Tales of the Were 004 - Rocky

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Tales of the Were 004 - Rocky Page 4

by Bianca D'Arc

  “It’s only me. Don’t be alarmed.”

  Rocky’s voice flooded her senses and she immediately felt safer. Then she realized he was on the floor. There could only be one reason. She’d stolen his bed.

  “Aw, Rock. I didn’t mean to make you sleep down there. You take the bed. I have to feed the babies anyway.”

  Rocky stood, a hulking form in the dim light. He’d left a small lamp burning, probably so she’d be able to see when the babies inevitably woke her in the middle of the night. That was just the kind of thoughtful, caring thing Rocky would do for her, because she couldn’t imagine he’d need a nightlight for his own comfort.

  “I can help, if you need.”

  Her face heated with embarrassment. Feeding the babies was a very intimate act she wouldn’t have hesitated to share with Tony, but she’d never known Rocky intimately. Sure, she’d dreamed about him throughout her youth, but after Tony had swept her off her feet, she’d put thoughts of Rocky out of her head for good. Or so she’d thought.

  Tony was gone now and she had come to terms with her loss over the past months. She even knew Tony would wholly approve of her taking up with Rocky, if by some chance this giant of a man was interested in her. But she was nervous. Everything was new. She’d known Rocky for years, but this intimacy was totally foreign…and very exciting.

  “I think I can manage, but I’ll call if I need you.” She stood, resolutely ignoring the way muscles rippled in his chest. He still had his jeans on, but his magnificent chest was bare. Rocky was definitely still drool-worthy. Her high school girlfriends had coined that term and it had fit Rocky back when he played football for the hometown team. It was even more a propos now. He’d filled out since high school. He was all man now, and all enticing.

  She walked past him, trying not to stare at his massive biceps and the honed muscles of his abdomen. He was a work of art in living flesh, and it was hard not to look as she crossed the small space between the bed and the oversized crib holding both babies.

  The rocking chair beside it had been delivered with the other furniture. Those people had certainly thought of everything. Maggie was glad for the chair. She turned it to face the wall for a tiny bit of privacy.

  The moment she stood over the crib the babies stopped making their funny little noises, their eyes blinking open and little arms flailing upwards, seeking her. She picked up the nearest twin and set about changing his diaper, then did the same with the other boy.

  When they were clean and sweet smelling again, she picked up the most active one and sat with him in the rocker. She pushed aside the collar of the robe she still wore from the night before to allow the baby room to suckle.

  The little mewling cries started up louder this time from the other twin. When they suddenly stopped, she looked over her shoulder in alarm, only to find the baby nestled in one of Rocky’s big hands as he rocked the child against his powerful chest.

  “I’ll keep him company until you’re ready.” The wink he sent her stole her breath. He looked so natural with the baby in his arms, so perfect, like he really was their father. And perhaps now he was.

  “What was all that claiming stuff about during the ceremony?” she asked softly, still facing away from him.

  “These cubs are werebears. Unlike most were, they shift right from the get go, as you saw last night. Their animal sides are very strong. Bears—grizzlies most of all—need a strong Alpha presence to help them as they grow. Since you’re not a shifter, these boys will need a male Alpha to step in and show them the ropes. That task falls to me as closest kin to Tony.”

  “You’d take on that kind of responsibility for his sake?” She knew he and Tony had been closer than brothers, but Rocky had a life of his own that very obviously didn’t include children of any sort. Now he’d essentially agreed to act as a father to two babies not his own. That had to put a cramp in his lifestyle.

  “For his sake and for theirs. These cubs are more special than you know. But most of all, I’m doing it for you, Maggie.” His rumbly voice sent warm shivers down her spine while his words sparked a long lost hope.

  “I’m flattered.”

  “Just flattered?” he asked, a wry chuckle in his words.

  “Well, relieved too.” She paused. It was easier to talk like this, in the intimacy of the night when she wasn’t facing him. “And maybe a little hopeful.”

