threaten you, abuse you, put a gun to your head, what?” he demanded to know.

  She stared at him, felt the tears in her eyes, and gulped them down.

  “All of the above,” she whispered.

  “What?” he asked.

  She lowered her eyes, pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, then exhaled. She looked up at Red as he stepped closer.

  “Some tough Marine I am, huh?” she asked and almost cried. But she’d conditioned herself not to cry. Not to feel pain, not to break down.

  He reached out and squeezed her shoulder.

  “Why don’t we pop open some beers and sit down to talk about it? I’m here for you, Cass. You’re not alone.”

  She hesitated and then Red raised one eyebrow at her, giving her that sergeant major-commander expression, and she chuckled.

  “I only have a twelve-pack. We may need more,” she teased, trying to lighten up the intensity of the moment.

  “Well then, we’ll just stumble over to my place and hit the porch refrigerator. If need be, the one in the house is well stocked too.”

  She snickered and grabbed the beers then passed one to Red.

  “So, let’s start at the beginning. That’s always the perfect place,” Red said, and she sat down, took a slug of her beer, and poured her guts out to her old friend.

  * * * *

  Red was beside himself. Cassidy was beating herself up over this. Meanwhile, it was something completely out of her control.

  “Why not go to the police, the military, or get an order of protection?”

  “As a Marine? How embarrassing would that be?”

  “For crying out loud, Cass, the man isn’t sane. He’s become obsessed with you. He put a gun to your throat and threatened to kill you and himself. His buddies are protecting him to not give another soldier a bad rap. But that’s not the case here. He needs psychological help.”

  “You don’t think I know that? Of course he does. I tried helping him. I tried getting him to seek psychological counseling, but his friends talked him out of it. His friends would track me down when I went out without Blaze. He was in a special unit. I know he did crazy shit and took out a lot of men. I think he held on to me and looked at me as his special object.”

  “What do you mean?” Red asked.

  “He would stare at the scars from the bullet wounds. He’d trace them with his finger and say things like I’d survived the devil’s wrath. I’d looked death in the eyes and won. Just crazy stuff that made me feel uncomfortable. But then he knew about that mission, the one you and I got caught in, and he minimized it. He made references to the things he’d done and how much stronger he was. That he had the power to give life or take it. I took that as a threat too. He was telling me that he could take my life if need be.”

  “This is serious stuff, Cass. I can’t believe you ran from this. That you didn’t confide completely in me and explain what happened. I wou
ldn’t have thought any less of you. I don’t think any less of you. Nor would the police, the military, or my son and his team.”

  She shook her head.

  “Leave your son and his team out of this. I never should have let Cash kiss me.” She took another slug of beer.

  He smirked. “Cash kissed you? Now that explains a lot.”

  “That was the beer weakening my lips,” she said, and he chuckled.

  “I had a feeling Cash had made a move. Thought Memphis and Coast had too, maybe even Orlando. They all like you.”

  “Not Stryker. He basically accused me of sleeping with you.”

  Red raised his eyebrows and shook his head.

  “He’s filled with piss and vinegar. I warned you about him. But I’m surprised that he even stepped out of the cottage to walk. It’s what he needs. Exercise, better diet, and to care. I was hoping that you two would meet and that you might be able to help him. I guess that’s a big no.”

  “Are you kidding me? You want me to go from being stalked and hunted by some psycho retired Marine out of his head to one angry, depressed Marine with a tongue of fire and a piss-poor attitude to boot? Never mind one who thinks I’m sleeping with his dad. No thank you. I think I have enough to worry about.”

  “My sons and their team, as well as I and the law enforcement in this community, can protect you.”

  She shook her head.

  “Cassidy, now is not the time to be so stubborn and resistant to help. If we know a potential problem is headed this way, then we can all take the proper precautions to stop anything bad from happening.”

  “I can stop anything bad from happening. I can prevent Cash and his team from getting hurt because of me. I can leave this town, this ranch, and disappear.”

  Red’s chest tightened with concern.

  “For how long, Cass? How long do you think you can go without setting roots, making friends, and living a normal life?”

  “As long as it takes, Red. And when I leave, you better be sure not to tell Cash and the others why.”

  “But they can help protect you.”

  She shook her head. “This is not the military. I am not under your command or some vital asset to the country, to the team, to sacrifice so much and ask them to risk their lives for me. I’m not worth that. I wouldn’t ask anyone to become part of this problem. I’ll survive. All I know how to do now is survive and count on myself.”

  Red was silent a moment. He really didn’t want Cassidy to leave. He could sense Cash’s desire for her and even Memphis’s as he’d sat on the horse and listened to Cash demand to know what Cassidy was running from. Those men never brought a woman around here, and as far as he knew, they’d never shared one before. They would all be perfect for Cassidy.

  “I don’t want you to leave. Not just yet. Stay a little while longer. Let’s give it some time.”

  “I don’t think I can, Red.”

  “For me, Cass. Stay for me.”

  She inhaled then took another slug of beer.

  “A few more days. Maybe,” she said, and he held on to the hope that those few days would turn into weeks, months, and even years.

  Chapter 7

  Blaze Scott sat at the bar with his buddies. An hour ago he’d been in his apartment sharpening his hunting knife and writing a list of the supplies he would need to search for Cassidy. He had no idea where she was. She could be anywhere.

  “Blaze, maybe it’s time to move on. Maybe put Cassidy and this whole botched relationship behind you?” Kevin, his good buddy, said to him then took a slug of beer from the bottle.

  He didn’t respond. Blaze was feeling the buzz. He’d drank too much too fast, and his temper was flaring, his mind wandering in circles.

