Regency Romance Collection From Christina Courtenay

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Regency Romance Collection From Christina Courtenay Page 16

by Christina Courtenay

  With Lord Somerville’s help, he seated her in front of him and mounted behind her, holding on to her waist with one strong arm. Ianthe buried her face in his shoulder, too exhausted to think for the moment, and she felt his arm tighten around her. ‘Rest for a while, then you can tell us what happened.’


  ‘So you’re saying you were kidnapped by Gervaise?’

  Wyckeham and Somerville were both staring at her intently as they rode the last part of the way into London. Ianthe had recovered enough to be able to give them an account of her ordeal, but it didn’t look like either of them believed her and her spirits fell even further.

  ‘I swear, it happened just as I’ve told you, but I don’t think Lord Robert or the others had any idea of what was afoot. I really didn’t want to get into the phaeton with Mr Warwycke, but it seemed churlish to refuse when Serena had hurt herself, and besides I thought we would all stay together like we did on the way there.’

  ‘You are certain your sister was really wounded?’ Wyckeham looked very sceptical. ‘It all seems rather convenient to Gervaise’s plans if you ask me.’

  Ianthe didn’t reply, but stared at the ground.

  ‘What are you saying, Wyckeham? Are you accusing Miss Templeton of being an accomplice?’ Lord Somerville sounded stunned.

  ‘I wouldn’t put it past her,’ Wyckeham muttered.

  ‘We will have to get to the bottom of this,’ the earl said, his mouth a thin line of disapproval. ‘But Miss Templeton has always seemed to me to be a kind, caring person and I cannot believe she would do such a thing.’

  Wyckeham sent him a sardonic smile. ‘Wearing rose-tinted spectacles, were you? Miss Templeton may be beautiful, but even you must have noticed her tendency to want to have her way at all cost?’

  The earl looked slightly sheepish. ‘Well, of course, but a woman as lovely as that is bound to be a little spoiled. I mean, it stands to reason, but this,’ he waved a hand in Ianthe’s direction, ‘this goes beyond what is acceptable.’

  ‘Well, we shall see what she has to say shortly. And as for Gervaise, I’ll deal with him later.’

  ‘Oh, no, please, don’t ch-challenge him or anything!’ Ianthe begged, fear rising up inside her. ‘If you do, the whole ton will find out what happened and it’s his word against mine. I doubt anyone will believe me; my reputation will be in shreds.’ And she couldn’t bear the thought of Wyckeham fighting a duel with Gervaise. He might be hurt. Or even die!

  ‘I suppose you’re right, but it goes against the grain,’ Wyckeham grumbled. ‘The man needs to be taught a lesson.’

  ‘I’m sure there are other ways of doing that. You’ll think of something.’

  ‘Indeed I will.’

  Ianthe was relieved when the marquess said no more. She didn’t want to make any direct accusations against anyone, even her sister. As she’d said, it would be her word against theirs. Unwittingly, however, her sister gave herself away the moment they were all ushered into the hall.

  Serena and her mother were just putting on their wraps, ready to go out. Ianthe entered first and Serena caught sight of her.

  ‘You!’ she spat, staring daggers at Ianthe. ‘What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be …’

  ‘Where exactly?’ Wyckeham asked silkily, coming in behind Ianthe. ‘With my dear relative Gervaise? Is that what you were going to say?’

  ‘Well, that is who I left her with and he said he’d … well, never mind that.’ Serena was scowling at her sister, oblivious to everyone else. ‘I should have known you’d spoil everything as usual.’

  ‘Serena, what is going on here?’ Lady Templeton regarded her eldest daughter sternly. ‘I thought you said Ianthe had retired with a headache. Are you telling me she never came home with you?’

  ‘No, she wanted to go off with Mr Warwycke so I covered for her.’

  ‘I wanted no such thing!’ Ianthe protested. ‘I was forced to ride with him because you had hurt your ankle, which by the way doesn’t seem to be bothering you now.’ Ianthe hadn’t noticed her sister limping at all.

  ‘You didn’t mention that.’ Lady Templeton was still frowning.

  ‘It was a mere trifle. Nothing to worry about. Only Mr Warwycke would make a fuss and insist I go in the barouche.’