  Rocky surprised her, coming around the side of the rocker. She looked down to realize the baby at her breast was now fast asleep. Rocky shocked her further, picking up that baby in one giant hand and placing him back in the crib before turning the chair with his foot against one of the rockers so she faced him.

  Her breast was still exposed and he made no move to cover her, instead he tugged the zipper down, exposing her other breast. He placed the second twin in her arms and the baby hungrily rooted around, searching for her nipple. Rocky slipped one large finger under her breast and tugged upward, helping the baby find what it was looking for.

  Maggie was breathless, Rocky’s touch sending tingles through her body. He’d never touched her this way before, much less seen her bare. Yet she sat there, anticipating his next touch, his next caress.

  The back of his knuckles brushed over her other breast, shocking her gaze up to his.

  “Are you sore?”

  She was surprised by the warmth in his eyes and the care in his touch. He seemed so matter-of-fact. “A little,” she admitted. His calm actions made this moment less about embarrassment and more about being cared for. She felt special. Cherished.

  “Allie left something for that.” He turned away for a moment and she tried to catch her breath, but he was back too soon with a small jar of cream in one hand. When she would have taken it, he shook his head, the dominant streak in his personality asserting itself in a quiet way. “Let me.”

  She watched, transfixed, as he dipped his finger into the jar and lifted out a small amount of white cream, rubbing it between his thumb and forefinger to warm it before placing the jar on the table at his side. He crouched next to the rocker, putting him on level with her, then reached out with those coated fingers and tugged lightly on her nipple. Soothing warmth spread with his gentle touch, easing the ache while his focused attention started another one lower down.


  “Does it feel good?”

  “Yes.” Her answer was a breathless whisper as he caressed her abused nipple, sending energy pulsing through her entire body.

  “Shifters are more used to nudity than humans,” he observed almost conversationally. His touch was that of a caregiver, not a lover, but it still caused thoughts to race through her mind. “We have to get naked to shift, so most of us are used to seeing others in the buff from the time we start shifting.”

  “But the boys are already shifting,” she realized aloud.

  “Yeah, it’s a little different for bears. Most of the others don’t go through their first change until they’re in puberty, but bears are more magical than most. Especially these two.”

  “Because Tony was a shaman?” she asked quietly. Rocky’s hand still rubbed the cream on her nipple, but his eyes were focused on hers. They held the soft expression that he reserved for her alone, it seemed.

  “A grizzly shaman. That’s something special. They say only a snowcat has more magic, and that kind of big cat is even rarer than us grizzlies.”

  His hand dropped to rest on the fabric covering her thigh and their eyes held for a long, private moment. He seemed to want to say something but was holding back. Maggie broke the connection, looking down to find the second baby asleep in her arms.

  Rocky sighed and stood, taking the sleeping baby to settle him in the crib next to his brother. As Rocky turned back toward her, she tried to pull the edges of the robe together, but his soft words stopped her.

  “We’re not done, Mags.” He picked up the tub of cream and repeated the process of dipping his finger inside, then warming the cream between his fingers. He knelt
in front of her this time, pushing her thighs wide to settle between them as he rubbed the cream onto her other breast. “Do you know how beautiful you are? Do you know what the sight of you nurturing these babes does to me? Do you know how much I wish I’d been the one to plant them in your womb?” His other hand swept down to cover her stomach, flatter now but not yet back to normal. “I witnessed a miracle last night I will take with me to my grave. Someday, Maggie, I want to see that miracle again, only next time I want the baby coming from your body to be my flesh and blood.”

  “Oh, Rocky.” Her voice trembled, barely heard in the silence of the dark night.

  He leaned forward, pressing her back into the chair as his lips covered hers for the first time. But it didn’t feel new. It felt right and good, like something she’d been missing all her life she’d finally found. His mouth seduced hers, opening wide and demanding all she had to give, and she gave freely.

  She’d loved this man from afar for too long to deny those feelings now.