  “Did you hear me, man? Maybe she isn’t worth this shit. Look around you. There are plenty of fine pieces of ass around to fulfill your needs. Check out the two brunettes over there.” Kevin tilted his beer to the end of the bar.

  One glance that way, and Blaze saw who Kevin meant. They were smiling his way. One of them was pretty but nothing like Cassidy.

  “Not interested,” Blaze said then took another slug of beer, finishing off the bottle.

  Kevin waved his hand, and a moment later, the bartender placed a new cold bottle down on the coaster in front of Blaze.

  “Maybe fucking her out of your system might work,” Kevin suggested then winked.

  Blaze gave a small chuckle. No such luck. Cassidy was special in more ways than Kevin or the others knew.

  “Hi, fellas. You look like you could use some company.”

  They both turned to find the two brunettes from the end of the bar now pressed up behind them.

  “Sure thing. Can we buy you a drink?” Kevin asked.

  “Captain and Coke for me,” one of them said and then squeezed next to Blaze. He smelled her pungent perfume but then saw the set on her. Maybe he could have a little fun.

  A good hour later, Blaze and Kevin were escorting the women from the bar. He hadn’t even made it to the truck when the brunette, Deirdre, he thought she’d said her name was, pressed her body up against his and raised her thigh. He caught her, ran his palm up along her leg to under her dress, and squeezed her ass.

  She kissed him, plunged her tongue between his teeth and basically attacked him right there.

  In a flash she was unzipping his pants and grabbing a hold of his cock. He knew she wanted it. Hell, he could take her right there. But suddenly the sound of a diesel engine filtered through the air. Bright lights illuminated the parking lot, and Blaze looked at Kevin, who was already coming inside the brunette he’d picked up. He had her pressed against the car next to them.

  “Deirdre, you fucking bitch. I’ll kill that asshole.”

  Three big guys got out of the truck. The one who’d called Deirdre’s name was tapping a baseball bat against his palm.

  “Butch, what are you doing here?”

  “I came looking for you. You haven’t answered any of my calls,” Butch said.

  “Well, that’s because we’re through. I told you that.”

  “No, we ain’t through. But these guys are.”

  Blaze moved Deirdre aside.

  “We’re not looking for any trouble, man,” Kevin said as he zipped up his pants and stepped closer to Blaze.

  “Why don’t you get back into your truck and talk with Deirdre tomorrow? She’s busy right now,” Blaze said and pulled the brunette up against him, lifting her skirt, exposing her ass and his fingers trailing back and forth against her crack.

  “I don’t think so, asshole,” Butch said and then attacked.

  It was just what Blaze needed, to mess some cowboys up and get rid of the rage he was feeling inside. He ducked and swung. Took a few shots to his face, to his side. Two on one and Kevin with another. Blaze just kept swinging and beating the guy down until the sound of sirens filled the air. A moment later he was being ordered to stop. But he couldn’t. He wanted to kill. He wanted to cause as much pain as possible.

  The Taser hurt like a son of a bitch as it hit his body, sending him into a convulsive state.

  He fell to the ground. Wound up handcuffed and arrested. All the while his thoughts on Cassidy.

  Nothing can take away this pain. Nothing, no one. I need you, Cassidy. I’ll find you, and we’ll be together forever.

  * * * *

  Cassidy had made plans to leave after the weekend and the parade. Gia had contacted her through Red and wanted to attend the parade together then a barbecue at Casper’s afterward. She accepted, but first she needed to touch base with Lynn again. She wanted to see if Blaze was still harassing her and whether or not he’d left to look for Cassidy.

  She glanced around in the parking lot and saw the walkway entrance to the park. She walked down the path and headed toward the pond and an area overlooking it. She pulled out another burner phone and made the call.

  “Oh God, Cassidy, I’m so glad that you called. I was hoping you would soon,” Lynn said.
  Cassidy’s heart pounded inside of her chest. “Is everything okay? What happened?”

  “A lot in the last week. Maybe you’re safe for a while longer.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Blaze was arrested two days ago and charged with assault and some other charges like resisting arrest and slugging a police officer at the police station. There was a bar fight he and Kevin got into. It was on the news today.”

  “Oh God, did anyone get hurt?”

  “The two guys he beat up. They’re pressing charges against him too. Some woman said she and Blaze were making out in the parking lot, and the boyfriend and his friends showed up. I’d say he’s moved on.”

  “I guess so, if he was really with someone else. Can you find out if the police are going to keep him in jail or set bail?”

  “They set bail at a preliminary appearance. A hundred thousand. They feel he’s a threat to other people. The judge was tough.”

  “Do you think he’ll have to serve time?”

  “Not sure, Cass. You know how these things work. Depends on his legal representation.”

  “And whether they push the whole military thing and being a hero for our country.”

  “Well, at least it buys you more time. Maybe enough for him to forget about you and move on.”

  “Maybe. God, I thought I was going to have to leave where I am. I didn’t feel safe getting comfortable. I’m still not sure what to do. It would be best to leave before things get complicated. This trouble he’s in may make him angrier and more determined to find me.”

  “I don’t blame you for not wanting to take any chances.”

  “Thanks, Lynn. I’ll call you in a week or so and see if there are any changes or updates. I may be leaving here next week anyway, just as a precaution.”

  “Okay, Cass. Talk to you soon, and be safe.”

  Cassidy closed up the phone and tossed it into the pond from the railing above. She was so worried that Blaze could trace the call and locate her, even from jail. His friends were very supportive of him.

  “That’s completely illegal, you know.”

  She gasped, turned around, and saw Coast standing there.


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