  ‘Very convenient, and then he drove off with me in his phaeton without waiting for you and the others,’ Ianthe said.

  Serena shrugged. ‘He told me he wanted a chance to be alone with you. I thought you’d be glad of an admirer. You haven’t exactly had them in droves. How was I to know he would take so long to bring you back?’

  ‘He’s the last man on earth I would want as an admirer, and well you know it. Besides, he had no intention of bringing me back and you were aware of that too, I’ll wager.’

  Serena laughed. ‘And what if I was? You should thank me for netting you a husband at last. He’ll have to marry you now since you were alone for so long.’

  ‘Of all the underhanded …’ Ianthe didn’t get a chance to finish her sentence, as the earl chose this moment to step forward.

  ‘I think you should apologise to your sister at once,’ he told Serena. ‘You have behaved disgracefully.’ She jumped, as she obviously hadn’t noticed the earl’s presence behind Wyckeham, and blinked at him stupidly for a moment, but she soon regained her composure.

  ‘My lord, I didn’t know you were coming to fetch us. How v-very kind of you,’ she stammered, giving him her best dimpled smile.

  He glared at her, seemingly oblivious to her charm for once. ‘I came only to escort your sister home,’ he said, no trace of his former infatuation in his expression. ‘And I’m very glad I did, as I have now seen the true Miss Serena Templeton. You will be relieved to know that I shall not be bothering you with my attentions henceforth.’

  ‘But, my lord!’ Serena looked aghast and hurried forward to put her hands on his sleeve. ‘This is all a misunderstanding. I can explain, really …’

  He removed her fingers. ‘I don’t want to hear it.’ He moved over to bow to Ianthe. ‘Ma’am, I’m glad Wyckeham and I arrived in time. I shall take my leave now, but I hope to see you out and about again very soon. You can rest assured not a word about this evening will escape my lips.’

  ‘Thank you, my lord, you’ve been most kind.’

  ‘Not at all, I was happy to be of assistance.’ He bowed to the others, but not to Serena. ‘Lady Templeton, Wyckeham.’

  ‘But Lord Somerville, I …’ Serena tried once more to make him listen to her, but he simply strode out of the house. She stared after him in disbelief, then erupted into a temper tantrum. She whirled on Ianthe and tried to claw her face. ‘This is all your fault, you stupid, lying little twit.’

  ‘Enough.’ Wyckeham stepped in front of Ianthe, as if to shield her with his body.

  ‘Serena!’ Lady Templeton grabbed her daughter’s arm at the same time and yanked her away. ‘How dare you? You will go to your room at once and stop this unseemly behaviour. We will speak of this later, but rest assured that your London season is over and your father will be informed immediately. I see now that I have indulged you too much. Well, no more. Now go!’

  Shocked by her mother’s unusually stern tone and cold words, Serena froze, then turned on her heel and marched up the stairs, still muttering. Silence descended on the hall.

  ‘Would you care for some refreshment, my lord?’ Lady Templeton asked Wyckeham, making a visible effort to compose herself.

  ‘No, thank you, but I think Miss Ianthe may need something. I doubt she’s eaten since lunchtime.’ He looked at her with concern and Ianthe felt a warm feeling spreading through her as she realised that thanks to Serena’s outburst, he now believed her fully.

  ‘I’m all right,’ she said. ‘I’d just like to sit down.’

  ‘Then take his lordship up to the drawing room, my dear. I shall ask cook to prepare something for you.’

  Before she had time to protest, Wyckeham picked Ianthe up and c
arried her up the stairs to the first floor. Once inside the drawing room, he set her on her feet but didn’t let her go. She stared up at him, feeling unaccountably shy all of a sudden.

  ‘I’m so sorry about all this,’ she said. ‘I’ll quite understand if it’s given you a disgust of me and you no longer want to …’

  He put a finger over her mouth. ‘Shh, you goose. I know it was not your fault, knew it the minute I set eyes on Gervaise in fact.’

  ‘But you were so angry with me.’

  ‘Not really, it was fear made me speak that way. I thought for a moment I had lost you to Gervaise, but I should have known you have more sense.’ He smiled at her and bent to kiss her gently on the mouth.

