- Thank you for your service. I have one more question. Are the passports of the group here with or they have them?
- They were at the reception, but the operator of the group took them last week. The rooms are pre—paid up to tomorrow night and then we release rooms for sale to new guests - but noticing the disappointment in the eyes of Dr. Ziyad and doing her best to earn her tip, she added very quietly by leaning toward him: - We have a separate guest of this group, since yesterday he’s been very worried – you can see him in the lobby bar - an elderly English gentleman. His boss, some Nigel Eisenstein was blown up in the air. His office was over that bank, they said on the news, you've probably heard about the blasted Bank in London, they’ve accused an infamous Islamic group for the occasion.
Musa nodded, he didn’t turn immediately to see the gentleman and pushed into the hands of his news-teller another big bill. Having reached the table where in a cherry-colour armchair was sitting AlBukri, he said:
- We leave urgently.
He did not even look at the man at the lobby bar. The cleric did not hide his satisfaction that finally Moussa refused to seek this woman. He stayed silent. It was only when they arrived at their hotel, the doctor, quite pale, asked:
- Call Hyulal Immediately!
Even before entering the lobby of the hotel where they were staying, AlBukri rang Hyulal and after he picked up the phone his handed the mobile to Musa.
- Hyulal while we were looking for my patient Anna Zanesheva of Bulgaria, we saw a man in a hotel here in Niamey, whom I thinks that Nigel Eisenstein has raised into the air by a bomb.
- "The Iron one” is with me, but prefers others to think about him as dead. Just a moment - Hyulal asked Nigel, who was lying in bed next to him about Anna Zanesheva.- I'll call you later. Give my regards to the Aga from me.
- Praise be to Allah! We got worried.
They were accustomed to say so, they called the preacher "Agha".
- AlBukri, Hyulal is sending his gratitude to you … for something, what is it?
- He wanted help from the imams in London.
They were about to enter the hotel. It was very hot and the doctor reported that the old cleric was very strong and healthy for his age. Took on a cool shower, they had a snack. In the early afternoon Hyulal called again.
- N.A. wants you to stop searching for that man anymore, and not visit that hotel. But we will send you money to rent a helicopter and route you can follow to the camp of the reality, format "Sahara" to retract Anna Zanesheva & the rest. We will be contacted only by email. Agha can call me, of course, in extra cases.
Dr. Musa Ziyad threw his smartphone on the bed. AlBukri Saadi was lying on the other.
- Agha, from now on, you will stay here in the hotel and you’ll wait for me. I take the responsibility for the tasks.
The swarthy young man looked at the old and when he got no scolding that he continues to look for Anna, he realized that the cleric is on the verge of his physical power.
Nigel Eisenstein had grown a beard, Hyulal he tied something like a turban on his head and equipped him with loose clothing. They stayed in a Muslim hostel that seemed to be crowded with illegal immigrants. They were in a double room, which was considered here as a special luxury. They went once a week to pray in the nearby mosque. Even his mother, if she were alive, could not recognize him. For three days he transformed radically. From a godless - English Jew, he became a false Muslim. Hyulal was in no hurry to tell him about the "Anthill" and his work for the past four years had suddenly lost its meaning. Fifteen minutes after they had come out of the office wing, used only by him, the building was blown up in the air. More precisely, the bank in the south wing of the building. In this building on the second floor there was his agency for marketing research. The branch of the bank was the focus of media, terrorism and everything else, but not the injured employees on the second floor. He did not even know whether except his secretary there were other employees in this wing. The media reported no injured people in hospital. He didn’t dare to show up, hesitating whether to call the chief of the spec department, who had probably already arrived in Hong Kong. Certainly, he had no intentions to call Fritz or his agent, the elderly Englishman in the hotel in Niamey. Sitting on the bench in Hyde Park, he took out and removed the SIM card from his extra smartphone. Then they knew nothing about the bombing, they were trying to run away and escape being eavesdropped. He had left his service mobile and tablet in the office. Knowing that he never parted with them, maybe they thought to he was there during the explosion. It was OK that they managed to run away on time.