  She yelped when he stood, sweeping her up into his arms. She drew back, her eyes widening as he stepped over to the bed and held her over it.

  “I know it’s too soon, but I want to sleep with you in my arms. Just sleep.”

  Swallowing hard, she nodded. He placed her gently on the bed, shocking her as he unzipped her robe the rest of the way and tugged it off her shoulders. Aside from her panties, she was completely naked as he climbed into bed next to her, wearing nothing but his jeans. He pulled the blanket up over them and drew her into his arms.

  The heat of him was exciting and comforting. His skin burned hot, just the way Tony’s had, but Rocky was bigger, more solid and a much more commanding presence than Tony had been. Tony had seemed to always hold back with her a little, and she’d realized just before he died it was because she didn’t know what he truly was. That last week before his death, he’d let her have all of him for the first time, and she learned what she’d been missing during their marriage.

  Tony had always been more cerebral than Rocky. Though Rocky was every bit as smart as Tony had been in high school—both at the top of their class—Tony had been dedicated to more scholarly pursuits, while Rocky excelled at sports and anything physical. Tony could command attention with his words. Rocky did so with his mere presence.

  She reached up and kissed his chin as he snuggled her into his broad arms.

  “None of that now,” he teased, “or we’ll never get to sleep.” He spooned her from behind, wrapping his arm around her. “I’ll give you time. As much time as you need, but you need to understand. You’re mine now. The babies need me and I need you, Maggie. As I’ve always needed you.”

  “Rocky—” She wanted to ask so many questions, but he stilled her words.

  “No. Now isn’t the time for talk. We’re both worn out and everything is new and strange. We have time now. Time to figure this all out and come up with the best solution for us all. I just want you to know that I’m here for you. I’ve always been and always will be. That’s all. Things will go as slow as they need to go from here.” He brushed a tender kiss near her temple, and she suddenly felt the weight of the hours of anxiety and worry lift from her shoulders.

  Tony had been magic, but Rocky…Rocky was solid. He was security. He was her rock. Her Rocky.

  Within moments, she was deeply asleep.

  Chapter Six

  The next morning, Rocky woke with an arm full of warm woman and his ears full of the soft sounds coming from the cubs. They were up again, hungry as usual and demanding attention.

  Rocky leaned over and kissed Maggie awake—something he’d dreamed of doing almost his entire life. She was more responsive than he would have believed, cuddling into him as he took the kiss deeper.

  She’d been through a lot in a short time, but she was stronger than even he would have thought. She’d impressed the hell out of him with the way she handled everything, the way she’d survived on her own with a killer mage on her trail all those months, but the idea frightened him too. Never again would she face danger alone.


  His breath caught as she whispered his name—his—as she woke in his arms. Even half asleep, she knew who held her. The thought sent a bolt of satisfaction through him that allowed him to draw farther away. The babies needed them now, but later there’d be time for the grownups.

  “Sounds like Tony and Jim are hungry.” He kissed her chin, nipping slightly. “Probably dirty too.” He rolled out of the bed before he got too interested in kissing her some more. “I’ll help clean them up, then it’s time for a shower. I’ve got a lot of work to do today.”

  Rocky felt a pang of regret for the deliberate distance he had to put between himself and his heart’s desire. He had to give Maggie time to heal both physically and emotionally before he pushed her any further. She needed time to come to terms with the life he was going to build for her here, in the Pack. In his home. Starting today.

  “Work?” She sat up, clutching his sheet to her chest. Damn, he loved the way she looked, rumpled and sleepy eyed in his bed. Where she belonged.

  “Some of the Pack is coming out to help me build an addition for the cubs. They’ll need the room as they grow, and so will we.”

  He crossed the room, giving each child a good morning kiss as they quieted for him. They recognized him already, which boded well for their future as a family. He set about changing them as he heard Maggie tug on the discarded robe and zip it up.

  “Rocky.” Her strong tone made him turn. He had one of the babies in his arms. “Do you expect us to live here with you permanently?”