  Ianthe closed her eyes and savoured the feel of his lips on hers. It was wonderful and her whole body melted into his, yearning for more, never wanting it to end. Unfortunately, he pulled away all too soon and smiled at her. ‘You haven’t changed your mind then?’ he asked.

  ‘About what?’ She was still in a daze and didn’t know what he was referring to at first, until she realised he meant marriage. ‘Oh, no, of course not, but … did you see Papa?’

  ‘Indeed I did, and once I had persuaded him to believe that the rumours about me are untrue, he was very happy to give us his blessing.’ Startling Ianthe, he sank on to one knee in front of her, taking hold of one hand. ‘Miss Ianthe Templeton, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?’

  She smiled, feeling happiness bubble up inside her. ‘Of course, I would like it very much.’

  ‘That’s settled then,’ he said and stood up again, taking her into his arms and kissing her once more, this time for much longer, but still not long enough in Ianthe’s opinion. She could have stayed in his arms all night, but he soon led her over to a sofa and made her sit down. ‘You’ve had a shock and we have all the time in the world to make plans. For now, I think you should just eat a little, then go to bed.’

  It was only after they had accepted the rapturous congratulations of Lady Templeton and he had finally taken his leave that Ianthe realised he still hadn’t said he loved her.

  So why then was he marrying her?

  The wedding took place only two weeks later and their whirlwind romance was the talk of the ton. Wyckeham obtained a special licence so they could be married quickly, and Ianthe was happy to go along with his plans. She had never craved a big, formal wedding anyway and thought their private ceremony perfect. The fact that Serena had been banished to the country and could not attend made it even better as far as Ianthe was concerned. She didn’t want anything to spoil the day.

  If she had any doubts, it was only because he had yet to tell her he loved her, but she reasoned that she was asking too much and just getting along well was enough. He’d obviously based his decision on that. After all, hardly anyone married for love. Practicality had more to do with it, and there was no doubt they enjoyed each others’ company. Still, she couldn’t help but wonder if he would say anything on their wedding night. They had hardly any time alone before that as the preparations took every waking moment, but once it was all over, they would be together all the time.

  They set off after the reception and stopped for the night at an inn halfway to Wyckeham Hall. The marquess asked for two adjoining rooms and after supper in a private parlour, Ianthe withdrew to prepare for the night. Dupont was with her. As promised, Ianthe had asked her mother if she could take the maid with her and Lady Templeton had been only too pleased.

  ‘You’ll need someone you’re familiar with. It will help you to adjust to your new circumstances. By all means, take Dupont if she doesn’t mind.’

  Ianthe had a suspicion her mother was being extra nice to try to make up for her previous preoccupation with Serena, although she would never admit as much.

  Wyckeham took his time before he finally came to join her and when he did, Ianthe was dismayed to see that he was fully clothed.

  ‘Are … are you not coming to bed?’ she asked, hardly daring to look at him.

  ‘Not in here, no,’ he replied. He made his way over to the bed and sat down next to her, taking one of her hands in his. ‘Don’t misunderstand me. I would very much like to join you, but I think we ought to get to know one another better first. Everything has been such a rush, don’t you think? I don’t want to frighten you.’

  ‘I … yes, I suppose so.’ Ianthe’s heart sank. Ostensibly he was being kind, but she couldn’t help but think that perhaps he simply didn’t want her very much. It seemed obvious now that he had married her for convenience only and although he would have to consummate the marriage at some point in order to beget heirs, he was in no hurry to do so. She couldn’t complain, however. She was much better off as his marchioness than as an unmarried wallflower, so she made an effort to smile at him. ‘Goodnight then.’

  ‘Goodnight.’ He bent to kiss her cheek, then he was gone.

  Jason leaned back against the closed door to his own bed chamber and gritted his teeth. Walking away from Ianthe after only a chaste peck on the cheek was one of the hardest things he’d ever done, but he felt he owed her that much. As he’d said, everything had been done in a rush and it was his fault. He hadn’t wanted to stay in town a moment longer than necessary, but had he been selfish?

  I never actually asked her if that was her wish too.