He needed time to think. Hyulal was the perfect roommate for him. Above all he was silent and he dealt by himself with all food security and domestic issues. He answered when being asked and that was it. On the first day he decided that the handsome former supplier will be easiest to call to commandant in "Anthill", seemingly wanting to connect with his brother. They bought a cheap mobile phone by dubious immigrant and “black handsome” rang. He plugged it to a loudspeaker so that Nigel could hear. On the other end on the line called Fritz. They hung up. Fritz had returned to Bolivia without informing him. So he had left the tent camp in the jungle to the "slouch"(or slob) or whatever they called him.
- I suggest that we call the administrative building. If we are lucky, the cleaner in the waiting room will pick up the phone. Usually she answers the phone and calls the one who’s been looked for, because very rarely someone used the public phone.
- Well, try.
On the other end someone picked up and a female voice said in Chinese:
- Please.
- Hello, is that you? - Hyulal asked in English.
- I'm the cleaning lady here, I do not understand what you mean - the woman went on in Chinese, but in a lower voice.
- Listen, dear, did 'slouch' arrive with his boss? - Nigel, put his mobile next to his mouth, spoke in Chinese.
- Yes, There's no one here, but Mr. Fritz Muller and Mr. Hans Tsyoler are in the office, do not understand what I say in Chinese, I speak bad of the Chinese, but if you want to call them?
- Iron stone, monkey, google, and letter. I understand everything, but obviously, my dear, you also understand. I love letters, not phones.
Having said the last in Chinese, Nigel put the receiver back. Hyulal asked:
- How many languages do you know?
- Twenty world languages I know and understand almost everyone. This was your girlfriend, right?
- Yeah, she's Asian, but not Chinese. In the camp there are no Chinese. Maybe that's why he spoke this language, so that no one would understand.
- She turned out to be a smart woman, she told me that Fritz and Hans were there - he saw the puzzled look on the black savior and added: - When Hans, better known by his nickname "slob" is in Bolivia, they have probably abandoned the reality project „Survival as ancient man.“ We have to save the people.
- We must first help the participants in the "Anthill". I feel that something bad will happen to my brother – the young handsome black man was staring at the scruffy unshaven man against himself.
- Do you pity me, that until recently I thought that I control the project? Tell me how you learned my name and address of the agency!
- The fact that I speak in Amharic, my mother tongue, everybody knows it. My brother is illiterate. But he is very many amorous. Forever under the skirt of a female. I refused to be a bull for breeding and they assigned me as a supplier. Quite the same case is number 35.
- The Asian maid in managing?
-Yes, I do not know her name. She's elder than us – and Illal and I, invisible like a fly. But she knows more than me. We understand that things are not OK. We started searching and looking for information since the second year. For you, it was easy. You are officially the big boss, leading the experiments as a renowned psychologist and legal analysis in your agency in London. We found out that you are sent only selected and processed video and other data materials. It was
not hard to guess that others were pulling the strings. Invisible and with unclear goals.
- Did you find who they were?
- No, Muller was absent each month for three days. Let Hans "the slob" as a replacement. From the Indian, who is soothsayer in the market in El Alto I learned that they saw him pass the border with Peru, but from then on I do not know. Probably he met someone near the Lake of Titicaca.
- Yeah, Fritz has led me by the nose ...
At that time the smartphone of the unshaven white gentleman beeped. He got an email. This Asian was great. He started reading. Hyulal got out for a while. When he came back into the room, his roommate avoided looking at him.
- Number 35 wrote something about my brother, right?
- Yes, there was an accident with his beloved. He had hard time living through it.
- She was pregnant, they were planning to raise a child!
- She died in childbirth.
- You'll read me the email?
- No, your brother was sedated. The girl was buried near the village of "Communications".