  He read confusion and uncertainty in her beautiful eyes. Rocky took a deep breath and placed the now clean, squirming bundle back in the crib before facing her again.

  “Yes,” he answered simply, stepping forward to meet her troubled gaze. He had to make her understand. “I meant everything I said last night. I claimed these children. They’re mine to raise and guide, to love and sponsor through their lives. They need me.” He closed the distance between them, grasping her hands as he pulled her forward to meet him halfway. “I’m hoping that at some point you’ll need me too. But if you don’t, I’ll build you your own space, Maggie. Just don’t ask me to let you go completely. I don’t think I could. Not now.”

  “I’ve always needed you, Rocky.”

  He could hear the unspoken but in there and it made him back off, even as her words gave him hope. He’d been bold in declaring his protection for the children and his attraction to her, but he knew she needed time.

  Rocky was glad he’d put it out there so she’d know where he was coming from, but he thought it was probably too soon. Too soon to talk about the future. Too soon to consider anything but the next few days. He cursed inwardly, thinking how long she’d been living in fear, not daring to plan ahead, living day to day.

  He’d put an end to that. He’d end the threat to her and her children—his children too now. He hadn’t been born a grizzly for nothing. He’d protect his new family with everything he could bring to bear. In this case, he had the entire shifter community in this region at his disposal. He’d been living among them for a long time, was one of their community leaders though he had no Clan of his own in the area. He’d helped them all repeatedly. This time, they would help him protect his woman and his young. He knew he could count on them.

  Just a few short years ago he’d had no one. But he’d forged his life here with the Lords, and now his decision to live a lone existence among the other Clans—to be surrounded by their family units, but never part of one—was coming back full circle. He had to believe the Lady Herself had guided his steps when he settled here. It so easily could have gone the other way.

  Had Tim and Rafe been any other kind of leaders, they may well have driven off a lone bear shifter from their Pack lands. Instead, they’d welcomed him. Made him a part of their extended family. Given him a position of authority within their hierarchy. He would call on that supp
ort system now to help him keep Maggie and the boys safe.

  But the confusion and worry in her eyes broke his heart.

  “Don’t worry, Mags. I swear to you, it will all work out.”

  “I hope you’re right, Rock. I’m so afraid.” Those last three whispered words made his heart clench.

  “Don’t be.” He stroked her back, folding her into his arms for a comforting hug. He liked the way she fit there, her cheek resting over his heart where it belonged. “I’m here. And there’s a big wolf Pack, raptors, cougars and other assorted shifter Clans right outside the door, ready to help protect you and the boys. You came to the right place. Finally.”

  “I didn’t want to be a burden on you and your friends, but there was nothing else I could do.”

  “Nothing else you should have done. Tony sent you to me for a reason. He knew I would protect you and his sons with my life if necessary. I’m only sorry you waited so long to get here.”

  She stiffened in his arms and he drew back, becoming aware of the babies fussing nearby. He had to let her go. The boys needed attention. But he was reluctant to lose the warm feel of her in his arms. Still, he had time now. Time to convince her that she belonged with him and that he loved her more than life itself. He just had to be patient.

  He let her go and they turned together to take care of the infants, the sound of cars pulling up into Rocky’s yard drawing him away just a few minutes later. The work crews were here, ready and willing to help him in any way they could. It was a beautiful thing, what Tim and Rafe had accomplished in drawing all the Tribes of the were together here.

  Rocky, as a strong Alpha, was one of their highest ranked lieutenants, though he never thought much about his placement within the community. He was the only grizzly shifter in the territory, the only one he knew of in the region now that Tony was dead.

  Both Tony and Maggie’s parents were gone as well, and Rocky’s folks had long since moved to the coastal woodlands. They were enjoying their semi-retirement, though he had a feeling once they knew they had grandcubs, they’d be here like a shot. Which reminded him, he had to call today and let them know what had happened. He’d be in big trouble with his mother if she found out through the shifter grapevine.


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