  His conscience pricked him. She’d seemed happy enough to fall in with his plans, but how much of that was due to the fact that her relatives were over the moon about her marrying a marquess? No doubt they’d told her to do whatever it took to secure such an advantageous match.

  And now it was done. She was his wife and it must all feel very strange to her.

  I have to woo her properly, gently. In the country they would have peace and quiet in which to get to know one another. Then he would initiate her into all her marital duties when he felt she was ready. It seemed only fair to allow her some breathing space and they had all the time in the world, after all.

  I definitely don’t want to frighten her. Especially after what Gervaise tried to do. No, if it was the last thing he did, he’d take it slowly and court her the way he should have done at first. She was spirited and courageous, but she was also very young and inexperienced and he never wanted her to be afraid of his touch.

  Somehow I’ll manage it, even if it kills me. Because he knew he wanted her to desire him as much as he did her, and patience was key.


  Wyckeham Hall turned out to be an enormous building made of golden sandstone that shone in the sun as they approached. Ianthe gasped in delight.

  ‘You didn’t tell me how beautiful your house is, my lord,’ she exclaimed.

  Wyckeham smiled. ‘It’s your house too now, my dear, and did I not tell you to call me Jason?’

  ‘Oh, yes, of course. It’s just that it’s all so new.’ Ianthe still had trouble believing he was her husband and that everything he owned was now at her disposal.

  ‘We’re nearly there now. Are you ready to meet the staff? No doubt they’re lined up and waiting to greet you. I sent word to say we were coming.’

  ‘I look forward to meeting them.’

  ‘There is one person, however, who doesn’t know – Caroline, my stepmother, Robert’s mother.’

  ‘Oh, how so?’

  ‘Well, I have to confess I thought it best not to inform her in case she decided to cause a scene at our wedding. She’s rather prone to those, unfortunately, so I didn’t invite her.’

  ‘But why would she want to do that? I don’t understand. Surely, she ought to be happy for you?’

  ‘Well you see, she’s been living here ever since she married my father and is used to ruling the roost, but as my wife it will be up to you to run the household now. I rather fear her nose will be put out of joint, especially as she’ll now be The Dowager Marchioness since you have supplanted her, so to speak.’

  ‘Oh, but I wouldn’t want to tread on anyone’s toes. If she is used to dealing with matters,
perhaps it’s best to leave it at that? I don’t mind.’

  ‘But I do. I want her out of my house and I’d been meaning to ask her to move to the Dower House in any case, I just hadn’t got round to it yet.’

  ‘I’m sure she’ll understand once you explain. After all, offering her a house of her own is very generous of you.’

  He smiled. ‘Somehow, I doubt she’ll see it that way, but I hope you’re right.’

  Ianthe soon found she wasn’t, however. Only moments after they set foot inside the enormous hall, a woman came hurrying down the stairs. In a loud voice that echoed round the marble that was everywhere, she began to berate Wyckeham without bothering to greet him first. Ianthe stared at her, amazed by such blatant rudeness.

  ‘So you’ve finally deigned to come back, have you?’ the woman said. ‘You’ve been away an age and never so much as a tiny letter to let me know how things are progressing. Where is Robert? Have you found him a wife yet? I do hope it’s someone suitable and not some impecunious miss with only her pretty face to recommend her. I—’

  ‘Caroline,’ Wyckeham interrupted her flow as she came to a halt next to him, ‘may I introduce my wife, Ianthe.’

  ‘Your what?’ The Dowager Lady Wyckeham’s face went white with shock, then a dusky pink with some emotion that Ianthe could only assume was anger since the woman was scowling mightily.

  ‘My wife, Caroline. We were married yesterday.’

  ‘But … you? I thought … Robert was the one who was supposed to marry, not you. Of all the underhanded, low-down … What do you mean by it?’ Lady Wyckeham was spluttering, her fists clenching and unclenching at her sides. Ianthe wondered if she was going to have an apoplexy.

  ‘Mean by it? My dear Caroline, I have a right to fall in love, same as everyone else, surely?’ He glanced at Ianthe as he said this, throwing her into confusion. She wondered if he meant it or whether he was only pretending in front of his stepmother. ‘Now I would be grateful if you would greet my wife in a fitting manner and order us some tea. We’re famished.’


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