- Yes, more than ten people were buried there in four years.
- I know only one case ...
- Probably only one died of a natural death. I could feel that my brother is not good ...
- Maybe I should call Fritz and inform him that I am alive.
- It is not a good idea. Let them think that their plan has worked and we are both killed. Tonight we will relax and tomorrow we will decide. The morning is wiser than the evening.
Nigel smiled. The handsome black man, a former mercenary in a terrorist army, a participant in the project "Anthill" for four years, was not only not nerdy, but he cooperated with equal confidence. He thought of the Macedonian, who he has interviewed recently and who joined a government agency. He remembered his number and his willingness to see for a cup of coffee.
Just then called Dr. Musa Ziyad from Niamey, the capital of Niger. He was already seeking the cleric AlBukri Saadi, one of the participants in the latest project. There was a chance that they save these people, abandoned in the jungle by Fritz Muller.
Chapter 23
Fritz did not want to participate more in the eccentric whims of his father.
His father was a German from Bavaria, he was a very famous media mogul decades ago. Then he owned the largest German media and also several European ones. A billionaire, with a good German family – a wife and a daughter. But the risky borrowing and accumulating huge debts of its newspapers and television led him to bankruptcy. The day, which was declared the bankruptcy of his vast media empire, he was already was in a rich oil Arab country, visiting an eastern prince, as famous as Croesus. He has been negotiating for a long time with the Arab to buy his European televisions, they have already lost their value, but not their meaning. Newspapers were not interesting for the Arab prince, he knew that they were doomed. The deal went through some offshore companies, and through multinational companies, a lot of owners have changed, until the televisions of his father went into the hands of the Arab. But after the well-thought commercial moves, his father and the Arab prince, biological uncle of Fritz, got loads of money. His father paid personally. He was made to marry the sister of the Arab partner, she was studying for a master degree in a university in London, but she fell in love with an Englishman and gave birth to an illegitimate child of this Englishman. Fritz was this illegitimate child. Only recently he began to suspect that his uncle and his stepfather had murdered his biological father, for whom his mother suffered for years until he fell sick and died.
From what he knew, the first wife was dead too, the one whom his stepfather father had not divorced. The German authorities were still trying to look into cases of tax evasion in especially large sizes, and sought his stepfather, who was now living under another identity - as Wolfgang Mueller.
Fritz's mother had never lived under one roof with her official husband, but Fritz himself (during school holidays) lived with him in Switzerland. She called her son by his Arabic name - Ali. But she spoke nothing bad for the elder Wolfgang Muller. Always did she emphasized to his son, that she was grateful for his willingness to be bound by them, otherwise they would have killed kill her with stones, following the law of honor. They considered escaping to the USA together with his father, the Englishman, but there was a car crash with him, but she and boy (two years old) failed to clinch and arrange their departure. Her brother, the Prince hated the bad Arab laws of honor, but if her sin became available to the public, he would have to kill her. Both - mother and son- were provided as part of the family of Wolfgang Mueller.
Recently, the ambitions of his stepfather, the billionaire Wolfgang Mueller, were a bit too many. He always remembered that it was not his real name, but he did not bother to find out the true identity of the man who to this present day controlled him as his own son. The 18-year-old „mediator" as he liked to be called, was actually suffering from delusions of grandeur or megalomania. He considered himself a master of the world. The last time they saw each other in Peru, said that his goal is to cleanse the humanity before he died. He wanted that his son Fritz to become a general contractor and continuer of his work.
But Fritz Muller, a thirty-five-year-old commander of "Anthill" was different. Very different. Fritz loved traveling, life in the nature, he feeling himself a nomad deep in his heart. Yet, he fully carried out the orders of his father –he instructed the lover twin Illal how to mark the project participants when they parted. His father had his own spies in "Anthill", he had learned that there had leaked some information and he called him, saying icily that Nigel and the black one, who had escaped from the camp in Bolivia were disposed of. He expected from him to carry on and fulfil his obligations. Then he disconnected the line.
