To my parents for once again being my tower of strength and supporting me so implicitly, even to the point of making strangers in restaurants check out my books on their tablets. There is no better advertisement than your bragging haha. I love you both with every atom that makes up my being. Thank you for being perfection. xx
To my amazing little family, my ever supportive husband and my beautiful little people. Thank you for putting up with my relentless keyboard tapping, living on junk food and my frazzled brain when my book characters hijack my mind and body to tell their stories. I know when I’m in the writing cave nobody misses me like you do. I love you all so damn much. I wouldn’t change a single thing about any of you, you’re all my everything. xx
And last but certainly not least, every single person who purchased and read my book. Without you readers a writer is redundant. Thank you for buying my work and I sincerely hope you loved reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. The gratitude I feel for you cannot be put into words. Every single time I get a message from a reader or read a review saying how they enjoyed my work I swell with pride and feel totally humbled by your kind words. I can’t express how much it means, just, thank you so, so much xXx
Disrespectful Diva (DJ #2) Page 28