This conversation was held after the unfortunate killing of the herd wild elephants. The missions in this reality, contrary to his expectations were not developed according to plan and he was very nervous. The Grand Supreme Chief Executive of the Corporation, the suffering from manic greatness, his stepfather had other plans for the participants in the reality. Other than the official leader of the "Anthill” Nigel Eisenstein. For the six actual participants - Anna Hyulaya, Laura, Dylan, Baz and Vaikuya, his father had ordered not to be spared, and create very dangerous situations and they could save themselves if they can. He explained that it was necessary for approval of the project by the Corporation. To allocate money for the next grand project. Asked what it would be and after Nigel is no longer among the living, and who will manage the reality, he pompous scolded him that he should finish the first one and then he may be interested in the things to come. After the conversation with his father, Fritz realized quite clearly that the old man was crazy, that he would get rid of him in the same ruthless manner as he had killed Nigel and Hyulal and he took his final decision. He decided the case in the easiest way- he sent the participants in the reality format "Waste", near the inaccessible shores of the river, which was about to take the waters to the largest dam in the world. For this purpose, he did not hesitate to condemn to death even the hired rangers. That meant all witnesses who could connect him with the reality "Sahara," which in their secret documents were under the name of "Waste", were eliminated. Because Fritz did not intend to keep further relationship with his stepfather Wolfgang Mueller.
He had arranged things so that he would get the millions, which the participants had to take in the project in Bolivia and to live in wealth with altered identity in a crowded country. For this purpose, the tiny chips to track that would be injected into every outgoing person form the "Anthill" (according to the pretentious project of "Iron one") would be accompanied by a special virus, a “gift” from him. Nigel was very irritated him, but did not expect that those of the Corporation would get rid of him so quickly. This shocked him.
But the devil is always in the details. A small pebble can turn the car. The things in the "Anthill" went wrong and they had to return to Bolivia with his right hand "the slob" Hans Tsyo
ler. His father rang again. He informed him that the board knew nothing about the problems in the camp. As no information was present about the black Hyulal Saadi being in London. They had not yet learned even about the death of Nigel Eisenstein. And so, Fritz should continue as planned.
And today they sent some troops in camouflage uniforms and nothing could be done without being noticed inside or outside the camp.
Fritz did not easily lose his presence of mind. So many years had he waited for a moment, he could wait a little longer. But he could not sleep and the reason was not only the time difference. His plan to put a hand on the money of the participants was connected with the closure of the project "Anthill". That crazy old man - his stepfather- had killed the Iron one at the most inopportune moment. And it was just before transferring the huge sum of money on the project to the participants. And people who have signed a contract with the Agency for market research in London were collected from all around the world, from all races and caste backgrounds. What united them was the worship of money. For a period of four years they undergone anything to get rich. Fritz had no worries and scruples to rob them. The law of the jungle that is the laws of nature were the most fair. He was absolutely convinced in that.
- Boss, there has been a mishap in the "hatchery". The beloved gal of the black lad has gone from this world - "slouch"(or slob as they called him) was shrinking, not daring to go inside his office.
- It can’t be! Damn it!
- One of the doctors forced her to have an abortion and she died in the operating room.
- Who was that Doctor who has allowed such audacity without my permission! - Fritz was screaming and moving, because he and Hans were already boarding a forklift electric car.
They drove to the farm "Reproduction". There they found Illal barricaded in the delivery room. The three doctors, obstetricians, along with the anesthetist and two nurses were his hostages. But the building of the clinic was usurped, taken and all participants in the "Reproduction" were gathered in it. The black man had taken out the military officers, (dressed in strange camouflage uniforms patrolled by two days on this farm), arms and ammunition, he had closed and disposed of in an extra room all the military staff who were in the territory of the farm "Reproduction" at that time. And at that moment he controlled the situation.
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